Let's settle this: Why exactly did she do it?

Let's settle this: Why exactly did she do it?

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she got cucked by a manlet

She wanted to secure the throne through fear and intimidation, since the regular, civic way would've tipped the balance in favour of Jon.

She just needed the D and it was denied to her

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Because fear.

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So? Didn't she also want to be a good leader and not one of 'those' guys? What's so bad about Jon being king?

She saw her ancestors old house and it made her want to burn civilians

More than anything else, she wants the iron throne. It's all she's ever wanted since Viserys died.

terms for surrender were given beforehand and cersei the cunt was a smug bitch in denial of the power of a dragon until she saw kings landing getting absolutely shit on, there was no more negotiation to be had but the bells rang asking for mercy when in 0 timelines would mercy have been given if the situation was reversed

She realized she could’ve just storm and capture King’s Landing with triple the size of her host, 3 dragons, with Jorah and Missandae by her side and win with lower casualties. Instead she faffed around in snowniggerland and got 2 of her dragons, half of her host wiped out and Jorah killed just for a manlet to reject her. So she chimped out.

Why though?

I don't think sand in your vagina is a valid reason to kill children.

She felt she was losing her grip on claim to the throne. She has her backers in the Southlands, fuck the north let them all burn to a crisp.

She's a sociopath who loves to see people burn. That's the most consistent trait of her character.

Because a conquered city is at the attacker's mercy if they didn't surrender before the ram touched the gates.
The Mongols for example would basically kill everyone in such a case.

>Why though?
She's always been a power hungry tyrant. She just had it easy so far with wise people holding her back and plot armour protecting her from bad things.

Cause she’s a Targ.

>I don't think sand in your vagina is a valid reason to kill children.
It isn't. That's why she's the bad guy of the show now.
The question is not so much whether or not her actions are justifiable (they aren't), but whether or not they are in character.
I'm going to say no even for the second, but only because it was rushed and poorly executed. On paper it works for me.

She wants scare everyone to secure her right for throne.

she says in season 1 or 2 that she was going to burn King's Landing to the ground.

Hey Guys Listen

They're pulling a Zero Requiem on us.

autism and pms

She'll probably (hopefully) get killed off by someone soon, so does it matter?

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Lost 2 dragons of 3, she doesn't know whether the last one can lay eggs.
Lost all Dothraki cavalry.
Lost all ships.
Lost a large portion of the Unsullied.
The Northmen only listen to Jon Snow.
Jon Snow rejects her.
Sansa who is with Jon is scheming against her.
Lost her best advisors.
The Lannister's army is also questionable in allegiance.
It was an example to be set.

She wants the throne. Did you actually think she cares about little people? She only helped some of them so that they would treat her like a god. She's never had any problems with killing people

Why didn't they keep more scorpios in the castle?

> her most trusted advisor dies ( jorah )
> she's loses 2 of her children
> she's betrayed by jon
> to top it all off he doesn't even want to be with her making him the greatest threat to her claim for the throne

She burnt it down to show the world that she is the one true ruler of Westeros and was willing to cleanse the entire city as an example. It's not that fucking hard to understand.

Burning people is fun. It's in her blood.

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>jorah gone
>dothraki gone
>rhaegal gone
>viserion gone
>ships gone
>nigress gone
>jon gone
>throne gone
She just said fuck it. Next episode she's gonna do another massive fuckup. This is basically a ragequit.
She's like my little cousin, who whenever she realises that she loses at risk, just focuses on dragging whomever she deems responsible down with her.
>her mind gone

Because she is literally Hitler

They didn't have Starbucks coffee to help them think.

She feels deeply insecure regarding her leadership capabilities and feels like she is losing support from Jon and co. After burning up knight's landing defenses she felt omnipotent and obeyed her impulses to reign through fire and blood.

Episode 7 and 8 would have explained this in a 10 episode season.

That's your answer. A woman has no reason or accountability.

Fuck off retard to tumblr. Killing her right now would be pussy shit move, especially with Drogon and Unsillied and Dothrakis. She should win and build her Empire.

because she is female and pregnant and hormones n sheit.

How would she build anything when she kills all her advisors? She's the most incompetent leader in the show. Her solution to everything is fire

She was always reigned in by her well intentioned advisors. Jorah, her oldest friend, died protecting her. And then Missandei, the only advisor she had left that she could completely trust, told her to burn everything as her final wish. Daenerys made a choice, win the fight with as little blood spilt as possible, or go full mad queen despite already winning. This transition should have happened over multiple seasons and not one episode, but the transformation is consistent with the character.

And this why she won't die.

The ram touched the wall. no mercy.

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Motherfuckers who is Cersei.

She is Conqueror first and foremost, and she can buy good advisors.

It was her turn.

Idk. I didn't had sex with her.

They had it coming

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Great, more advisors to ignore and burn alive

Here is a better question. Why did she destroyed the whole city? Fuck the civilians, what was the point of making a ruin out of it? I thought she reaaaally wanted to sit on the Iron Throne, why bother destroying the Red Keep then?

Where is all the gay and lesbian sex scenes and dick and balls this season? They're really dropping the ball

Some women just want to watch the world burn.

Dany is going to tie Jon up in a sex dungeon and rape him at dragonpoint next episode

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Bad writing

The first possibility is that she's crazy - this is hinted in the story at some points.
The second one is, that this serves as an example to other who might oppose her. This was typically the reason to do such a thing, historically.

She wants to break the wheel. The new modern art castle will represent minorities better

>backers in the Southlands
Literally who?

bet she got a high pH pussy

Because she realized that the westerners will never stop. Even if they surrendered, she realized someone would already be scheming against her before the flames were even put out, and when she ruined a place previously, she always just packed her shit up and moved on. But there was no moving anywhere after the Kings Landing and people of Westeros rightfully seen her for what she is - Usurping white woman who brought her army of castrates and rapists to 'tear down their stone houses'.
It was this realization that hit her and she knew she can never win.

