Casual reminder that we got 4 kino seasons, 2 bad ones, and 2 that feel like the worst fanfictions ever made.
Casual reminder that we got 4 kino seasons, 2 bad ones, and 2 that feel like the worst fanfictions ever made.
>I will, however, say for the record — no, THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING are not finished. DREAM is not even begun; I am not going to start writing volume seven until I finish volume six
>it seems absurd to me that I need to state this. The world is round, the Earth revolves around the sun, water is wet… do I need to say that too? It boggles me that anyone would believe this story, even for an instant. It makes not a whit of sense.
>Why would I sit for years on completed novels? Why would my publishers — not just here in the US, but all around the world — ever consent to this? They make millions and millions of dollars every time a new Ice & Fire book comes out, as do I. Delaying makes no sense. Why would HBO want the books delayed? The books help create interest in the show, just as the show creates interest in the books.
>So… no, the books are not done. HBO did not ask me to delay them. Nor did David & Dan. There is no “deal” to hold back on the books. I assure you, HBO and David & Dan would both have been thrilled and delighted if THE WINDS OF WINTER had been delivered and published four or five years ago… and NO ONE would have been more delighted than me.
Did you consider suicide Yea Forums?
anyone considering suicide over a tv show should go right ahead
>not considering suicide every single day of your life
Frig off normie
I guess, in the end, it really was a game of thrones
First for Meera Reed
D&D say Dany went crazy cause she had no advisers telling her not to, but all of her advisers have given shit advise. This is an insult to her and our intelligence..
Yes but not due to GoT
It's a television show.
The cracks started forming in season 4. Ramsay fighting shirtless and Brienne beating Sandor.
And let you faggots be free of my shitposting? Never, I hate/love you people too much
Arya kills Drogon with an arrow to the eye then talks to Jon about the bonus situation
So is Jon going to marry Sansa or Arya after he kills Dany?
After I realized I'll never have a cute yandere aunt-wife, yeah.
What was the point of this?
6.5" here
women are dumb lel
Reminder that Cleganebowl was a cool fight but the entire lead up to it made no goddamn sense at all
>Tyrion rating out Varys
Fuck this show
hope more civilians die next episode
i already got dubs on the other thread senpai
>Arya steals based Euron's only claim to fame aside from finger up the bum, fuck the queen
Fucking goblina
>but the entire lead up to it made no goddamn sense at all
And there was no stakes at all for me to root for.
given how things have gone in the last season, id consider it a massive success
>is called a song
>is quite clearly a fiction novel
What did he mean by this
Sandor was starving, exhausted, and dying of an infection at the time. The Brienne fight was far from one of the worst changes
Bittersweet, how is any part of this in any way sweet, hell it's not even just bitter or sad, it's outright mean-spirited
hope we see more punished Dany next episode
I'd argue that S5 and S6 were worse than S7 and S8
While the latter two are really hot garbage, they at least benefit from the fact that they are straight up hot garbage, and that is already clear from the get go that all logic has been abandoned in favor of spectacle and subverting expectations
S5 and S6 were maybe not as straight up garbage, but the writing was just as awful, and maybe even worse as they pretended as if it was still the same greatness that was S1-4
The deception and character assassinations of S5 and S6 are worse and sting more than the Wacky Medieval Adventures GORE EDITION of S7 and S8
They're all dead already
I got a 9 last thread user, I'm very pleased with the result
>Sandor was starving, exhausted, and dying of an infection at the time. The Brienne fight was far from one of the worst changes
my dick is like 17cm what does that get Emilia?
>King’s Landing next episode
>dany bad
>jon good
Sci-fi/fantasy series to read after ASOIAF?
>Sandy suddenly becomes a drooling retard and runs into a burning building to kill his brother, who is already dead
>he has had opportunities to kill his brother in the past and didn’t seem that interested in it
>all the “development” he had from the QI is retconned away
>All I live for is revenge
Fight itself was cool but meant absolutely nothing, whole thing was fucking stupid
Dicklet here
>I did not finish what I was supposed to do in 8 years and I'm proud of that!
someone told me she's a stand in for neoconservatives
Auntie, I'll give you cummies
>Jon, I think you would make a pretty good King. Why don’t you marry our Queen? It would be a great match, and I understand you love her already.
