People with brain disorders that need therapy and professional help

>People with brain disorders that need therapy and professional help.
>Ruin their lives on television by entrapping them and send them to jail instead!

Americans explain yourselves

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Other urls found in this thread:

we have a for profit prison industry

well you see leftist pedophiles that spend their free time grooming teenagers on discord like seeing other people get caught
it doesn’t matter that the decoy sent fake nudes and begged the guy for sex - his fault!

trannies are more mentally ill than pedos.

Central Asians have the highest rates of pedophilic tendencies and by creating shows about hunting pedophiles they believe they can make the world believe they aren’t pedophiles

They were trying to have sex with an underage girl

they were trying to have sex with a 20 year old girl

But the underage girl didn't exist. It's like trying to kill an imaginary friend or a video game character

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> entrapping them

Some of them are. Others are government owned but contractors who provide things like food make tons of money.

Remember What Was Also a mental illness?


But thats Normal now

Then it was transgenderism

But Thats Normal Now

What Will Be Normal Next?

Question, do these men know the underage girl does not exist when they leave their house with a 6 pack of mikes hard after graphically discussing sexual acts they intend to partake in and repeatedly confirming the girls age in online chats.

Pedos deserve death

>What is intent

Here is a helpful tip to know what will be normal next.

Two or more Adults = Normal

Adult and Child = never

>Remember What Was Also a mental illness?
Then the APA realized that most psychologists didn't think it should be classified as one anymore, and many didn't even treat it as one.

Retards belong in prison, can't even be pedo's properly, absolutely pathetic

the liberals claim the opposite

homosexuals and trannies too

they only hunt mentally retarded men because any normal man would just leave, call a lawyer, and win the case claiming the entire thing was role play
especially with the decoy sending legal nudes and talking about wanting to fuck

They need a bullet.

hopefully horse fucking, have you seen Mr hands. mpg? That black stallion could pound my tight white hole anytime

intent is a idea created by christian rationalists

t. Ahmed

>men who think like women are not mentally ill

t woman

Based and redpilled

Is there intent if I try to kill your imaginary friend?

>go online chatting with underaged girls talking about how you want to fuck, then planning to meet up and do it knowing it is extremely illegal
>get busted by police


Ok, schlomo

> People with brain disorders that need therapy and professional help
> anti-gerontophiles are mentaly sick

> pedos
> leftists
tradcuck that thinks tradition means the feminshit tradition
kys cuck

>not just pretending you were merely roleplaying
Think about it logically. Just say you assumed you talked to an adult who merely pretended not to be of age. Throw in some vague question like "Do you like roleplaying?". Noone could convict you of anything.
Alternatively, always carry a photo of Chris Hansen with you and then pretend you did all this to get his autograph and because you wanted to meet him in person.

Gays don't think like women.
t. half fag

>and win the case claiming the entire thing was role play

lmao sure man

oh boy you're so smart! im sure you will get away with this

lmao pathetic pedo


based schizophrenia poster

Dont joke about that please. Nothing "based" about schizophrenia

Hopefully pedophilia so that I may finally take my lgf's out in public.

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fpbp, this is all you need to know

If only they would lawyer up and not talk to Hansen. So many questions could have easily been avoided.

its okay to do this to pedos but its a hate crime to suggest trannies should seek therapy for gender dysphoria

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Two words: role-playing chat-room dawg

what is this meme? Where did it come from? Has anyone actually tried this or why do Yea Forums autists keep repeating it?


>tfw I always feel bad for the pedos caught on TCAP
>but it's funny and makes me feel better about my life, so I watch it

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Better than being forcibly medicated in a psych facility

Dunno if it was from TCAP but one guy got away with it by arguing that the girl he was talking to simply sounded too mature to be underage. He claimed they talked about a variety of subjects incluiding music and that she was too knowledgeable in that type of music. And since it was all done through chat, he argued that there really was no way to conclusively tell what age she was as people online lie and pretend all the time.

