What made her lose her shit all of a sudden?
>Jon Snow’s honesty towards his own family and rejecting her as a lover?
>Missandei’s execution?
>Targ genes?
What made her lose her shit all of a sudden?
>Jon Snow’s honesty towards his own family and rejecting her as a lover?
>Missandei’s execution?
>Targ genes?
Other urls found in this thread:
Targ genes probably.
bet she got a high pH pussy
Braindead series writers
Mongol filthy cock raped her. she knows her pussy was defiled and her is worthless now
She explained to Tyrion what was going to happen, and why it was going to happen in the throne room scene earlier in the episode. I have no idea why brainlets were shocked when the dragon started 9/11'ing the city when she literally justified it in the first third of the episode.
Probably the tard genes
She's built this delusion inside her head for years where she's the savior of the world and an almost godlike figure, but then Jon comes and takes her place and won't even fuck her so she snaps and goes Elliot Rodger
if you've ever told a girl you're not interested when she thinks you are (either because you were for a bit and changed your mind or because she has an over-active imagination) you'll have noticed that they flip the fuckin lid and fly into an uncontrollable rage. It's because women are supposed to be the sexual selectors. If they had dragons they would all burn everything around them at the first opportunity.
>devote your entire adult life to getting the Iron Throne no matter the cost
>lost bff
>lost beta orbiter
>common folk hate her despite sacrificing much of her army and oner of her "children" to save the world
>her advisors conspire against her
>her lover rejected her
In the end she was sitting there watching the Red Keep as the city surrendered and she realized how pointless it all was. She has no friends left, the people hate and fear her, and Jon doesn't want to be with her anymore. Basically she had a nervous breakdown because she fucked everything up.
She's pregnant. The father, Jon rejects her. Her army is decimated. 2 of her dragons are gone. The advisors are gone. She's all alone then there's also Sansa plotting against her.
She'll burn down Winterfell too. Kill everyone, die in childbirth in a land of ruins.
You can caption this.
no, she wont do any of that because she gets run through next ep
Surprise: the child stands up all bloody and cheer.
He is Stannis reborn, mini version, running toward King's Landing to take the city.
Based and anatomypilled
Not getting dicked.
She’s just evil and a female Hitler
Being a Incel
Dr... what does that mean?
Targ genes. Its the result of Valyrian inbreeding.
well perhaps
no friends, continuous failures of diplomacy, op weapon always on stanby looking at her
this, been in this position a few times and you'll never see a girl so mad, especially if she's offered it on a platter and in front of others. You can have the most genuine and good reasons and they'll despise you.
she just straight up had it up to here **indicates weave** with all these white ass bitches tryna disrespect her dragons and she opened up a can of whoop di do dah day on they fake ass white oppressive wheel of fortune lookin homos she like whut naow beyatches grr jon snow be all like Ima hide out till she changed her tampon but ima be up in that
Based Dany. Literally /ourqueen/.
Girls get pissed off when you don't want to have sex with them. Some call you a faggot, others commit war crimes
Gamers rise up
She's spent seven and 3/4 seasons being talked out of doing crazy shit by Jorah, Missandei, Varys, Tyrion, and Jon.
Three of them are dead, she thinks two betrayed her.
She feels like an unwelcome trespasser in her own country. The people in the city didn't immediately recognize her authority and kick the Queen out of the Red Keep.
She went from the business of gaining a throne to it being personal. There's no one for her to talk to and she is taking out her very justified rage on very unjustified targets.
For me I felt what was going through her head was that it wasn't enough. Having the throne wasn't enough. Now she has to show them who they were fucking with. She sees the entire city as just a pack of assholes who stood behind Cersei out of fear, so she brought them something to be afraid of.
She's massacred people before. Just "bad" people that had it coming. Clearly she came to the conclusion that the people of King's Landing were in the bad people camp.
Remember to punch a Nazi :)
The girls I don't want to have sex with seem to be relived...