I WISH I WAS BLACK with an average black 24 cm cock
existence is suffering after the bells tbqh
Wheel of Time is the next big fantasy franchise
>still mad
I kinda want grum to pull Aegon is actually Aegon and Jon Snow really is Ned's bastard just to make the whole show even more of a fanfiction
Now that it's all said and done, what will go down as the best episode of Game of Thrones?
For me, it's a tough choice between A Golden Crown, Baelor, Kissed by Fire and The Watchers on the Wall
j-j-just watch the show, bro
Rolling for the crick in my dick
I miss him. What a beautifully written character
Oof fren
Whats her problem?
Remember lads, don't believe the Lannister's lies about Dany euthanizing 6 gorillion of them, they only want sympathy and more gold
fuckin kek
Nah 50% of them survived
We still have no idea what is the "song of ice and fire" like it is a thing in the books mentioned by an important character but nobody knows what it is. What the fuck was the point of title dropping?
All the Asharaposting has made me wonder if that's actually the case.
the queen's chosen
*teleports you into dragonfire*
nuthin personnel innit
Reminder the canon reason for Dany burning everyone was looking at the Red Keep.
Seasons 5-8 are equally garbage, I already forgot about what happened through most of them and in a couple years it will all just feel like a bad dream.
Here goes
Don't be a gay faggot manlet and turn her down
For Mad Dany only
We didn't have this in mind when you said this
>Season 1 Episode 1
>Jaime and Cersei talking in King's Landing
>A few minutes later they arrive in Winterfell
This show has always had a major problem with teleporting
>Jon, I've brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire
Rolla rolla
well how about you get off your fat ass and write them
>She makes a promise to her followers
>She keeps it and follows through
Based, Ned would've approved of her since the Baratheon bros are gone
>dragon = drogon
>lands with lots of rivers = riverlands
>lands with lots of storms = storm lands
>man that weighs a tonne = mountain
>blonde hair blue eyed house = targ-aryan
>jeffrey = joffrey
>richard = dickon
>jamie = jaime
>ross = roose
>keep that is made of red brick = red keep
>bay where the water is black = blackwater bay
can someone post that meme with white-haired arthas saying "this city must be purged"?
I just realized that the Winds of Winter will never come out.
I felt like there was still a faint glimmer of hope that GRRM might still be motivated to write the novels. But not after D&D royally fucked up the mad queen.
you're an idiot
this is how most things were originally named
You called her "mad queen" back then, didn't you? Apologize now
you forgot the most obvious ones
>place further north
>the north
>giant wall between the 7 kingdoms and shitty wilderness
>the wall
>While the latter two are really hot garbage, they at least benefit from the fact that they are straight up hot garbage
well said lad, it's rare to see such long winded talk in a /got/ thread now a days and it's no surprise you're a RadChad poster to boot.
it means "I love" in French
>the hound tells arya to fuck off when they are in the center of the red keep
>They make millions and millions of dollars every time a new Ice & Fire book comes out, as do I
Even when this fat fuck is proud of not doing any work at all for 8 years, he's bragging about how awesome and rich his books make everyone. Honestly surprised he didn't say Tolkien never even released the Silmarilion, I've only gone 8 years without releasing my next book
Did he plan all this just so Dany would go crazy and lock Jon her her rape dungeon?
Wrong, she's the kino queen
Clegenbowl is a fucking meme and isn't in the books
Characters that were less evil than Dany
1. Night King
2. Ramsey
3. Cersi
4. Joffrey
5. Gregor Clegane
6. Aerys T
7. Walder Frey
8. Roose
9. Qyburn
10. Craster
Here's some book predictions.
Cersei will lose her trial, Stannis is going to win the Battle for Winterfell and Dany's forces are going to win the Siege of Meereen without her.
based, fuck cleganebowl and fuck redditors
>sansa staring at a wall or the landscape while using her 7000 iq to do something
>bran behind her sitting in his wheelchair
>king's landing, jon and daenerys
>it's so beautiful
They really do feel like one big overlapping mess, dont they?
I can really pinpoint specific moments to specific episodes in S1-4, but from S5 onwards, everything could've happened almost every season and I wouldn't be suprised
For example, when did Dany arrive in Westeros? S6 or S7?