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You mean like hormone replacement therapy?

Actually it's standard treatment. What's a hate crime is beating someone up because they're transgender

Nope. Faggots and trannies are mentally ill degenerates that are destroying society

It’s hilarious like watching some hairy trannie thinking they pass as a woman

yeah because how you treat gender dysphoria (a mental illness like any other) is by enabling it and putting them on hormones and cutting off their dick.

Maybe we can cure schizophrenia by taking them off meds and telling them dragons really are out to kill them

Dilate you pedo leftist!

Not comparable. Back to psych 101.

How is there a case against them when the child doesn't exist?

100% comparable back to dilation 101 you freak

Pedos have a 90% recidivism rate. They cannot be treated or cured. They can only be imprisoned, which is where they belong.

Because the Americn justice system is based entirely on retributive """"""Justice""""" rather than rehabilitation. Pedophilia is seen as an ultra taboo here, for good reasons mind you. But anytime you want to talk about the topic with even a modicum of nuance or talk about studies people on twitter immediately freak out, turn their caps lock on and go "OMG WHAT A FUCKING PEDOPHILE IM GOING TO THROW UP SOMEONE CALL THE COPS"
Ironically this causes pedophiles to never want to seek out help so they just run into the welcoming arms of each other and all keep validating and feeding off eachothers worst impulses, which is what causes them to eventually diddle kids. Even if they can't be cured of their attraction you can't convince me there aren't ways to minimize sexual frustrations.

tl;dr: If you're the type of person who goes from 0 to 100 over the mere mention of pedophiles, y\you're the reason kids will keep being diddled

my bad, using a surgery that is irreversible is the best option, and it works for them that's why 50% of trannies off themselves

>it's 100% comparable because i say so
This is why we have qualified psychologists to decide these things and not you.

Go back to bio 101

Yeah true, they have never been wrong about things before *cough* electroshock *cough*

Age of consent is a very recent feminist invention.

It's 40% that attempt it at some point, and that's largely because many don't get adequate treatment and support.

Probably a good thing for the prisoners honestly
This argument was already settled when the show was cancelled for this very reason 10 years ago

Is plotting to kill Thanos a crime if it's clear there is no threat to Josh Brolin?

Jesus fucking christ this is the only point you retards ever bring up all over this board and you can't even get the number right. The number that DRASTICALLY reduces after transitioning to rates comparable with the general population, so yes actually, transitioning is the best thing we have found to work in the past 50 years for trans people.

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Imagine you're a fat lonely loser. You've been one all your life. You began to reach puberty and you see all your friends and acquaintances all start hooking up while you never do. You never even got close to. You tried different things but it never worked, women were never interested. You don't even know how to approach women to begin with. Year after year, friends get girlfriends, lose girlfriends, hook up with girls then get a girlfriend again. In all this time you've had nothing. No intimate encounter with a female of any kind. You just stay in your room and browse the internet or play videogames. You don't even want to go to parties anymore, you feel even more lonelier when you're surrounded be people. You drink alone. Then one day a girl messages you. She actually talks to you like a real person. She's nice, super nice. She seems interested. She actually seems to like you. She calls you cute. She's 12, it's wrong you know it's wrong. But you've never got attention like this before. No woman has talked to you like this. No women will probably ever talk to you like this. This is it. This is your only hope of intimacy ever. You can feel all the hurt and torment within with a flicker of hope that she can make it all go away if only she gave you a chance

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Electroshock therapy is still used in cases of treatment resistant depression and bipolar disorder. It's done under general anesthesia. Its reputation comes from the fact that it was used to torture dissidents in communist countries and unruly patients in wards run by crooked doctors.

The guys they catch are the absolute bottom of the barrel retards. You’d have to be to walk into such an obvious trap. It’s kind of pathetic and it’s absolutely pathetic when it gets turned into entertainment.