She found out that jon didn't actually love her and only used her to save the north. So she got lonely and knew that everyone either hated or her were afraid so she just went with fear.

She left a drunken cutthroat in charge of biggest and oldest cities on the Essos continent.

She’s burned tons of people for dubious reasons, what’s a few more?

/our/ Femcel

>Implying God-Emporer Bran will let this happen

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>Let's settle this: Why exactly did she do it?

Take a fucking book of history, victorious armies pillage and loot the cities that they conquer, that includes rape too. Is the most established tradition in warfare.

Basically because she feels betrayed, alone and rejected (especially by Jon).

Because she said she would?

>Fire and blood

seven kingdoms runs on tradition and blood lines. the Dothrak and sand niggers hardly even value life. she's not going to win hearts and minds in the seven kingdoms ever.
she should exile herself to valerian

on her period

If you think of it this way the episode wasnt even that bad.
Except for the character murder of Varys and Jamie.

Daeny literally did nothing wrong
If she were a man you fags would be cheering her on

sexual frustration

What if she was just autistic and she sperged out because of sensory overload when the bell rang

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She's autistic but she sperged out because her oneitis doesn't want her.


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Her entire existence is based on MUH IRON THRONE. At this point she doesn’t care how she gets it anymore.
Iron chair >>> her past morals

she wasn't raped enough as a child

She literally gives her motivation repeatedly. She will never be loved like Jon is, there there are no slaves to free, so her only option is to rule by fear.

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Because she was based

Cuz it was fun, gotta live a little. Fuck those worthless peasant shits

Dragons are ridiculously easy to kill now. All it takes is a bunch of guys chucking spears at Drogon and her reign of terror comes to an end.


in medieval times walled cities were given the option of surrender before an assault began. if they refused this and their defenses were successfully overrun they got sacked. this accepted as a fact of war and normal.

>modern science can’t even explain 90% of mental illness other than genetic predisposition

>She will never be loved like Jon is,
Which doesn't even make any sense, since nobody even knows who Jon is in the South.

For Dany to go mad, D&D made everybody either hate her or act like she doesn't even exist. She sacrificed a tremendous amount to save everybody, and there is no semblance of gratitude whatsoever. One would think that there would be some camaraderie between her and the Starks after they went through the same traumatic, life-threatening experience, but nope. Sansa still hates her and doesn't trust her because the plot demands it. Varys betrays her because the plot demands it.

Why don't Jon and Daenerys just talk to each other? Why is every conversation between them just about the Iron Throne and what Sansa is doing? Why does Jon not have an opinion on anything anymore? Why is Jon so put off by the incest? His grandparents on the Stark side were cousins. Starks married uncle to niece, too. Why does Jon not even try to console Dany? He comforted her after Viserion died. He comforted her after the meeting in the Dragonpit seemingly failed. But when Rhaegal and Missandei died, he doesn't say anything to her.

The final conflict could have been avoided completely if Jon wasn't just a spectator in his own story. Ending The Long Night was given to Arya. The destruction of King's Landing was seen mainly from Arya's point of view. Jon has no wants or agencies at all. Forget GRRM--D&D can't even get their own characterizations right.

She's shacking her OWN city.

This season feels like a series of cop-outs just to end the story quickly.
But it's going 80mph and slamming on the brakes 10feet away from a brick wall.
Or like you're telling a story to some kids at a restaurant while you wait for your food, and the food shows up so you wrap up the story really fast so you can eat.
"Then they all get on a plane to go fight hitler but it crashes and they all die. So sad. But pizza!"

She has a whole kingdom, one city less is no big deal.

She's basically female Elliot.

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>She has whole france, losing paris is no big deal.

>Why though?
She had nothing else to live for after Jon rejected her. She's a really pitiable character desu.

She liberated them. True freedom can only be found in death.

which porn scene is this

for the only reason anyone should do anything
for the lulz


She always was a bloodthirsty conqueror, that gypsy woman who cursed her had the right idea all along.

I would’ve just burn le witty imp

Kys faggot

>playing Civ
>steam roll two smaller civs and 10 city states
>finally attack strongest rival
>they instantly kill elite units and general
>destroy your sub with a nuke on it
>finally capture their capital and they are willing to give you some cities for peace
>"fuck it", nuke their whole empire

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About once a month women turn pure evil. That is all.

Because they wrote her frying the Red Keep, then realized they didn't know how to stretch that out or make it impactful, so they changed it to her burning down the whole city.

>nuking ethiopia
Are you some kind of racist or something?

There was no breathing space for character motivation to be shown. A single added episode where Dany waits to attack the city would save the second half of the season. E.g., we see her imagining people whispering about her. Plotting. She sees Jon talking to Missandei...flirting? She dreams of the death of her child, Drogo...her dragons.

We are seriously at a point where the face-heel turns in wrestling are handled better. lol Majin Vegeta's face-heel turn is WAY more sophisticated than this Emmy winning series.

because reasons
>I don't want to be a tyrant
>I will burn every single citizen, not only to win, but even after I've won

This is so dumb

>Which doesn't even make any sense, since nobody even knows who Jon is in the South.
and? the north is roughly half the size of the south. that's more than enough for good support.

She didn't do it bran warged into the dragon and destroyed the city and Dany was trying to stop it

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>and? the north is roughly half the size of the south. that's more than enough for good support.
That's like saying that Canada has just as much influence as the United States because it's the same size/bigger. The North doesn't have nearly as many people as the South does, you retard.

Not that guy but Jon has the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands. Dany has jack shit in Westeros.

>The North doesn't have nearly as many people as the South does, you retard.
show me the numbers than until then stfu.

north, vale, riverlands, wildlings.

