Just how good is Better Call Saul?

I honestly find this to be a very in-deph and smart show, with many characters showing intelligence and competence while at the same time flawed in their own way.

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it's bob odenkino

10/10 pure kino

was BCS talked about much on Yea Forums? Wondering how much it'l start trending here when season 5 hits to btfo got off of here.

They're by far the best american writers really.

mmmmm i'll talk to waltuh

Hey, who has your back? Me! Need a will? Call McGill!

It's excellent. I'm so scared that they'll shit the bed with the ending you have no idea.

Absolute chicanery

His brother is a terrible character with a terrible plot.

mmmmhhh waltuh could you caowl my phone fuh me I can't find it mhh

mmmmmwaltuh gus just rang. meet us at the lab waltuh

>big huge breaking bad and bob odenkirk fan but really? 1 season and 2 episodes and nothing is happening....it moves slower than general hospital...i'm glad I tape these...I actually fastforward parts I know are just filler s***..........breaking bad most artistic series....better call saul....better set the alarm...i'm getting sleepy....I will only tape and watch to ffwd....remember breaking bad? pilot had walt getting cancer...walt goes to a drug bust...walt hooks up with Jessie...they buy an rv....they cook meth..............more going on than an entire season of saul....someone will have to explain the 5 stars....everyone I know that watched breaking bad is not watching better call saul....that's another thing....I can't really talk to anybody about it cause i'm the only boring person watching...that's why I came here...to complain. that's my opinion....means nothing...

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its completely mediocre crap. there were so many total morons trying to overrate this show when it was airing. it was hilarious watching them use the most asinine shit to try and claim its better than breaking bad

How so?

No explosions.

t. got fan

Uhhhh you okay there bud?

Better Call Saul is superior to Breaking Bad in every way. It has actual depth and doesn't rely on Reddit dialogue and meme explosions. It is a focused character study that makes us question the very foundation of morals. Breaking Bad was literally fedora teenage power fantasy made for intellectually challenged plebs.

i find 'better call saul' very hard to pronounce

So goddamn boring. But any show involving the Justice system gets low IQ normies hard as fuck for some reason. They like to roleplay like they are the smart, conniving lawyer while they sit on their couch or post on Yea Forums

Not sure I agree here, the shows have different purposes. BCS imo is for a beautiful expansion or exploration of the dephs of our favorite characters.
BB was a lot more fast paced, as our weird friend said earlier. Walt was getting deeper and breaking bad harder than Saul ever did. We still had the trademark amazing resourcefulness and creativity behind the plots of Walt

it doesn't hold up on its own at all, every single thing about it is based on your knowledge of breaking bad. they spent an entire season on the drama of digging that retarded meth lab.... sorry but its not interesting in any way. if you want interesting drama i suggest quarry or the knick. nacho is one of the few original characters, and even he is boring as shit.

do you have anything new to say? you have been posting this garbage in every single bcs thread since day 1. canned response shills

True, but can that not be forgiven for a spin-off? It was created more for the fans, yes, but at the very least as a fan you can immensely enjoy the dephness of characters you know and love?

8/10 show with occasional 12/10 “unlike anything you’ve ever seen before in television” kino moments but frankly as the show progresses those moments become fewer and fewer between and you start to lose your patience.


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t. boomer

In my opinion it's better written than breaking bad.

what depth? if there was depth i may have liked it more, but there really isn't anything significant. jimmys brother was mean to him and didn't want him to succeed. that's depth to you?

>another pile of crap Yea Forums likes to be contrarian thread
have sex

Everything with Jimmy is great while Mike's arc is a little redundant considering they said everything they had to in his first episode with his son.

I appreciate the slower pace but season 4 felt like buildup with no payoff. Still though when it's great, it's great


We can oversimplify literally anything to make it look bad. Come on now, perhaps the premises just don't interest you but let's not kid ourselves.

The first season was 10/10. The rest has been meandering garbage of no substance.

>what depth
who is the character james mcgill
stop embarrassing yourself

BCS has really high ratings. What contrarianism?

you realize it's contrarian to not like it right you fucking sperg

This is just as meaningless as saying all of it was meandering. Just admit you came expected one thing, they gave you something else and you don't like it.

I used to hate the boring Mike shit but now I just laugh like a maniac thinking of all the shitposting I will do about whatever 5 minute mile scene they do that week.

My only real complaint is that they stopped all the Kim feet scenes.

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What about the moments Saul Goodman reveals a shimmer of himself

a conman with a heart of gold

I liked the Mike scenes. Yeah, Mike is a real patient and slow paced guy. Can't help it, he has not much brawn so he just uses street wisdom and high iq planning and tactics.