If you read the chat logs, they are full of "oh gee, I don't know about this. It's illegal and wrong" and the cops emotionally manipulate them with "tee hee but I want it soo bad don't you care about me at all I thought we were friends! nobody else understands me the way u do! *wink*" stuff that gets inside their head and makes them act stupid.

I just googled 3 of those reports and couldn't find anything on page 1 under [insert study] trans suicide. I also tried Trans suicide rates and got 1 private article agreeing with you, and 3 pages refuting you.

Suck my ass, you cherry picking faggot.

How heavily idd you have to go to cherry pick these user?

>3 pages refuting you
>doesn't post them

>Page 1
>"I'm too dumb to use an actual academic search engine to find theres academic articles, checkmate faggot"
Holy hell you are retarded. Way to prove that your opinion means nothing


>there are room temp IQ amerilards who believe fucking a 17.999999999999999999999 year old warrants the death penalty
reminder that the countries with the harshest age of consent laws are the u.s. and most of africa.

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t. underaged edgelord shouting buzzwords, grow up kid

Based Mexico and its puberty laws!


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You are correct.

If you unironically think the mentally ill chopping their dicks off is a sign of a healthy society then go ahead mate, just expect to get dabbed on epic sytle xDD !!!1!

imaginary friends aren't real, 12 yo girls are

More buzzwords, go back to school

>some pedo fuck took the time to make this


my dude you simply must dilate

>People with brain disorders that need to be euthanized (if they haven't acted upon it) or tortured to death (if they have)

>we should feel bad when they're caught trying to victimize someone

If they need help, they should seek help. BEFORE they try to fuck a kid

maybe even you will be seen as normal user, who knows

>discord is full of trannies!
>discord is full of pedophiles!

Why are you on discord, user?

After that dead pedophiles video I'm pretty Chris just enjoys doing this

based wikipedia.

the public humiliation is punishment enough.

Have sex.

On the one hand I feel sympathy for them, but then I read the chat logs and it's like...
Bro, how did you NOT know you were talking to Chris Hansen?
If you're going to meet underage girls online, you demand immediately to video chat with them to prove they are real. If they deny this they're either Hansen or ugly, in either case it's no loss if they block you.

>researches are barred from conducting studies on transgender regret (James Caspian) because it would be muh problematic
>entire clinics shut down for even attempting methods that are not "YASSSSSSSS queen/king/monarch here's your hormones and your appointment with a surgeon" (Kenneth Zucker)

Sooo.....How's Cabo this time of year?

The nut blinds a man

No one cares if you personally pity these people. Really ask yourself where these unwashed masses are coming from, how do so many of them crawl out of these nooks and crannies and holes in the ground like little desert geckos and end up on the show? Purely hypothetically from a numbers game you are surrounded by them. Every car that passes you on the street is probably being driven by some mindless psychopathic maniac that barely even resembles a human being. And it’s not even really his fault, he was basically raised to be like that. It’s his inheritance.

Pedos and fags deserve rope

>no argument

Today, I will remind them:

For 200,000+ years up until the 20th century, it was perfectly natural (or outright encouraged) for men to have significantly younger partners. Yes, that includes your great-great-grandparents. Now the current narrative says we are supposed to pretend none of that actually happened, that it was merely "a product of its time", or going so far as to claim that the most glorious civilizations the world has ever known were actually plagued with mentally ill men, instead of facing the reality that an attraction towards another sexually mature animal of the same species is normal and present in every single living creature on this planet. Why confront yourself in the mirror when you could just have an NPC Reaction™ and cry "kill all pedos"?

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Whatever you need to tell yourself, pedo. Get help though.


You misunderstood. What I am saying is, even Chris cheated on his wife, why? It’s society. Society created these people. I imagine that pretty much everyone around these guys — parents, teachers, friends, at best are completely ignorant of pretty much anything ‘good’. Most people even around myself don’t really care, and if you do care you’re probably just annoying everyone else. That’s why they killed Jesus.