She literally talks about it in the episode, why the fuck is everyone so confused? She doesn't think the people are innocent because they haven't rebelled against Cersei like slaves did in Meereen
>good leader
Do you know what happened to the cities she "saved"

boiner achieved.

>your enemy wants blood your entire life
>finally strong enough to give them blood
>they pussy out at the first siege

dany pulled the conqueror equivalent of saying "gg ez fags" and griefing everyone in the post-game lobby after winning, which if you haven't done this before, you're low-t

Sansa has the Vale.
Nobody has the Riverlands' support.
North of the wall.


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Because she's CRAZY! The MAD Queen!

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>Sansa has the Vale.
And she would rather back Jon. That much is clear.

>Nobody has the Riverlands' support.
Sansa has the best claim.

Honestly I gathered it's cause she had her feelings hurt that people in the north and this new area don't like her.

>The North doesn't have nearly as many people as the South does, you retard.
sansa wants jon on the throne or did i miss something? also the vale was also yelling "king in the north" in 670 showing support.

also we are talking jon vs dany. you can argue how much support jon realy has but even if it was -1 its still 1 milion times more than that of dany who has almost no army left and an empire that dislikes her.

Even a D- creative writing student like myself could figure out how to fill the time
>Arya sneaks into the city to spy on Lannister forces. Chance to revisit how this whole game started (Neds execution, etc)
>steal the plot of a Generation Kill episode with Davos, Missandei, and Greyworm attempting to deal with desperate civilians outside of Kings Landing as they lay siege
>Drogon finds his brother washed up on the shore and is basically gone mad, Dany can barely contain him (call back to how naughty the dragons were in Essos).

KL deserved it. They
> didn't help the north against the whitewalkers
> loool the red wedding xD that was epic fuck the norf :3
> shame their own queen (cersei) then don't do anything when she blows up a few 100 people later on

They're a mindless, or at the very least, soulless bunch of peasants that accepts whatever is thrown at them.

She's going to execute Jon by dragon fire and then he's going to be left unharmed thus showing everyone he his a targaryen.

Because people said YASSS QWEEN SLAY, so she did.

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The reasons are pretty clear. Anyone would do the same on that position.

wrong quote

because people from kings landing deserved

Literally the only support for this belief as established by the show is Jon being more popular at a party.

That's LITERALLY it. It's pathetic.

Dany had the support of Dorne and the Reach, but now it's "muh likability" because borderline-retarded Tormund was talking Jon up at a party?

The show has utterly failed to give us any idea of how anyone beyond only Arya and Sansa feel about Dany.

Holy shit
Can soemone create a pasta to deliver every time someone makes yet another thread asking this question?
Fucking thanks.

I would have done the same. She was a Targaryen and needed to fulfill the Targaryen destiny. She figured out that his father know all people in King's Landing are crooked.

>Stopping rape of any kind

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Totally this.

The fuck... She fucked a lot, homie.

I don't get it: Normies have been asking for queens to slay for years but when a queen actually slays it causes an outrage.

Underrated post

wanted the throne by any means necessary. In the earlier seasons going the breaker-of-chains route was a successful strategy but it was just that, a strategy to get more power, and when a more violent approach seems better, she goes with that

>She's like my little cousin, who whenever she realises that she loses at risk, just focuses on dragging whomever she deems responsible down with her.
Fuck I know 2 girls who do that same bullshit.


Low IQ woman.

Not surrendering in time is a valid reason to get raped, robbed, sold into slavery or burnt. At least in-universe.

Brann warged into Drogon & nobody will believe Dany.
Screencap this,

Historically a city normally couldn't surrender after the walls had been breached. You were given the chance to surrender before the attack began. If you accepted, the attacker would show mercy, if you refused, they would sack the city. Dany obeyed the real ancient and medieval rules, but broke the rules established in the show.

She started a Flame War.

>Gets denied sex 2 times
>Burns down an entire city
Is she the ultimate Incel?

Sacking a city doesn't mean destroy it you uneducated burger

Yes, she's /ourgirl/.

Shity writing
The night king had it even worse

Little known fact about being on a dragon while it spits fire. There is extreme and pleasurable vibrations. She was rubbing her snatch and asshole against drogons back and came many times and when she got back, she jumped off the dragon and SAT ON MY FUCKING FACE.

She decided to rule through fear instead
The problem is that the change needed to be more gradual
>but muh two hour movies develop muh characters
Movies don’t spend years developing a character saying things like ‘I don’t want to be queen of the ashes’ before the movie is out
And if those episodes were entirely focused on her, with a significant amount of time passing before she decides to nuke kings landing, they could’ve just ended the Jaime plot in winterfell and had less Arya to make time for it
Also they shouldn’t have taken her from
>I care enough to fight ice Satan and I won’t even use dragons to take the red keep
>but I will use extreme force on those who directly oppose/betray me
Straight to
>I want to be feared so badly that I’ll destroy an entire city that has already surrendered in fear
I wouldn’t have minded if they had just had her torch the city before the surrender to try and make them surrender
>but she is insane
It’s called a descent into madness it’s meant to be step by step, not straight to genocide from executing advisors
Hitler didn’t go straight from some slightly anti Semitic laws to sending death squads to Jewish neighborhoods

So that they have a good reason to kill her in the next episode because there's only 1 left.

Poorfag detected. Newsflash: many significant policies are decided at the parties that social elites attend. This has been the case for much of recorded history.

If the nobles kissed Jon's ass more at that party, it's a very real threat if she ever needed to rely on the North for anything and Jon disagreed with her.

Not necessarily, but it could.

There's a little piece of information nobody is talking about, which would have change evrything.

In the later seasons, everyone assumes the white walkers want to destroy the entire world. Why would they think that ? First they don't swim so the best they can do is Westeros, secondly it's not the first invasion. Old tales talk about lords hiding in their castles for the Whitewalkers to go away, it means they weren't defeated but didn't kill everyone.

