Does this mean movies are going to get more expensive from now on? I don’t even get it but our media is freaking out

Does this mean movies are going to get more expensive from now on? I don’t even get it but our media is freaking out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know who any of those people are except Ben Stiller desu

Why does hollywood hate a small, mountain nation in the Caucasus so much?

Nearly 50 Hollywood actors try to get attention again.

Why are Georgians and Alabamans so heart set on keep black babies alive?

how can you boycott a city

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Woah, 50 people?! That's like half a movie theater boycotting a whole state. I'm sure they're shaking!

Reminder: blacks and hispanics make up the vast majority of abortions. The only reason that the black population has remained stagnant in America is because of abortion. It is essentially eugenics.

Who gives a shit?

How will they ban Georgia? they going to remover their ability to torrent their shitty movies?

More like "More black people law"

because Christ cuck rightwingers actually want them not aborted

cool rightwingers the 1488 kind, know its a big mistake because it would cause an explosion of births from the shitskin subhuman races, whites would never match births with them because they are way more intelligent and responsible

Abortion brainlets don't realize how abortion is the only thing keeping the white race alive at this point

Religious Nutters and Liberals are one in the same. They are proponents of laws that will undeniably hurt themselves in the long run.

I’m conflicted on abortion. I like dead kids but I don’t like women having rights

Based, and also all abortions should be mandatory until we return to the primordial ignorance of the void from which this great mistake sprang due to the impudence of Achamoth

>cool rightwingers
Error:404 people not found

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That's pretty good. Bravo.

how do you boycott a state? have any of those 50 ever even stepped foot in georgia? who gives a shit?

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and i bet only 1 has ever been there

Note: profits NOT gross

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>how do you boycott a state?
by boycotting Marvel films/shows that are filmed there, along with any Adult Swim show

Georgia has a massive film production industry.

...whats the difference? You need gross to pay off the payments first, yeah?

>Oy vey we made no profits on this! Maybe next time! Well, we tried at least! Don't forget to get an abortion ladies!

isn’t the only reason they film in georgia in the first place because there’s massive tax breaks? this is about money not “women’s rights”

>boycotting marvel
>boycotting adult swim

good fucking luck

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Doubt it. Unless the big companies like Disney who tend to try avoiding wading into controversial issues like abortion decide they can get better tax breaks somewhere else.


that joke is older than abortion itself

No, California make a new law as same as the Georgia one to make tax cuts for the movies done there.
Leonardo Dicaprio is producing his Akira's live action version in California because of that. Many movies will go that way since now, mostly marvelflicks which were "Made in Atlanta" productions.

Please remember to pirate the work of pro-abortion actors.

I bet you anything at all the majority of them have either never been to Georgia (and don't plan to) or have only been to Atlanta. No doubt in my mind a bunch of backwoods rednecks in places like Savannah or Vidalia or even Brunswick who probably only have basic cable, no cell phones only ones you physically plug into the wall, and no computers are going to care about 50 random stars they've probably never heard of not coming to their hometown.

t. grew up in backwoods Brunswick and have traveled all across the state

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Your time is dwindling

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Wait, I thought Georgia was that part of that "it's hick country but there's also a lot of niggers"-belt? How did this bill pass?

>Hollywood actors think their opinion counts for a shit in the toilet
why do they never learn?

Hollywood accounting: they always make up expenses so that in the end, even huge hits officially barely break even.

That's why actors or stake-holders paid in "percentages of the net profit" are usually fucked.

how the fuck can u boycott a place.

God damn we are just a collective consciousness aren’t we?

Alabamafag here, overall we know theres no real chance it'll stick around any real length of time but at the very least it's a good dick in the eye for liberals, especially the Hollywood faggots.

Protip a woman, black, white, green, or red will fucking travel outta state to have an abortion if need be, that's how these cunts function.