>nobody watches it it must be really deep

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sorry but there is nothing there, tony soprano is a multifaceted character that has depth. jimmy has one thing, he's a conman with a heart of gold. that's about it. you can keep overrating it all you like, that doesn't change the fact there is zero character depth

Great cinematography, great actors, great music, piss poor plot

heart of gold that willingly manipulated innocent old women into turning against each other all so he can get a million dollars

>s1: mike had a hard life kino
>s2-s3: passable crazy brother stuff

the premise is interesting and the show had potential. they just decided to do stay in season 1 for the entire run of the show until it gets cancelled

Dude nothing happens and people get sad so it's friggin superior

I also appreciate those scenes, it's in the vein of NCFOM in its methodical and carefully thought out approaches to problems

Yeah, and being a conman who has difficulty in doing the right thing *is* deep and development. Seeing a sleazy lawyer turn into a guy who's well entrenched in the underworld and is well established in his life.
From low-tier hustler being so desperate enough that he's a nigh pathological liar to a much more improved, planning and skilled lawyer is deep

>Yeah, and being a conman who has difficulty in doing the right thing *is* deep and development
hahaha, no, its not. he's the same character throughout bcs and breaking bad, the only difference is he stops feeling bad about the shitty things he does. this is "deep" to a 13 year old.

>next season will probably be the last one
>we still don't have any scenes of Saul in court or practicing law
I'm still seething

I love it. It's one show I'm upset doesn't have its season released in complete, but I guess weekly releases even for this low-stakes show lets me enjoy the livethreads when they're not hijacked by the worst of BrBa's pissants still upset about the show's brilliant lack of interest in muh plot progression

that's...exactly what that user said. he's a conman...with a heart of gold. did you forget that he feels bad about what he did after he did it?

Reminds me of a very famous Russian cult classic duology called Brother (1 and 2). Just a thug with a very basic sense of justice. Since he's so poor (1990s Russia suuuucked, as we all know)
he had to deal with people with sucker punches, ingenious Slavic creativity such as a homemade silencer out of a Sprite bottle and homemade decoy explosives to assassinate a chechen

Oh, so he isn't the same character after all. Yeah, having your moral compass changed on a fundamental level is deep dude. And no, it turned from less harmful connery to turning into a guy who would kill. That's a huge difference, being alright with taking a human life. Notice the change from when he dealt with the Kettlemans in S1 and how he changed into someone who would have ran off with 800k

The show is painfully underrated because it's an old styled show with modern production qualities. People are right, actions are slow, unless you consider words actions. If you enjoy nuanced conversation with top tier acting, BCS is one of the best shows you could watch, but know you'll be in a niche audience. You'll be in that same group of people that actually appreciated Dinner with Andre - the people that don't need instant developments, massive plot twists, or big action scenes. Just, raw, incredible dialogue.

What more can I say? It really is a great show, just like Dinner with Andre is a great movie, but I'll be fuckin' damned if that makes it popular. People expected more BB and got something completely different. Personally, I love the show, but I can see why it's not popular.

holy crap he stops feeling bad! what depth! lmao holy shit you are 13 aren't you

I loved how the personality death of James was also the moment his car died

I agree with your take on it but isn't it like the most popular cable TV show?

he came to Yea Forums to post in all the capeshit threads so go easy on him lad

i'm convinced these are just paid amc shill posts

That's now that I said, you dishonest retard. Changing into a person who would willingly do crimes such as murder is a big change. Do you understand that?
It's not so easy to propose big time crimes without guilt unironically. It takes quashing your conscience and emotions. Or using your emotions, depends.

But the Sopranos is a terrible show, he only seems 'complex' to anyone because his writing is completely arbitrary in everything he does. Since the entire premise of the show is some personality disordered boomer recounting his boring ass life with 'what if I was psychopathic gangster'(in typical cringe 90s edgyness) added in for entertainment. Every character is unsympathetic and idiotic to the point of not being at all believable and the only development in characters and the tone of the writing is changing from narcisstic self-obsession to neurotic self-obsession which is laughably portrayed as being of interest or worthy of sympathy to anyone at all.
BCS understands 'write what you know' and is legit genius in psychological nuance, the scene where a single event(Jimmy seeing his dad getting scammed and slowly ruined by grifters losing, learning that doing good doesn't necessarily have good consequenes early in life) is brilliant in explaining the fatal personality difference between the brothers.