A) Tyrion was the main one who told her about "the bells" thing and Tyrion has been wrong over and over and over again. And Tyrion betrayed her and released Jaime Lannister (the man who literally KILLED her father) from her capture. Also, she is, at this point, aware that Varys had explicitly betrayed her. Cerise is literally his sister and Lannisters are well known to be tricky back stabbing liars. This means Tyrion is probably lying about "the bells" and trying to fuck her shit up.
B) Jon Snow is acting very strange, he seems reluctant and not affectionate. He is likely involved in some way with this conspiracy. And is potentially plotting against her to have the throne, which means he is likely plotting to have her killed, which means she interprets this as a sort of self defense.
C) The people up north view her as an outsider and don't seem to accept her.
D) The iron throne, the thing which was literally stolen from her family by usurpers, has been the pinnacle of everything she has been working for her entire life. She had been cast out, sold into sex slavery, almost murdered multiple times, and has spent her whole life towards this very moment. It's literally within her reach and she is not going to leave any room for miscalculation.
Does all of this NOT seem logical? She feels that she needs to straighten this situation by force and force everyone to SIT THE FUCK DOWN and accept her rule. I would vote for her over jon cuckold snow.
literally alone and scared, also hungry cause varys was trying to poison her
This was my take.
>Clearly she came to the conclusion that the people of King's Landing were in the bad people camp.
Christ this episode wouldve been passable if she just flew to the red keep and burned it and Cersei down.
Innocents still wouldve died (Cersei's human shield) but it wouldve made sense. Instead she just carpet bombs the entire city which made ZERO fucking sense.
>ywn feed Dany some delicious homemade food as you cuddle her and tell her everything is going to be okay
>Now she has to show them who they were fucking with. She sees the entire city as just a pack of assholes
Classic incel internal dialog.
She realized if she wanted power she would have to use fear to get it. If Jon had just given his aunt the dick she would then have had him help her get love of the people instead. But Jon passed on that option.
Why doesn't she give birth to more burgers though?
Varys explained it was a coin flip. Jon turned out sane so the odds weren’t great
is it going to be ok tho
Jon. Sane.
wait until the penultimate episode
Sane enough not to stick his dick in crazy.
>Jon turned out sane
Jon's mother is not related to his father
Project more.
she want the good mummy sex with the jon and he want the sex of arya
The twist of the episode is that Jon has been craycray all along. Not fucking Dani was part of his plan to push her to commit an act that would help him rally more support for himself.
Jon is a retard though. All of this could have been avoided if he simply comforted her instead of acting like an autist, and kept his mouth shut.
It is over.
Jon is secretly smart and playing a long Batman gambit.
The best assumption is that because everything has not been going her way and she is defaulting to the Essos method of "Killed everyone and they will worship you afterwards"
lol no she just had one too many ambien and autopiloted her dragon round KL fell asleep on the fire button
>There are a lot of people who say that burning everything cannot win the war. My reply to that is that it has never been tried. . . and we shall see.
She knew winning by surrender would make Jon king, because he is the one they want and love.
Even her inner circle proves her point in her mind.
Tyrion gossiping, Jon refusing her request and love, Varys' open betrayal.
If she is to be queen she needs to become queen through fear.
Burning down an entire city instills fear pretty well.
>ummmmm why is it the MAN's responsibility to fulfill women's emotional needs?
Episode 5 is the penultimate episode
It is not out of character for her to act out impulsively. After all the shit that happened it would make perfect sense for her to snap after the bells and go straight for Cersei and obliterate the red keep, killing innocents in the process.
But that is not what happened, she ignored the person who executed her pet girl, letting her escape(as far as she knows) to spend 30 minutes deliberately chasing down women and children and trying to burn every single house before finally going for the person she is actually mad at. It just makes no sense, even if she was the most evil person in the world, she would have killed Cersei first and then burned random peasants.