>oy vey look at this show I made, I spent so much money paying my cousin Chaim to distribute it and paying my brother Bibi to insure it and paying my uncle Fishel for the use of his post-production studio that we barely even broke even :) we barely made any money at all :)

OH right. Now they definitely won't not go there..

>stop killing fetuses or I wont have enough anti aging cream
These are the people touting their moral superiority.

these kids will be "aborted" a few years later by stray gunshots in their neighborhoods

the eugenic benefit of easy abortions for niggers is overstated.

Guys I haven't seen a single anti abortion protest in Alabama or Georgia everyone from that states are for that bill that what amazes me

How many of them also said they'd move to Canada if Trump got elected?

Damn guys, we gotta please these celebrities or else they gonna not like us, and that feels bad.
Vote for whatever they tell you to, cmon.

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That’s an insincere cop-out if I ever did see one.

noone from georgia cares what hollywood actors think, who dont live in georgia and only show up to spread aids in atlanta, and get tax cuts on major productions.

>"why are these people so against killing babies regardless of skin color?"

its a mystery

They used to go to Mexico before for that, they'll do again



Oh they're around but they'll only have rallies in a few strongholds like Atlanta or the Auburn campus because otherwise they have to deal with people both black and white telling them to stop being whores and use protection

>"We're not going to film in Georgia until you allow women to kill babies again!"
Is there any group of elites more up their own ass than Hollywood actors?

Just kill yourself gnoscuck. Your pathetic contradictory views disgust me.
>life is a mistake
>gibs me power tho

>boycott Georgia
So, what, are they not going to eat peaches or fuck their own family members? Hollywood is an incestuous town full of hypocrites.


>white supremacist nazis are the left's wet dream of diversity team

why do men hate that women should be responsible and suffer the consequence of their cravings for spreading their legs?

Hollywood people want to do one of these things to children

1. Kill them
2. Sexually abuse them
3. Turn them into trans freaks

Uhh, gee, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Georgia and Alabama are full of black people, many of whom are anti-abortion and of course would vote against the killing of black babies in the womb.
Fucking moron.

Really this all still stems from Hollywood being booty blasted that they donated millions to the fat sheboon with the gapteeth running for GA governor who was promising to turn the state into California 2 and still lost.

The anal prolapse over Alabama stems from them being mad that basiaclly framing the Republican as a pedo only barely caused a Democrat to win in Alabama and that literally anyone running under Republican would btfo of the Democrats yet again.

Georgia has given Hollywood huge tax breaks to shoot movies in Georgia. Hollywood came through with a vengeance dumping millions of dollars in the local economy creating a Georgian Renaissance.

If Hollywood leaves there goes that Hollywood economic boom. And it would be a disaster for the state. All because some religiys warriors want to repeal Roe v Wade and outlaw abortions. It's pretty fucked up.

maybe slappers should stop letting men cums inside them

>. And it would be a disaster for the state.
jews hate taxes more than women forbidden to kill babies

Shit, if that's all it takes, I'll get my g'damn state to introduce an abortion law.

Yeah Hollywood can just go back to California and pay huge taxes and fees to make their shitty productions

I wonder which is more important to the black inhabitants of Georgia; the lives of black babies, or Hollywood money.
Let's see which way the wind blows.

why are /pol/tards so against abortion when the majority of people who use it are niggers and low class whites?

Good. Make room for up and coming actors. Also who's sitting there thinking "WAHH Ben Stiller isn't gonna be in movies anymore??? NOOOOO"

You mean the woman who had half her constituency in a predominantly black district up and vanish because the governor purged the registered voter rolls? Nice form of government you got there when you can corrupt it with a button press.

Baby killer

Serious question: Is Georgia a place where they make movies?

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Hollywood is not going anywhere over this. This is a bunch of vampires trying to get some buzz.

All women have the fundamental human right to have men ejaculate into any of their holes with no negative repercussions you fascist

>Ban abortions
>Hispanic and Black populations skyrocket, bringing down the country
>Don't ban abortions
>The deep state satanists harvest baby blood and mother cells to rejuvinate the aged illuminati elite
There's literally no winning with abortion.

