Who is looking forward to Dark Season 2?

Who is looking forward to Dark Season 2?

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The first season was amazing but the final scene was whack. The show it gonna suck ass now. It's made by netflix, after all.

I sure as fuck am waiting for Antje Traue (faora in man of steel)'s potential nude &/or lesbian scenes.
Pretty much my #1 entertainment hope right now.

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the first season was amazing up until the last scene, I'm not sure about the second season desu.

Best girl right here. What a shame you couldn't see her tits

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Antje is 10/10 she needs more roles

Me! Although I feel like I don't remember shit and might have to watch season 1 before season 2 starts

just look up the family trees online
probably help more than watching the first season again and then having to look at it anyway

This. Also the S2 trailer looks pretty shitty.

Fucking this. Absolutely looking forward to some lewdness from her. I got rock hard when she touched the other girls hand in the bedroom

>reading subtitles while watching audiovisual content

Wake me up when there's American remake

stay in your game of thrones thread retarded pleb

Where can i find the summarycof the first season? I forgot many things from it...

I get the feeling that it is going to be about as bad as Stranger things s2 was.

>not learning german

Ab mit dir in die Gaskammer

>One scene sucked so it makes the whole series bad

>Great atmosphere.
>Outstanding soundtrack, especially the end credits.
>Interesting premise.
>All these elements suggest an extremely DARK and transgressive noir mystery.
>The actual story is a generic fixed-timeline time travel story with the most boring possible reason for the dead kids and a wet fart ending.

Given that the first season was all hype and no follow through, the chance of season two being even part way decent are pretty much nil.

I couldn't pay attention to the subtitles so I gave up after episode 2. Same thing happened when I watched Narcos

I want to see more of Jonas' slutty milf mother

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