As I see it the Night King is a defense mechanism gone wrong, task to flush out humans from CotF territory every now and then. That's why he's so slow and put warning signs, he just wants them to leave, the dead army only kills those who stay.

Meaning it would have been fine to ignore the threat, tell the North to migrate South (tons of free land after all the death during the war), take King's landing with Dany full army and the story is over.

Depression over losing her closest friends and two of her dragons, hatred of Cersei, frustration over the truth of Jon's lineage and him not reciprocating her feelings due to being related, and Targaryen madness.


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I'm not a burger and I'm very educated, when did I say sacking meant destroying?

Because Dany didn't sack King's landing, she destroyed it.

wasnt it common in history to kill everyone in the places you conquer?

>Silver haired bitch goes insane due to her lineage and burns everyone and everything to the ground

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Kings Landing doesn't have a Starbucks.

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Dany's a mix of Sephiroth and Jeanne Alter from Fate.

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The better question is: why did the northerners go full nigger?

Why not ?


Can anyone post a screen of the leaks post that’s come true?

The northerners all died in the wars between Stannis, Ramsey, Lannister, and Starks. Whats left are Wildlings that decided to stay south of the Wall.

She has 75% of the same genes as her crazy father.

Because she was surrounded by traitors and had to take matters into her own hands.

Maybe if Jon, Sansa, Tyrion and Varys hadn't all betrayed her she would have felt secure leaving things up to her army.

They were wearing northern armour not wildling clothes. And with your logic there shouldn't have been any unsullied or dothraki either that survived

Every time she showed mercy she was stabbed in the back. Total victory was the only option

Can we all be honest for a moment.

This series created some concrete long winded character archs.
One being that Dany was companionate and a good person.

the fact of the matter is this -
Once again, a show got larger than life - high level execs came in and either put too much pressure or directly interfered in story writing.
They absolutely abandoned the pace of the first 7 seasons - and their character archs, and they decided that the final season would be a swerve fest filled with controversial moments instead of good writing.
The writers said "okay we have 30 main characters, lets kill 20 of them, hmm who should we use"
and "hmm what would be a good twist"

tldr: she did it cause lol swerve

cuz fuck em

>Let's settle this: Why exactly did she do it?
Targ genes, as specified hundreds of times in the show/books.

But no let's make it a fucking mystery.

Really, though. Targ genes activated by stressful, and almost desperate, situation.


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>And with your logic there shouldn't have been any unsullied or dothraki either that survived
There shouldn't be any unsullied or dothraki, but there are. Maybe the real reason is that the show is shit.

it's called blood lust, it doesn't matter that they're northerners. once dany started burning everything she unleashed the savagery

heh, not going to argue with you on that one

>She saw her ancestors old house and it made her want to burn civilians

and also the old house, apparently

femcel and autism

using an open admission of their own terrible decisions to justify future terrible decisions is one thing D&D will never do.

she can't have kids because of the black magic
dragons all she have

read books mongel

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Her ancestor's old house is on dragonstone, not Kings Landing.

>Expecting D&D to know that

>Never got to see those titties
What a waste

dragosntone is a valyrian castle that the targs took over before the doom. the red keep and kings landing exist because of the targs, they built the red keep on the hill where aegon first landed in westeros

Why are people complicating this, this last season is just rushed story endings with a wannabe edge

She was pissed.

yea this is really old news, everyone with half a brain realized the show was doomed during season 5. you're a couple years too late.

I think season 7 is a fantastic progression in pace, I think season 8 is a major drop from season 7


The end.

>One being that Dany was companionate and a good person.
Not really? I mean, the books toy with the idea of her going crazy all the time and the shit she did with the slavers was ruthless. She always had a dark side that she could only kept in check because people like Jorah were around her.

it feels like whoever made season 7 had an aneurism before making season 8

im talking TV show specific.
dude her entire character was "good person"
she literally fought for the poor, the slaves, the people - anyone under persecution.

The show literally used Misandeis death to make Dani absolutely snap?
all of the sudden she wants to kill thousands of innocence cause she got angry?

IF they really wanted to do this, and actually planned it out, they would have started giving hints 3 seasons ago.

it was all just to bring forth the greatest rape westeros had ever seen

What about the part where she burns a rape victim at the stake to punish her for daring to exact revenge upon her own rapist

don't remember that.
on the tv show? you mean when they had that prisoner and someone killed him?

REBELLION WILL *gestures with his hand* NOT BE TOLERATED
FIRE *gestures with his hand* AND *gestures with his hand* BLOOD

*gestures with his hand*

*gestures with his hand* THERE *gestures with his hand* WILL *gestures with his hand* BE *gestures with his hand* NO *gestures with his hand* PEACE *gestures with his hand*

Attached: TRUE QUEEN FOR TRUE WESTEROSI.jpg (1087x619, 181K)

Probably one of the most realistic moments on TV. The only thing she's ever wanted and fought for her entire life was hers to take. Once it was "officially" hers she didn't hesitate to make sure nobody opposed her (since showing mercy gave backstabbers opportunity).

Those townsfolk cheeree when Ned was executed. The North Remembers

>Didn't she also want to be a good leader
Not really.
She wanted to be worshipped for the most part, which in Essos she could satisfy by taking the roles of saint-savior, then benevolent dictator. None of them really worked out long-term though, and it was pretty apparent she can't handle it when her fantasies don't align with reality.
Then Westeros, still looking for a savior, but this time from icy zombie men and not its current rulers. The current rulers seem to be perfectly fine with the people, some even beloved like Jon.
And then the master icy zombie man gets killed by a kid assasin with eunuchs and unwashed savages having just as much of a contribution as the dragon god-empress.
And suddenly, no worshippers around. Remember the last time she found herself in a situation where she wasn't worshipped? Bitch literally stepped into a funeral pyre to burn herself.

