GoT is cancelled

GoT is cancelled.

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>reset era continues to see only skin color and calls everyone else racist

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cut the raven lines
prevent the spread of misinformation

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I love the books but a large portion of the fanbase really are this fucking wet, unfortunately,

>queer sexuality

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I always find this hilarious.
>Why is muh fantasy show, based on European history so white.

>Jon is possibly a fag in the books
What the flying fuck? Where?

t. bookfag and can't think of anything supporting that shit

jesus christ, 8 fucking seasons of defending this show and NOW they turn on it. worse than stannis fags

Erggh! - Feminism more, woman do everything men do nothing, great, beautiful, striking, queen, slay slay SLAAAYY, yes yes more MORE! The future is female, more black, more black lesbians, EVERYTHING is a black single lesbian. . . ngggh. . . aaaa-AAAAAHH!!!

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The first two points of the homophobia part are legit but in what fucking world was Jon Snow anything but straight in the books

The cast is 99% white in the books too, so I have no idea what the hell the retard is on about. Blacks, browns, etc. appear but all the principal characters are overwhelmingly white.

our faith in stannis will be rewarded


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He contemplated how pretty Satin the Night's Watch Tranny was

Also the show cut Satin the Night's Watch Tranny for some reason

That's a fence, dogger, not food!

Why does nobody complain that Madea movies are prominently black and have racist scenes against whites?


wtf, jon is a fag in the books?

That's really reaching for it. It really is. As for Satin being cut, he's one among a dozen cuts from the Wall. Noye was a much greater loss, and Ollie a stupid invention.

It's GoT, everyone is a fag.

This is not a bad write up. Chalk it up to incompetence of D&D rather than prejudice though. The two imbeciles value shock value over characterization and deep plotting, so it makes sense that they would butcher a nuanced world.

Awwwww I forgot all about satin. Damn that is a shame. The nights watch needs a sexy little femboy.

It would actually make a whole lot of sense for the nights watch to have a significant gay population

But they're not legit, how does making the characters in a show homophobic mean the showrunners are homophobic? That's just dumb logic

Revolutionized women cannot understand fraternal love. By inserting homoerotic readings into previously unquestioned platonic male friendship, they poison the masculine psyche.

it's only a problem when whitey does it

I'm not a bookfag, but this sounds right.
Blacks and browns feature but aren't a major part of Westerosi culture

>Essos is made up of people of a variety of races and ethnicities in the book
>The setting's indo-europeans/anglo-saxons/normans come from there and all the parts that are shown have only white people

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>racist scenes against whites
yikes, take a sociology class. racism is prejudice + power, so only those in power (white men) can be racist.

Tons of valid points - a lot of it can't really be argued with.

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>and possibly Jon
Get the fuck out of here. I can just picture the dyed hair ham planet roastie writing this fanfiction shit.

how the everloving fuck do these people even function? do they just wake up in the morning with their assholes already clenched, waiting for something to offend them?

>Weird non answers when asked why 99% of the principle cast is white
Because they are making a show about white people loosely based on stories/events from white culture

I can't believe I'm going to bat for this shitty show

>"why don't people complain about this?"
>is a person
>is complaining about that

>guy looks effeminate
>character describes him as looking effeminate

is this literally a screenshot from the tranny discord?

Yes, actually

>Jon is pretty therefore he is gay


>guy looks like a twink femboy
>"straight" guy thinks about fugging him in the bussy

but that's clearly the narrator telling us things, not jon himself passing judgement?

The absolute fucking state of your reading comprehension

A single mention and literally nothing else suggesting Jon has a sexual attraction to anything but women... so reaching. Plus, Satin's effeminiate nature is emphasised to show how meritocratic Jon is, i.e. he doesn't give a shit about this guy being a former girly boy whore. He still promotes him for showing competance and promise despite the older fuckers crying about such a non-conventional choice

Half of these are essentially false or misinterpretations of pretty basic storytelling

Have you never read a Martin book? Every narrator of every chapter is a character's internal thoughts, that's how the entire series is written

They appear in the major port towns in the south but that's it really. Most non-white characters obviously appear in Essos. I can't think of a single non-white POV character. The only debateable area is with regards to the Dornish, but they're described as basically Med European with olive skin and dark hair/eyes


>Jon notes someone looks like a girl therefore he is gay

Happy now?

