Childhood is idolizing Hayao Miyazaki

>Childhood is idolizing Hayao Miyazaki
>Adulthood is acknowledging Isao Takahata was the good one at Ghibli all along

It's not too late for waking up, people.

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Adulthood is realising Grave of the Fireflies is fascist apologia trash

>the dude that chained his animators in a basement and force-fed them ramen so that they wouldn't literally collapse from exhaustion

auteurs like Memeazaki are corporate hacks

Both are good, adulthood is realizing everything isn't a competition.
Who cares? All animators do shit like that. Don't hate the player, hate the game

Spotted the discord tranny

>All animators do shit like that. Don't hate the player, hate the game
Yeah, I agree. Dictators doing bad stuff is par for the course. Hitler wasn't even that bad.

Kiki's Delivery Service is still the best though.

Boring trash for pseuds.

Hitler really wasn't that bad. He treated his people very well. He treated his enemies just as badly as anyone else during that time.

All I know is that ponyo was fucking trash. Guy hasn't made a decent movie since spirited away.

The amount of pleb oozing from this post

wind rises is pure kino, plen

Is this some kind of anime thread? I'm not a weeb, but maybe one of you guys can help me out

>Moving house
>Find big box of anime videotapes
>Never watched anime
>Don't know whose they are where they came from
>Only one I can remember is Vampire Hunter D

So is it any good? That's all I really want to know.

RIP Takahata
Is there anybody worthy working in Ghibli now?

Can you take a picture of those tapes? would be fun to see what's in it.
Vampire Hunter D is good, it has another sequel and will have a new anime this year.

Studio Ghibli is as normalfag as it gets dummy. Spirited Away is basically Disney-tier.

No, this is what the people which worked on Ghibli directing films or shortfilms are doing nowdays:

>Miyazaki will only make 1 more film
>Isao Takahata, not only making Ghibli have a debt of 20M$ because of Princess Kaguya's box office bombing, is also dead
>Yoshifumi Kondô is dead
>Goro Miyazaki will never be good or have passion for directing films
>Hiromasa Yonebayashi run away of Ghibli to make his own company
>Tomomi Mochizuki was just hired for one TV agreedment film
>Yoshiyuki Momose runaway with Hiromasa Yonebayashi to make Studio Ponoc
>Hiroyuki Morita only did Neko no ongaeshi, was shit and got kicked out from Ghibli
>Kazuo Oga will never direct a film becuase he only knows how to draw backgrounds and that's it
>Naohisa Inoue left Ghibli and is a painter now
>Osamu Tanabe is just a key animator and will ever be

Ghibli is dead, financially and creatively

I've just had a 30 second look for the box and can't find it. Vampire Hunter D, Devil Man, and Akira were on top of a different box when I was looking for it though, so it has to be around somewhere.

Friend, I was making a no bully post. I would appreciate it if you could extend me the same courtesy! Thanks!

>as it happens Ting Tong was far superior to Ching Chong
I'll take your word for it

>adulthood is realizing everything isn't a competition
the polar opposite of reality

Totoro, only yesterday, tale of princess kaguya.
Only good anime to come out of ghibli, Miyazaki did ok for a repetitive hack who only ever wrote one real story.

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Adulthood is realizing that Miyazaki is the best living director

>Vampire Hunter D, Devil Man, and Akira
Whoever was the owner, he's into something good, keep looking for that box again someday, looks like he's not baby Ghibli anime after all but good +16/+18 80s/90s OVA series and Movies (Those all are now mainstream but I suppose he was a boomer weeb from the 80s). Maybe he also owned things like Ai City, Bastard! or Urotsukidôji looking at his taste.

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Adulthood is realizing Tomino is correct about how tragedy should be addressed. Those two have gotten into fights over this shit.

You are my nigger, OP

One makes anime for toddlers and the other makes anime for all ages, their differing feelings are due to that more than a real passion for dealing with tragedy.