No reason. What D&D did is basically like cheating on a math test. They knew the answer from GRRM but didn't know how to arrive to it, so they just stated the presented question, did one simple calculation and declared that Danny is mad

If you actually read the books (I know most people on this board are too stupid to read even something as simple as ASOIAF, but still), you'd know that Danny is heavily implied to suffer from a mental illness triggered by her life experiences since the start of the series.

I mean, an actual mental illness. In the last chapters of the last book she starts to hallucinate, has the grass reminding her that she is a dragon and so on. This happens after she fucks up at slavers bay politics once more and barely escapes with her life. I imagine this is the angle GRRM will take in the remaining books when he finishes them, but the key is that she's actually going mad. Maybe GRRM will even model it after an actual illness (probably schizophrenia).

D&D were either too dumb to portrait a descent into schizophrenia, or, more likely, were only told about it when it was too late to rewrite the season.

P.S. Reminder that Danny is 13 in the books when she gets married off (and raped) by Drogo. Everything that's happened in the first 5 books happens when she's between 13 and 18 years old. Meanwhile, the usual age of onset of many hardcore mental ilnesses is the early 20-s.

>Let's settle this: Why exactly did she do it?
Why not?

There was a way to make this work, to make it as if Dany were trying to force change through overwhelming force, to "break the wheel" by making herself a villainous tyrant so vile that literally any ruler and any form of governance would be a preferable alternative, á la Leto Atreides, God Emperor, but they waited way, way too late to start trying to set that up.

or just take the time to show her decline into madness and give her an actual reason for doing so

Good one.

if they wanted to do it in one episode, have the Lannister/Gold Cloaks try to turn the city into a Stalingrad-ambushing from inside buildings etc
just razing the capital of the kingdom you're allegedly trying to save is an act of absolute insanity that came totally out of the blue

No you utter simpleton. You’re just like a feminist who started watching season 5 and pretends Dany hasn’t been a complete monster to everyone other than her own side since day 1.

The holy woman who “heals” Drogo and causes her to have a stillbirth does it because Drogo rapes her entire village into ruins and pillaged it and then fucking enslaves her.

Then because Dany is an insane cunt, she demands said woman HEAL HER OWN RAPIST AND SAVE HIS CHILD.

She never cared about anyone and never had any moral high ground, she’s always been leading an army of rapists and eunuchs and the audience just pretends she’s not because “they totally won’t rape anymore guys.”

Sorry for the side question, haven't watched since season 5, but why did Jon reject her? Because she was his aunt? Or due to her style of justice/vengeance or some sister shit? I know I know, I am a fag. Just curious.

That's stupid and stands in direct opposition to everything she's been about for seven seasons. Her entire motivation has revolved around her believing herself to not only be the rightful ruler of Westeros, but also a *just* ruler. By everything she's supposed to be about, the revelation that there's an even *more* rightful claimant to the throne would more realistically lead her to seek some marriage of state with Jon. This would be a foreign concept to neither of them.

Bells, really bad writing, having to rush all these plot points and get it over with. It'll actually make sense in the books.

>utter simpleton
kek'd hard

You stupid fucking idiot, that is completely different.

Dany had a woman she didn't know do black magic to save her loves life, and that woman betrays her.
ooo ahhh how evil

fuck that was a dumb as fuck point to make.

yeah, if there was a practical reason for going full bomber Harris on KL it would have made sense. If there was no other option but to destroy the city if Dany wanted to win/get at cersei.
Instead though she had already won and then decided to destroy the city. Quite clearly it was intentionally depicting her a malevolent and insane. It wouldn't have been a bad way to end the character if they'd written her development properly as describes and taken the time to show her fall from sanity over the course of several episodes. Thing is the writers wanted to end on two half-length seasons, and because they'd decided to do that then there simply was no room to execute such a character shift convincingly. Basically, if the writers want to wrap up everything and be done in 6 eps then they should have just gone for the bullshit happy ending and played it safe, if they wanted anything more complex then they needed another half season at least.

Is Bran really going to be king of westeros or are you guys memeing?

People get it all wrong. Wasn’t madness but a well calculated rational act of violence. She said she’ll rule by fear. After all weateros retards will think twice before trying to stand against her

The person who has been right about the entire season and all of its plot points says that yes, Bran gets the Iron Throne, while Jon kills Dany and then takes the black. It's not impossible that's wrong, it just seems unlikely. Before every single episode this season people have said, "These leaks are fake," or, "That's too dumb to be true," and yet every single time they've all been accurate.

Probably yes Bran is King of Westeros in the end. Why? Eh no fucking idea.

Best answer.

except she's gonna die next episode anyway so it was all for nothing

That doesn't make sense, Jon would never be loved in the South. He worships the wrong gods, is an oathbreaker, befriends Wildlings, is Northern, doesn't know how to rule, has no charisma, only makes friends because war, can't prove he's Rhaegar's kid or do PR to get peasants on his side, has too small an army to hold anything and doesn't listen to advisors

Dany would mop the floor with him. Plus she had fear, that's why people didn't trust or like her and she'd get plenty of fear for how easily she took King's Landing despite all their efforts, their fleet, their mercenaries, and their ballistas

They also could have gone for the equally simple but more cathartic ultimate tragic ending to #subvert everyone's expectations without fucking up but they wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

>betrays her

I’m supposed to sympathize with Dany about that? The woman was victim of rape and genocide at the hand of Dany’s army. And Dany kills her for it.

>They knew the answer from GRRM but didn't know how to arrive to it
They didn't even fucking try. Demanded 6 episodes and spent 2 on fan service.

They deserve to be hounded out of the business.

they literally showed her facial expression as she went crazy, it was clearly supposed to be an impulsive act based on emotion/madness, it wasn't calculated

It clearly was the bells, she simply hates that stupid ass sound. Reminds her of going to church with her abusive family and shit.