Sorry Cersei, but I never called you mad queen. Drunk soccer mom sure, tipsy wine aunt yeah, but mad queen belongs to Dany
>vandals = andals
>khan = khal
>narrow isthmus = the neck
>northern port = white harbour
Because the books aren't released yet fucking brainlet
>9. Qyburn
he was ahead of his time and a scientist with no morals, wouldn't call him evil though, FOOKIN LEGEND was more evil than him
They should have let the Hound fuck. Poor writing imo
>When politicians actually keep their word
First for the REAL queen in the north
Last scene of S6
>considering suicide because of fictitious events in a t.v. show
>not because life is completely and utterly meaningless and nothing brings you joy or pleasure anymore
Normies can't even consider suicide properly...
>first men = first men
>Lord of Dragonstone and Princess of Dragonstone
>Campaigns to win the Iron Throne but is disliked and unpopular with the locals, has to rely on foreign support
>Let their brothers die, allow their lovers to kill them
>Temporarily abandon their campaign to win the throne to save the North
>Ruthless, willing to burn their enemies alive, willing to sacrifice innocents
>Forces people to bend the knee
>Obsessed with destiny, believes themselves to be the messiah
Stannis and Daenerys are basically the same character
Galaxy brain: Ruining GOT to get GRRM to finish the books
How about he address the actual conspiracy theory and not this made-up bit of misdirection. The real theory is that he essentially stopped writing the books at some point to allow the show to play-out so he could craft his version and take into account what the audience knows or suspects and -subvert- it.
That is either tio-tier trolling or top-tier beta cuck
>Notice how Bran isn't on here
What's wrong with her hairs?
Qyburn was willing to sacrifice his own position to become a better healer and contribute to the sum of Westerosi medical knowledge. He was unironically a well-intentioned, intelligent, loyal man who was misrepresented by the other maesters and the Oldtown elite. Rest in power
>Statue that represents liberty = Statue of Liberty
>Big wall in China = Great Wall of China
wow can you believe these retarded humans?
you're a talker
>fuck redditors
atleast we can all agree on that
ashes of dead King's Landing civilians
Yag Sbaro?
I fucking hate the northners
nice dandruff
Mark Anthony was a retard that got dabbed on by Agrippa
He was a creepy ass pedo doing experiments on live people
probably fucked dead kids
Stannis return when?
Why did he became so naïve ? Wasn't he supposed to be the cynical negative one, always expecting the worse ?
Were they all hit by a Dumbing ray around season 4 ?
Seeing as the North Sea, the Oostzee (Baltic Sea in Dutch), the South China Sea, New York, etc. all exist I'd argue that is not a problem at all
And cheers for him actually changing common names a bit, that way at least he doesn't have to explain why someone would have Abrahamic name in a world devoid of those religions, while also not having to resort to ridiculous fantasy names
Is he an incel?
>Step Aunt helps nephew relieve stress[FamilyTherapy]
beyond doubt
>northermers go south
>they die
>southerners go north
>they die
Qyburn was just an autist who didn't care about anything other than his work/research.
Prequel about Robert's Rebellion
He self inserts as Sam Tarly
This is from an early novel of his, "The Second Kind of Loneliness", written when he was living as a semi-NEET after college.
>There are times, out here, when I want someone to talk to so badly that I scream, and start pounding on the walls. There are times when the boredom crawls under my skin and all but drives me mad.
>But there are other times, too. When the ringships come. When I go outside to make repairs. Or when I just sit in the control chair, imaging myself out into the darkness to watch the stars.
>Lonely? Yes. But a solemn, brooding, tragic loneliness that a man hates with a passion—and yet loves so much he craves for more.
>And then there is the second kind of loneliness.
>You don’t need the Cerberus Star Ring for that kind. You can find it anywhere on Earth. I know. I did. I found it everywhere I went, in everything I did.
>It’s the loneliness of people trapped within themselves. The loneliness of people who have said the wrong thing so often that they don’t have the courage to say anything anymore.
>The loneliness, not of distance, but of fear.
>The loneliness of people who sit alone in furnished rooms in crowded cities, because they’ve got nowhere to go and no one to talk to. >The loneliness of guys who go to bars to meet someone, only to discover they don’t know how to strike up a conversation, and wouldn’t have the courage to do so if they did.
>There’s no grandeur to that kind of loneliness. No purpose and no poetry. It’s loneliness without meaning. It’s sad and squalid and pathetic, and it stinks of self-pity.
>Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars.
>But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.
A smear campaign by Oldtown. Qyburn was a pure man with no sexual desires whatsoever. He was married to his work, and he sacrificed everything for medical science.
>Were they all hit by a Dumbing ray around season 4 ?
My only collision is Bran has an ability like the emperor from star wars to cloud the judgement of everyone in the universe.
All I can say is thank fuck it's almost over.
Rome and carnivale deadwood and many other fantastic shows where cancelled for this dreck
Fuck this shit die got die
>moral of the story: stay in your own country
what did the gurm mean by this?
What was the moment in the show when you started asking questions? For me was when Ramsay's small crew managed to sabotage Stannis' entire army
Stannis was an incompetent joke. Let him rot in the ashes of his shame and humiliation
>stay in your own country
Seven Kingdoms is one country
3 and 4 had some nice moments but they were still mostly shit
He's antiwar, somehow you didn't get this?
Yes but not over got
Dabid should kill themselves
Fuckin this.
But no one considered suicide over the show. Shit like this is just virtue signalling.
How can you burn innocent women and children?
fucking hell
All heil Bralpatine.
>she agrees to not attack if they surrender
>they don't
>assault begins and the defenders are crushed
>wtf now we surrender
fucking cunts
btw those retarded civilians could've jist left the city or not even arrive there in the first place, they deserved death for being dumb fucking shits
Fatass is never gonna finish them then. Show is Canon boys.
*nd*l propaganda
Why don't people call out Miura for doing the same with berserk?
it's based on the UK, which is one kingdom consisting of 4 countries
Imagine having one of the biggest scripted dramas of all time where the author of the source material wants it to go on longer, as does the network, as do the most frequent directors and writers of episodes, as do the actors, as do the fans, but two showrunners are allowed to rush it to unsatisfying completion with two mini-seasons barely any bigger than a normal season because they're bored and want to go make Star Wars.
That would be kinda dumb seeing as he's going to die before long
>We still have no idea what is the "song of ice and fire" like it is a thing in the books mentioned by an important character but nobody knows what it is. What the fuck was the point of title dropping?
So, you had a problem with the show until Cersei said "When you play the Game of Thrones™, you win or you die" and then it all made sense because the title was referenced in the show. Got it.
I want her to jerk me off and punch me in the face
turns out he was racist and misogynist all this time
>For me was when Ramsay's small crew managed to sabotage Stannis' entire army
Cracks appeared in season 4 with shirtless ramsay, Jamie not revealing the truth to Tywin about Tysha, the spooky skeletons, and some other shit. Season 5, episode 1 felt like a fucking brick wall hitting me. Season 5, episode 9 was when the showed died for me.
>he checked his own gets
wew lad. and they were quads. you're in for some bad luck.
Shirtless Ramsay was based
>the rape Padme
>it was beautiful
Brown masses invade the west. They are the new Westerosi. Pottery inseed.
5D Chess
Episode 1. Why did Cat wanted Robb, Jon, and Theon to shave and look good for the queen? Why where they shirtless for that?
Unfortunately not
Is she autistic?
How could one Triumvir be so fucking based?
Jon x Arya will become canon in the next episode
>and want to go ruin Star Wars even further
I was looking over the imdb and it looks that all the (main) actors from the series have upcoming staring roles in movies and series and stuff. all, except Kit Harrington. is he not a good actor.
No. Just cute
My dick is unironically 8.5" Yea Forums
Why didn't you protect her smile?
With sound:
Episode 1 season 1, opening credits. "Game" of thrones. Why is it called a game when it's a tv series?
she's fucking crazy is why, Targs have a history of going mad
>retarded civilians could've jist left the city
> Hey fellow Westeros citizen, I heard a Targaryan girl with dragons, Dothraki raiders and an army of enuchs who swear every thursday about destroying our cities and burning our people is soon to come near us. What should we do ?
* hides in city *
> There's soldiers preventing us to go in the Red Keep, there's ennemy soldiers at the gates who's pillaging and raping everyone, there's a dragon burning us from above. What should we do ?
* surrender *
Yeah, they are a bunch of assholes
literally me
What's wrong with Kit? He could creampie hot Emilia everyday instead he chose ugly redhead.
He's a model for men's beauty stuff.
