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>using the subject field
what is with the massive influx of newfags on Yea Forums recently?
Fuck this show, GoT is better!
Just got back from the core. It’s only 3.6 roentgens
>muh new figs
you fucked it up OP
delet this thread
Is it kino?
Will we have to wait until the final episode until they show the core?
why are these faceapp edits so fucking spicy lads?
/RBMK/ comfometer is showing 3.6
Stop asking this
Because they bring radiating smiles in dark places
no becasue theres a wamen in it and she knows stuff and that TRIGGERS me fucking feminists ugh
all the liquidators I knew are dead
It's our time to SHINE, bros.
>mfw its not 3 roentgen its 15,000
Finchy is in the next episode.
They will show that this is what happened that night at the end.
I you have 90 seconds as a liquidators, how the fuck do you know where to go and clean up do your job and then run back? Did those returning tell the men going out where to go and what to do? How does that work?
You mean the core lava formation?
No more than an x-ray, comrade.
you should have sex then
Why is the graphite so radioactive, is it because it's covered in the fuel because even if carbon absorbs a few neutrons it doesn't become highly radioactive
would you insert your control rod anons?
You make lava?
You're delusional, report to tumblr.
not /sci/ buddy
Everyone goes and does what he can quickly.
delusional infirmary etc
you know the drill comrade user
What did he mean by this
>you get more radiation by eating a banana than living next to a nuclear power plant
I eat a banana every day. Am I fucked
Neutron activation.
Such a kino cast choice
shh... don't tell /tvpol/ about the /sci/ general.
thats the button that beams all relevant information about the situation directly into the brain of the nearest female nuclear engineer
>be Gorbachev
>hold a top secret meeting about managing the Chernobyl disaster
>this random woman somehow shows up uninvited and starts ranting about how the reactor will explode in two days unless you stop trying to contain the fire
>tells you Chernobyl is "too dude heavy" and you need to kill three men
What do?
The core EXPLODED there is graphite on the roof we need to do something!
It's not comrade don't worry
>2-4 megaton explosion if nuclear waste reaches the water tanks
this has to be wrong, right? that's 2-4 million fucking tons of TNT. i fail to see how water tanks exploding could create an explosion of such yield
Doesn't add up if you eat more. Excess potassium doesn't get absorbed but gets left behind in your toilet bowl. You'd need to eat a million bananas at once.
did the bourgeois disinfo spreading janny seriously delet the pic of reactor-chan in the last thread?
theres doing it for free
and then theres this faggotry
I'm the guy who doubted the 2-4 Megatons yesterday. It seems like they really estimated that explosion, so it was not some bullshit the authors pulled out of their asses.
Interview in this clip:
give me some more soviet kino
AZ5 being used irl
T H E R E::::I S::::::N O N E
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
yeah its bullshit
my headcanon is that they lied to Gorby to get his fat commie ass going to fix this shit due to empirical evidence that commies would half ass it unless its the literal end of the fucking world
Space robot in action.
obviously you brainlet.
But my rod is graphite tipped, comrade!
is that a control rod?
I could be wrong but I think it was one of the theories they had at the time but later was proven to be incorrect
hoped to see more of this guy in ep2.
>You made lava?
hes already dead and melted into bio goop
I just looked at my AC unit for 5 seconds. How many rontgens did I absorb? Should I go to doctor?
>sexualizing a reactor core
nothing happens
nothing happens
nothing happens
I think Pol Pot may have had the right idea about the intelligentsia, anons.
I just returned from core
>*coughs up blood*
Dosimiter says only 3,6 rontgen
>*coughs up liver*
>*scratches off scalp*
There is no cause for alarm!
you fool
core-chan is not for sexual
she basks us in her radiant light
she gives you roentgens unconditonally
and for those few short minutes we are happy
We'll see him at Hospital 6 in Moscow probably. He died a month after the accident. Firefighter dude and Lyudmila end up in the same hospital.
come on now 3.6 roentgen is nothing
say that to her face and not online and well see what happens
Why do people usually post useful links in threads about kino but /Chernobyl/ only has the same 5 reposts and a tripfag?
because chernobyl has somehow attracted the got audience
Doesn't look like it.