Nope, the writers said specifically in behind the episode she didn't plan any of this. They tell us that she just fucking snapped out of nowhere and is crazycakes schizophrenic now doing things because of no reason but total insanity.

>it would have made sense
Yes madness has to be practical, or else it just makes my fee fees hurt.

they don't fuck blood relatives in the north, the honorable fool

>not wanting an omnipotent demigod as your king

He’s literally the most qualified person to ever be suggested to lead, you have 0 chance of dragons or ice monsters shitting everything up and he’s not a bloodthirsty maniac or despotic tyrant with delusions of grandeur. He’s just a computer in a wheelchair.

Because the script says she's going mad and Jon read it so he knows to be suspicious and avoid her. Same reason Varys suddenly thought Dany was mad for walking away from a table and instead of talking to her of comforting her wrote her off as nuts and was prepared to kill or conspire

dude, the point is - that is NOT even close to a decent example of "precursor to Dani becoming the evil mad queen".
the woman betrayed her and costs the life of her baby and her husband.

retard did you read the whole post?
It doesn't make sense she turned mad for no reason, that's the point. At least not from the standpoint of what makes a well written story.
Sure I guess people turn mad randomly irl (although usually there is a cause), but if we're talking about a coherent story then characters need to have logical reasons for any development.

Go beyond the naming of fanatical dany fan's daughter.

Think about how many incest babies she inspired. What's driving the biggest rage about this? Probably people who secretly had incest babies.

People were lured to think she is good because she has a pretty face and then she went nuts.

>omnipotent demigod
How did the children get their asses whooped by bronze wielding savages then? Checkmate Oldgodfag

She is supposed to be literally so nuts right now she has no fucking idea what's even going on around her, but they didn't have her hearing voices or believing things that weren't true (the people around her really were scheming against her and even trying to kill her, Varys was trying to poison her).

Now because she heard some bells ringing, she's full-on the government is listening to my thoughts through my teeth and turning frogs gay with fluoride clinically insane. In five seconds.

Bran orchestrated the whole thing, to satisfy his rape fetish. This explains it all.

It's just very weird. It feels like Gandalf becoming king instead of Aragorn.

>It doesn't make sense she turned mad for no reason
It's literally in her genes, but the show did give many reasons. Note that her entire goal in life is to take the throne that was "unjustly" stolen from a literal mad king who wanted to destroy all of King's Landing.

She is mad just like her father. It is in her DNA. It is simple cause and effect that people were suckered by her pretty face into ignoring.


Yes it is, she was the bad guy in that scene. She totally was.

>She is supposed to be literally so nuts right now she has no fucking idea what's even going on around her
No she could just be portrayed as mad in a special Targaryan way. A pitbull that flips out doesn't start break-dancing, it picks a victim, treats it as prey, tears it apart, and starts eating it.

Ah alright thanks. I see I've missed absolutely nothing.

Because she viewed herself as being entitled to rule the planet, and she saw said egoistic entitlement slipping away from her, due to the amount that she'd already lost. Her hyper-inflated ego could not tolerate that, and so she went on a punitive rampage against basically anybody within reach.

>It is in her DNA.
The onset of schizophrenia isn't usually a split second thing, if ever. Things like the voices come on slowly.

Not him but if Jon suddenly stsrted beheading and raping peasants because he just went mad since Aerys was his grandfather so he has madness in his genes and his dad was an obsessed prophecy fag who ran away with a girl to create a savior, that would make sense too no?

I'm not memeing or shitting on D&D, but can someone tell me what the whole Azor Ahai prophecy was according to D&D? Was it supposed to be Arya?

Then SHOW her mental decline for those reasons instead of just having her turn on a dime.
It being her DNA might be a reason, but if that's it then it's just bad writing, basically breaking the rule of "show don't tell" when it comes to good stories. She was quite clearly sane right up until this point, perhaps "ruthless" in prior seasons (although those moments were written by DnD to be YAASSS QUEEN more often than not) but certainly not insane.
If they're going to have her character go insane at a particular moment, saying "it's her DNA" isn't a good reason for it. Why was she sane before then? She'd been betrayed before, hurt before, has those she cared about die. Why is it now she goes bat shit all of a sudden?

Yes they do, Ned's parents are related and Starks in the past married niece to uncle. Jon and Daenerys are in an optimal position, around the same age, young, didn't grow up together

I didn’t realize that Vince Russo was brought onto the writing staff for S8. It all makes sense now.

>treats it as prey, tears it apart, and starts eating it
The pit bull isn't "crazy," though. Those instincts make sense for a predator animal. What Dany does makes no sense of a conqueror, who wouldn't spare their opponent, Dany giving Cersei plenty of time to escape and steering well clear of the Red Keep for a damn long time, and waste an hour killing some randoms instead.

Fuck prophecy go for what audiences least suspect from highly rated characters
- D&D

The Targs were basically gutless, megalomaniacal hypocrites whose sole claim to authority was the fact that they could burn people alive with their dragons if they attempted to resist.

Contrary to what the fascist denizens of /pol/ believe, in the past, monarchic authority only developed as a result of the monarch in question exercising justice and benevolence towards a particular group of people. We've just forgotten that these days, because all our leaders are psychopaths now who use technology and violence to control people, and who don't need to bother actually doing anything for their constituents, because they can just shoot or imprison anyone who doesn't like it.

The Targs didn't really know anything about genuine leadership. As Dany demonstrated, they were ultimately just thugs with dragons.

I think D&D have said they threw out the prophecies and got rid of as much of the magic shit as they really could. Because that's nerdy and gay.

>why did Jon reject her?

Remember when Tyrion said "I'll lead the attack" to himself under his breath before he actually committed to it and made the announcement to the men? Remember how that gave us a little insight into his state of mind?

