There has to really be an agenda at this point. wtf

There has to really be an agenda at this point. wtf

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Other urls found in this thread: %1$s&share=

what are you talking about?

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I can't get behind this forced maymay

They want to turn our gay kids into furfags!

>tfw this episode never aired in my country

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If it triggers /pol/, I support it.

Yeah, the agenda is that Arthur teaches kids about the real world and that gay people exist


Selling PrEP.

Cant wait for the episode about Mr. Ratburn's serodiscordant relationship, and how he can still remain negative through safe sex practices.

But homosexuality is a mental disorder you goof. Just like thinking you're a chick despite penis dangling between your thighs.


this show was for these furfags anyways, let them reveal their hidden agenda

I guess not even a children's television program can be safe form a pervert's political sex agenda in this day and age

> .ca

They're not perverts, they're people like you and me. Just because someone has a different sexual preference doesn't make them perverted.

penis into poophole

why do children need to know deviant sexuality exists?

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>show has been around forever and is stale as fuck
>toss in a little controversy

Woah I never knew Mr. Ratburn took it up the shitter! FUXKING BASED

ratburn is a bottom

I thought rodents were the ones that went up gay asses

Hey wait a minute aren't gay people way overrepresented in sex crimes relative to their population size?

>gay sex with hat on

To make something clear, an agenda can be explicit i.e. a bunch of shadowy illuminati types sat around a meeting room table and said "the next step in our master plan: make cartoons gay! Mwa ha haaa". This is what simple people think of when you suggest a conspiracy theory.
The second type of agenda conspiracy is the IMPLICIT agenda. This is where agents of the agenda act in a manner favouring the agenda UNCONSCIOUSLY.
This can occur where the agenda is entered into popular culture and begins to propagate itself. The agents of the agenda push a narrative that perennially evolves and changes and twists but nevertheless they do it in concert despite never having actively coordinated themselves.
The internet via social media and low barrier of access to becoming a news peddler exacerbate this.
So yes, there is an agenda, and the agenda seems to be "everything deviant is good! Everything traditional is bad!" and it seems to be implicit and probably the writers of hey arthur don't even know they are taken in by it.

Even when homosexuality was on the books as a disorder it wasn't always treated as one.

>the average gay man has several dozen partners per year
Are there people stupid enough to believe this?

As a gay guy nothing has made me hate gay people (and in a way, myself) more than shit like this, and the knowledge that probably 80% of gays support it

>homosexuality is a mental disorder
>believing the King of Jews was nailed to some 2 x 4s by the Romans so that you may go to Heaven isn't (also remember HE'S ALWAYS WATCHING YOU)
People are hilarious

Shut up faggot kill yourself

lol butthurt

Homosexuality being classified as mental disorder has nothing to do with the bible.

*nods respectfully in your direction*

Not even the first time they've had a gay person in Arthur. Stephen Crowder voiced one of the characters for a season

He's a verse top. Arthur should know

have sex

I can't believe there are people who actually believe this.

Religious zealotry is a mental disorder, so sorry

no one said anything about jesus or christianity. do you believe everyone who has a problem with homosexuals must be a christian?

me in the middle


Literally what did they mean by this? That other people's experiences are as valid as my own?

Fags get strung up first on day of the rope

What do you mean when you say at this point? Everyone has an agenda and propaganda has been in your face since day 1.

Oh I'm not saying it's exclusive to Christianity, get over yourself

Nice bait

So is autism, and Arthur has had episodes about that.

t. Karim Rasheed

Christcucks gonna lern 2day lmao

believe what, facts?

so why did you randomly bring up jesus in ?

My niggas Arthur has always been about exposing kids to different aspects of society and the community. They've had episodes on (iirc) dementia, cancer, autism and other stuff.

Often times the story revolves around current events, so next season we'll probs have a two parter where Blinky's sister dies of measles because his parents are anti-vaxxers and he takes his anger out on the world by shooting up the school.

Not him, but the vast majority of people who have a problem with gay people are religiosily motivated. I've never met an atheist who disliked the gays.

With men


Know you have, so never make that excuse again.



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Have sex

The first one is kinda silly. Women are psychotic little cunts. Most guys have probably been "psychologically abused" but don't give a shit or straighten the bitch out. Another woman would perceive it as abuse. Two dykes together is the perfect storm of insanity.

lol butthurt

>I've never met an atheist who disliked the gays.
I am one, fags need to hang.
Gays are almost all pedos!

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I'm pretty sure this is fake

Nah that's a gay thing!

so how is it silly?

nice /pol/ bait. Now post the one where gays have 500 sex partners.