Unfortunately he's typecast and all the good dwarf roles get past to Dinklage first and he takes em all
Based, but Jon x Sansa is the best for the show
She does need to fire whoever is doing her make up though
If she can look cute without make up right after invasive surgery, and looks like an old hag when attending some gala event, someone is to blame
What if jaime never had a character arc and his story is linear, but our perspective of him has changed?
He was always
>a bit of a dick
>who always runs back to his sister
>who cares about saving the people who care for him
He always did the "right" thing
As some examples
>Killed the mad king
>jumped into the bear pit to save Brienne
>Charged Dany to potentially kill her, after all she was an invader
Now in S8 he knew Cersei was going to die no matter what, and the right thing to do was to make sure she didnt die alone
He also participated in the battle of winterfell as it was the right thing to do, he could have fucked off south again
He fucked Brienne as it was, the right thing to do (as she got upset when called out) and he knew she loved him
based targaryen thanos fixing overpopulation issues
What happened to those peeps who hid in the Red Keep? Why was the whole castle empty?
>They're all dead already
Just like Dothraki, Northmen and Valemen in episode 3 right?
There's an NDA on his Spider-Man: Far From Home post-credits stinger as the MCU's Wolverine.
Scenes like that are always nice to see honestly
Gives it a bit of that feel of the fun times you had making shitty home movies with your mates in high school
he is 170 cm and looks like a mexican, what did you expect
Post them
He doesn't even have any children so why does the greedy fuck even care about money?
In medieval warfare if you breached the defense of a city that refused to surrender until then, it's very likely no quarter would be given.
Even GRRM put examples of cities being torched after they surrendered in the history of the world.
So her advisors suddenly thinking this is the equivalent of nuking japan is retarded and clearly written by someone who has no idea about medieval warfare.
How is it gonna end for her? Westeros trials or escape to Argentina?
I saw an exhibition of this guy's work when I was on holiday in Norway. Really cool stuff
She was a good queen
Based Pod managed to survive the entire series with his dignity intact and even managed to get laid.
> Westeros
> Overpopulated
At this point I'm amazed there's still people around
Whitewalkers don't swim, go home to Pentos westeros man.
Her instant transformation from stoic Dany to laughing Chris Evans is enthralling
I wish Game of Thrones Ascent was still a thing, I could have filled this thing easily.
They were drawn into the Mary Sue field. Due to the effect of this field everyone around a Mary Sue has to do things that are beneficial for the Sue.
If we're talking spectacle then Battle of the Bastards and Hardhome are still better than anything we've gotten in 7 and 8.
she looks so fucking HOT in this scene...
When Stannis (An honorable man, who doesn't believe in Gods, and who loves his daughter.) burned his daughter alive while his wife (A mentally ill, true-believer.) tried to stop him and save her.
King's landing is not even one percent of the population of Westeros.
>grrm is 5'6
>average male character in asoiaf is 6'5
what did he mean by this
He'll be ok right?
>psycho Dany will never force herself on you
The Absolute character assassination of Stannis will never not be upsetting
Thank the gods it's saved
I have to finish my magnum opus before I off myself. I don't even care if I'm around to see it published. The minute I think it's done I'm gone.
House Dayne could have dragons? They were half valyrian
It still hurts
Someine post the gif of the BTS shit of Gwendoline Stroking Davos' actors beard and then them both laughing
It was posted a few generals ago
Not a bookfag so it's kinda lame.
Not gonna lie, this would be the best ending of GOT at this point.
>Dany and Viserys went to Pentos
>Tyrion fled to Pentos
>Jaime wanted him and Cersei to leave for Pentos
Is Pentos the Argentina of Planetos?
>cucked by Lisa Tuttle
>spends the next 30 years crafting a story where Lysa Tully is an ugly used-up batshit crazy whore who gets thrown off a mountain by the only man she's ever loved
He is my spiritual king
>Ned wakes up beside Cat
>Not Ashara
Nothing is saved in this scenario you trout fucker
who is this intended for? as if anyone has or could forget
Out of my way, kino battle of King's landing coming though
>take your pants of or my dragon will burn you alive
She is the leader, so she would be caught
But it would be fun if Qyburn would manage to escape to the Free Cities and become a physician there in a Joseph Mengele type of story
I don't understand why people even give this fat fuck any money anymore. Every single one of written works can be found in PDF format on torrent or download sites. If you want to pay hbo (and this indirectly grrm) for closure on the story then I guess that's fine. But there's no reason to support him via books anymore.
