never watched GoT, never will, don't really care about it but I do kind of want to know why this guy looks like an infected puss growth in all the clips I've seen of him? Saw in image before when he looked normal.
Never watched GoT, never will...
eating 12k calories a day will make you look funny.
>[Post a Reply]
do you know how much drugs he injects himself with ? I'm actually amazed that he made it through the whole serie
he just trens hard, eats clen, anavar gives up!
he had a stroke or something
He died and was brought back to life by this mad scientist type character who has been wanting to push boundaries and do human experimentation for the longest time.
He was brought back from the dead through medical mean and was essentially a zombie.
How many undead types are in this show again?
bells palsy
Weird, watched the most recent fight with him and was wondering why he was so mute and gross but didn't really care enough about it to do research, all I ever really see of it is on this board and right now it's all I even see on this board so I figured I'd ask now
because of this
>that horrendous, unnatural hairline
I was unaware Walmart does hair transplants now.
only an obsessed incel would notice something like this
have sex
Three. Zombies animated by the otherwordly white walkers, have no memory of who they were and are basically just feral animals under their control. Any living creature can become a wight, humans, giants, bears etc.
''Fire wights'' like Beric Dondarrion, have some memories of who they were and can use a small amount of fire magic but lose more of their personalities each time they die, created by a god of fire in order to fight against the white walkers.
And alchemically created undead. Clegane seems to be the only one, have some emotion and memory but not much.
>White Walkers
>Rhl'lor's chosen (Beric Dondarrion, Jon Snow)
>sentient half-wights or something (Coldhands Benjen)
>Frankenstein's monster (Ser Gregor)
And they threw out the Undying of Qarth and Lady Stoneheart.
He suffers from Bell's palsy, which means one side of his face will paralysis for months on end.
Bell's Palsy
Glad he finally won the World's Strongest Man after coming runner up so many times, despite him being a bit of a twat during the competition when everyone else are bros to eachother.
He is right though, and it is quite noticeable.
it's that acai
whoops, wrong image
This show has been around for 10 years just watch it you loser
based eddie hall and brian shaw
Why did they bring him back from the dead and stop right there? Seriously, Cersei could’ve had an army of the dead, but all they did was practice it once and stopped.
those are big guys
>him being a bit of a twat during the competition
He looks like a retarded baby with a beard, should've stuck with the original actor.
Moaning to the refs about other competitors, being surrounded by loads of members of his own team and not interacting with anyone else made him come across as self-centred and aloof.
during the competition, he was being a bit of a twat
Original actor was fucking perfect. Intimidating as fuck.
But I heard he left to play an Orc in the hobbit movies or some shit.
He looks like he could be the hound's son
For you.
literally looks better with the receding hairline
why are yuros so strong bros
love him he's always smiling when I watch the world's strongest man
cold increases test
last place i thought id see bjj lingo desu
Yeah. The new one is thinner overall and too high up to be this regular. He looks like human Donkey Kong.
He didn't leave, D&D shitcanned him for the skinny guy in season 2, who knows why, then realized they made a mistake but were too proud to own up to it, so they went with the Icelander instead even though he's half Rory mccann's age
> I had a great time working on GoT season 01 and the response from viewers to my character and portrayal seemed very positive. I was looking forward to being able to reprise the role for season 02, but it seems like HBO decided to go in a different direction for the 2nd season and I will not be playing Ser Gregor this time around which is a pity. Of course, if I were asked to appear in season 03 I would be very excited to do so.
yep that looks like healthy exercising
He's not exercising.
How can D&D screw up literally every single detail
power lifters don't do it for health lol
they know they're doomed to life in mobility scooters if heart attacks/stroke doesn't kill them first
How so? He was tall but he almost looked kind of lanky. The Mountain is supposed to be a huge hulking guy. Halfthor or whatever the fuck definitely fits the bill
How did his parents know to name him Halfthor?
why was daario recast too?
HAF, which means water.