>essos is made up of people of a variety of races and ethnicities in the books
in the show the majority of essos was non-white already, i don't know what they're complaining about. also valyria was all white (targaryens are from there), and if anything non-whites only lived east of valyria. the free cities are supposed to be mediterranean.
>christian extremists who believe homosexuality is some kind of sin against the gods
in the CURRENT_YEAR fags are getting executed in shitskin countries only, but if the poster rightfully put "islam" instead of "christian" in the post he'd get banned from that retarded shit forum.

When was Jon queer?

I've read them. It will phase in and out of general descriptions of things, characters, etc. to the character's own thoughts or describing how they feel from a third person perspective. One could feasibly argue it's just describing Satin in a third person perspective rather than Jon going 'damn I want that boipussy!'

I think The Wall exploded...

chapters are character-centric, but not neccesarily pov

>Every narrator of every chapter is a character's internal thoughts, that's how the entire series is written
no, it's not.

well no, all chapters are written as a PoV from a particular character and descriptions are aligned to their thoughts
that said interpreting that line as homo is indeed grasping at straws, there is nothing inherently gay about making an observation about how feminine a guy is

You're delusional. The wall can't explode.

This. When its actually their thoughts it will say "Jon thought...", "It reminded Jon of..."

I reiterate: . Satin is described as such to reflect on Jon's leadership style and breaking with convention rather than inserting in some subplot about sexy Satin that leaves all the boys at Castle Black horribly confused and frustrated and getting hard when they don't want to.

>in the CURRENT_YEAR fags are getting executed in shitskin countries only, but if the poster rightfully put "islam" instead of "christian" in the post he'd get banned from that retarded shit forum
Kek, that's right.

>Eastbound and Downs

I'm agreeing with you bro

so if you ever looked at a trap and for a split second you thought she was a cute girl before realizing it was a dude, you're queer? asking for a friend


What do they mean by "Queer sexuality"?

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I fucking hate resetera

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Jon's ADwD chapters were comfy. I liked it when Jon was surrounded by bros like Iron Emmet and Ed, rebuilding everything, and having tasty breakfastes in his quarters. And the chapter when the Wildings actually travel under the Wall and into the Seven Kingdoms was really good and got quite spooky towards the end with Pyke's message.

They've got a point about the white savior thing with Dany.

well said

what does "CANCELLED" mean? Is it a meme? Keep seeing it posted by twitter checkmark faggots

Why do people try so hard to find offensive shit? It's just a fucking TV show.

>these are the people calling you an incel

I hate the Dabids but this was addressed as being a product of using the locals for extras, and they filmed in Moroco. Hence Morocans, the brown locals, will show up for this kind of thing. It was probably something they literally were unable to foresee (cause they're dumb) rather than purposefully trying to convey some kind of white goddess message.

All true except for the first point.

I wish I could cancel it out of my brain.

I can’t wait until the inevitable culling of these far left fascists. There will 100% be a civil war within 20 years.

>d&d absolutely bootyblasting trannies
is got, dare i say it, /ourshow/?

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If it keeps going another twenty years, there won't be a society to fight over.

I see girls on dating apps who identify as queer but like guys too. I don't get it.

It's the 3rd person subjective

>wizard lives for centuries and goes from leeches and bloodletting to nuclear power
really warming up to this HBO cinematic universe

Fucking a dude isn't straight in her book

queerness? In my Jon?

>froced rape
Is there consensual rape?

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>Letting yourself be defined by your sexual orientation.

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lol, context?

I gotta see the reactions to that shit.

to women? yes, considering its one of their fantasies

Aero Hotah is from Essos

queer is kind of bi but there are a lot of bi so some people want to feel themselves more special. Then they call themselves queer. They explain that they aren't just attracted to women and men, they're attracted to people in general and don't pay attention to gender.

In the books Daenerys was """raped""" because she was put in an arranged marriage with a guy she didn't know and was a little scared of, her consent was never considered anywhere.