I've started reading Brandon Sanderson and he's already just as good if not better than fat fuck.
Invite Lyn Corbray to Dorne and you'll never see him again.
>I've never known bells to mean surrender
>But it would be fun if Qyburn would manage to escape to the Free Cities and become a physician there in a Joseph Mengele type of story
Would have paid to see a spinoff like that.
The game of thrones has a definition ypu brainlet. The game means political competition between the ruling houses using cunning, deceit and manipulation. Rhaegar actually mentioned the song of ice and fire when Aegon was born but no one knew what it meant and why he said it. You fucking retard.
Do I really have to be the one to point out that water is not wet?
Actually I’m going to kill myself and almost did it early when I found out GOT was so shit I had no reason to wait until after the final.
y-yes...Everything you want
oh jfc it's getting worse and worse
Youre gonna die before its done, George
Yep, that's me.
Can't tell if this is trolling
The entire story is a "song" of ice and fire. Like the Odyssey or whatever. Haven't you noticed that stories about wartime exploits are always referred to as "songs" in Asioaf? That's because it's shorthand for an epic story
Ned realizing not to marry Sansa to Joff, not going south either, of a bad dream would be subverting expectation kino atm
Because he hasn't been on an 8 year hiatus. Even though the drip feed of chapters fucking sucks, he's still doing it.
Meanwhile George lard mountain is proud that he hasn't released the book and thinks of fans who are wishing they were actually done as nutjobs. Hopefully he loses some fingers from diabetes soon
Much harder to get in contact or talk with the Japanese, they are inscrutable bastards
Besides, all he would do is:
>Plays more idolmaster
It's funny to see Martin have to explain his delays and abscenses at all. What a humiliating situation to be in.
The Chad mangaka like Miura will never have to or need to do that
what was renly's problem?
>we live in a free-range insane asylum run by inmates
They have to inform you that they hate you and want you dead and they use the culture against you to make you bewildered, anxious, angry, and controllable. It's a spiritual law of the universe or some shit that they actually have to tell you. Otherwise, God calls a foul and Satan has to destroy his people that did it for breaking the rules.
That's criminal morality. That's what most of the "irony" in pop culture is about. It's to conceal the "tell". It's sort of like when people or corporations are required to give public notice about a thing, they just take out an ad in a newspaper, knowing full well few people will read it. If you pay attention when you meet a truly evil person, you can spot all the ways that they're telegraphing "i'm evil and i'm putting you on notice. you have been warned" so as to make you fair game.
That's what shit like that is about. It's evil-doers make it morally ok for them prey on us.
>Ned wakes up next to Ashara
>Stannis is king
>hand is Littlefinger
>Jon is legit his legal son
Would this be kino?
It could actually work as one of those Netflix serial killer shows
The whole story being around Qyburn trying to procure specimens for research, not being noticed by local law enforcement and staying ahead of those in Westeros who still want to get revenge on him
Yeah this
>marrying the woman your taller, more muscular uberchad of a brother completely manhandled during a tourney while you were playing catch the frog with your manlet friend
too realistic for me
>Jon kills Danny and surrenders himself
>Joins NW again to avoid death penalty
>Approaches Castle Black
>"I guess this really was just A Song of Ice and Fire"
>And Who
>Are You
actual properly-created /got/ thread
You are not my Daenerys yet Daenerys nor would I obey that Daenerys even if you were Daenerys
Entitled upbringing
Maester Cressen mentions that in his chapter
>The real song of ice and fire were the friends we made along the way.
You haven't read the books, I can tell. Your reasoning makes no sense when Rhaegar first said it to his newborn Aegon which was before Robert's Rebellion and Jon's birth.
I don't get how that's possible when Robert was his older brother, the we have the Baratheon parents we don't know much about.
Stannis and davos are truly the patrician duo
Followed by sandor and arya
Then ned and bobby
Because Renly was the only one who wasn't raised at all by their parents
not remotely related to current shit, how did jon run backwards here to catch up with ygritte? all the cuts make it really hard to figure out the overall movements
>thread still isn't archived
>states united under one flag
>in North America
>United States of America
Brovo founding fathers very orginal
No but I reckon after episode 5 many children called Daenerys were sacrificed to the lord of light