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wait, can I go to Mexico and fuck a 12yo?

While I do agree that these people need help, they are trying to fuck a child. Yes, the girl isn't literally a kid, it doesn't matter. They think they are going to fuck a child. What's to stop them from trying this shit on an actual kid?

If the girl the show used was literally a child, would that make it more valid? What's worse, a child fucker or a child fucker apologist?

Years of cunnyposting has ruined your minds.

>That’s why they killed Jesus

>the whole time he was just eliminating the competition

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@114826041 (OP)
>muh entrapment
shit bait thread. guaranteed (you)s, but not from me.

How the fuck are those other ones not for profit ??? You fucking imbecile

>then one day a girl messages you
this isn't how it works. this isn't how any of this works.

>farther along in transition the lower the rate
i.e. passing trannies don't kill themselves and live longer, while those who don't pass kill themselves early because trannysitioning did nothing for them.

You might have to get citizenship first, or it's possible you could be tried under your native laws.

If you were a prisoner would you rather go to the shitty run down state prison or the one with lots of money going through it where people have a vested interest in keeping everything working smoothly and cleanly

>incel promotes euthanasia of those with brain disorders

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Private prisons are shitholes just like state ones.

They're still owned by the government.

Chris cheating on his wife is not comparable to pedophilia. 20 years his junior is still an adult. Quit making excuses for why you aren't getting help. Don't depend on other people to make the good choices for you. You make those choices and look for the people who support you. Worst case scenario, go find that annoying person and see what they think you should do. Either way, stop blaming people and do something

>20 years his junior
yea how scandalous. he's almost 60 years old. his "junior" was nearly 40 and likening her to the 12 year olds that predators are trying to fuck on the show is purposely misleading clickbait of the most heinous degree.

When i was a little boy around 8 I asked my teenage cousin to **** ** and he never did. He was 16 and I really wanted to **** *** **** because i’ve never seen a ***** and i saw his when he was wearing boxers, what a pussy i still wish he ****** **

What? No I am not a pedophile I am the annoying person trying to wake people up to the dangers of society. These people are basically being blasted with sexual immorality 24/7, that’s why I brought up Chris. I work with this Vietnamese dude with a wife and a kid, thought he was just a normal every day guy, then one day he’s bragging to me about some Russian qt he’s banging on the side, first of all how does this regular looking Vietnamese man pull that off yet I’m still a virgin, basically shocked me and changed my whole opinion on this dude and the world in general. Then I noticed how everyone around me basically acts and talks like that, why? It’s society. I don’t really blame them because I’m roped into acting the same way, if I wanted to be a imitation of Christ I would alienate and annoy everyone around me just like in Bunuels ‘Nazarin’

Ah you're an incel crying about sexual immorality while craving pussy? Again, cheating is not the same as pedophilia. The problem with pedophilia isn't "sexual immorality" because its is a compulsive behavior that ruins lives. Despite being a compulsive behavior, people grow up surrounded by indicators that the behavior is wrong and there are therapies and medications that can help.

Cheating isn't like that.

Get help though. Whether you're actually a pedo or just an incel being driven mad because you enshrine sex as this great thing that you need, but lack. What you need is connection with other people, but sex is only one way that can happen. And doesn't necessarily bring the emotional connection you're craving as your coworker demonstrates. Consider getting into some hobbies (sign up for a class maybe) and working on yourself. Therapy can help too (I speak from experience there). Stop judging people and listen more to their perspective on things. Not that you have to believe what they do or accept it as "right", but you're so in your own head that it would benefit to get out of it

Therapy actually has zero benefit to treat pedophiles. There's a few prevailing theories as to why, could be a brain abnormality or some sort of trauma but the recidivism rate of a pedo is off the charts, it's seriously something like 95% percent. Whatever the reason is, they simply can't stop themselves.

>Meta-analysis of hundreds of studies confirms that once they are detected, most convicted offenders never sexually reoffend.

