100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time

According to Rolling Stone.


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SNL? Seriously?

Good list

lol the wire blows after s2


why is Friday Night Lights on every one of these lists, why is it good, isn't it about just chads playing football.

Lost is higher than twin peaks? No generation kill (written by a rolling stone writer)? Shit list, but what else to expect from rolling stone?
Remember how dirty they did norm on the 100 best SNL cast members list? He was literally beneath people who were never even in a single episode.

List is not updated.

Here's the real list.

>the wire
Opinion discarded

>Breaking Bad 2
>SNL 4
>GoT 5
>Sopranos only 6
Disgusting. Their taste in tv as shit as their taste in music.


Everyone misremembers Friday night lights

>100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time
I only see 50

Pretty sure they took cultural influence into consideration, that probably why your favourite [literal who] show is not in the top.

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>The Office (U.S.)
>The Office (U.K.) isn't even on the list

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>Breaking Bad at 2
>Madmen at 18
Fucking really?

Am I the only one who has never been able to rewatch The Wire? I enjoyed it but not something I would ever want to rewatch.

I've re-watched it like four times. The only better show for me is Sopranos.

who the fuck reads Rolling Stone?

Everytime I finish it I feel an urge to immediately go back and start over. It's pure comfy

>5. Game of Thrones

>No Jeopardy!
>No The Honeymooners
>No Looney Tunes
>No Law and Order

Pretty shitty taste. Of course it's the Washington Post.

matches their taste in music

I have watched 1 out of these

It's amazing


that's according to hank stuever from the washington post OP you moron

>started reading from the last
>all of those above Star Trek but specially Moonlighting
stopped reading right there

I think they judged shows only by their best season. A lot of those shows stumbled badly by the end of their run.

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Generation Kill is a miniseries like Band of Brothers or The Pacific.

no Deadwood

this list is already trash

Deadwood is in the top 5 of shows easy

>anything above the sopranos
>actually liking laughtrackfests like seinfeld

deadwood turns to liquid shit in season 3. theres a reason it didnt get a proper finale

What an absolute joke of a list.

>Other shitty talk shows on a list
>Orange is the new black
>colbert report

It's not like all of these shows are bad, but there is NO REASON for them to be top 50 all time, what a fucking joke. Even the X-Files, which I adore as a show, does not belong in the top 50.

SNL at number 4 to... wow. What a fucking joke.

>The Americans being that low
God damn, that show was the shit. I'm glad in a way that it's always underrated.

>the office (US)

Into the trash it goes.

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>no Leftovers

>Rolling Stone
So some fucking 70 year olds favorite TV shows then.....

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Wow. I couldn’t even come up with 50 TV shows let alone think of any that were actually good. I’m a David Lynch fan, but objectively all TV is garbage and Rolling Stone isn’t even good enough for toilet paper. Might as well flush our culture down the toilet and start again. Fucking boomers and liberals have ruined literally everything.

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>the sopranos
>not 1

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>Mad Men
>not top 3


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What is the fucking deal with Breaking Bad? I remember watching it live every week and dropping it after 4 episodes cause it was horrible. I thought Cranstons acting was abysmal and every npc I know was lapping it up like he was Marlon Brando or something.

I have always hated tv shows. The only I'll watch are
>Twilight Zone originals
>Twin Peaks

>Twin Peaks that low
>The Walking Pleb
>US Office
>no True Detective
>no Scrubs
This list can suck my dick

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The Wire is for nigger lovers though

Lol, no fucking Golden Girls? No Quantum Leap?! Trash this twink shit.

Back in the day it was a huge influential show.

It's been shit for a long time but people still watch it.

>Sopranos BTFO

Based Boomer mag

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>no Married with children


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>#4 Saturday Night Live

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>no Top Gear (UK)

>meme men


>no Rome

this. Top Gear UK 2002-2016 is the best show of all time.


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>Mad Men that low
>GOT that high

>not In the Loop
What the fuck?

>no anime
Do these people even watch things from asia

No Honeymooners?

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No, they have sex.

>no Quantum Leap

No Babylon 5!
No Space Precinct!
No Farscape!
No The Prisoner!

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>sopranos #1
absolutely based

Why would you want to have sex with Asians?

The simpsons is way to high it only had ten good seasons.

Still an anti-Sci Fi biased shit.

It really pisses me off that people keep pretending shit from the 50’s and 60’s was good just because it was from the 50’s and 60’s.

Low self-esteem.


GoT at 5? Wire #1? Looks like a list that some fag on Yea Forums would make.

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Yep you’re the only one.

I din't know Curb was THAT good to even make it on the list.

Seasons 1-4 are definitely up there.

>Seasons 1-4 are definitely up there.

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Despite its past decade of irrelevance, SNL needs to be on there. It was a cultural institution for eons and launched so many careers.

No I'm with you. I can watch the sopranos and GoT season 1-4 every year for the rest of my life, but while I liked the Wire I have no interest in a re-watch.