>called "the mountain"
>is a fucking lanklet
>literally only bulky because of bulky armor
OG actor wanted to star in the flop series "The Transporter"
He probably wanted more money or something
They kicked him out for REASONS (jaw too manly and clean shaven, intimidates weak-chinned bitch curtain hipster viewers)
Post body you degenerate skinnfat gyno-plagued mouthbreathing asthmacunt that snorts his step dad's dried ballsweat in hope of absorbing some test
kino before kino
powerlifters are such big ugly faggots, olympic weightlifting is where it's at in terms of well balanced strength, aesthetics, mobility and technique
he made the cast uncomfortable since their wives kept going to his dressing room with him
>despite him being a bit of a twat
t. edward hall
>''Fire wights'' like Beric Dondarrion, have some memories of who they were and can use a small amount of fire magic but lose more of their personalities each time they die, created by a god of fire in order to fight against the white walkers.
How many more times could Beric be revived before he went completely Hollow?
Is it normal to turn your dick upwards in your underwear instead of letting it hang down?
I disagree. First of all the mountain is the younger clegane. So he shouldn't look as old as or older than the guy who played Sandor. Secondly while the original is slightly taller, he is much skinnier. So overall the Icelandic guy ends up looking much larger overall. I would say that the guy they ended up going with was the best choice. However the guy they went with in S2 or whatever was an awful casting.
He looks intimidating, unlike babyface mountain. They could easily have padded him out a bit.
In my opinion just everything about him screamed "guy who will demolish the fuck out of me"
Wow that is fucking sad.
Nice digits but I'm a patrician, and like both for different reasons.
i dont think i'd classify beric's revival as a type of undeath. i think white walkers are different enough from regular wights also, since they seem to have some form of sentience or intelligence and are animated/created in a different.
he got that lift!
what teh fuck that's insane
strongman is not powerlifting
also when you say "olympic weightlifting" you mean "certain weight classes in olympic weightlifting"
I don't think white walkers are truly undead, just altered humans, or in the books another race altogether.
He died like 3-4 seasons prior and someone brought him back to life kinda like a zombie who can take orders from the queen.
How the fuck does the lstest mountain not look "intimidating" the guy is fucking 6'9 and 430lbs. Idk that sounds like a pretty physically imposing frame.
that's a fair perspective on it, we only see two 'made in the show, which is the baby and the night king himself.
>in the books another race altogether.
can you elaborate on this?
>i dont think i'd classify beric's revival as a type of undeath
his blood isn't flowing, he doesn't breathe or eat or sleep.
Oh the new mountain is intimidating as well, just not as intimidating imo
What about uncle Benjin? He was clearly dead.
>Richard Banfield
>CEO of fresh tilled soil
sounds like a retard
>"consuming" something infinite
He looks like a teddy bear and they have to pitch his voice down
the Icelandic dude is a legend, a true mountain among man, not just another tall d-list actor
The white walkers being ice creatures is purely a tv liberty. In the books they give off great cold and wield weapons of ice, but have flesh and hair the same as men, they're more like pale blue skinned elves than monsters, they're described as graceful and almost beautiful in an alien way.
was that mentioned in the show? i dont remember it.
>olympic weightlifting is better because they are have better defined muscles, lift less and wear less clothing
One of the few posts I have seen that I can genuinely recognise as being gay.
>The mountain is the younger clegane
ah so they're more like the children of the forest than undead/corrupted men. cool.
You can move mountains with your cock but if you have a baby face you're not gonna look as intimidating as you could. Deal with it
>First of all the mountain is the younger clegane.
This is bait right?
He could grow a beard if he wanted to. He just likes being clean shaven and having a small waist (compared to other strong men) because it's aesthetic
pfff, strongmen are peak natty.
He got herpes from some coal burner.
I would piss myself if he came at me I'm just saying I think the other dude looked spookier imo, even if he's just some d list actor.
also holy SHIT. She must get demolished.
he could have just touched the bar and walked away , he already won gold and didn't have to risk injury doing all that
lmao he still looks like a giant baby
But he is literally the world's strongest man user. He finally got past Shaw, Hall and the others. They all look young for their age though imo.