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> (OP)
Georgia is a state, dipshit

And you boycott it by absolutely refusing to film anything there. Filming brings in tourism and a ton of other forms of money into a state

Georgia (used to be) especially popular because it was cheap to film in.

suck my balls papist boyfucker

Because if I can get charged for killing some cunts unborn nigger spawn then so should they.

Fuck off.

They'll just go to another state who gives them sweet heart tax breaks and flood them with millions instead you stupid ass.

Doesn't matter. Religious zealots are impervious to logic.

You know these actors make their own movies right? Are you stupid?

Reagardless of your opinion on the issue, it's fucked up that corporations in Hollywood are trying to dictate what laws the country can and cannot have. Everyday we move closer to the ancapistan hellscape of the future where there are only competing corporations rather than countries.

How can anyone think that these (((people))) aren't biased? What's the last left wing policy that was boycotted?

There is one upswing, blacks and Mexicans cant into peaceful coexistance, Mexicans usually go full fucking cartel mode on em when push comes to shove

This is why

Only people with money who can afford taking several days off work, to travel, to pay for the operation, to pay for several days of lodging, can do that.

Felons can't vote in Georgia

This truly is the line in the sand folks.

Leftists are anti American, baby killing, trans freak, pro illegal immigration, pro Islam, pro child drag queen, feminist dyke, satanic freaks

You don’t have to be a righty. No good person should stand with them and if you do they’ll drag you into hell

Millions of dollars goes a long way in the court system.

>some jews, #woke blacks, and some #woke whites
Hollywood needs to collapse, and if saving babies is the cause then it's a double win. Seethe harder over not being able to kill an unborn baby and wear a condom you fucking fags.

>do as we say or we're going to finacial hurt people who have nothing to do with it

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Swing and a miss. I was at least accurate. Your pathetic psyche has expressed itself in despicable views.

If IQ tests were mandatory for voting no one in Georgia could.

Because if the tv liberal mafia are for it, that means something fishy is going on under the carpet and you should be aware too.
Do not obey the tv.

I think a lot of shit is filmed in and around Atlanta.

eat shit and go fuck yourself nigger

>Hollywood claims to love black people
>Hates the states with highest black populations

Democracy is the problem now?

nearly 50 born people demand unrestricted infanticide of unborn, wew

They don’t want to do that. The moment it goes to the Supreme Court punished Kavenaugh is going to uphold hold parts of it.

It takes literally one comment for the gnoscuck to "evolve" into his higher self and completely chimp out. Find peace, your disdainful views arent helping you.

>regardless of your opinion on the issue
My opinion on the issue fucking matters

If they were boycotting Georgia due to increased taxes nobody would give a fuck. This 'muh globalism' town crier bullshit is tiring. Go back to Alex Jones you fucking faggot


HWNDU was kino, fuck off

you don't know Alec Baldwin? Greatest actor alive?

You do realize they'll just go to leafland to shoot films right? They've shot a handful of hollywood films in Montreal where I live like John Wick 2 and 3 but the people here are getting annoyed cause they have to close down the streets

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When did we become so cucked as a society as to start worshipping entertainers? Why did we give a bunch of clowns whose job is to make us pass the time so much power?
They have a say in practically everything, and are deeply rooted in the economic and political climate of America. And yet all they do is make forgettable, passable content to lose yourself in for a couple minutes. What the fuck.

Legalise it but make it not state funded. Niggers have to either exhibit some responsibility, spend their own money to kill their kids or kill themselves attempting a backyard abortion.
Win win.

Yes, we literally are.

>standing in front of burned down atlanta
>th-they're coming back! I promise!