>devote your entire adult life to getting the Iron Throne no matter the cost
A throne which she has never seen in a land where she never lived despite already being ruler of slavers bay before she sets out to conquer it
>lost bff
Missandei had less characterization than a wet piece of toast
>lost beta orbiter
After already exiling him once
>common folk hate her despite sacrificing much of her army and oner of her "children" to save the world
They don't hate her, they are indifferent because they don't know her. Also who gives a fuck about her army, she's a shitty commander who unlike Ned or Stannis never interacted with her soldiers in person
>her advisors conspire against her
Because she's making retarded genocidal decisions
>her lover rejected her
Because they are blood related
She's struggled with Megalomania and delusions of godlike power since the end of Season One. But prior to that, there were those (Jorah, Barristan, Daario, Misssandei, even Jon Snow and Tyrion for a time) who were able to keep her worst impulses in check. Jorah and Barristan are both dead, Daario is currently ruling Mereen in her stead so he's unavailable, she's lost confidence in Tyrion, Jon Snow is a potential usurper, and Misssandei succumbed to her own madness, her last words of wisdom being an implicit call to burn King's Landing to the ground. No matter how much she tried to be otherwise, Daenarys has always been at heart, a tyrant, and it only a matter of time before she succumbed to that.
Also this Remember Daenarys' vision in the House of the Undying? Notice how the "snow" falls strangely and doesn't melt when it touches her torch or even her skin? That's because it's not snow, it's ash.
Although to be fair, I alway assumed it would be Cersei who burned King's Landing as a final act of defiance.
The last episode is a double/longer episode, isn't it? That's the first half of it that I was confusing with episode 5, I think.
Didn't the bells also make her realize that she has been betrayed yet again by Tyrion because he made it possible for the bells to be rung?
The bells revealed Tyrion's betrayal.
Bad writing.
She was always supposed to go insane, but the way they handled it made it look like it came out of nowhere. A casual viewer wouldn't even remember that Targeryans tend to go mad.
Okay? This isn't a debate. I'm simply explaining why she's mentally fucked up.
Bells being wrung is a universally understood action signaling a surrender if battle has started just as it's a warning that battle is coming.
Tyrion wasn't inventing it as he stood there talking. He only said it to let ignorant viewers know what it means when the bells ring mid-battle.
How could Dany get her throne back without half the realm hating her? Keep in mind that whoever occupies it currently wont just hand it over. Its certainly not a "thats what happens when women get power XD" case which /pol/ and some Yea Forums posters seem to see.
Good point. Now she has been betrayed by both of her advisors as well as Jon. She had enough of their shit.
The bells triggered her inner Adolph Hitler
Include me in the screencap Stannisbros
She's always been a psycho bitch hiding behind social justice rhetoric as a mask for her blatant power grabbing.
Her first kill was revenge on a woman who "saved" her husband, the same husband who had just raped. pillaged, and slaughtered her entire tribe.
The problem isn't with Daenerys, it's with room temperature IQ morons who can't spot a blatant left wing demagogue. She's not female hitler, she's female Lenin.
Sorry to hear brother, try being yourself
Also, this.
The last two seasons were far too compressed and D and D drop the ball when they lose source material or try to justify changes they made to previous source material.
It can easily be made to fully make sense and also be shocking with a full season and the right writers.
>How could Dany get her throne back without half the realm hating her?
Wait for Cersei to become more hated than her.
Lannisters are well known for pretending to be peoples close friends/lovers and eventually fucking their shit up sideways and usurping them. Why should she think Tyrion was any different? The writing was all there for her to see: If it wasn't Tyrion backstabbing her for the Lannisters, it would be Tyrion backstabbing her for Jon Snow.
What if she was just autistic and she sperged out because of sensory overload when the bell rang
Remember that in Essos she was basically hailed as a hero by the slaves she freed. She probably expected a similar reaction in her "home". Instead, they resist her, and the snowniggers lead by Supreme Cunt Sansa refuse to accept her even after their king bends the knee and she commits to their cause instead of just heading straight for King's Landing and BTFOing Cercei.
>half the realm
No one beside survivors of KL hates her tho. Should have incinerated them all. The seven kingdoms would have been happy of the war ending whatever way, why should they care what happens to the capital.
She still would have been a foreign invader. She had no path forward but slaughter and conquest. Foreign conquerors are never welcome as liberators, especially when they bring foreign hordes to your city walls.
>all of a sudden
Am I the only one that saw Dany burning innocent people since day 1?