Attached: grrm.jpg (890x890, 277K)

Because the writers told her to


this show has reeked of WWE
Face to heel, to tweener, back to face.
Shit look at Jamie and Cercie.
Major heels - sympathetic tweeners.. Jamie went full face.
I mean this is exactly what WWE does, try to convince an audience to love or hate a character.

couldn't agree more though with

She was going to turn mad eventually but they ran out of screen time because they spent two episodes on pointless character reunions. Instead they just suddenly had everyone hate her for no real reason, then they made her snap at pretty much the only point in time during the episode when she had no reason to snap.

they mostly just dropped it. basically they just cut the fat with the prophecy and just turned it into "a person or persons that fight the army of the dead" and that's it.

>The pit bull isn't "crazy," though. Those instincts make sense for a predator animal. What Dany does makes no sense of a conqueror, who wouldn't spare their opponent, Dany giving Cersei plenty of time to escape and steering well clear of the Red Keep for a damn long time, and waste an hour killing some randoms instead.
When people call Targaryans mad they mean it in a special Targaryan way.

It's related to burning and using dragons on things.

And when you have a dragon, this madness maybe isn't fatal to you. But her father did not have one. If he did, he may not have lost. In fact, his madness might have made him more powerful.

She was depicted as becoming better at using her dragon in the very episode in which she went "mad".

Because she's his aunt, Varys pretty much says it in one scene

Yeah and these creatures who did this to the show are going to be creating original content now. ROFL

Unironically because sansa was passive-aggressive towards her. Through her whole life she wasn't put in a situation that would teach her to deal with something like that. Combined with already being unhinged and having unhinged genes, everybody having zero loyalty and betraying her for the "better option" that came out of nowhere and wants to take all the shit you went through hell for for themselves, also not actualyl caring about people that have no need for her, having ultimate power at her fingertips, having lost 2/3 of that power for basically nothing (so much so that the red bitch even says "it was arya who killed the NK (an audacity to have such a horrible thing written in the scenario, my god)). Also her friend died i guess.

tl;dr she doesn't fucking care and sansa is being a bitch

Jon actually has a mentally degenerative illness, that's why he can only say "muh queen" and "dun' wan' it" in an ever increasingly slurred speech.

Does this mean Dany is the Westeros equivalent of Roman Reigns?

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>jon and dany literally never brought up marriage as a means of fixing their issue or just because they're in love
>they could've spent what might've been their last night together before facing the dead as man and wife instead of Jon fucking her outside of marriage risking a bastard (remember he doesn't believe the witch that Dany's infertile)
>they didn't just go to the godswood with Jorah and Davos to do the ceremony
These writers are shit. Davos even discussed it with Varys and Tyrion, why not bring it up to Jon after? Varys and Tyrion didn't even act like Dany was too strong or wouldn't share power enough before they found out Jon was Aegon, when they discussed it in the first episode, all an honest man and a just woman

This is horse shit. Jon's Stark grandparents were cousins and there are multiple cases of Starks marrying their nieces. Incest shouldn't even be a factor here since Dany can't have children and they didn't grow up around each other.

So basically a clusterfuck. Got it. Thank you guys.

Why did HBO choose D&D instead of GRRM when their creative differences came to a head during S4?

"explaining mental illness" is basically one of the main jobs of the writers. "science" can't explain it because most of diagnoses are just umbrella categories that combine a bunch of stuff that is unrelated at the core yet have same/similar symptoms. Science needs to generalize a treatment yet writers have a luxury of going case-by-case with godlike powers of being aware of each and every experience of a character and go with whatever may seem plausible to them. With dany it was something extremely vague with extreme escalation of violence and we weren't even shown the state she was in. Did she black out? Did she stay super angry at peasants for an hour? Not as interesting as showing poor cgi "war is hell" montage i guess

Az-what now? are you some kind of a nerd lol

Spam is bad.

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This show will end up way worse than lost and dexter combined.

I hope George remembers that on his deathbed

> orphaned at a young age
> Exiled with older brother who abused her daily
> Sold to savage warlord who raped her daily
> Husband dies and baby is lost
> Repeatedly betrayed by those closest to her
> Loses half her people to literal monsters in the dark as well as two dragons.
> Closest friend executed in front of her
> Bae won't smash any more after finding out he's actually her claim to the throne worthless, making going through all that shit pointless.

Everyone has a breaking point and the Targareans are famously batshit insane to start off with. The warning signs of her low-key madness are already there in season 1.

>It being her DNA might be a reason, but if that's it then it's just bad writing, basically breaking the rule of "show don't tell" when it comes to good storie
D&D are horrible writers and love shit like "sansa is the smartest person I know".

But still, the effect of "did we really trust a coinflip because she had a pretty face?" may be an interesting message.

Retarded writing. Why doesn’t the north love after saving them from the undead swarm? She risked everything and they still hate her, it’s stupid.

>Targareans are famously batshit insane
>llived on Dragonstone just fine for centuries after the doom even with several dragons
>were part of an empire of families that also committed incest
>empire was largest and most advanced ever seen
No. Don't believe the (((maesters)))

>even when millions of lives are on the line women still can’t resist being petty cunts to each other and fucking it all up

Originally this was what she wanted, but after losing everyone she cares about during the course of the war she's lost sight of why she was fighting.

Too bad it was done super shittily in the show. If they were going to do it on the basis of one execution, having Jorah be beheaded would've been a much better tipping point.

the D

Would it be a shock if I told you that Maesters are only 0.0001% of the population in Westeros but they make up over 70% of the high level positions in the Citadel, the Night’s Watch, and the royal council in King’s Landing?

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Your reasons are sort of enough for destroying the red keep, not king's landing as a whole. With characters being little bitches it would have been enough to justify betrayal. Genociding literally everyone in the city requires deeper motivation. As things are i'm surprised she didn't burn the northeners though


>As things are i'm surprised she didn't burn the northeners though
Yeah in another thread we're realizing that perhaps the Northmen loved what she did and are going to now prefer her over Jon for giving them revenge.