He is dead both in books and series, althought in very different situations. In the books each ressurrection get harder, and by the time at the sixth ress he barely remembered his name. At the seventh death he offered what remanied of his life to ress a woman, and this time he was dead for good
In the shows the memory stuff is mostly unrecognized. There he dies at the seventh death because the priest that ressed him all the times was already dead by that point, and also because he fullfilled his mission and so the God of Light hadnt any more missions for him
are you shitting me? of course she gets destroyed. He's packing a baby seal in his pants
Fair enough. I think both options work. I just dont think its neccesarily awful where they ended with the character.
Lmao sure user. The guy definitely fits the role of The Mountain
My bad. I actually just looked he is older. Idk why I thought he was supposed to be the younger brother. So ig thats one complaint you can have about the new mountain. He looks a bit too young
>Yeah pull that up real quick, Jamie. His baby seal, you gotta see this.
So what?
This board probably averages more than that honestly
Gotta test your limits every day
But you can consume something infinite
I'm just proud of the lad is all.
>speed through book and highlight passages like a quote machine
>contact the author just to have them explain the book for you
Just imagine how many authors have blocked this fucker.
what a complete fucking plebeian
>created by a god of fire in order to fight against the white walkers.
>actually believing r'hollor, or any other god, is real
His lifting is great, but that doesn't make him look intimidating. The first actor might be skinnier but he has more presence.
is this peak performance?
>doesn't look intimidating
This dude would mog you into oblivion though. He is almost 7 feet tall and +400 lbs lean... I haven't watched the show since S1, but based on all his appearances on youtube, his boyish looks don't take me out of the moment, like I could believe he was some psychopathic knight. He looks way younger than the Hound but the Hound has a fucked up face. I just don't see a problem here desu.
niggas be forgetting about patchface: the drowned god's chosen
>I haven't watched the show since S1
>but I'm still gonna talk shit as if I'd know anything
If he counts then every ironborn is an undead.
I said I watched the scenes he was in. When he came to King's Landing and the fight with the Spanish actor's character at least, not sure what else he was in with his helmet off. What of that took you out of the moment user? He fit the role to me.
Okay. Not that user but I have watched since season 1 and read the books. Both the S1 actor and the one who ended up playing The Mountain fit the role pretty well. The S1 Mountain is probably better in terms of age and having a meaner look. But the Iceland guy is definitely more fitting as The Mountain in terms of physique.
That user is a fag. Just another example if this sites obession with the "old=good new=bad" meme
Then how does Jon get an erection to pork his auntie and give her cummies if their blood isn’t flowing moron idiot mong stop applying your headcanon to reality and get a grip
Except they don't actually die and come back to life
>People completely reanimated
>Shadow babies birthed after incantations
>Thousands upon thousands of swords ignited upon incantations
>People literally magically switching faces by worshipping some death god
You’re dumb as fuck
>implying they don't
>implying the Drowned God's priests don't resurrect them
begone heathen, before I make you my saltwife.
This thread's got me more and more interested in the books. Should I go for them?
is jon snow a fire wight then?
>lists a bunch of magic spells
>thinks it's proof of a god
GRRM himself has said that the existence of magic is no proof of gods, no matter how much the magicians think their powers can be attributed to one. The red priests are just firemages who think they're granted the powers from their god, when in actuality a maester who's studied spellwork can do the same shit to get a magic link in their chain. Did you think it was just a weird coincidence that R'hollor started giving away "miracles" to all his followers more easily after magic returned across the world, no matter the kind?
Here's him as as a walking blood filled boner breaking a world record dead lift after eating 20k calories a day, every day for over 5 years to get to this point.
He got the strength and physique down for the Mountain, but not the menacing face. Also he has Bells Palsy or something which is a temporary paralysis of the nerves on one side of his face, it lasts several years but it's beginning to go away.
No. That’s some stupid autistic shit Martin said about the show and is honestly not applicable. If they didn’t have flowing blood, Jon couldn’t have fucked his aunt.
do this instead
whites are the best
lmao what the fuck
I love that he's part of the Russian Military and the show organizers had him stand directly next tot he Ukrainian strongman during the opening.