This, 2bh. It would have happened earlier if the people around her weren't there to constantly keep her in check, which if you think about it is a pretty bad situation that can't possibly sustain itself for any real longevity, since in many ways it was those people governing her, while she ruled Essos, etc. She herself was never innately a good queen or a great leader.
She was probably pissed because of that but it also made her realize that no one trusts her even now and that Jon would be a much better king and everything has been for nothing as far as her quest for the throne goes. It's just that there needed to be at least 3 more episodes of blahblah to build it up
>she has been betrayed yet again by Tyrion because he made it possible for the bells to be rung
how so?
I bend the knee
Yeah, for a couple weeks. The moment she executed a criminal for murdering a man awaiting a trial they all hissed at her and threw rocks and whatnot. Fuck peasants, seriously.
>It's just that there needed to be at least 3 more episodes of blahblah to build it up
I heard that HBO offered D&D a full 10 episode deal but they insisted on 6. I have no idea why.
Kinda unclear how she figured it must have been Jaime who rung the bells. But there didn't seem to be anyone near the bells, there was a single guy sneaking around there that must have been on a mission to ring the bells from the start or something and Tyrion couldn't shut up about how he wanted her to wait for the bells
>Fuck peasants, seriously.
Agreed. I don't even feel bad for the KL peasants. They cheered for Ned's execution and tried to rape Sansa in the streets. Bunch of thugs, beggars and thieves. Fuck 'em.
I doubt she even knew Jamie had escaped and she'd still have no way of knowing Tyrions plan to have Jamie tell Cersei to surrender and ring the bells
>She still would have been a foreign invader.
So was William of Orange, yet he managed to take with the English throne without firing a shot and turn Catholics into a persecuted minority for nearly two centuries.
but this isn't "insanity". her actions are actually pretty logical. if you want to make an omelette you sometimes have to break some eggs.
There's no way she didn't know Jaime escaped. The guards would have discovered it as soon as it happened and snitched on Tyrion.
But Jaime didn't ring the bells, the peasants did, because that's the thing they do when they're surrendering. And even if we did say that Tyrion was responsible for it because somehow Jaime made it happen as a result of his being freed by Tyrion, he provided a way for Dany to win the city with less bloodshed, that's not a betrayal, that's what she should want to happen.
is like a metaphor for women hitting the wall
tard genes.
>How could Dany get her throne back without half the realm hating her?
Let everyone in Westeros know that she helped defend the entire continent from ice zombies, get all of the northerners on her side. Marry Jon so there is no conflict and the two people with the strongest claim to the throne are together.
After that all she has to do is wait since Arya wants to kill Cersei. Eventually Arya will just walk up to Cersei and assassinate her while disguised as a handmaiden or something. When that happens all Daenerys has to do is occupy the city and assert herself. No one would be able to do anything about it.
Her ancestors just came in and occupied Westeros. Targeryans would still be ruling if the dragons didn't disappear and Targeryans didn't go insane.
>Jaime didn't ring the bells
Jon has 4 grandparents, Daenerys has 2
Not an invader.
She was locked in her room sulking and it seemed like she barely coordinated with her army outside of telling them to move at daybreak
Jaime didn't ring the bells
No, it's a metaphor for rejecting a woman. They really are like that. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that.
I kinda see it as an immigrant's mental breakdown. She wanted to save Westeros which she truly sees as her rightful home and territory but basically everyone there still sees her as a stranger and saving them and sacrificing the majority of her Dothraki horde never changed their opinion like she hoped they did
It is insanity. The episode starts by Varys ''subtly'' reminding the viewers that Targeryans will go fucking crazy. Then the next scene they show that she is fucking crazy, full on paranoid schizophrenic, a complete mess.
Then for the next few scenes the idiot writers forget about it and she appears to be normal, then out of nowhere she goes full insane because of bells, decides to murder a million people because the bell sounds got to her or some shit.
Jamie was on his way to the secret exit under the keep
We just didn't see him do it
And you think that they wouldn't inform her that Jaime, the head of house Lannister and brother to the Queen, escaped? No way.