They might never get caught again, but yeah the vast majority of them end up reoffending. Chemical castration is a thing for a reason, as Orwellian as it sounds

The absolute state of this world, where you must recognize that a man with a wig is a woman or you have committed a hate crime, but finding attractive a teenage girl of breeding age requires therapy

If you cannot prove they're reoffending, how do you know they're all reoffending? You're just shitposting now

Taking this a little personally, aren't you pal. Let me guess, you're not welcome at your local church anymore because of a few "indiscretions". Fucking freak.

You've clearly never read the transcripts.

>oh hi Grown Adult!
>want to have sex?
>how old are you?
> i am 13, Grown Adult
>Grown Adult has blocked you

Funny how easy that is

>Guess I'm classified as a pedo 1000% then
>I entice and groom 15 to 18 year old thots off Tinder/the shopping mall every summer by driving around my M2 and wearing a suit jacket/jeans
>Im 27 now and fairly good looking so rarely do I get questioned on these girls

Would I let one of these highschool sluts show up to my office for lunch? God no. But walking around the beach or shopping mall with a thick 16 year old HS slut while everyone is eying her up gives me a certain thrill and smug satisfaction.

Come at me Yea Forums

It's your jail sentence why the fuck would I care? Lol

You are not a Chad, that much is clear.

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Why would you even wanna talk to 16 year olds, they're annoying as fuck

>look specifically for 12 year old to have sex with
>find 12 year old to have sex with
>plan to meet and have sex with 12 year old
>bring condoms and whatever else the 12 year old requested
>drive for over an hour to have sex with 12 year old
>get arrested for intent to have sex with a child

>The problem with pedophilia isn't "sexual immorality" because its is a compulsive behavior that ruins lives. Despite being a compulsive behavior, people grow up surrounded by indicators that the behavior is wrong and there are therapies and medications that can help.
Literally the same can be said about adultery. Where do you think this stuff comes from? I’m perfectly happy and healthy. I’m also pretty much a genius. I’m reading Apuleius’ Metamorphosis right at this moment and I’m an expert on philosophy, theology, pop culture, film + literary critic, historian, and I’m a poet. Women have loved me all my life and basically always seen me as some sort of wise prophet and have been in awe of me, I’m just too pure of a soul to do anything but refuse their gaze. But I have a soul, which brings contradictory elements into my life. Really ponder about the state of our dialogue and the sovereignty of an individual person, because there is not one second that passes that they are not being crushed beneath the enormity of society’s muscular waves, but only when the tide recedes do people like you see the magnitude of the skeletons and ash

They can’t be rehabilitated

Lol Jail. I doubt it.

16 year olds today are a lot more knowledgeable then when we were in HS. Annoying? Not really. It's a lot better than talking to the emotionally damaged goods in my age range. Terrible life choices and bad past relationships is all you get to hear about at 27

The thrill of underage is that everything is a fresh experience for them. Especially at my social level. Which is what attracts me to the HS/college freshmen crowd to begin with.

>Vincent: I want you to get a ruler and measure how long the slit is
>Jenna: Huh?
>Vincent: Your vagina
>Vincent: I wanna see how small it is
>Jenna: I am NOT doing that
>Vincent: Why.
>Vincent: Just tell me
>Vincent: I don’t mean put it in you
>Jenna: No that’s … im not doing that
>Vincent: Why. I wanna know how small it is. I might not fit if it is to small
>Vincent: I don’t mean inside of you. On the out side
>Jenna: Im srry.. Im not gonna do that
Why are they ruining this great guy's life by punishing him for just trying to have sex with a child? Literally innocent.

>gays, born that way, can't change, conversion is impossible

>Pedophiles, born that way, can change, let's convert them!

Lol the logic here left years ago

Imagine if Chris went back in time and saw child marriage.