>search RBMK in catalog
>this thread does not appear
>because OP is retarded
Okay so when she said this she was lying right? to get the government to act quickly or was she telling the truth? give me the whole gestalt
no user, he died 30 days later.
I thought I recognized the fucker
semi related but you can see an unused control rod in this video
god i hate her smug little face.
Technically, it's magma.
Probably. I don't see how you could get even a kiloton steam explosion.
It's literally a self insert for women in the current year.
It's fucking isekai for women, so obviously she's going to be correct 110% of the time.
she got a call from grichka and he told her exactly what to say
everything (including the meltdown itself) was instigated by the bogs as part of a plot to destabilize and ultimately destroy the soviet union
and it went just as planned
It's called being intimidated, user. You should know that by now.
*fuel rod
they just left control rods lying around the basement?
watch this, apparently it was even worse with 3-5 megatons est.
/RBMK/....too comfy, memes...overloading...
Pripyat when they were still planting flowers.
there's also a giant minecart filled with ground up irradiated graphite
>there are anons who unironically defend a literal mary sue in this very thread
c u c k s
Nuclear engineer: "This is happening, saw it with my own eyes."
Government cronies: "Yeah nah, you didn't see that."
Must be how climate change scientists in the U.S. feel these days. #ChernobylHBO
>yfw no sign of you-know-who
Ahahahaha that old Stalin era fuck who told them to lock down the city to prevent misinform they were all clapping for was fucking hilarious
They're from r*ddit, user. Just ignore them.
Can this show just be about Soviet men doing Soviet men things?
I think only female characters that don't annoy me are wife of Ignatenko and core-chan. Emily Blunt makes this 9/10 show just 8 too, seeing this fictional character interact and put to shame real people is offensive.
>Kino realization at how you just not might make it
>Implication that Legasov not only knew all the risk, he basically sentenced him to die with him
>He's not even mad at Legasov, he's just coming to terms with it
if you've left, there would be one newfag less
only 3.7 richters, no worris
/sci/ is filled with undergrad retards tbf, better off asking somewhere else
call me an "incel" all you want, tell me to "have sex" all you want (even though i have had sex twice), there's literally no denying that there was so little female involvement with the chernobyl disaster that they had to literally invent one
heh yeah. did you see his face as he boarded the bus?
I've never understood the hatred for tripfags. They're just people.
>Emily Blunt
that would have been kino
like, "lava" lava?
Would be cool to see something made in the one of the control rooms of the other reactors as they try and work out what the hell is going on.
>Contrary to safety regulations, bitumen, a combustible material, had been used in the construction of the roof of the reactor building and the turbine hall. Ejected material ignited at least five fires on the roof of the adjacent reactor 3, which was still operating. It was imperative to put those fires out and protect the cooling systems of reactor 3.[34]:42 Inside reactor 3, the chief of the night shift, Yuri Bagdasarov, wanted to shut down the reactor immediately, but chief engineer Nikolai Fomin would not allow this. The operators were given respirators and potassium iodide tablets and told to continue working. At 05:00, Bagdasarov made his own decision to shut down the reactor, leaving only those operators there who had to work the emergency cooling systems.[34]:44
what was the name of that japanese guy that died of radiation? there was a picture of him in a hospital bed without any of his skin
ouchi. that picture circulating around isn't him
Unexpected kino.
that was fake news. no pictures of him exist after he was exposed to the radiation.
So, they were killed by light?
>he lived to 1995
I'm going down to the core? Want something?
Who? Three guys?
>Watched the first episode of #ChernobylHBO tonight. It’s riveting and anxiety inducing; but I feel like it’s an important lesson about the dangers posed when a government holds power with lies. It’s a timely message for America.
Do you know the music? Sounds like a modern take on a classic.
Shame my cuntree can't produce such quality tv shows.
Shame we have to wait for murica to produce a quality tv show about our own cuntree.
people who should be sent to the roof
Corium. I anticipated this.
why are the dangers of nuclear fallout so horrendously overblown?
>wear the suit, you'll be fine.
I like this one, you can see how unorganised they are in the control room
>Emily Watson’s character had an entire phone conversation in periodic table code, and that really cemented the brilliance of #ChernobylHBO for me
Why didn't they give the divers a gas lamp or some flares?