Bro they are foreign invaders with an idealized view of the world we love. She honestly always was a Usurper. They pulled a BB on us and had us following the villain and the world that villain burns down over 8 years. She did nothing actually good for the world. Just burned shit down because she could. It should have been blatant from the get go. The Dragon Queen is no friend of Westoros. How deluded was she to actually believe the people of Westeros were sewing banners and flags for her two decades after the Trident. Absolute Mad Woman from the get go. Hell her first scene is her looking indifferent while she bathed in boiling water. Textbook villain origin.
>doesnt eat
>gets cranky commits atrocities
Give her a snickers.
It totally fits her character ark and if you don't agree you're an idiot. She's been on a power trip from day one, but you mistake her slaughter for "good deeds" since it was taken out on people who have wronged her, like the slavers. though it could even be said that she only liberated those who would be able to fight for her "cause". The moment she figured out she was some sort of dragon queen was when her Targ genes kicked in. She didn't grow up in westeros, she never cared for the history, she has no reason to fight for it (invade it) other than "it belongs to me because i have dragons". Every smug "dracarys", every time she couldn't stand to compromise during a council, every time she slaughtered people (including her brother) with a stone cold face made it even more obvious that she was just your typical Targ. Fast forward to this episode, she knew she won, but she also knew she ultimately lost the city, nobody in the continent likes her or wants her to rule, and the one person she thought loved her was actually a step away from seizing her rule.
>if i can't rule it than nobody can!
>deletes King's Landing
She always said she wanted to "break the wheel" and she just did.
yikes nigga. i'll pray for your recovery
You think he stopped somewhere during his mad dash to get into the Red Keep for a bit of bell-ringing?
Me? Why?
She's a ruthless inbreed violent cruel ruler, she did tons of bad things in essos but was justified because the evil slavers.
Now that shes genociding common folks, it looks like she went crazy. She always been like that.
What the heck, everything she says is the complete truth. Jon told Salsa which told Tyrion which told Varys. She told Jon that she had to keep the secret or it would became uncontrollable. Everything of that is true and happened.
Peasant owns a farm, people in KL were nothing but commoners peddling their shit and spreading degeneracy.
Why are you idiots srill watching this shot. I vowed not to watch season 8 and I'm so happy I didn't
>year and years of humillation
>implying this wasn't a reasonable conclusion for her character
She was selfish all the time.
Jamie isn't the head of house Lannister, not since he became kingsguard, it's some random cousin of Tywin if I remember correctly
Crazy, in my opinion, means she did what she did for no reason or for reasons that are not rational. She had a lot of good reasons to do what she did. She literally spelled it out: she felt she needs to rule by fear since being a nice guy doesn't seem to be working up north. She helped the North defeat the night king and got literally no respect. She has done nothing but good shit and people are plotting behind her back. She has extended an olive branch to cersie and she literally killed her best friend (whose last words could be interpreted as "burn them"). It's fucked up and stupid/emotional to burn down kingslanding and a lot of the people there, yes, but not exactly "crazy". She had a lot of good reasons to do what she did. It just seemed like an emotional decision though, it's not insanity. Good people make epic mistakes like this with collateral damage all the time.
everyone in the show is a villain
>Jon who she chose as a lover rejects and betrays her
>Jorah died to protect her so no chance to pick him instead
>best friend Missandei dead because Tyrion is retarded
>two Dragons dead
>her adviser Viserys tried to murder her
>only loyal people she has is a retarded imp who betrayed her, a bunch of ravaging rapists and cock-less psychopaths
Then why is he commanding Lannister forces in the campaign against Dany? The Kingsguard aren't allowed to do that.
just think how many future evil fookin legends perished when gin alley went up in flames, if anything they should give her a medal
The Lord of Light demanded it.
You see, both ice and fire need sacrifices. One is not better than the other.
except thats how insane pepole act even in the books her dad had moments of sanity which made the mad king not so bad in kl. bb did nothing wrong
that meant regime change not genocide faggot.
Not to mention that sacking cities isn't exactly uncommon in the setting. Fucking Tywin sacked King's Landing.