In the show Khal just chucks her into the tend and Bends Daknee while she cries

GRRM said that people of Meereen weren't white because they shot those scenes in Morocco and when they did a casting call for extras a bunch of Moroccans showed up. Slavery in Meereen isn't based on race; it is more like the ancient Greek version of slavery where if your civilization was conquered you then became a slave.

>GoT is cancelled.

damn, & he was only 4 days away from retirement.

there's 3 distinct types of dornish, one basically white, one med-ish and the last probably closest to arabs (martells are this sort)

I know. Whites exist in Essos too in considerable number (Volantis elite looks like Valyrians I think) but most of the non-whites we see are of Essos/Summer Islander extraction.

Would you explain me how a three hundred miles tall magic ice wall explodes?

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Dude used to be the best any% oot speedrunner for years. He got chucked by his ugly gf and went insane. He decided to be a tranny and the estrogen made it so he was too shitty at the game so now he begs for money on patreon and tries to play video games while being a corpse like abomination with poison running through his veins. These will be the first group rounded up and executed.

Nah, I am a straight white male and I call you an incel too.

>Christian extremists
Yeah, it's the Christians who really know how to be homophobic - definitely not the Muslims.
Yeah fair one actually - but given how prudish and uppity Lena and Emilia got they probably refused to show any hints of lesbianism.

In the books by the time she's conquered Mereen Dany is a whore in heat fucking her slave girls and Daario nonstop and even wet dreaming over Jorah.

Cersei falls for the Myrish swamp.

She consented on their wedding night but there was a period when they were travelling to the city where it basically was rough as hell rape. He got horny, went to her in the tent, rope her, she was muffling he screams of pain and hiding her tears, etc. Didn't really become a healthy consenual sex life until later.

in the book Drogo started gentle with fingering her and had asked her several times "no?" until she said "yes".

>people who write this shit


This definition always seemed dumb . I bet the people who use this definition would call me racist if used a racial slur but im a chi so what power do i have ?which means i cant be racist

I meant in the broader context of Viserys selling her in the first place. But yeah it's medieval shit since just about every noblewoman who ever lived was "sold" into a marriage.

the tv show enjoyed a lack of criticism from the PC police for way too long
not anymore bitches!

He said "no" because that's the only word he knew. He only asked "no?" once but she was described as being wet at that point so it's not rape.

>Read this in Goku's voice.

Fucking kek.

I remember he knew only "no" but still he asked at least and started gently. The show depicted this scene absolutely different. And I read book like five years ago so I can be wrong but I thought he asked her several times.

They're too late. They're slipping and have been for some time now. This isn't 2012 anymore, and the only people who think the "PC police" are still some sort of force are PC fags who are in denial that they're our of jizz, and ironically /pol/ losers who are also still living in the past.

Still better than today, where women sell their bodies for free when they're young, then many years later demand you sell your commitment for a much bigger price.

Oh damn, didn't know we had members of the illuminati in Yea Forums

who the fuck writes this stuff? I want to send them a personal message.

but none of the examples listed is neither racism nor sexist nor homophobia...

In all likelihood they only like men, but they want to be in the special cool club too.

The point I'm poorly making is that "rape" as a concept has always existed in history, overpowering a woman and shoving your dick into her as A Bad Thing even worthy of killing the guy that did it.

But "consent" as we know it today is a pretty modern concept, there were situations and contexts where a woman was just expected to spread her legs and her opinion on the matter didn't really factor in.

we don't need to execute anyone. The grim reaper will do all the work for us in due time.

>Why aren't my fictional Celts and Anglo-Saxons from fictional medieval Ireland and Great Britain not people of colour.


but there are pieces of ice all over the north...

Canceling it now with one episode left would really subvert my expectations.

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I am not prepared to answer that at this time

t. incel

Wait how's Jon a queer?

army of poc


thos, evwryones gay in faggot eyes

Browsed this faggot site one time on one thread, and it was a bunch of people shitting on the legend of dragoon. Never seen so much god damn shit taste in one spot in my life.

Wtf I love GOT now

are you stupid?

You didn't see ice. You DIDN'T. BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE

Girls being 'bi' is a turnon to guys so they all pretend to be.