Nice projection
not* not now. ffs

he doesn't kill anyone, what the fuck are you talking about? the most he would do is help a client get in contact with a hitman. this doesn't even matter, he was already slipping jimmy, did you forget that part?

these are the most base level character development tropes you learn on day 1 of screenwriting LMFAO

>character starts off doing small crimes, moves on to BIG crimes because dude fucked up stuff happens to him!!
>character sees something traumatic as a child that shapes his way of thinking as an adult

shit like this happens in every competent show. you're just underage retards who have never been exposed to anything before 2000



Didn't know it was even on cable, I'm a UK fag and have to Netflix it.

Man, you're so far off. It's not just about 'feeling bad'. The character of slipping Jimmy is the sly guy who worms his way around the system. I guess you could call him the creative component of what would become Saul. Slipping Jimmy knew his place in the world: he worked the mail room. He knew what he was. Hell, in S04E09 and 10, he even admits he just, never came close to his potential.

But you see, the thing you aren't identifying here, is the pure vitriolic rage that fills 'Saul'. He learned, from his brother, that not only was he a disappointment in his brother's eyes, but that his brother resented him so much for it that he would try to quash any semblance of success Jimmy reached for in his life. He got his law degree, proved himself with Sandpiper, and even then, Chuck wouldn't give him a chance. And that's how he sees his life now. He sees himself as the guy that'll fight everyone as he makes his way through the world because he believes that if he aims to be successful, people will try to tear him down. Look at the rage he showed in S04E09, man, what a vicious bastard he is on the inside underneath all of that glibness.

Was he always that? I doubt it.

We also get the benefit of some dramatic irony. We know his outcome. We know that for all he built, all he fought for, he'll be robbed of it eventually by Walter White.

He felt bad about it, sure. But why concoct a plan like that in the first place? Conman with heart of gold implies certain things he won't do but Chuck and Howard both saw he can go low enough to commit

holy crap I can rephrase things and they sound retarded! that must mean others are wrong! i hope they don't notice everything i phrase in my life sounds retarded!

>conman with a heart of gold is deeper than tony soprano
wow, zoomers truly were a mistake. you want to know whats laughable? overrating a mediocre piece of shit and claiming it has immense character depth despite the fact the only thing going on with his character is choosing whether or not to feel bad after doing something bad. you're underage and dumb, so this show is perfect for you

I dropped it when he forgot to turn off his microphone in front of the elderly people. He's supposed to be such a smart guy and he made a retarded rookie mistake, terrible writing

he did that on purpose you tard


How did you not know it was deliberate? Ouch.


>character sees something traumatic as a child that shapes his way of thinking as an adult
The word "trope" here doesn't mean anything at all, basically what you are saying here is that writing understanding 'psycho-social development' as a concept constitutes engender it cliche.

Best show on television, honestly.

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i'm pretty sure ive argued with this same user before over this same exact thing. he has been writing this garbage for years, paragraph after paragraph of over explanations of complete basic character progressions that you can find in day time soap operas and claiming it's absolute genius character depth.
he's a conman with a heart of gold, and the only character development we have is him choosing whether or not to feel bad over the horrible things he is doing. you are over complicating everything with fluffy bullshit and trying to make this seem deeper than it actually is.

it means that this exact same scenario has been played out over and over and over again since the beginning of storytelling and you not knowing that doesnt make BCS "deep" because saul saw his dad getting ripped off as a kid

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He turns into someone who would willingly have someone killed. It's still murder if you indirectly kill someone, just a different degree.
What I am saying that is that one of his character developments was degenerating into a more and more criminal person. That takes squashing any butterfly in your stomach, silencing that voice inside your head that prefers not being an immoral or amoral person most of the time. That's a big change. Now, how he became like that, why he became like that is what makes it deep.
As the high iq user here said, a combination of childhood events and learning what his brother thinks of him triggered his change. Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman are very different people.
I can also just overly summarize and simplify everything to the point that it either seems retarded, simple or low iq.

I'm doubtful you've been arguing with me, I haven't used this board that much.

Maybe you're just too simple to understand complex motives when they're presented in media, user?

Pure kino

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complex motives, lmao. my brother was a meanie to me waaahh im gonna go be the same scumbag ive always been now waaaaaah
fucking idiot

I like the Kim and Jim dynamic, their relationship seems plausible to me.

>He turns into someone who would willingly have someone killed. It's still murder if you indirectly kill someone, just a different degree.
that's a fancy way of saying the same thing i said? he was a scumbag before (slipping jimmy), and now he's turning into more of a scumbag. sorry, not deep, not original, and not special. literally day time soap opera tier

>exact same scenario
Bizarre statement. and it applies to all fiction because it's pretty much what a story/fiction is.