Attached: 1554195657392.jpg (612x612, 105K)

>Jenna: So ur not coming if im too small?
>Vincent: No. I am. But it just means I will need to buy lube if you are to small
>Jenna: Then u just buy it b/c im not doin that with the ruler
*Vincent Dick Pic with toothbrush*
>Vincent: Ok well you tell me
>Vincent: Is it going to be to big
>Vincent: Hello?

When you're young you believe anyone can be saved, then you mature and realize some people are beyond help.

>Jenna: But how old would i have to be before we could be together?
>Jenna: Ty :)
>Vincent: 18 :(
>Vincent: I would love to kiss them softly
>Jenna: Would u want to be friends til then?
>Vincent: I bet they would also feel good wrapped around my cock
Smooth. Definitely a good man who was tricked by the man.

>dude it’s my brain disorder therefore I have zero responsibility for anything I do despite full awareness of the implications and consequences

Broken clock

>Vincent: Once they leave I want you to send me a naked picture. Then I will head over
>Jenna: I told you i dont take pix like that and it hurts my feelings that you keep asking me to do it. I couldn’t sleep last night bc i was soooo worried that you wouldnt get my msgs!!!!!
>Vincent: I’m sorry. But I just have to make sure that you are real. I am taking a really big chance by doing this
Yeah, so he knows he's doing something illegal because he sought out a kid for sex, and he wanted her to send naked photos to make sure she's real so he doesn't walk into a sting. Great guy. Definitely wronged by the law enforcement.

>Probably a good thing for the prisoners honestly
Except for the juvenile ones who got bribed judges at their trials.

>must be married

>incels scream and cry over how trannies and gays are degenerate
>want child fucking legal
wow it’s almost like when it’s their own
degenerate impulse they justify it

Pedophiles must be humanely and legally euthanized.

>nuh nuh uh, Mr. Judge. I actually had my fingers crossed the whole time!

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But apparently you don't understand basic psychology. You name drop a Platonist, but then argue that people are not responsible for their own actions?

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>vincent pretends he has a female friend (played by him) and invites her to the conversation in order to ease the 12 year old into meeting and having sex with him
Many have tried it, none have succeeded. Literally the only thing close to a woman being caught on TCaP.

>What Will Be Normal Next?

Explain why this isn't literally entrapment. You can't.

How many underage girls do you think he talked to until one of the took the bait? Likely hundreds. Based Chris Hansen removing scum of the earth.

Source? This sounds entirely believable.

Yeah it is really shitty, it is 100 percent entrapment, the real problem is its farming out the work of law enforcement to dipshit civilians and many cases from this show get thrown out of court if the guys can afford decent lawyers.

Apparently not something that matters in cases where the "victim" lies about their age.

The people they "lie" to are specifically on the internet to find preteens to have sex with. They're not deceiving normal, good people. These are scum of the earth who specifically browse chatrooms and apps for the sole purpose of either getting or sending nudes to underage girls or attempting to meet up with the for sex.

HvP/TCaP played along and the pedophiles took it all the way to the house, showing up with condoms and alcohol intent on having sex with kids. You're an idiot and very obviously another triggered pedo.

Daily reminder

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It doesn't matter that the other person was lying, legally speaking, what matters is that the pedo thought he was talking to a 12 year old and did illegal things knowing that, like showing up have sex with her and sending nude pics. The intention to commit a crime is illegal, even if the agent on the other side is not real.

I get the feeling if the show had been about catching potential murderers there wouldn't be a bunch of low IQ pedos trying to claim it was all legal and/or entrapment.

First of all I don’t really believe in psychology or the existence of the unconscious, not that it’s a fraud just that it’s sort of fluff and uninteresting. And I’m not arguing that people aren’t responsible for their own actions, I actually adopt Tarkovsky’s mindset that the only thing that could possibly save the world is a global recognition of personal responsibility as basically the highest importance. That’s what the whole last chapter of Sculpting in Time is about. See, I actually want the postal raging violence in our schools, the molestation of children, the brutal and nihilistic social Darwinist zeitgeist that has a strangle hold over our people to end, so I think about where this stuff actually comes from. These people are obviously being churned out on an industrial scale. Where does this stuff actually come from? I guess they’re just bad, bad people and that’s all there is to taken away from that...

