Oh no

oh no

Attached: birth of a german.webm (1024x576, 3M)

nature is beautiful :)

do europeans really do this?

it's dead jim

god I wish that was me

That nigga dead.

Fucking degenerate hippies.

Just so everyone below me knows the baby lives

>umbilical cord wrapped around neck
>can't even catch the baby properly
and I'm guessing this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't decided to have a free birth

thanos baby

Birth of the "have sex" posters

I’m literally taking a shit right now and that baby was birthed quicker.
I have got to get some fucking fibre into my diet.

did the baby die?!?!?!



Surprisingly he's alive, don't know about brain damage though

>*record scratch*
>you're probably wondering how I got here...


drink some coffee

Soviets were right.

what a shitty mother. the first thing she does is drop the baby

Already had two today and it’s now past midnight.

Why on earth would she choose to stand up? That drop can't have been good for the baby.

>purple color/asphyxiated

What possible reason is there for her to be standing up over hard ground!?
Also, imagine running into this video later on in your life.

wh*te "people" lmao literally just disgusting fucking animals

is that shit on his chin?

I'm looking for the youtube videos. They have a whole channel. it'll probably get posted soon if i cant find it.

About what? Mass murder?

although the baby seems asphyxiated and unconscious/dead apparently babies being birthed with the umbilical cord around their necks is relatively normal and rarely results in complications

>Since the vast majority of time we don’t know if a baby will have a nuchal cord, it is routine that the doctor will check the baby’s neck for a nuchal cord after the baby’s head is delivered. Usually the cord is loose and can be slipped over the baby’s head. At times it might be too tight to easily slip over the head, and the doctor or midwife will clamp and cut the cord before the baby’s shoulders are delivered. This keeps the cord from tearing away from the placenta when the rest of the baby’s body is delivered.

>Remember, a nuchal cord is common, and complications caused by the condition are rare.

muh labor pains, i bet she had more painful shits than this

Doesn't look real. Is this staged?

it's 100% real
>is it staged
are you asking if the birth was planned? the answer is yes

how about dropping the bastard on his head is that common?

your life is staged retard

Good morning, everyone!

Some people should just be sterilized.