What lesson did you learn?

What lesson did you learn?

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All entertainment is mainly for the make benefit of women.

Only your mother will show you true love.

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i learned to sneed the feed and suck the fuck

Bitches be crazy.

Democracy may suck but at least it would keep these kind of leaders out of power.

>What lesson did you learn?
Have sex. If you don't have sex, bad things happen.

XD how do you think pedophile rings exist user?

Whyt wemin b crazy

Bitches be crazy.

I learned that nerds love to come here and make things shitty for everyone by making fantasy land threads about fag shit.

that long hair always looks better than short hair on women

That you're better off with the devil you know

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the same as always

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>not wanting short haired Cercei to sexually dominate you

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Having a day job and writing a book under a pen name is the only way to create a piece of literature which speaks of the journey men must take to achieve greatness.

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Lex Salica, specially agnatic sucession was the right thing.

Its a fucking tv show

white bitches be cray cray

these people would be touching kids even without the power