Yes they are. Lewyn Martell led the Dornish during Robert's Rebellion and he was a member of the Kingsguard.
If only Jorah was alive to dick the crazy out of her.
>She'll burn down Winterfell too.
This would be nice, but Bran could just warg into Drogon and eat her.
That's not how it works with women. She could have five guys rail her if she wants to but she doesn't. She wants one specific cock and that's Jon's.
Bran wouldn't stop any future where more rapes will occur
>B) Jon Snow is acting very strange, he seems reluctant and not affectionate. He is likely involved in some way with this conspiracy. And is potentially plotting against her to have the throne, which means he is likely plotting to have her killed, which means she interprets this as a sort of self defense.
Strange why she did not try to burn Jon "by accident" during the battle though
Hard to argue with, really. First she was Lincoln, now she's Sherman.
I'm so tired user, I don't know if I can keep on fighting
Doesn't make sense since the guy playing Jorah looks more handsome than Kit mah nigga.
targ cum in her vavana activated the mad targ genes
>Missandei had less characterization than a wet piece of toast
And yet she is the only female Dany has contact with and gets along well for several seasons.
>She will never be loved like Jon is,
Which doesn't even make any sense, since nobody even knows who Jon is in the South.
For Dany to go mad, D&D made everybody either hate her or act like she doesn't even exist. She sacrificed a tremendous amount to save everybody, and there is no semblance of gratitude whatsoever. One would think that there would be some camaraderie between her and the Starks after they went through the same traumatic, life-threatening experience, but nope. Sansa still hates her and doesn't trust her because the plot demands it. Varys betrays her because the plot demands it.
Why don't Jon and Daenerys just talk to each other? Why is every conversation between them just about the Iron Throne and what Sansa is doing? Why does Jon not have an opinion on anything anymore? Why is Jon so put off by the incest? His grandparents on the Stark side were cousins. Starks married uncle to niece, too. Why does Jon not even try to console Dany? He comforted her after Viserion died. He comforted her after the meeting in the Dragonpit seemingly failed. But when Rhaegal and Missandei died, he doesn't say anything to her.
The final conflict could have been avoided completely if Jon wasn't just a spectator in his own story. Ending The Long Night was given to Arya. The destruction of King's Landing was seen mainly from Arya's point of view. Jon has no wants or agencies at all. Forget GRRM--D&D can't even get their own characterizations right.
>women don't make sense
You don't say.
This is all true but she didn't need to systematically burn all the peasants to accomplish her goals
>Remember Daenarys' vision in the House of the Undying? Notice how the "snow" falls strangely and doesn't melt when it touches her torch or even her skin? That's because it's not snow, it's ash.
Gonna rewatch.
Keep fighting, user. I found a qt gf, you can too.
>has tons of experience with slavers who are initially terrified of their masters and will actively work against dany to maintain the status quo
>she still directly blames the civvies for following their queens orders when she says "GUYS THAT FUCKING TARG AND HER DRAGON ARE NOT RUMORS ANYMORE THEY ARE LITERALLY HERE, GET THE FUCK INSIDE"
Give the girl some slack, she was on her period.
meant slaves, obviously
Could a wighted Karl Tanner have stopped Dany’s chimpout? Asking for a friend.
You dont have to be a humanbean to counter argue those reason, anyone with that pressure would lose their shit. Also everything happened in one month, I when your pet dies youd be depressed for life.
Insecure, traumatised individual with low empathy given power to cause limitless harm to her enemies.
She was always a villain and was also likely to do something like this, and you're a dipshit if you believed otherwise.
Sic Semper Tyrannis.
*You dont have to be a humanbean to not understand and counter argue*
The main thing would be all her supposed supporters from westeros betraying her.
Sansa, Jon, Varys, Tyrion.
The only remaining person actually loyal to her is Greyworm.
What are you meant to do when you're literally surrounded by traitors?
I had a girl throw a shoe at me for rejecting her at a party. She also said "you wouldn't be able to get a girl like me, anyway" despite her propositioning herself to me in front of a bunch of people. Threw her goddam shoe at me for chrissake
Anyone got that 1080 webm of her going ragemode on the dragon, when the bells ring?