His husband is pretty jacked. I would.

>Gays are almost all pedos!
Objectively false.

/pol/ is pretty fucking gay

Not really, as it turns out.

Gee I sure love /pol/ spilling over into literally every other board

>truth is bait
Is this your brain on leftist denial?

It’s because revolution is at hand.

Name a cringer gaming site than One Angry Gamer. I'll wait.

>you must be a literal nazi to think its morally questionable at minimum to expose children to sexual deviants

Google it!

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It's a half truth. That couple did assist in abusing a kid, but they didn't legitimately adopt him IIRC. They paid off a woman in Russia to be a surrogate.

Are you nervous about leaving your kids alone with a priest?

Every homo needs to die!

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>t. pervert

Imagine saving an image of a random /pol/ post and actually naming it "facts".

>/pol/ is literal nazis

how many straight marriages have been shown on arthur?

thread is about arthur, a tv show

Something tells me something is wrong about this.

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All the straight couples were already married because it was legal for them to do so. When Arthur premiered Mr. Ratburn's married would have been against the law. Really puts things into perspective.

Yeah then they bought him off of her. It wasn't like actual adoptions that occur through agencies.

>we gays just loooove pozzing each other with our HIV dicks
>we also really hate niggers with their HIV dicks

I dont think we should be teaching kids about perverse sexual fetishes

>believing /pol/

There is not a single fag on the planet that isn't a deviant porn addict. Theyd take advantage of your kids and feel no remorse for you, your "ally" who is no longer an ally but a bigot, at that point.


It's not a perverse sexual fetish.

Remember fellas, these shills/plebbitor's feelings dont care about our facts, just like our facts dont care about their feelings.

The time for argument is over, we know what needs to be done and we are soon getting to the point where it is inevitable.

Enjoy the ride until we get there.

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Yes because they are fucking fags like you!
Gays are the number 1 pedos!

Dont move the goalposts, it doesnt help your argument.

Other people having sex shouldn't upset you. Unless of course, you're not having sex...?

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its prob exaggerated but they are notoriously promiscuous as fuck

You're just now realizing that?

Facts don't care about your """facts,""" which are based on feelings.

>No reading the article that shows that gays are pedos
Fucking fags

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They are perverts

all the gay-bashers are counterproductive. fight the propaganda, no need to bash gays themselves. literally just dont push it on my kids as part of an agenda and we have very few problems.

Because nigs are based and only want the white clam meat. They're mad that they won't share the germ with them.

Bootlicker %1$s&share=

Wow look all heteros are pedo rapists too

It wouldn't surprise me if legitimate research showed that a lot of gay couples hook up and break up quickly, since males have a higher sex drive, but I know for a fact that gay and bisexual guys joke just like straight guys do about not being able to get a bf

The fact that it bothers you is literally and unironically why it exists.

>Tainted Souls

Is this the new dark souls?


Every homo needs to get shot!

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source: my ass

For some it is, for some it's a mental disorder that they can thelp. Gays that are not promiscuous pervs and genuinely want a bf / husband and are looking for a serious monogamous relationship are not a problem. Theyre not the sexual deviants. Theyre also a minoriry though

But user /pol/ are the ones begging for big authoritarian cock

>Ignores the fact that most pedos are homos
You fags need to die!

>Theyre also a minoriry though
Not really IME

formerly straight

I don't think you know what that word means, friend
Don't bother responding again, I was just checking in because I love to see /pol/tards seethe

This is why i hate faggots, the only reason they adopt kids is to molest them.

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putting things in your ass is your area, friendo

No I find a lot of gays are actually normal and private about it. College made me more tolerant then liberal propaganda ever could. Its the vocal activists given you all a bad rep. That and the straight white liberal saviors.

Reminder that being gay is a choice made by people with a mental disorder

Yet most pedos are fags

Just like pulling "facts" out of them is yours.

rent free

You don’t have children.


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Also not true.

Check this newfag that doesn’t remember cunny threads.

can't pull anything out if i don't have anything in :^)

That kid was bought, not adopted.

Kill all those degenerate Queers!

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Shooting your brains out triggers pol checkmate and dilate retard

It's obvious that you pulled those out of your ass, so they definitely were in there at some point. Don't lie about it.

Hope they do an episode of Arthur getting drugged and raped by the teacher and his husband and gives him aids like what the queer teacher and his husband did to a 13 year old I think the kid killed himself as well

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feel free to refute the facts anytime, my sodomite friend