>/pol/ thinks that wanting to fuck children is based and redpilled but wanting to suck adult dick or putting on a dress is the worse thing imaginable
>Big coincidence they draw fanart of the Zealand shooter as an underage blonde girl


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and most importantly


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>I don't really believe in psychology or the existence of the unconscious
And there's where you should stop reading that comment.

>catch someone who was totally willing to fuck underage
>no underage was ever actually involved, so no risk
What's wrong with this concept? I'll even briefly concede that it is entrapment for the sake of argument, but what's wrong with it?

>>Big coincidence they draw fanart of the Zealand shooter as an underage blonde girl
hahaha I'm not suprised in the slightest

Attached: DlscimhXcAAQAOA.jpg (1108x1128, 179K)

he cute and based

nice LARP bro tinder separates >18 and

>philosophical grandstanding
>name drops film makers and books

You should be a lawyer

Pfffft that's fucking amazing

It's not entrapment though. The decoys never make first contact and never initiate anything sexual.

based Chris

This. You have some explaining to do user

>dilators gaslighting again

>hey do you wanna buy some drugs?
Not entrapment:
>you're asking me if I have drugs? sure, how much do you need?

Oh, so I guess got BTFO

I've only seen active pedo discussions on Yea Forums, ininity chan, stormer, and other right wing forums.

Fuck off pedo

Centralized policy in a roundabout way

All pedos on the internet are right wing. Fact.

Forcing a dildo in a wound or in a 10 year old is a bad thing to do user, stay out of the Kindergarten

Attached: GOTCHA BITCH.jpg (334x384, 33K)

>actually going to the dailystormer
I'll believe you just because it sounds funny in my head

For every 1 guy they "entrap" 50 actual children are raped. It'll never be enough, but it's something. Public humiliation isn't just an American tradition, it's been around since humanity itself

my political opponents have satanic rituals where they eat babies after raping them


Spirit cooking and having pictures of murder/rape victims as art is normal goy, you are the freaks!


Obviously, but you're pretending /pol/ doesn't talk about violently killing pedophiles on a daily basis.

The article they're bitching about doesn't exist

They also talk about fucking little girls on the regular
We need to wake up and realize that society's views towards sex and sexuality are schizophrenic in nature

yeah, and then you remind yourself that 80% of them are shitposters who might be actual pedophiles and the rest are schizophrenics

Touche but you shouldn't pretend plenty of /pol/ also like the idea of an underage trad Aryan wife to molest

Where's the pedo support? The most moderate guy on that page still called for a pedo quarantine.

His names Tod Nickerson, dumbass. Salon removed it.

I wanna to torture and kill every pedo fuck in this thread.
You don't deserve human rights.

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Calm down there Heinrich. Didn't mean to badmouth your safespace

This is incorrect

This story was fucked up, thankfully the father rescued his son

>They also talk about fucking little girls on the regular
>plenty of /pol/ also like the idea of an underage trad Aryan wife to molest
Sources? I haven't been on /pol/ as consistently in the last 2 weeks, but I've got no idea what you two are on about.


Enough of this schizo view towards sex, it's just like the Catholic Church and their treatment of altar boys

OMG you guys he's a normal person just like you and me!!!!!

Local cunny poster has admitted to being a /pol/fag several times

Uh, what? How does this relate to my post? The Catholic deal is a combination of men foolishly attempting celibacy and the acceptance of gays into the church.

I want to murder my coworkers for being so retarded sometimes. I know it’s wrong and I understand the consequences it would have so I refrain from doing it. Pedophiles are no different, they understand on some level that corrupting a child is wrong. Why do they need special coddling that any other criminal does not?

Lurk more faggot

false flag. probably a tranny