Some polish autist fact checked first episode
who tweeted this fucking ben shapiro?
I still don't believe it. You'd "only" generate a steam cloud with a volume of 1700 times the volume of water and it wouldn't happen instantly.
Except the fact that it isn't
>Literally called OUCHi
It was meant to be
blah blah blah , who cares?
Here's a real life photo of Chernobyl Trio (it's how they are actually known in Russia)
so chernobyl block 4 exploded. what about 1,2 and 3 what did the operators do as block 4 totally not exploded?
She literally just subbed in two words for silicon and boron, I fucking hate normies
>it killed approximately 4,000 people
>no big deal
didnt they literally pump liquid nitrogen into the ground to prevent the 3rd thing?
fantastic. this deserves a yearly stipend of 400 rubles
Is that before they put on the rad drysuits? Or were the suits an HBO embellishment?
im watching only because i heard a woman BTFO stupid white men. if i finish it my wife's boyfriend will buy me a new game for my switch yaaayyy
What's your damage, user?
can someone photoshop "50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town"?
This show has produced a meme renaissance I swear
I still have trouble believing it, too, but at least the scientists made a real estimation in that range, so it was justified being shown in the tv show.
Aren't they random liquidators?
It's almost like they took measures to prevent those things
pfft heroes, they didn't even die. these 2 were the real heroes, they died 6 days after this
Everything sounds like doom mongering. Explain how those three divers lived to old age. Two are still alive.
It's amazing how much meme material was pulled out of just two episodes. Dyatlov himself was a fucking meme factory.
>Feeling guilty about how much I'm enjoying each frame of #ChernobylHBO. Such an unimaginably horrific story unfolding -- but such exquisite storytelling & craft!! For those disenchanted with the clunky shoddiness of #GoT8, @clmazin's show is everything streaming promised to be.
They LITERALLY want the GoT audience
scary Chernobyl-chan is best Chernobyl-chan
I'm all wet over the meimes
>(rapid loud clicking continues)
because people in the 80s were retards completely ignorant of the effects of radiation
who cares? where is our heroine?
>tfw frenchfag
>our president at the time straight up told us that "the cloud just stopped at our borders"
Okay sure whatever thanks
2/3 of those guys are still alive. the other died in like 2005
These guys made things worse though
Why did you post a picture of kidney stones?
They wanted to but poured cement instead. Elephant's foot has not moved since its initial discovery. It has hardened on the outside and started to crack and release dust.
You could probably Google it, you lazy child.
They took pictures from helicopters and then marked the stuff they had to remove.
And then they moved quickly to the stuff they had to remove and removed it.
The Soviet Workers took measures to prevent those things, while the sc*entists sat around drinking vodka and making doomsday predictions
Rare artifact, nice.
Because muh cold war. In reality even if all the nuclear weapons in the world were exploded, the radiation would mostly dissipate in a few years and ecosystems would just be messed up for a while. The elephant's foot gets safer by the year.
but they died doing it user that's the important part
Why is there graphite on the roof?
In a loose sense of the term. 'Living blights on humanity' is a bit more accurate.
speaking of frenchfags, this year i learned what cinco de mayo celebrated and i told my friends they were all retards for celebrating it. french mexico would have been better for everybody than what we have now.
Everything is fun and games till a nigga gotta ring the central committee
THere isn't .
Yeah, it's crazy how they thought they could create this narrative and expect people to believe it.
stop putting your faggot politics into things. You're just as bad as the commies.
>he thinks radiation is real
where is Khodemchuk?!
>the radiation would mostly dissipate in a few years
Make that millions, 40 years later and 95% of Pripyat is still uninhabitable.
Holy Christ, that's boring, user.
they had protective equipment and got in and out as fast as they could. what's with the obsession on these guys? it's like some people's whole perception of the dangers of radiation hinges entirely on whether or not these guys lived
It's obviously concrete.
>he thinks an RBMK reactor can explode
They lied about it for decades. Said they died in weeks.
why is dyatlov such a meme machine? is it the denial? is it the incompetence?