>Responds to a picture of 2 strongmen
DYEL manlet comfirmed, doesn't even know the different types of lifting sports other than muh based Klokov.
GRRM is a hack and you’re literally retarded. The Gods deliver messages in the fire and obviously selectively choose when to allow their powers to manifest, unless you are saying that magic literally has a mind of its own in the series and randomly decides to crank up like a shitty car.
This man is the same age as me yet looks a decade older. Is that the result of the roids?
>This dude would mog you into oblivion though.
Nah, my superior speed guarantees victory.
I wish there was some pretty-boy Lannister or Tyrel Knight that was also a giant that Richters could have played.
Yes. What kind of faggot wants his dick sticking to his balls?
you mean like in the show? he got infected with a super-poison that never goes away and makes him rot from the inside or sth
it's the result of testosterone
Heard that one before...
he just needs to grow it out and style it.
He won he was just dumb as fuck and literally mentally ill (homosexual)
>The Gods deliver messages
It's strange how literally every red priest sees different things in the flames. It's almost as if they're not being sent explicit messages from a god, but using the ancient spell of fire scrying to see the future, and interpreting it differently. The same way other magicians use other means to see the future, except someone trained in blood magic can see your personal future more easily than a fire scryer, because fire scrying isn't as focused on one person.
Let me guess, you also thought Melisandre's leech sacrifices actually had a hand in bringing about the death of the other kings, rather than it being her using that fire scrying and seeing their deaths, and then using her insider knowledge to scam Stannis into believing in her god and follow her advice.
>unless you are saying that magic literally has a mind
Magic is just another force of nature in their world. Either it started having greater effect because of the red comet or because dragons were born back into the world. If it was about gods deciding to step back into the world and perform miracles then we wouldn't have had references to all kinds of magic becoming stronger, with spells that maesters couldn't do a decade ago suddenly being possible again. Why would the "gods" grant their so-called miracles to unbelievers, using them for their own purposes? What god allowed Maggy the Frog to make her prediction about Cersei, and why did the god think it was needed?
Just face it, there's a million different magicians in the books and only a small amount of them ascribe their powers to a god, in the same way a talented musician or painter might ascribe his skills to a god in our world. Or you could just keep hiding behind calling the author a hack.
He won the fight, the idiocy afterwards does not count.
I’m talking about the show, not the books (which are also fucked, the hack has written himself into a corner on a number of things)
There is obviously objectively a god/gods, hence Melisandre’s amazement that Thoros could raise Beric. There’s literally no question that revival is selective through LoL, meaning 1. Magic only works once in a while (absolutely retarded) or 2. Some God is directing the power (hence the quote how Beric served his purpose)
If it weren’t selective, Stannis’s army would all have had flaming swords for example
Oly lifters are based, but I raise you wrestlers
Can't lose if you don't get hit
you don't have speed either
dyel cope
>If it weren’t selective, Stannis’s army would all have had flaming swords for example
No, because Melisandre wasn't ready to die yet. Hence why she never tried to light Stannis' army's swords on fire, even thought a quick prayer would have been all she needed to do to see if R'hollor would grant them a miracle, if it's all down to gods doing things. If it's a god granting gifts then why the fuck wasn't the spell working on the moat until she'd said it fifty times? Because she was using her own life force as the "sacrifice" needed to fuel the spell, the same way she's done literally all her spells, except every other time she used other people's or Stannis' unborn children. That's why the second time it was harder, because she was a hundred years old and had nearly no life left, having used up so much just lightning the swords. That's why she knew she'd be dead by morning. That's why she practically crumbled to dust when she died.
>hence Melisandre’s amazement that Thoros could raise Beric.
That was because she'd never mastered the spell, and at that point she was so old under her glamour that she'd have a hard time doing it. Thoros started out a jolly fat man and ended up a wiry balding man, because he used up his own vigour every time he resurrected Thoros.
There's objectively magic in the world, and you choose to see that as proof of gods. Even though the maesters all try their hand at magic to forge one of their links, without praying to any gods for miracles.
