Why aren’t you hot?
Why aren’t you hot?
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Because I don't have sex
Already found a girlfriend when I used to lift a shitload and now I cba. If she leaves me I'll lift again.
nothing hot about that auschwitz chest
and stomach wrinkle
dude's anorexic
ew dude what is that thing
It’s /fa/
Jordan Barrett is a real life turboChad + twink God
lean frame is one thing, flabby body with loose skin is different
Its a muscle, hes clenching his jaw
2 inches short of both
They both look disgusting
physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death
=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.
>shaving your chest hair
absolute twink manchild tranny cope right here
Don't have his face but I have his physique. Literally OMAD for three days and don't work out. Why would they let a skinnyfat be a professional model?
I am though. My fiance tells me all the time. Especially when I wear a button down shirt a d roll up my sleeves. She also thinks I look good in gym shorts. Some times when we're fucking I'll do push-ups right on top of her and she giggles like crazy
genetics. Sad because most of my cousins are very attractive, I wish my dad didn't settle for my ugly mom.
lost 60kg and now have abs but since i was fat all my teenage years i have non existing self steem and scars
At least i'm not so hideous I had a few mediocre girls have a crush on me when I was a kid. Stopped by grade 11 though and while I got a kiss and a GF in 8th-9th grade i'm still a virgin. 10 years later.
lol same here
because i eat to fucking much
>-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
Lmao. What about it is devotion to please women? I did it because I wanted sex.
Cuz I'm too cool for y'all niggas
Nice hair, but his face is weird as fuck.
Because I find working out to be mind numbingly boring.
>I'll do push-ups right on top of her and she giggles like crazy
because I'm ugly?
yeah his problem is his face isn't long enough (lower face of course) for his excellent jawline and hunter eyes. Everything looks scrunched together.
wanna know how I know you're a fatty? I started going to the gym at 17 because of back problems. there's literally zero way I could have solved my back problem by fucking walking, you stupid dimwit
I mean it's obvious you're a troll but some underage fag here might actually believe that shit and think that it's not the best thing ever to be physically active
because i'm high IQ and the tradeoff is that you're hideous and socially retarded
Unironically the most based thing I’ve ever seen.
But I am, silly
How can two men be so based?
This is beyond gigachad. What is this?
because never in my life, not even for a day, minute or hour have I ever, or ever even considered the possibility that I could or should, not even after countless attempts at persuasion, no amount of attempting to convince me could penetrate my stubborn resolute demeanour that I should, just be myself
How do I improve my jawline?
If potatoman can get pussy, so can you
why does the kid have blue eyes?
someone is reading 19th century lit
not uncommon for brown+brown to give blue, blue+blue virtually never gets brown however.
real answer is that they are actors.
It’s strange. They have another son who looks like his little clone, but who also has blue eyes.
You can't
based laugh