OTOH guys being bi is naturally (rationally) repulsive to women so no straight guy pretends to be gay to get interest from females unless he's a fucking retard.

Seriously. The most fucked up (but not really surprising) pillow talk I ever had was from a German girl I'd fucked and she kept telling me afterwards how amazing it would be if I raped her.

take this ser to the maester, he's in shock

In the books Khal Drogo asks if she doesn't want to have sex and she replies "Yes" and then literally guides his fingers into her cunt.

Average “have sex” poster

what game are you playing?

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the game of thrones

Oh no, the logic is retarded yes, but it's a fact the show tried to portray people as homophobes to do a "muh church homophobic" allegory to modern times. The books portrayed homosexuality as seen in a better light by westeros

Is there any group of people more mentally ill and disgusting than white women and liberal white men?

Retardpilled, but where in the books was it even remotely suggested that Jon is half-faggot?

It roughly means "I got offended so now no one should like this anymore and if you do, you're a fucking Hitler".

It basically means you must unperson someone if they make the slightest mistake.

He waqs /ournignog all along

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It all means mental sickness

your wife knows, and tyrone too

One of the first steps for any group attempting to seize more power is to change the definitions of words. Asians usually count as honorary white when it comes to racism.

Where does it say anything about fugging in the bussy?

Christ, bookfags are even bigger sjw cucks than showfags. and r/ASOIAF are cringe inducing shitholes full of pussies

Nothing about that description even remotely suggests he is gay.


Wasn't the only girl on girl action Cersei had was fingerbanging some random maid in a show of power?


This is where we are at now.

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All females are bisexual and have had gay experiences so to even mention suggest that Cersei might be gay for sleeping with a woman is absurd.

But remember conservatives are the real snowflakes for finding this shit stupid

What faggot wrote that? Who spends this much time postulating about a fictional show?

Liberals who are 50k in debt for their sociology degree and on a day off from their Starbucks shift.


I wonder if these insane trannies ever have a moment of clarity, where they just catch their own reflection in the mirror and think to themselves "what the fuck am I doing"

They do, it's when they suicide.

Which Jon?

god damn. that's fucked up. kinda funny. still fucked up though.

usually the moment they an hero

based and kakarottopilled

No, in Martin's book everything in the POV is from the character's perspective, both their own thoughts and the narration itself. It's why he does voice so well.

look at this dude

>Why didn't you blackwash and diversity quota at least 60% of these white characters from the books? That's fucking racist!

It’s probably Jon Connington, him and Rhaegar had a close relationship

I see no lies here.

This doesn't imply that Jon is gay wtf

>"queer sexuality"

uh what

hotah is actually white in the books iirc, he's from norvos, the cold northern part of essos

Sadly much like everything else, it goes over these Resetera faggots' heads.

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>mfw I am the same but in oposite worldview, can't believe that people can be that fucked up

That Missandrei, Brienne and Dany actions points are dumb, especially Briennes.

>believing you can rape someone you are married to

what's with the repeated use of "drive by"? imagine the person to whom a post on a forum is a "drive-by". imagine how they would fare in the ghetto or any other place where actual drive-by's happen

Have sex
most of those points do make sense

ypu're just proving that all criteria in your life revolve around what would make your political opponent angry. That shows lack of political awareness and demonstrates the raw core of your beliefs. That you are first and foremost, anticommunist.

does that involve your group?

how the fuck did you assume it's only trans-people critisising this? Like, what kind of mental leap is that?

unlike you, who has no degree and no job.

>Slaves in Slaver's Bay are diverse in the books and should be in the show
>Westeros is not diverse in the books but should be in the show
Can't even make two bullet points without contradicting themselves.

The normalfags ahve turned against it which is nice. But it was for the wrong reasons, which is bad.

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google "rape by engraved invitation"

They probably fight it back daily in denial, but now they have a mass of people telling them their delusion is valid.

Lich King replaces Night King. What changes?