That's not who he always was, and you know that fully well unless you're that blind.

Chuck did the correct thing when he ended himself

>my brother hates me so I sabotaged him to protect my love interest that resulted in his suicide
>massive depersonalization and emotional distancing thereafter
Yeah, maybe this show is a bit too complex for you. Maybe you'd be better off whining in one of the Arthur threads instead. At least that show has a plot you can follow.

reminder that kim's going to die in a car crash at the end of season 5 which permanently cements saul in his ways, its already been foreshadowed like 15 times

It's an honest and more nuanced version of your retarded oversimplification. Yeah, degeneration and negative character development is a thing, wooow. Next thing you'll tell me is that having a bad guy is also so unoriginal and sucks, right?

fairly regularly yes

Well shit, You've just sunk my battleship.

nice job moving the goalposts bud
your premise was "bcs is deep and original" and now you're backpedaling into "B-BUT ALL FICTION IS JUST TROPES!"

next you're gonna tell me it wasnt even you that i was talking to

this is what you call complex? holy fucking shit. he went back to being slipping jimmy but with even less morality. wow, that's so complex dude. the more you jerk this mediocre development off the more obvious it becomes how fucking retarded you are

>you have been posting this garbage in every single bcs thread since day 1.

Why have you read "every single BCS thread since day 1" if you don't even like the show? Do you have nothing better to do with your day than monitor and post in Yea Forums threads for shows you don't like. Sounds really sad. You should consider having sex.

had to stop watching it cause I couldn't stand watching kim get hurt

I mean Jimmie did shit through a sunroof

you should consider writing something new rather than posting the same thing in every bcs thread, it's not my fault you're pathetic and write the same thing in every thread

lovely Rhea

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definition: "A literary trope is the use of figurative language, via word, phrase or an image, for artistic effect such as using a figure of speech"

Not him, but you can have the same tropes but still be a very different story.
While drunk, which is more like a really wild highschool or college prank than a cold, merciless act.

Sorry mate, I guess a show built around conversation just isn't suitable for someone with Asperger's. Like I said, give Arthur a go, there are lots of whiny threads about the rat getting married. Seems more your speed.

She fucking crippled Howard emotionally. It was brilliant.

>was talked about on Yea Forums
You tell me

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I love this show. Chuck was my favorite character. His lawyer friend also surprised me, hes very likeable or at least he feels like an actual person

an hero to be proud of

deadwood is built around conversation and it's 100x better than this piece of shit, get some taste

Point taken

its good. very reliant on old breaking bad characters when it really doesnt need to though

Deadwood is that captain jack /dr who shit

>waah why is nothing happening in a character driven character study

Truly a noble and an hero

calling this a character study truly makes me laugh

Deadwood is built around overacting and period sets.

Ok retard

What exactly would you call it?

shitposting this badly lurk moar

First 3 seasons are near perfect, 4th one the plot is thinner than tin foil and the show knows it, it's comfy but stretches a lot. I hope S5 picks up or ends on a high note. There isn't much plot, just character study and atmosphere, wish is great for me but it only goes so far.

absolutely seething
if this is a character study you might as well call breaking bad a character study too. walter's development is actually quite similar to jimmy's. it's just a drama, get over yourself

The makings of a character of which you study.

>random ellipses/periods all over the place
Fuck off, boomer. This is a zoomer board

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>walter's development is actually quite similar to jimmy's. it's just a drama, get over yourself
Not really, though, are they? They're quite different. Pacing of BB is completely different too.

So what your saying is... A character study.
Well shit.

shitposting here this twattishly does not make you a literal giant more a annoying tard

>This is a zoomer board
Being this new

I always thought a character study was talking about which fictional character you would like to study with the most.

Based bait

>show goes from kinoplex saul kimfu argument on top parking garage dropping f bombs, saul selling cell phones to mexicans in the hood
>to mike talking to germans about military grade security cameras

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>boomer actually took the bait
Get zoomed buddy

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>hur dur muh highly incellectual character study
It‘s a fucking meandering drama that takes itself too seriously, you neckbearded goblins.
>b-but muh overlong spoonfed flashback sequences and faux-meaningful stares is brilliant psychological insight!!1
No, they‘re not. Taking half an hour of screen time to show something trivial that can be aptly summarized in a few lines of dialogue without losing any emotional impact is not fucking insight, it‘s just wasting time with filler. But I guess this coupled with good cinematography is more than enough to impress aspiring pseuds who grew up on capeshit and automatically equate „slow“ with “deep“. I bet you love BR2049 for its „deep philosophical analysis“ too, you fucking tasteless fedorians.