2019 is the year of MARTINS
You think wrestlers don't lift too?
scary to think both of these lads would make me look like a fucking child at 6'0
y'all niggas gay
She crumbled because she was wearing a pendant that made her look youthful and took it off in the middle of the fucking arctic brah, a 200 year old would die instantly in those conditions
Your rationale for the events is literally mental gymnastics, and if you’re right, absolutely retarded writing. She never even attempted to light Stannis’s army’s swords, if she had the power to incant and just do it, she would’ve done it because it would have led to a massive advantage and SHE WANTED HIM TO WIN. Obviously she got some kind of vision from the LoL or something that told her she could, otherwise it makes no sense
Did she just master revival suddenly off screen? Lmao she was genuinely astonished when Jon came back to life. It was obvious she hadn’t practiced it. It’s extremely obvious that each character has some divined purpose in some way, stop being a brainlet who can’t see a clear cut motif
>well balanced strength, aesthetics, mobility and technique
wrestlers have the advantage in 3 of those and come reasonably close in strength.
Of course they lift dummy, try and keep up
>She never even attempted to light Stannis’s army’s swords
This is not an argument in your favour, you fool. If all she does is pray to the lord of light for a miracle and then he grants it, then why the fuck did she never before just pray for him to light their swords, end a snowstorm or fucking anything? If it didn't work she wouldn't have lost anything, since it's just a prayer in your mind. Why didn't we see her "praying" with her incantations before every fight? The only times she did it was after she'd sacrificed people or unborn babies. Because the lord of light requires a sacrifice to help his priests save the world like he wants, for some reason. Or, just maybe, the life sacrifice fuels the magic and suddenly every "miracle" in the show follows the same rule and it's clear why Melly didn't attempt to pray forth fire weapons all the time.
>if she had the power to incant and just do it, she would’ve done it because it would have led to a massive advantage and SHE WANTED HIM TO WIN.
Just imagine for a second that Melisandre knows that the sacrifices of life are vital for her spells to work. Would she have wasted the last few years or months of her life to light Stannis' swords to fight some wildlings, knowing that she wouldn't be there to help him against the Others? Of course she wouldn't. That's why she didn't do it. But if all it takes is a prayer, then why didn't she ever attempt the same prayer until the final battle where she was ready to die the next day?
>Obviously she got some kind of vision from the LoL or something that told her she could, otherwise it makes no sense
So you have to rely on headcanon otherwise your idea doesn't even make sense in the show. Meanwhile I'm going off of what's been shown regarding magic in both the books and show, and how the prayer idea runs against how Melly's been acting for the entire show, never once getting a miracle without sacrificing someone.
Dude, she literally revived a man without a sacrifice and then looked astonished. If she was sacrificing her fucking life force to perform an absolute miracle don’t you think she would have reacted to that? You’re literally making up this whole life force concept and ignoring a major motif in the story to satisfy your own fanfiction explanation lmao. She even told Arya her own destiny, it’s apparent that she knew the conflict would be over. Why the fuck would she elect to light swords on fire uselessly and light a worthless ditch on fire, at the expense of her own life, for no reason whatsoever despite accurately predicting the future? Certainly if she had the life force to expend REVIVING A PERSON she could’ve lit up Stannis’s army when the magic would actually be of use
It’s quite obvious that there is a God that both acts in response to worship, and elects to do shit for free when it serves its agenda
lmao at white people and their made up sports they invent to feel superior again after losing all the gold medals to black athletes.
>It’s quite obvious that there is a God that both acts in response to worship, and elects to do shit for free when it serves its agenda
So why did he make Melly pray more than once when she was trying to light the firemoat? Why was her prayer the same incantation over and over again in a foreign language, instead of just rolling up, touching the wood and asking R'hollor to help out like he showed her he would in her visions?
Why would she be sacrificing her life force to light a completely worthless ditch that one of the dragons could have just lit anyways, instead of people worthlessly hanging out outside of the walls? Why do Catholic priests recite Latin? Why would Rh’ilor ignite a ditch minutes before any undead even came close to it, instead of waiting for the absolute perfect moment to actually incinerate some of them? If anything the repeated prayer is just added evidence that there is some other power controlling the use of this particular magic.
he's big