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I feel like we're losing sight of plot here. Guys, for once, we agree with the SJWs on something. Even if it's for completely different reasons, we and they know that D&D are complete hacks that can't write to save their lives.
Shouldn't this be a moment where we, for once, unite over something?
Us: Tyrion
Them: Dany
D&D: Night Walkers
Think about it

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>Us: Tyrion
Wrong, we're Cersei. We'll hold on to this war for as long as we can and as long as they lose, we win.

Shit gets done.

the seven kingdoms fall.

Aside from her crying about the Sansa and Hound line, she's right in everything she says here. D&d stupefied ASOIAF to a ridiculous degree.

why are trannies usually fat balding dudes?

Are you alright?

Missandei isn’t black in the books, hopefully they will learn you can never please whiny NPCs with “diversity” and stop even trying.

I agree with this dude for the most part, except by the "Challenged by shit" part.
You can have bad characters do bad things without "challenge". That doesn't mean the author approves of the actions.

Pretty sure the orcs where black

I don't get it.

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Not a word.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha, based boyega

Diversity means black people. NBA is the most diversea league sport becasue it has a higher black to white ratio then any other sport.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-15 In an ethnic breakdown of sports, NBA takes lead for most diverse - GlobalSpor (1079x1321, 560K)

They are the real Racists

The NBA has been majority black since the 70's

>and by that token, me calling everyone a nigger and posting /pol/ memes is obviously not racist

you're complaining right now, faggot

>and her army of POC
didn’t they just say that Missandei is the only POC in the show??
and maybe her dying was trying to show people that every race is equal when it comes to death?
I swear these people are so much more racist than the people they constantly rail against

Fuck off snowflake humor and comedy is dead because of these eggshell laying faggots stirring up shit kill your self go to the ghetto and get stabbed

preach brother

One thing that will ALWAYS get me mad is people reading Frodo and Sam's friendship to have gay undertones.

The truth is that the normalization of homosexuality ruined society's view of male friendship and male bonding.

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rightwingers were never funny in the first place

Someone's had a nerve touched.

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Only chaotic centrists know the clown world tier humor.
I miss it I really do now you can't poke fun at anyone

Oberon was bi in the show. I swear these fags just make shit up if they don’t have enough oppression bullet points

>chaotic centrists

>wow look at me, I'm so radical in my objectivity

fuck off

>being a over emotional moron who just has to pick sides
This is how I know your a hrtranny

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what game is he playing bros

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>This is how I know your a hrtranny

oh, so now we are comfortable using not-so-centrist words aren't we?

do you see trannies everywhere?

Laughing at people who cut their own genitals off is hardly a bipartisan issue.

These people are subhumans and will off themselves in a few years. Who cares what they have to say.

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Fuck off you leftist faggot you as triggerable as the maga tier morons.
Everywhere being where exactly? irl or the net?

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lololol, you centrists are getting uppity ey?

>Laughing at people who cut their own genitals off is hardly a bipartisan issue.
I'm fine with people born with herm futa but mutilating your body is literally satanic and regressive as fuck there is nothing actually progressive about the left
Anyone right of extreme left knows this
Seething tranny you will never have these

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Well, the mere knowledge that homosexuality exists poisons fraternity. The normalization of homosexuality has poisoned not just fraternity, but masculinity itself.

> anticommunist

How is this a bad thing again?

Post the one where pedos/trannies/cross dressing drag fag men are more likely to rape and kill kids and obviously encourage them to mutilate their genitals before they are even pubescent
I've seen as young as 3 it's absolutely sick

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you're right, it's an affair recycled within the conservative circles

and here we see examples of "chaotic centrism"

Are these people incapable of seeing the world without skin color?

Why can’t I open pics on my phone when I’m on 4G?

I wonder why it's okay to black wash characters but not white wash characters
why should white people cast any non-whites if they don't want to? i don't get pissy that asians aren't casting more mexicans or whites

I'd fuck him in the bussy but I'm not Jon Snow

>chaotic centrism
Hardly. Catholicism is not centrist. Secularism is the foundation for almost all the evil done in the West today.

>Still a man
>Nope. Not at all

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Cut off your dick and wear a dress, I don't care, do what makes you happy. But doing so absolutely does NOT make you a biological female. You are quite literally a man in a dress with a gaping wound where your penis used to be. Keep your delusions to yourself.