>Childhood is watching anime
>Adulthood is realising anime is crap and Western animation is superior in every way


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Tomino addresses the story as having humans in it. It show the minute details such as needing salt or cleaning yourself. It actually acknowledges that there is military downtime during war. Ghibli is one story about a young girl after another, never ending.

his shit is literally normalfagcore lmao

That’s not western, that’s tumblr. They’re losers.

Based. Theres no reason to sympathize with ww2 nip

>Ai City, Bastard! or Urotsukidôji

I've just looked those video cases up and the Ai City one looks familiar, but because I don't watch them it might just look something else.
Thanks for your help though. If I see one of these threads again in the future after I find the box I'll keep you informed of what else is in there.
You might have solved the mystery of who they belong to too. My brother was born in the early '80s, although he's not a weeb, I do have a strong feeling that one of his friends was. I'm going to ask him when he comes around later.

That movie hits levels of comfiness that shouldn't be possible. No anime film has equaled it in that regard, though Maquia came close.

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It's sad what average productions are producing with many times over the budget. Anime industry basically runs on a shoestring budget and most shows are just marketing ads for the source material they're based on. Originals are risky and far too rare.

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>>Adulthood is acknowledging Isao Takahata was the good one at Ghibli all along
Explainer pls

> Chibli
> War is bad! Japs din do nuffin wrong, American pigs!
> lol, btw, ignore that part where we raped chinks.

The only recent good animation I've seen is Hilda but even that has the CALarts style

>a bloo bloo

Why does that slant always wear an apron?

>one makes toddler anime
>one makes all ages anime

what I like is what absolutely crazy ideas you get from anime/manga works

They are all trash compared to Shinkai. Box office is the real barometer for success.

You have to choose your battles or whatever, not everything needs to be a competition. Only manchildren rank shit, haven't you read/watched High Fidelity?

I think we can all agree this film is visually gorgeous but incredibly overrated, right?

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Roughly in order of greatness:

Spirited Away
The Red Turtle
Princess Mononoke
Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbours the Yamadas
Whisper of the Heart
Porco Rosso
Princess Kaguya
Howl's Moving Castle

Attached: spirited away.jpg (1920x1040, 151K)

Correct. Japs had it coming.

Spirited Away remains my #1, but this is still #2.


Kiki do you love me

>someone actually probably feels this way
>didn't even rank all of them

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Probably because there's a comparatively low barrier for entry to manga. Yeah, most authors burn out or get their work cancelled partway, but it's still relatively doable to actually get published. Light Novels have basically no barriers as long as you can write at high school proficiency level.

you can’t even separate art from artist? fucking hell. you sound like one of those people whining about mel gibson or woody allen on twitter.

I just want to get drunk/high and watch Spirited Away. I'm quitting self destructive things though.

This + very satysfying character arc + thrilling ending.

the movie is literally an allegory for the Nips realising they were retarded and should've swallowed their pride

Nausicaa or Mononoke? They both tell environmentalist stories.

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haven't seen all of them, though I have seen the short film at the Ghibli Museum and you (probably) haven't.
Which of the others do you suggest I watch next?

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>wanting a rec with that shit list
Watch yourself in the mirror while you kick the chair away from your feet you disgusting cunt.

>Nausicaa is Ghibli
PomPoko is a better enviromental film

It's a sequel, but I'm still impressed by Bloodlust.

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We aren't talking about art, we're talking about artists. This isn't a thread about GOTF or Spirited Away, it's about Takahata and Miyazaki.

post obscure ghibli waifus

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In October 2001, Hayao Miyazaki met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bitch", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to eternal bleeding. When asked later about the incident, Miyazaki became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.

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Uhm, fucking based?

Good, keep looking for them, Satan.

>eternal bleeding

Some say she is still bleeding today

Takahata explored more social themes when Miyazaki was one trick pony with lulz fantasy with a loli showing her panties themes

>independent movies bad vs capeshit movies good tweet.jpg



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>Otakus are disgusting
>Get boners with airplanes
k gramps