I can't believe so many Hollywood actors and actresses are such good people. Hollywood must be an amazing place.

i'm sure your pimp will allow you a few days off to abort the fetus so you can get back on payroll again

Hispanics are Catholics and think every sperm is sacred

>Serious question: Is Georgia a place where they make movies?
Yes. There's a massive industry there. i.e. Stranger Things is filmed and produced there, as well as every Marvel movie.

That's what these laws are designed to do. They are explicitly designed to go up the courts to the Supreme Court.

So when are these actors going to be post birth aborted?

I think the turn of the tide that led to the rise of celebrity culture was in the 1970s.
Why do you care? Humans by nature love to idolize other human beings, it's no surprise that Hollywood and the internet is a fertile ground for over-paid celebrity hacks.

Gross is total money made, profit is money made minus costs. OP is saying that they'll probably gonna make up a bunch of bullshit "costs" to line their pockets without having to pay much to stakeholders.

should have paid attention to your saturday morning cartoons, kiddo

Planned Parenthood isn't doing the white race any favors. They kill babies and sell their dead baby parts. Abortion should be abolished.


why are some people so zealously passionate about murdering unborn babies? at the very least it strikes me as a morally uncertain philosophical question?

You must love supporting criminals in prison. What's that like?

Moloch worshipers.

I like less crime
more abortions = less crimes
source = freakonomics

did you know that apparently lord of the rings made zero profit according to newline cinema?
it´s true. Peter Jackson couldn´t believe it either since he was supposed to get a cut from the profit


i don't follow

there are ways to reduce crime that don't necessarily involve murdering unborn human life. I also don't like crime

no one outside of their politics can ever reach their level, because they're shoved out long earlier in their careers before they can rise to this level. there are a few still lingering around, john malkovich and mel gibson in particular, but outside of that it's almost non existent. supposedly rdj is a lot more conservative than he ever lets on which is why you don't see him in all these narcissism performances

What is with people using this apparent gotcha?
Christianity by and large is against both the death penalty AND abortion.

>actual right wingers
lmao. it's 90% shitposting and LARPing

Because I don't want mudsharks to have a second chance you stupid fucking retard

If we kill all white people there will be less crime

honest to god, if you don't know alec baldwin you're definitely 14.

Georgia should raise the tax on Hollywood to film there. Let them film in their shit hole that already taxes the fuck out them.

This is one of the few cases where I agree with Hollywood leftcucks. Abortion is sparing us the next generation's welfare queens and ghetto thugs.

See Texas death row.

>/pol/ is zero percent white

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>modern people reading history of the holocaust or slave trade
>"gee how could they be so evil and barbaric?! Good thing we are enlightened and civilized now and we know better now!"
>meanwhile 45,789,558 dead of abortion since 1970

>if everyone is a criminal, there are victims
>if there are no victims, there is no crime

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>nearly 50

That'll show 'em

What boggles my mind is how much they hate the people they make movies for. We saw with TLJ and the Vic Mignogna scandal that the people who make our entertainment have contempt for fan boys and only want to please casuals with superficial stuff like social activism. Hell I bet they hate the normies as well.

>Let them film in their shit hole that already taxes the fuck out them.
if that's true, how come all the major studios (i.e. Marvel, Paramount, MGM, Netflix) are still located in California?
Checkmate flyover hick

>what is 61% but also 44%

Abortion already is not funded by tax dollars.

you fit right in.

Welcome to reddit!

>Leonardo DiCaprio is ruining Akira
why can’t these people not stop themselves from ruining everything by adapting it?
why can’t you think of your own fucking stories?

also live action Akira exists, it’s called Chronicle

Literally lies that have been exposed as ones for years.

and that was fine until the left started trying to make all reproductive health free, including abortions


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i thought georgia was supposed to be the most liberal southern state?

have sex

Clearly you don't think good

> Alec Baldwin? Greatest actor alive?
say that three times without laughing

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Alabama here. These republican good goy fucktards are shooting themselves in the foot and don't even realize it because Alabama will permanently be blue when the black population grows.