Blame the femenists it had its cornerstone of free love lezbo bs
And here we see a self hating mixed raced faggot ooooh im so surprised you hate white men abloohoooo

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>sexy Satin that leaves all the boys at Castle Black horribly confused and frustrated and getting hard when they don't want to.
lets all explore this instead

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>And here we see a self hating mixed raced faggot ooooh im so surprised you hate white men abloohoooo

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No, I blame Luther. It is only in a secular society that Greco-Roman homosexuality and liberalism could have re-emerged.

> chaotic centrism

What the fuck is that?

Holding resentment for communism is just a sane thing to do. I, for one, deeply detest communism for what it's done to my country.


Ausfag? Use a dns changer see if that helps
T. Pagan druid bro
It's like engine swapping a car the chassis is still the same it's fucking gross just use what you've been given at birth
Those neovsginas are literally a piece of lower intestine cut off and but in backwards where the dick used to be and the dilation memes are true hairballs puss healing over all of it.
Sadly I know all this because I must remind myself of the sick sad realities of these mft trannies.
Hell is on earth desu
Thanks for the free correction tranny

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>Holding resentment for communism is just a sane thing to do

are you conscious that your opinions are not objective facts?

wtf i love GoT now

have sex you stupid altright trumpo cocksucker, now i have to go to have sex with my tranny lover so he can pass me AIDS that is the most close to have a real baby.

>still doesn't know the difference between your/you're
>claiming to be old enough to post on this website
choose one

>I blame Luther. It is only in a secular society that Greco-Roman homosexuality and liberalism could have re-emerged.

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>Burn every last nigger, to the last crispy little nigglet
How did they get away with this?

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>based on European history

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>this triggered tranny
You'll never be a real woman. You'll never be able to give birth. You are an unholy abomination. Nobody loves you.

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I’m not the guy your arguing with, I could just tell that your a trancel

I spelled it wrong here on purpose

and I’m also spacing it like this on purpose

go dilate, its finna heal up bruh

>Moot very much fucked up by not deleting them
...but he did?

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>asked why 99% of the principal cast are white

>all other Northmen
>Robert Baratheon
>every Westerosi

Are all white. That's why. They already made white characters black in the show such as Sallador Saan (Davos' pirate friend), who comes from a place with Valyrian blood and whose people are known for being fair-skinned and blonde was made black as was Areo Hotah (axe guy killed by Bad Poosy).

bravo dabid

Ausfag here I fucking hate it we've turned into a commy deep state over night
>half the country out of work only 11 million workers of which only 4 million pay tax and only 6 million have full time work
This other 5 million have multiple part time just to keep off the dole which pays fuck all or are on both
>highest debt/anti depression/drug use in any Western country and the world
Y-yaaaay? Mad max soon irl
Cbf spell checking like some autistic faggot piss off back to your grammar nazi shithole and stop whining about muh grammar
Rent free in yo hed
>portrays everyone as a insane asshole
>women who says shes literally gonna burn the world to the ground does so
I'm so shocked boycott got...

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based furry

nowhere, in any post in this thread, did someone come out as a transgender person

you are paranoid and resorting to strawman

>mixed whites = white
Only in skin color Emila Clarke is part indian
I find it hilarious self hating whites shit on people whiter then them as well hahahahaha
What's your opinion on mummy bros

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I'm a cow, moooo

>In Essos

It was filmed in Morroco. The extras are going to be Morrocan. These same people would be complaining if D&D went out of their way to hire white people when filming in Morocco.

>her army of PoC

I'd like to point out that a bunch of the Unsullied are white in this season because they are filming in Ireland - look at the scene when they wash up on the beach.

The reasoning of this faggot poster is that of a women/very effeminate man.
No logic just emotions and le phuc whiteys and anyone right of hard left

They should have made all the Valyrian Characters black with colored wigs and contacts. The outrage would be hilarious

boohoo, we 're all crying for you, oh you poor thing, what did you have to endure, everyone already hears Australia and thinks they had better live in Mogadishu

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i'd fuck him

>No logic just emotions

are you talking about yourself?

war of the roses

People that communists killed are not objective facts to you? They're there, in the ground. Both of my grandfathers went through forced-labour camps. I've studied history enough, son. Tainted legacy that communism left is still around us.

you will soon be able to demand they post the in store prices

The Christians were interacting with Greek and Roman texts for 1000 years. But suddenly, it is only after the protestant heresies that the Greek and Roman art and philosophy started to overwhelm Christian thinking and aesthetics. The secular aristocracy lost the faith, and they have dragged all the rest of us with them.

getting rid of communists isn't just a good idea, it's also aesthetic and fun!