Burns thousands of children to death?
Maybe they wouldn't hate her if she hadn't been a power hungry tyrant.
>high pH
>In the vagina, a high pH may cause infections as it can allow bacteria and yeast to thrive.
what did he mean by this
It was just impulse reaction from seeing the red keep. happens to the best of us.
I bend the knee
the writers don't even understand what they wrote
this one (mostly) good episode was actually just a mistake because they had to get back on George's track for this one plotpoint and couldn't fund a way to fuck it up
what the fuck
She read this season's shitty script and snapped when she saw fucking Bran gets the throne.
>What is this bullshit?
have sex
It was bad writing. The writers literally say in the inside the episode that she just plain snaps when she sees the Red Keep because it was taken from the Targaryens.
So she just randomly kills random people while ignoring the people (Lannisters, Cersei) who are her enemies or involved with taking the throne from the Targaryens. She let's them escape and kills random kids instead, instantly losing her chance at the Iron Throne just as she's won it, since she'll never be accepted now.
Remember everyone needs to do the dumbest possible things militarily and strategically this season.
>all of a sudden
she's always been a megalomaniac hypocrite
>get her throne back
It was never hers in the first place you dolt. In fact once she learnt that she didn't even have the rightful claim but Jon did, she should have let him rule but she thirsts for power, all her shite about wanting to be a fair ruler went out the window once confronted with the fact that an actually fair person has a better claim to the throne than her.
>devote your entire adult life to getting the Iron Throne no matter the cost
Misguided megalomaniac.
>lost bff
Her own fault for forgetting about the iron fleet.
>lost beta orbiter
Her own fault for staying in the ground on her dragon for no reason with hundreds of wights around her.
>common folk hate her despite sacrificing much of her army and oner of her "children" to save the world
She did fuck all to save the world, completely ineffective against the NK.
>her advisors conspire against her
Because she's clearly incompetent, arbitrary and temperamental.
>her lover rejected her
See above.
>an implicit call to burn King's Landing
you mean explicit
People like this are fucking STUPID.
They can't follow a story for shit even though they say they do... they don't pay attention to every horrible thing she's done up until this point, and completely ignore all the factors leading up to it.
They're always so fucking quick to get offended or pissed off that they always miss out the most important parts.
Well yes since he agreed to do that
Being a cunt
yes, her reasoning wasn't even that bad.
Look brainlet, I'm explaining her mental breakdown, I'm not saying she's justified for going all scorched earth.
I try to burn at least 4 peasants per omelette desu
Shut up retard
>It was never hers in the first place you dolt. In fact once she learnt that she didn't even have the rightful claim but Jon did, she should have let him rule but she thirsts for power, all her shite about wanting to be a fair ruler went out the window once confronted with the fact that an actually fair person has a better claim to the throne than her.
this, not only is he a better leader than her, he is also rejecting her as a love interest which is devastating to her ego/tendency to be cray-cray hence she becomes vengeful.
She'd been largely successful in her endeavors since season 2. She also had good advisors she's trusted and listened to. It's been continuous growth and satisfaction for her for the most part.
Since coming to Westeros and continuing to do what she's been trying to do (she freed slaves and toppled ruling classes in the east, she helped beat the army of the dead in Westeros) she's continuously been at a loss. Her dragons have died, her advisors have died/betrayed her, her armies have been decimated and even though shes doing good, she hasn't gained any love or recognition for it.
Now she's finally in the heat of battle, all her advisors are gone, her most recent lover has dumped her, she's in the city where her family came to ruin, still occupied by the people who were responsible for their ruin. Instead of wanting to deal with ruling all of them she finally has room to give into her targ tendencies to "burn them all" like her father wanted to do, like shes done to all of her enemies so far, and like she wanted to do to a greater extent for her whole journey only being stopped by her advisors who are no longer present.
>It was never hers in the first place you dolt
At this point she's literally to Jon what Renly was to Stannis.
Do you live in Saudi Arabia?