Post your links, funny or otherwise, edition

Post your links, funny or otherwise, edition
I'll start.


Attached: two stannis.jpg (570x755, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A Lannister Frey bastard Bolton household septon maester and oathbreaker was teaching a class on Joffrey, a known usurper.

>Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship King Joffrey and accept that he was the most rightful king the realm has ever known, even greater than Aegon the Conqueror!

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-Stannis Night's Watch ranger who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war against the Others and fully supported all military decision made by his grace stood up and held up a sword.

>What are the Baratheon features?

The arrogant maester smirked quite Freyishly and smugly replied
>Black hair, blue eyes and square jawlines, you stupid red cultist.

>Yes. If Joffrey was the trueborn son of King Robert, as you say … then he would've had black hair and blue eyes. Stannis is the true king! A monster sits the Iron Throne, an abomination born of incest!

The maester was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. He stormed out of the room crying those Lannister crocodile tears.

The novices applauded and all pledged allegiance to House Baratheon of Dragonstone that day and accepted Azor Ahai as their lord and savior. A stag named "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors" galloped into the room and shed a tear on the fallen Baratheon banner. The vow of the Night's Watch was read several times, and R'hllor himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the kingdom.

The maester lost his chain and was fired the next day. He died of the grey plague and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Ours is the Fury.

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Attached: Dayne and Co.jpg (1003x568, 74K)

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>no title

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I looked for you on the catalogue

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You should change second picture with "Teleporting speed"

Jon is gay

Attached: jonisagayfag.webm (1268x864, 1.26M)


Attached: DO IT AGAIN BOMBER DANNY.jpg (828x512, 148K)

>no title
Post em

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post nice danys

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Do it again Bomber Dany

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>Ned wakes up next to Ashara
>Stannis is king
>hand is Littlefinger
>Jon is legit his legal son

Would this be the best ending to GOT?

fuck that's horrible


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>yfw dany will sit on the iron throne next episode

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We weren't there, woe to the redditors if we had been.

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He will die, right?

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>He will die, right?

I fucking hope so, but probably not.

So long as Stannis is king only cause Based Bobby B decided he'd rather live in Ned's house and get drunk and talk about the old days with him all day rather than be king

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way to not know how to make a /got/ general because you're too busy trying to force a meme, retard. The actual properly-created /got/ thread:

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And include the Jump Drive tech

really i couldn't find him

How do we deal with the incel slave problem, Yea Forums

Nigger he didnt title it /got/ for a reason. Hidden /got/ threads are the best ones. Now fuck off back to where you came from.

What was the purpose of Bran telling Sam telling Jon about his parentage?

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>when will they learn

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>i'm not retarded, my incompetence is really just crypto-genius.

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It's pretty sad how fast they stole the Bobby B meme 2 years ago, rip

>dragon killed in two seconds by scorpions two episodes ago
>dragon destroys city filled with scorpions with no trouble last episode

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Drogon is the stronger dragon, the other two are posers.

Also scorpions only works when the dragons aren't aware of it, they are master dodger when they can see.

>euron shows that he's an absolute ace with a scorpion
>don't have him pilot any the next time
>he wasn't prepared though!
>because dany came in fast with the sun!

weirdness abounds

Scorpions are very slow to turn, Drogon only had to get behind them

Euron already killed a dragon, next on the list was a kingslayer

>Varys Actor Frustrated By Being Sidelined In GoT

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Dragons flat-footed ac is shit

someone post that video of literally every actor shitting on this season's awful writing