It was a calculated genocide. She planned o burning the city to the ground before the attack started.
The bells didn't trigger her madness somehow. The bells annoyed her because burning a surrendering city is bad optics.
She was always going to burn King's Landing. She's cold, but she's not mad.

>plays Rome
>archipelago map
>liberally uses nukes on brown people
a true patrician

>'The thought of home disquieted her. If her sun-and-stars had lived, he would have led his khalasar across the poison water and swept away her enemies, but his strength had left the world. Her bloodriders remained, sworn to her for life and skilled in slaughter, but only in the ways of the horselords. The Dothraki sacked cities and plundered kingdoms, they did not rule them. Dany had no wish to reduce King’s Landing to a blackened ruin full of unquiet ghosts. She had supped enough on tears. I want to make my kingdom beautiful, to fill it with fat men and pretty maids and laughing children. I want my people to smile when they see me ride by, the way Viserys said they smiled for my father. But before she could do that she must conquer.'

Literally in the second book, we already see the love vs. fear thing.

Jon not wanting to fuck Daenerys because she is his aunt, is a terrible justification. Thay argument would fall apart in seconds if it was actually brought up. His grandparents were cousins. Starks married uncle to niece in the past. Jon being this hung up over incest makes no sense whatsoever. It also doesn't even explain why Jon is completely incapable of having a conversation with Dany anymore.

D&D needed Mad Queen Dany to happen, and didn't care about how they got there.

Based and all that Jazzpilled

Because it was there

Attached: drogonhungers.png (800x450, 349K)

Stfu & sign the Petition

I feel like the only way Dany doesn't become the Mad Queen in the books is to stay in Mereen. There, she is loved and needed, whereas in Westeros, she is once again a foreign invader. She has everything she needs and wants in Mereen, but she wants whats on the other side. The grass is always greener.

She's obviously going to Westeros though and her story will end in tragedy.

What kind of a cuck would not do it? All those soldiers surrendered, after all the murder and bloodshed they cause. They deserved death. Same with cersie etc. And the Citizens were all scum who joined up with the most evil person in the world the moment they got scared. They all deserved it. OP deserves it, anons here deserve it.

>stay in Meereen
>he doesn't know
She rejects peace, it makes her bored and frustrated to play the game.

This is like children trying to cope with loss. Millions of people throwing a tantrum cause the show they love is ending and not the way they wanted it.

And that's why this is the ending that will be in the books. Dany can't rule. She can only burn. Everyone is just lying to themselves saying that it won't happen. King's Landing will be bathed in dragonfire.

ctrl+f wildfire 0/0
So did no one notice the green wildfire explosions in the city while it was on fire??
Cerseie was gonna madking the whole city and light it up with wildfire. So dany going apeshit literally didnt matter.

it had already been established aerys left stockpiles hidden everywhere
chances are they weren't left by cersei

Yeah. Fuck king's landing and all those mob mentality fucking soulless peasants. They are worthless and deserved to be judged for not rising up against Cersei.
That being said, Kelly C is still a monster for doing what she did. They surrendered and she murdered, raped, and pillaged, and destroyed men women and children.
She could have simply flown to the red keep and destroyed everyone in it instead of killing peasants.

Peasants live and peasants die. Fuck 'em.

But everyone on the board is a peasant, should we nuke America?

>Everyone has a breaking point
And considering what she went through, Dany's is actually pretty fucking high. Had she been a mad Targaryen she wouldn't have done much better than her brother.

Of course.

''In mere hours, billions will die. Innocent! Guilty! Strong and weak! Honest and deceitful! ALL of them! They will scream, they will burn, and for no purpose but that mighty fire god may revel in their bloodshed! And united in this void of purpose, fear, or duty... we shall at long last be free! Blood for the Blood God! Iron for the Iron Throne! LET THE WESTEROS BURN!"-Daenery Targaryen

was it really necessary to put this speach into this episode?

Attached: 1557845846345.png (1005x743, 526K)

Because all of Westeros will remember it for generations to come

anyone have the webms for "sunset found her squatting" and "the rape sansa"

bad writing

>zero friendly fire

She isn't mad, just ruthless

she just toasted the fringes. That's like saying I destroy my bread when I toast it on the "Light" setting. What I and she are doing is improving the overwhelming remaining portion


Well, she said she was going to break the wheel.

There goes the fucking wheel.

I'll be honest, it was fun to watch, but after the episode and you take a minute to think about it, there was a lot of stupid shit in there. Yeah, we know Dany was getting off the rails, but we evidently skipped a few fucking chapters of that development. I'm all for it, but all they needed was one more push, one more little play from Cersei that just took her over the edge at the moment, that would've done it.

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kill yourself showpleb
the red keep and king's landing was built by aegon the conqueror

>"Lightly toasted"
>Thousands of innocent civilians dead directly by her own actions
>Thousands more indirectly by her armies

Are you a defence attorney or something?

>Daenerys, in any case, has no intention of bowing to this Lannister threat, but rather one of confronting it in due time, if need be in terms of complete and most radical eradication of the wheel. I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even yet imagine? Now, people, rise up, and let fire and blood break loose!

I thought his speech to the Stark men that made them start slaughtering innocents was a little strong to not be rehearsed. How long do you think he'd been planning it?

Attached: worm.png (1153x741, 1.1M)

This will actually be a good way for Jon to kill Drogon.

Attached: file.png (699x642, 201K)

>Which doesn't even make any sense, since nobody even knows who Jon is in the South.
Except for the Riverlands and the Vale, since Sweet Robin is his second cousin, and, assuming Edmure is dead, Bran is the rightful Lord of Riverrun and Harrenhal

It was the easy route, same reason D&D wrote it that way.

Harrenhal is off the table

Harrenhal belonged to the Whents before the war, through his mother, Bran is the closest living relative to Lady Whent and the rightful lord of Harenhal.