will audience like it?
Will audience like it?
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>"Wait, is Spider-Man actually Iron Lad in this universe?"
As long as Raimi guest-directs all the scenes of Toby. I'm not even memeing - if they decide to go with this retardation with the multiverse, the characters should somehow represent the movies they were in tonally
>raimi spiderman
It was a different timeline
I would if they'd recast Holland, idk what it is about him but he's really annoying.
It would work quite well, though Garfield is the weakest Spider-Man by far.
No, spiderman should be black in every universe
Why do all of spidermans mcu suits look so bad
>Raimi Spider-Man has the best MJ and the best Gwen
how could any other spidertard even compete? he should be called Spider-Prime
garfield spiderman has shown more acrobatic feats than any other spiderman
tom hollande has been in 4 movies and we have yet to see his spiderman swinging on bigskyscrapers KEK
How would Holland and Garfield react to Maguire's...eccentricities?
Man how could they get the swinging to be absolutely perfect in the raimi trilogy only to fuck it up every single other time. Theres no weight to it, or momentum. They spin a web and change trajectory immediately. Their jumps feel weak. Watch the swinging in spiderman 3 especially with the black suit, you can feel the power in spideys jumping.
sorry fren i dont understand, you dont like the swinging in garfield spiderman and you like it in raimi, or you hate raimi swinging and like it in garfiedl?
If their focus is on multiverse shit now, does anybody think they'd get Raimi to do a Marvel Zombies adaptation?
>MCU having variety and letting directors do their thing
never ever
>that cut to the tables at the beginning
>tom hollande has been in 4 movies and we have yet to see his spiderman swinging on bigskyscrapers KEK
probably not happening in Far From Home either, he will be swinging from european churches
will it feature Notre Dame?
He’s beautiful and perfect, they should cut Garfield instead he looks like a mutant child of Daniel Radcliffe and Andy Murray. Spider-Man should not be ugly.
>4 movies where Tom Holland Spiderman has appeared
>not a single decent swinging scene
How did the MCU fucked up so badly.
This would be kino as fuck, and would be the only thing bringing me back from my capeshit retirement
No I don’t think so. People would contrary it with Into the Spiderverse which would be 10x more attractive, original and fun to watch. It really made Marvel look like shit.
>He’s beautiful and perfect
Lol, okay whatever you say bitch
if you ask them they'll probably say it was on purpose because "every other spider-man movie had good web swinging so we wanted to make this spider-man not swing"
>expectations = subverted
Wow, Marvel really is the greatest cinematic achievement of our time :’)
I wuv them 3000
Raimi Spider-Man: best story/cast/characters/themes
Amazing Spider-Man: best spider moves
Disney Spider-Man: best Iron Man wank
I cringed at the 'spider-man-power' scene and nobody in my audience clapped or anything 0/10
I would literally lose my shit
This outcome is probably the only way i can see the MCU even getting close to the greatness of Phases 1-4.
Also, Tobey being Holland's new mentor would actually be better than RDJ.
is this another jewish trick to push miles morales
Jesus, Raimi.
>N-no, it was my sugar daddy
Miles will eventually be in the MCU, it is inevitable.
>yfw Movie Mysterio is revealed to be a multiverse Peter Parker
hopefully the mcu falls apart shortly
Add an animated miles a la Roger rabbit
Lol it’s true though, bitch.
How would Holland and Maguire react to Garfield being a douche?
>yfw this is an actual line and not a meme
They already hinted in Homecoming, it would fucking suck. He’s a shitty character from a shitty writer.
>Garfield being a douche
Imagine being so salty you resort to defamation
He is annoying because his ''character'' is terrible. Not only he looks like a kid (which he is), but he acts like one too. He literally sounds like a retard.
toby spidey
>why'd you keep the niggers alive in your timeline?
Why the fuck is everyone letting this happen?
FFH going abroad seems like just a good reason to keep us from having some legit swinging from buildings.
The only swings we got with Tom Holland were at the beginning of Infinity War.
He was pretty great in Spiderverse. He was also cool in his Bendis run before they brought him over to 616.
He swings in Homecoming, I thought he was creative with the webs. I think you lot are nitpicking!
Needs a black spider man
>mfw there are people actually complaining about this line
what happened to banter
Alright I'll bite.
Give me a YouTube link with all the Holland swings like did with Garfield. I'm not talking creative fights with webs, just swings to get from point A to point B.
>Raimi spiderman's face when he discovers that other spidermans need some shitty device to make web
>being this new
I just want Raimi's Spiderman 4...
Miles character is literally the same as Holand's spiderman ie. a cringy semi popular kid who suddenly get's spider powers
Tom Holland is never in downtown NY though user. The only time he's near tall buildings is in Infinity War and he does quite a bit of swinging.
He's in the fucking suburbs. Quit nitpicking shit.
Now people suddenly like the Amazing Spider-Man, holy shit what a shithole Yea Forums is.
he does swing, but it's BARELY, and most of the time not visible or not the focus
AND he doesn't swing from the big skyscrapers in NYC
>Now people suddenly like the Amazing Spider-Man
some people have liked those movies since they came out, redditor
also, liking elements of it doesn't mean liking the movies as a whole
I don't love those movies, but the swinging was on point, that's all we're talking about here.
Maybe those scenes were done to the point of becoming a cliché in all the previous movies, but that doesn't make them bad.
I liked MCU Spider-Twink and all, but the reality of having his best swinging scene not even being in his movie is a bit disappointing.
I know the meme faggot
However, there were some reviewers that actually complained about the line
i wouldn't know, reddit.
Roger Ebert and Doug walker didn’t like the rain I films cause of the swinging
Raimi trilogy is perfect swinging. Garfield and MCU swinging suck, in my opinion.
>Roger Ebert and Doug walker
Unironically kino
the only thing reddit is your internet history faggot
>Why have you fucked my aunt?
>Well, in my timeline I lead a super secret initiative dedicated to fuck whatever moves to restore the glory of the white race.
>We call it "Pussy Posse".
nice comeback, what tumblr did you get it from?
why go to tumblr when your mom exists? One landwhale is enough
>Tobey Maguire looks at Tom Holland in disgust when he introduces him to MJ.
>Flash-back to Uncle Ben saying "it's the Jews, Peter"
>your mom jokes
IMAGINE, JUST imagine wanting to destroy Raimi's legacy to satiate d*sney's subanimal bugmen. Fuck d*sney and FUCK MANCHILDREN!
I dunno but imagine if Tobey maguire was revealed as uncle Ben. Since iron man Jr's aunt may is younger in the mcu then a younger uncle Ben would fit. If he's played by Tobey it would be absolutely kino but sadly they'll never do it
I completely agree with you, tonal consistency is important.
I feel the same way as you.
i think i agree
is rdj playin einstein here?