Should Hollywood cast more Asian actresses?
Should Hollywood cast more Asian actresses?
No, they should cast more white people of both genders. It’s Hollywood.
Kys yellow fever incel
stop spamming the board with ugly gooks
pic is the future for all asian women
>both genders
umm, sweetie...
Nah don't like seeing uggo dragonlady prunefaces
Should Asia cast more non-Asians in their flicks?
Maybe if they acted better they would be cast more
When Asia starts casting white people sure
yep, and make sure they look like movie stars
No, horrywood and their (((claws))) need to stay the fuck away from asian actresses
They are doing it these days actually
They probably should, live action Attack on Titan sort of ruins that whole "Asians are almost extinct" lore it has
Why would they downgrade?
Why are you posting the only white people who want to cast more brown people?
Mathematically speaking tv and movies should be filled with white guys fucking latinas and asian chicks.
Instead you get this unreality where 95% of tv shows have white women and niggers
That’s just tragic casting. And we could have had beautiful prime twink Zac Efron play Light but weebs sperged out so now we get these ugly fuckers instead. Bravo, tards.
Those two aren't white
Hollywood should cast Japanese gravure idols
Mathematically speaking shut the fuck up white boy and stick to your dying race
No, well, maybe southeastern asians because then whites can still become browner.
>mathematically speaking
They'll make good action flicks
the kikes will never allow it
Why is hollywood ignoring this market? Aren't they supposed to grabble the money?
It true you cuck.
The most common interracial relationship in america is white/latina
White chicks dont date niggers. No one dates down. Sorry, your porn fantasies arent real life
they should of given us at least a scene where logan wrecks this girls pussy in the wolverine
>White chicks dont date niggers.
No, they just fuck them behind the back of their beta bitch cuck white boy
Is there a more powerful trio in cinema?
>stats from 15 years ago as usual from dead gold digger sites
kek state of fragile white male egos
state of asian boys having to live vicursly through niggers because no one fucks them
Can we cancel white women?
You think nigs give a fuck? They still get the pussy. Knock some white bitch up and split, prefect mating strategy
>fake stats
white boys are so pathetic lmao :)
tfw no suzu gf
>what is actually happening
kek as usual the white incel resorts to mspaints to salvage his non existent ego. no wonder white women want him extinct.
this graphic shows that wm/af are the least likely to get divorced?
>cumskin can't math
The women wouldn't allow it
>interracial divorce rates compared to divorce rates among white couples
>wmaf are 30% less likely to end up divorced compared to white couples
i think you've just destroyed your own argument
>"he" keeps infographics about this topic
haha kinda sad
>concerned about generic divorce rates in people he doesn't know
AMWF 50% less likely
AMAF 714% less likely
cumskin can't math
>i hope he murders you, you brainwashed white worshipping slut t. aznidentity
These intersectionalist asian pride incels always forget the wonders of feminism and equity when an asian girl likes a white guy. It's almost as if there's a hidden motive in their support of social justice.
This. Despite the screeching it’s actual reality. White girls are the most picky because they cannot upgrade. Downgrading is only done as an act of rebellion for a while or because they’re broken (shitty upbringing, obesity, ageing and lonely etc), it’s still rare.
Are you sure it's not 50.24%? You should calculate to higher precision.
She would have a nice career in cinema.
t. expert on what women want
Being against white worship is progressive. There's nothing contradicting about it. Doesn't matter though Asian girl marrying whites is still a net positive in lessening the white population
god I wish I were a Japanese gravure idol
I prefer ones that aren't sluts.
>pretending you're a woman
Yikes. Nice try EurasianTiger. Anyway, there's nothing progressive about wanting to murder women. Elliot Rogers wasn't progressive even though you worship his ideas.
>never implied I am female
lmao brain addled whitoid experiencing cognitive dissonance
Chinese cast white men in their movies, I've even seen white men in Chinese tv shows, but they speak Chinese.
directing hate against males due to race is idiotic
its the race-hate schizophrenics that need to be institutionalized
The comic is written from a female self inserts perspective, even though it was made by an asian incel. How do you have time to spam Yea Forums, when you're supposed to be slaying white wimmins, btw?
you gook go back to our sub
Why are women so mentally unstable?
Is it only 'American Asians' who care about this kind of thing? The r/aznidentity posters? I'm a white britbong in China with my Chinese gf, and no Chinese men give a fuck. In fact, some of the higher up bosses actually encourage it because it increases the chances you'll stick around to work at their company if you have a local piece of arse on the go.
Don't talk shit about Jihyo.
>nonsensical word salad
lmao take your pills or just go straight to kys