I am a commie. I was literally born in USSR.
Sitnikov placed it there as a joke.
this is my design
>a few years
Not great, not terrible.
>tfw no brutalist gravestone
They put his fossil on his gravestone? How macabre.
>the dude's name was literally ouchie
no fucking way lmao
>google a photoshop that doesn't exist yet
T. Dyatlov
Based Hannibal poster
He's just so deadpan about what he doesn't know is one of the biggest disasters in modern history happening before him.
That certainly explains things. Shouldn't you be in a gulag somewhere?
> scientists on the nuclear power plant don't believe that reactor exploded
> the SCIENTIST WOMYN knows everything about it all from a few simple guesses
> the old doctor treats patients with milk
> the doctor WOMYN knows that this is radiation from a simple look
Get rekt, incel.
go look at the core, report back your findings.
they literally want the audience of the biggest show in history wow strange
He is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
>Call the fire brigade.
That delivery gets me every time.
They never found his body. The sarcophagus is is grave.
40 years may be an inconvenience to you as an individual, but that's basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. Muh radioactive dirt never posed a threat to life on earth, and a massive nuclear war probably wouldn't even end civilization. It would have a high death toll from starvation and that would be it
>Legasov can't explain how an RBMK reactor could explode
>Based science lady can't either
>people STILL think the reactor exploded
all of you need to get to the infirmary
Do you taste metal?
How many died in the initial explosion? I don't think this ever came up in the show.
>We NEED to stop this radiation! It will give MILLIONS of people a slightly increased chance of getting cancer
Maybe more... imagine!
I think one of them was off and the others didn't really do anything. The turbine hall however was complete chaos because it was on fire, full of radiation, and I think it was flooding with something.
Borium and salt, wtf?
I heard its because that part of the plant at that time was still shielded by both concrete and lead, so the only radiation down there was from the actual feedwater
>The night shift main circulating pump operator, Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was located in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the reactor debris. [2] [3]
poor guy, he's still in there
Just Khodemchuk
wow just download the image and write on it
>he gets his knowledge of how nuclear fallout works from the Fallout video game series
I suppose there would also be deathclaws and supermutants, comrade?
khodemchuk is the only one who died from the actual explosion.
Was this cunt a real person or just shoehorned in because DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH?
Praise Atom
a bunch of other people did, like these 2
Only a cishet white male would do this
She's like 20 real people molded into one without all of their penises.
based bloke
hope he doesnt get thrown out of a helicoptor
>so the only radiation down there was from the actual feedwater
ALL the radiation in and around the plant, outside of the INTACT core, was from the feedwater, user. You're getting hysterical.
Sand to extinguish the burning graphite etc. and Boron to soak up Neutrons.
>anticipated it
what I miss?
Like my two katties
>good I know now a nuclear reactor works now I don't need you
>cut to helicopter flying over lake
why didn't he throw him out there
There were more female scientists than male scientists in the SU, so I dont see whats wrong with making the character female? Are you a snowflake perhaps?
I don't think having been here for long is a good thing
robot ass taste
is it true he loses his glorious mullet and goes bald in episode 3? or was that some other guy i saw in the trailer
you're right they should have just done nothing I'm sure everything would be fine
They expect one of them in the wreckage, comrade.
how painful is a radiation burn?
What is his secret to longevity?
I heard in Season 2 he emerges from the Sarcophagus to get revenge on Dyatlov.
Would you wanted to believe that reactor exploded if you were in Dyatlov's place?
When's episode 3.6 out?
So, 400 RUB huh. According to google 1 dollar USA was worth 0.75 RUB in 1986. 533$ per year doesnt sound like a lot of money. Even if counting that prices were x30-40 cheaper in these times.
>Write a character who is a scientist and woman
>Cast an older plain looking actress and put her in a fat suit
>No stronk woman scene (yet)
Incels still triggered
This board is going to shit
RBMK can't explode.
They did make a point that the doctor mainly delivered babies and he was old enough that when he went to university nuclear energy was barely discovered
>what we can't see we don't know
>Hashtag resist retards actually believe this shit
>hell's reactor with gordon ramsay
>*slaps table enthusiastically*
>million billion trillion
>IM IN CHARGE HERE t. scherbina
Magic whore!
