Can someone explain to me as is I was a retard why the Picard show is using the JJ timeline and not the OG timeline? Is this a rights issue thing or a creative decision?
Can someone explain to me as is I was a retard why the Picard show is using the JJ timeline and not the OG timeline...
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Due to a company split current Star Trek has to be relatively different to the original Star Trek shows for merchandise licensing
The way I see it now is that there are three timelines
>The original timeline (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT)
>Kelvin timeline (JJ movies)
>“Prime” timeline (STD, Picard and everything else going forward)
It’s the same timeline as before.
>JJ Trek = ST, STID, STB
>Prime = TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, Movies, DIS, PICARD
Because of the financial success of the reboot movies, aesthetic elements from JJTrek have been carried over into future Star Trek projects, even if they are prequels, often wanting an at least ‘25%’ different take on the old look to modern se everything. This has been misinterpreted as a legal requirement and a rights issue by conspiracy theorists. It’s really only to sell more toys.
This is complete nonsense.
Good argument
All I know is I won't be watching it.
Shut the fuck up
Based tinfoil hat poster!
Yeah fuck off, production has been delayed on picard, because merchandisers don't want and can't sell any of the JJ NU-trek bullshit, that's why netflix isn't picking it up and it's gone to amazon, to answer you question OP it's about money.
Its actually not
CBS and Paramount have different rights and restrictions with the brand, while CBS owns the IP Paramount own most of the movie content and because the law is fucking retarded and lawyers are money fueled parasites this creates lots of issues when trying to make a show or a movie because its just cheaper and simpler to not use anything from movies in the show and vice versa.
Yes IP laws get this retarded when loadsa munie is involved.
post yfw the new show can't reference anything from discovery cause it's Amazon Prime and not Netflix
What are the fuckers on board of the Relativity doing? Having a nap?
If CBS owns the IP but not the movie content why are they using the movie content for the show?
>that's why netflix isn't picking it up
CBS jewed them out of distribution for all access.
Just watch this it explains the rights
>imagine being a high priced lawyer paid to argue about star trek
I should've gone to law school.
Yeah, and the thing that it took me a while to understand is that even though these shows are for CBS, they're being made by Paramount under the terms of the licensing agreement they made for the JJ movies.
My guess is hangup is merchandising. Like if they used a full TOS Enterprise and then made a toy of it, that's old stuff that CBS owns, and Paramount wouldn't get a cut.
Obviously they pay to use some things but not others, for instance the legacy klingon makeup design.
Based. Imagine that kike fuming that he can’t circlejerk his STD and has to acknowledge actual good trek.
It's funny how for years Star Trek was ignored and now its being raped to all hell just to sell a jewish streaming service.
Because current management has no self awareness and isn't interested in anything that old fans want.
It was a different time
Klingons: Niggers
Romulans: Britbongs
Ferengi: Money-grubbing Jews
Bajorans: Muh 6 million Jews
Cardassiana: Aryans
I thought that Klingon design was just some dumb creative decision, actually makes me feel better that they had to legally change it.
>some dumb creative decision
nigga please the klingons have had 4 different and distinctive looks throughout all the series. adding a 5th isnt any different than adding a 2nd, 3rd or 4th.