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dude having sex with a man is like the gayest thing u can do lol

>cute anime girl avatar
>its actually a hideous tranny
Every single time

That wasn't really a compliment

>But suddenly, it is only after the protestant heresies that the Greek and Roman art and philosophy started to overwhelm Christian thinking and aesthetics
that was the best thing that could have happened to christcuckery, you should be thankful

>Both of my grandfathers went through forced-labour camps

and they probably deserved it, nazi fucking collaborators? That's the most probably. It would have to be a generation previous to that, so your great-grandparents, to have been informant rats for the Whites or the reaction.

Whatever, no serious person considers the soviet regimes as "communist" nor should anyone with a fundamental understanding of philosophy and your view has no value for me.

>tfw lean left socially but can't just live and let live because of stupid faggots like this who have to virtue signal

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Merely a coincidence, you bigoted white male.

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astolfofags > felixfags every time

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Christianity already had the most useful parts. Gothic architecture, Gothic sculpture, Gothic stonework, Gothic stained glass, Gothic book making, even Gothic painting--these were all outsripping the Roman forms. An influence of Romanism had always been present in Rome, where it makes sense, but the rest of Europe was developing new styles. Even within Gothic influence, each region was developing significant differences. The "Renaissance" began the first international movement, slowly building towards nation states, where regional organization and parochial tradition was submerged into the state super-structure. The seeds of everything despicable now were sown with Luther. Liberalism and Egalitarianism are grave mistakes, which are so obviously against even natural law.

go look up what "gothic" means and where it came from before. it was an insult.

they are both racists you fucking dumbass.

everything both two things there were all things from the past season, so it's not really a "history of blah blah blah"
secondly, fuck, who gives a shit.
and I can't wait for this trash to be crossposted to freddit and have everyone clap at how woke and awesom shit era is.

There is no pleasing these 'people'. Not content with all the pandering they have had throughout the show, they throw a fit when Dany reaches the obvious conclusion.

If the USSR wasn't communist, what was a communist nation then?

>Gothic was an insult
Can you really be this dense? Your entire perspective of history is warped by Renaissance revisionists. It was they who called it Gothic. It was they who called it the Dark Ages. It was they who called their own period the Renaissance. Yes, it was an insult. An insult from people who should not be respected. This same movement deemed the next period the Enlightenment. And the enlightenment brought more death, destruction, and disease than any other movement in history. It is responsible for colonialism, Nazism, Marxism, capitalism, etc. Why do you believe the myth of the Renaissance? Because they painted pornography?

How in the hell does anyone equate Jon Snow as being anything but hetero in the books? No matter how hard you squint at his relationships with other males, there's zero shipping foundation. Even Robb is bro-zoned for the few chapters they're together.

like i said, you need first to grasp what communism means.

Oh fucking cry about it, faggots.

>for once, we agree with the SJWs on something
I can't believe it, but I agree with 90% of this. D&D finally did it. The ultimate kino.
Through hate, unity

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>It was they who called their own period the Renaissance.

no they weren't, nobody has ever called their time period with the name it's known today you fucking pseudo-intellectual

well ya. Have people been complaining about it being a white people only show since the beginning or is this a new thing?

Something about reading "army of PoC" made me wonder if it's genuinely less insulting at this point to just call them niggers. Less bullshit at least.

You painted a picture that is comfortable for you to stare at, so I guess you are willing to go to no end to protect your horrendous world view.

They were both peasants, a simple workers, one was caught when he was fleeing a Nazi captivity - a "traitor of the nation" communists branded people like that, because Soviet doctrine said that it is not very communistic to fall in the hands of the overwhelming enemy force. The other was robbed of his possessions after the war and was sent away with a fabricated story.

