Rick & Morty Season 4 starts in November 2019

Save the date, anons.


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I hope they do another scene beating up nazis

sneed and chucky

Season 3 was terrible so I have no hopes for this

this season the should exterminate white males who don’t have sex

any other scientist as redpilled as those two. FUCK GOD AND FUCK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE AND OTHER BRAINLETS FUCK YOU

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>Reddit and Memey


Based. Pickle Rick 2 when?

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>Welcome to Reddit Morty!
>F-Funny cat p-p-pictures Rick!
>Wow *BURP* here's an upboat Morty!
>Jeez... Karma conspiracy Rick!
>Wait til le Summer hears about this *BURP* one. Front Page Morty!
>I tip my hat to you Rick, I tip my fedora to you Rick!
>And in this moment I am eup*BURP*horic Morty!
>Y-You sir are a gentleman and a scholar Rick. W-Who said chivalry is dead Rick!
>Carl Sagan +1 Adios M-Morty!

>i'm a parody of an imaginary person

that must be exhausting, user

Are all of the writers for season 4 going to be women? Or will they fire the women and hire "chicks with dicks?"


Dan Harmon will be transitioning to make the writer's room 100% female.

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Hopefully it's a full season of Bushland Adventures

Surprisingly no forced meme.

Don't be silly.
Dan Harmon's new writers are all manly men!
>Adam Conover
>Conan O'Brien (remember the Simpsons???)
>Bill Nye (THE SCIENCE GUY!!!)

hopefully we will see evil morty again

This but unironically

This would never happen, Dan Harmon is too afraid of women.

I could see this

Gonna change my name to Sol Goldstein and see my life demonstrably improve.

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>roiland transitions with harmon
>tfw rick and mordy will finally have an all female writers room

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His dick is already chopped off, so he's already almost there.

This is bad. They should be more self aware.

Negative side: the announcement of a new season of Rick and Morty was literally Rick and Morty announcing it. Black background. Zero jokes. The bare bare bare minimum. No creativity and no effort.
Think about it, how could a Rick and Morty announcement be more bland and generic?
They just stand there and tell you.
And "they" are the first characters who come to mind.

Positive side: now they worked with Newgrounds animators, and they seem to understand one of their pet peeves: boring dialogue with static characters
look at how expressive they are with their hands and their expressions. They care. Probably the Bushworld Adventures guys spoke up and reminded them that animation is the core of animated entertainment.

Neutral: no jokes and no background means no originality, but also no cringe. Perhaps more sobriety. No yelling and no burping. Nothing new, though. It's both good and bad in that sense.

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Roiland is not allowed in the writer's room because he refused to get his nuts chopped off

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaased and morty

deconstruction is a sign of a decadent & declining civilization

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Zack, Cusack and Roiland could make Rick & Morty great again but Dan Harmon finds their jokes too problematic.

reddit and memey

Is "Sol" really a Jewish name? It's Latin for Sun

Finally, some gourmet food for thought.

Short for Solomon, a historical king of the Jews

I'm assuming it's short for Solomon.


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Is this the pickle rick general?

Oh great I love watching American streams, 20 minute shows bumped up to an hour with commercials for medicine you have to remortgage your house to afford. Woowee.


Anyone know if it'll be uncensored? or if the dvd releases will be? My fetish is canonical western style animated tiddies, but its never ever posted../aco/ doesn't count, its not from the source.

Cant wait! If only he could turn into a pickle again


I’m so hype, time to check in to my favorite subreddits to discuss this!

it's become as cringy to make fun of rick and morty as it is to watch it

Dont you think it's a problem that you imediately associate Nazis with modern white people?

This, this show has gone downhill a long time ago


jannies better play that classic tune during the season premier


>be a Nazi
>wtf why don’t people like me?

ok Dan

geeze rick



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Nazi is a code word for white.
Yes this is really what they think

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>the szechuan sauce bullshittery will be referenced
>It will be made in the most toothless, least offensive way possible in order to not make their manchild audience feel bad

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Season 3 was better than 2 though.