They did it for free as a part of their job. 400 rubles and speech are made up.
the ratio was more like 40% female. personally, my problem isn't that she's female. it's that she magically knows everything about the situation at chernobyl
>Vote Bernie Sanders, the guy who idolized the Soviet Union
>Real heroes
>Partly responsible for the explosion happening in the first place
>Partly responsible for the bubbler pools still being full
They died for nothing.
>According to google 1 dollar USA was worth 0.75 RUB in 1986
That's the official rate. You couldn't really buy dollars officially, unless you were going abroad. On the black market rates were completely different.
>female character is proactive
The bridge.
did they leave all the katties after evac ?
Could it be that Kodemchuck fused with RBMK-chan and became one singular and sentient DNA devouring entity?
It's to stop the bullets
>>hell's reactor with gordon ramsay
good times
except the danger was caused by retards at the plant
Its like how Americans build up immunity to bullets by shooting themselves with smaller cartridges like .223 LR and 9mm, Dyatlov built up immunity to Radiation by first fucking up a Nuclear reactor on a ship(submarine) before moving on to bigger, terrestrial ones
>tell me how an RBMK reactor explodes
not being delusional
Two. One was Kodemchuk and the other was Yuri Badaev, a computer operator who was essentially right under the reactor when it went up.
a man denied proper hair care products
feedwater in HIS core
Why couldn't Legasov just answer his question?
Supposedly they were just plant workers who happened to be on hand.
Even wierder, they all lived:
>Definitively, Leatherbarrow said, none of the men died of ARS. The shift supervisor died of a heart attack in 2005. (Leatherbarrow attributes this to a mix-up with an employee with the same surname who did succumb to ARS.)
too based to die
It only affects you if you believe it does
A fictional female character to cater SJWs
just glaze your face with milk, user.
>Not many female characters
>20 different people, probably boring scientists
>Let's cheat a bit a turn them into one character for easier narration and let's him be a she since there aren't many in the cast.
I don't see the issue here stop sperging out
there were nurses in the hospital of course , non in positions of authority
women in charge
Same as krokodil.
How many though?
>even though i have had sex twice
imagine being so pathetic you have to lie on an anonymous imageboard
youre even worse than an incel
youre below even a nazi incel
They actually did try to stop the test but gave in when dyatlov threatened their jobs... but yea everything they did after that was pretty bad
So I only watched the first episode and I really liked it. Now I see a lot of people talk about a women that makes the show shit.
Can you guys tell me more about it? Maybe I just drop the show before I get angry about bullshit.
Gulag ding ding
Please tell me how an rbmk reactor core explodes
3.6 days
Was Yuri's body recovered or are they both still in there?
make new thread
get this hothead out of here comrades
generate a new thread, idiots!
It wouldn't a problem if she wasn't too much of Mary Sue know-it-all character.
right here
Spreading misinformation. What a shame
>not counting the initial blast it all went around Poland
Praise Poświst
Would you prefer an additional male as the character?
Because every other character on the show is shown to be flawed. Most of these characters that are being portrayed as bumbling idiots are based on real people, many of which died as a result of the accident. Khomyuk is portrayed as flawless.
I find it disrespectful to the dead.
Nerve gas
woman place is kitchen
I meant the pictures, not the divers. I know about the divers but I'm not sure the pic is them. Looks like liquidators.
All wrong. The answer is zero because an RMBK reaction cannot explode. Are you stupid?
>/tv denying cold facts stated by team of blyat scientists at the time because a woman stated it in the show
imagine my surprise
Somebody post the big guy stance
600 rubles
>Mary Sue
That's a stupid meme.
She's a good character.
look like teeth
Bullshit you're bothered because you believe no woman can ever be in charge of anything or more competent than mennin her domain.
Disrepectful my ass
shut up
Are they fucked?
No its not. Molten rock and metals that flows freely on the surface is called lava. If its inside the crust its magna.
I'm not prepared to explain it at this time.
Why did I see graphite on the roof?
She has that nurse Ratchet look. Just everything about her screams cunt.
According to the first episode nobody gets punished but the plant manager.
>.223 LR