And just so you know communists killed exceedingly far more civilians (their own citizens) in the war time. Read into what NKVD, military militia and anti-retreat forces was doing in WWII.

Just for that insult against my family I deem it justifiable to break your fingers one by one, you sick delusional faggot.

Imagine going out to a birthday party and that starts talking to you.

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I legit browsed Resetera one time for 1 hour out of curiosity.
Just 1 HOUR.

I never was the same man ever since.

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>emilia clarke is part indian
>"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler"


If you can't answer my question, I'm going to assume that nations that have been hailed as communist nations by people smarter than this board are, indeed, communist nations.

Lol but they weren't REAL communists.

>You painted a picture that is comfortable for you to stare at

burned villages and decades of oppression from nazi collaborators are a memory that serves as a heritage.

I'm sorry I misjudged your family. Like I said, soviet regimes were not communist by any stretch of the imagination, because they couldn't be.

Also, I don't know if you are completely telling the truth, only you know that, so you shouldn't care what I think.

>nations that have been hailed as communist nations by people smarter than this board are

says who? I won't answer your question in the terms you put it, it's like asking me whether Monday is red or yellow.

The Enlightenment was called the enlightenment by enlightenment thinkers. It's strange though, that of everything I said, you focus on a misplaced etymology, and not the substance of what was said.

Top kek, called it. Like the mating call of retards, "It wasn't actually communism".

literally just Yea Forums for basedboys.

Really, really broad thematic similarities, but this can be said just as strongly for pretty much any of the European wars of the 11th-18th centuries.

Its complete bullshit to say its based on the wars of the roses, its got a vaguely european medieval period setting because all fantasy authors are unimaginative fucks who set their shit in vaguely european medieval period settings.

Answer the question I posed first and I'll answer yours.

>mfw it was actually a thoroughly orchestrated fantasy of Cersei's
>she's got a single pair of shoes that signal to Jaime that he can do whatever he wants, and she wore those in the Sept
>all so she could stay in the moment and have it feel like actual rape

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Stalin called it a communist nation. Not the best person to use for obvious reasons, but he sure as heck was smarter than the vast majority of this board.

answer what? why do you think everyone posting here is dumb?

I won't answer because you need to have at least some knowledge of the history of progressive thinkers and class struggles during capitalism.

being liberal is unironically a mental illness

based on multiple true stories

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>danny had consensual sex with drogo.
last time i checked having sex with a 14 year old is rape... unless these resetfags are not telling us something.

>but he sure as heck was smarter than the vast majority of this board.

according to what criteria? He was a poor lad from Georgia, do you think he had many opportunities to educate himself in Czarist Russia?

But let's say intelligence isn't necessarily reflective of your education level (which it isn't, true), how can you think he would call his regime something else? He was the fucking head of the COMMUNIST party

Lol. I've been with plenty of girls who found my being bi to be a huge turn-on. Keep burying your head in the sand though, your wizard card is in the mail.

I guess you are very young, and naive ideas like sounds very infatuating to you. Fighting the Big Bad. Almost like in the comic book. You are hero that will bring justice and prosperity and will smash the evil people once and for all. That's totally understandable. Go on then, play your silly red dolls, imagine that you are a revolutionary, that you have a clear vision of the future. People like that exists before and their blinding conviction was responsible for putting millions of people in the grave. Go on, dance in your fairy tale dream of the fair society.


Loras and Sansa were discussing THEIR OWN wedding plans, and Loras is seen in combat pretty much as often as he's engaged in sodomy. Resetrannies are actually retarded.

holy fuck, imagine spending time reading this series and not knowing that the book does in fact have a narrator who narrates thoughts and actions outside of the character's mind.

>and naive ideas like sounds very infatuating to you. Fighting the Big Bad. Almost like in the comic book

yeah, how radical of me to think Nazis were bad, such an uncommon and challenging view

it's almost like the burning of fucking villages, all the war crimes, the hunger and the terror are blown out of proportion by liberal biased propaganda machines, right?

also, if I am a naive idealist, you have no knowledge of history, at least of my country.

> my country

Which one is that?