They don't take that long, and most of those would have been concerns anyway. Why would you need a fucking hotel? I don't think there's any part of Alabama that's more than 3 hours from another state.
But you wouldn't know because you're a eurocuck.

>my opinion matters!

>most liberal southern state
>what are Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Florida

how can the black population of Georgia grow any more than literally 100%? The entire population is in Atlanta and Atlanta is 100% black.

>Hollywood libshits spending millions of dollars to move their studios, resources and location-contracts to another state, and then losing millions more in paying higher filming taxes. all because they're butthurt over women not being allowed to kill their children.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what is going to happen.

Keep in mind that these are the same people that said they'd move to another country if Trump won and then didn't but instead stayed here and kept whining. They're literally just bluffing and virtue-signaling.

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So then why do planned parenthood people keep talking about how much money they get from transporting the organs
>Oh we're not selling the organs we're being paid thousands to transfer medical waste safely to their labs much different
It's like those places where it's illegal to sell pot so you can buy a sticker for 50$ and get pot as a gift

just like how they threatened to move to canada if strumbone won the election?

>Guys I haven't seen a single anti abortion protest in Alabama or Georgia

Probably because the people who are anti-abortion are also the people that actually have jobs instead of being welfare queens and NEETs.

not really, it's just like how louisiana and michigan were once big for TV/film and now they're a ghost town, they'll just move to wherever has the best tax credits


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I never understood how this makes any sense to anyone.

That doesn't mean it won't keep growing they'll just build more apartments and public housing

Rdj did a campaign ad for the dems and rants about the evil orange man wtf are yoi talking about

Almost as if southerners AREN'T the evil bigoted nazis that you fat MSNBC-watching retards want to paint them as?

Kek, they barely film in LA you stupid liberal.


Hoes mad

No, this was an ad for the current governor (for reference).

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How is male ejaculation the same as abortion? It's not like they have to report their periods.

>Vic Mignogna scandal
Can i get a quick rundown

It's absolutely relevant to the situation dipshit.

It's not about a legal cause, it's a fucking moral one.

Over 40% of planned parenthood's funding comes through government grants and reimbursements. $543 million per year since 2010.

You're literally wrong.

I for one am exicited for our new Shadowrun larp minus the rp

More white babies are aborted than black babies

It's not an actual intended legislation, but rather a stunningly smooth brained attempt at a "gotcha" bill to say "if you support THAT your MUST support THIS!"

All sources say otherwise.

Lose weight.

because men can choose not to ejac

Provably false.

Planned Parenthood performs abortions and is government funded and libshits had a fit when people tried to change it.

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and women can choose not to get pregnant

They're literally just bad or outright psychotic people.
Leftists are irredeemable.

>I can't understand the difference between voting with my wallet and getting votes with my wallet

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>statistics show that the average person views abortion as a necessary evil that we shouldn't get rid of entirely, but should regulate carefully.
>I know! I'll appeal to them with my I HEART ABORTION MUMU

has anyone ever deserved the gas so much

>Stopping baby-murder? Why do that when we could have MONEY?????

Why are Leftists literal cartoon villains? Seriously, you act like the tophat-wearing cartoon pig-people your characterize Republicans as.

Roasties said Mr Dragonball sexually harassed them with no proof and are more or less getting away with it.

Cringe holy shit

>stupid liberal




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Hollywood is literally lobbying Hollywood.

Eat shit and stop misusing memes you don't understand.

>Leftists use Harry Potter and GoT as material to use as their guiding stone in life
>Religious Nutters use the Bible, Talmud, Koran
Whew it's almost as if both groups are identical and insane.

The ones that go cartel mode are typically the illegal ones and all it takes is one phone call to get them to fuck off. But nice try Jose

Hollywood is lobbying Hollywood? What the fuck does that even mean you dumb ass NPC?

>I have an axe to grind, no I won't bother to wait till the thread is relevant!