The Aussie episode is the only one I rewatch from time to time.

It will be about McDonald's putting a vaguely Rich & Morty-esque drawing on the re-released Szechuan sauce instead of trying to work out a licensing deal with Adult Swim rather than the manchildren paying hundreds of dollars for a single dip in the Szechuan sauce tray.

The bushland episode was probably my favorite. I'd like to see more wild episodes written by random people. I mean multiple timelines is the shows big thing but every episode feels so similar.

hehe I'm pickle sneed

>tfw the absolute peak of your show is an 11 min April Fools joke episode made by an aussie guest animator

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I unironically like it and there is nothing Yea Forums can do about it except SEETHE.

Based. Favorite episode? Mine is The Rickshank Rickdemption.

City Slicker, I turned myself into a fancy German pickle! I'M PICKLE SNEEEEEEED!!!

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The way he just fuckin' smashes on the steering wheel after he fills it up with diesel gets me every time.

>Deadpan announcment from the two main character
>Black background
>No music
>No onions jokes
Dead on arrival, will be filled with s o y to the brim.

S o y/ 10, Would watch after End Game with wifey and Jamal.

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that joke was way too good for the rest of that shitty episode

I was rewatching an episode the other day, either S1 or S2. But Morty was doodling on a piece of paper and was drawing moon man.

Is... is that a sign that Morty is a white supremacist?

>literally a single good episode in S3
Wow, can't wait for S4

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the last episode was good

Only because Rick got laughed at by rest of the family at the end.

>hires half female writing staff for S3
>quality coincidentally drops

unbelievably based

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based and redpilled

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You guys are so sad. Your only criteria for liking or disliking any show is whether or not “Reddit” likes it. Your entire taste is nothing more than being contrarian aka edgy. Sad.

But isn't this hypocritical from the side of Rick who, for ONE example, had enslaved artificial universe to power his car?
And made his car absolute psycho?
We don't get to see a tiny bit of shit he committed during his career of mad scientist.

Like, "literally worse than Hitler" might not be such a hyperbole when it comes to Rick.

And Summer didn't give a fuck about anything beyond teenage girl stuff unless that one time, when she got an ability and an excuse to stomp on someone.

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cant wait for the 50 rick and morty threads telling how bad it it

Many such cases. Sad!

This is SAD DAY!

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So does that mean we're getting the /prg/ threads again?

Pregnant Reconstructors General..?

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I swear my IQ went up 50 points from watching that trailer


´bout time. Bitch.

Fuck Dan Harmon, Zach and Cusack have good taste in comedy and television, they did make this show amazing and hopefully allow Roiland to come out of his shell and to be more open about other comedic topics. They’re at a point where they can easily hire two hungry animators /writers over some broad who co wrote an episode for some shitty Fox, CW, TBs comedy

Who are Zack and Zach?

for me its uncle barry


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Zach Handel aka Psychic pebbles is a well known animator on YouTube, his content over time kindve shaped the counter culture media of YouTube creators with parody animations, he’s worked closely with OneyNG and are both responsible for the DragonBall Peepee parody animation, Leo and Satan, Hellbenders and other animations parodying current events and media.

Michael Cusack is an Australian animator who is well known for portraying Australian “dunga” culture, similar to American white trash culture. His videos are popular and did that whole Bushworld Adventures episode

Sorry I meant Bogan instead of Dunga

>rick and morty

>all the the ~4 years recent Yea Forums edgy trigger the libs plebs think its good

>created and written by abject pussies who abase themselves at the feet of feminists.

formerly a cucumber

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I can't wait to watch the Joker movie too!

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What a cheap promo, did it make them a whole afternoon to make it?

Intellectuals, our time has come

and it will be EPIC

Well fliminy foomy fuck me in the ass and kill me please


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I know there's now way they'd do it but if by some god given miracle season 4 is just 10 episodes of Bushworld and ends with the series being permanently cancelled I will consider it the greatest piece of animation of all time

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