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Name a tv show you like then

And don't give a stupid non-answer like dekalog

easy with the buzzwords there, Timmy. We know you are trying your best

I like GoT. Obviously, you fag.

>durr where da explosions at?

spotted the pleb

status: filtered

I do not care what anyone says. The scene where Werner gets shot by Mike was kino

it's paced extremely slow. there is a lot of shit that doesn't need to be in there - that the writers just use for "atmosphere" and bullshit like that. unlike breaking bad that usually gets straight to the point BCS has a lingering and pondering feel to it. This means that not all episodes will feel satisfying (unlike BB where most episodes bring something new to the table). there are though some extremely standout moments in BCS for e.g. S3E5

>"atmosphere" and bullshit like that
You sound like a 16 year old

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I completely agree.

Let's put a sitcom character in our edgy crime drama! Worst character on BB.

You mean secret agent Hamlin?


one of the best scenes of the 2010s, maybe even the 2000s

Fucking hell, boomers on the internet were a fucking mistake.

sitcom character that ,on more than one occasion, called for the death of one of Walt's comrades.

>maybe even the 2000s

holy shit the new get smart movie looks great


Can someone post that pasta of average bcs episode? I remember
>full, uncut 10 minute scene od mike making and then eating sandwich that doesnt lead anywhere

I like the show but I'm not going to over hype it. It can get slow at times but some scenes pay off and make it worth it. The acting is great on all parts and the cinematography is good. My only gripe is that the show can go from brilliant to utterly retarded at the flick of a switch

> My only gripe is that the show can go from brilliant to utterly retarded at the flick of a switch
Can you give an example?


There's a scene that tries to establish Mike as a god tier badass who works alone and it just comes off as ridiculous because he takes out a guard who's bigger than him and then an even bigger dude just runs away from him after seeing him do it. And it's just so stupid to me because MIKE IS A FUCKING OLD MAN


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Say it.

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Poor bastard. I'm glad things haven't yet gotten so bad for me (and it's pretty bad) that I ever went through insomnia. But mostly I just felt bad for him way earlier on when he sees off Wexler preparing to start working solo and tells her he tried to do the same but was talked out of it by his dad

well-earned dubs (you must be proud)

I like it but I also honestly forgot all about it lol. Looking forward to the next season and just hoping we can finally wrap it up so we can see him post breaking bad

>And don't give a stupid non-answer like dekalog
Why? Because it your molasses-paced brainlet „quinoa“ look bad?

i love the cinnabon gene segments in all their misery. i look forward to each new season purely for another scene in that future, even though i adore the main story too

I remember that. I did find it weird that the fat dude ran, but I sort of shrugged it off. It isn't a particularly big thing imo


>In today's epidode of Better Call Saul: NOTHING
because literally nothing ever happens


Sleep it off boomer

When a new season is on there are usually a lot of threads but on the off season its not on as much.

Im bcs fan number one, it and breaking bad are easily my favorite american dramas maybe of all time. Maybe

Thats not true. Season 4 was just as good as season 1 if not better

t. you

haven't dipped into season 4 yet, but 3 was kind of meh, not sure how i will like 4 seeing the cameos

>t. you
Please, go back.

Or what?

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I want a based lawyer waifu desu

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sorry that I don't follow your dogma on meme phrases

It's good, I find it a bit cheesy sometimes though. Too many coincidences, too many brba references, too many cringy scenes with the mexicans/gus/nacho.

3 was peak.

Imagine not liking chicanery

imagine thinking that being reddit. Reddit adores the explosions in capeshit

>this kills the saxon

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It’s good, but if you don’t have patience I recommend not watching it. It is a show for smart people, if you are dumb, go watch Game of Thrones

Best show currently running. The writing is above Breaking Bad. Slower pace and more character focus makes it a deeper show.

But Yea Forums always memes it to death because they can't into dialogue.

It's nice to see a thread with genuine lengthy discussion rather than just Zzzz Wultuh memes.

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I don't even get the meme.

What is it about BCS that causes the autists to go into a frothing rage over or in defense of it? It's a good show. Not the best, not the worst, but good.

When the show aired, most threads were just full of posts saying nothing happens, and the Zzzz indicates people would fall asleep watching it. Also, I think it's associated with Mike being so old he looks like he's about to fall asleep half the time.

Better Suck Chuck