Is Stephen Fry a neo nazi?

Is Stephen Fry a neo nazi?

Attached: Stephen Fry accused of using alt-right gesture instead of OK symbol _ Metro News.SEI_67093546.jpg (644x858, 93K)

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Isn't that the dude from V for Vendetta? I saw the movie. That dude is a closet homo.

he is married to a man

He debated against polical correctness with Jordan Peterson so yes

he's a homosexual ultra leftist jew
I suspect he knows about the ok sign meme though and is just generating publicity for himself

Trivia time - Before he was famous Stephen Fry spent three months in jail for credit card fraud

r/whoosh lol!

Mate he's been out for 20+ years

He eat the poopoo

Would be weird seeing as he's a Hungarian Jew on his mother's side.

The Greek word for everything that is the case is cosmos. And at the moment, although moment is a time word, and makes no sense just now...

Brianna Wu is a neo Nazi as well despite being a orange man bad turbotranny

the ok symbol means ok. Steven Fry is ok with something.

Literal nazi

Attached: Frypeterson.jpg (1014x1062, 142K)

He's a gay jew. The nazis would kill him twice.

he's a faggot but the lavender fields "blue gold" >asmr he did was kino as fuck and seemingly came out of nowhere

No she isn’t you fucking cunt prove it


Attached: C10ADECB-B74B-4853-9904-6D5DD35F4AB9.png (752x538, 384K)

brianna wu used to be john flynt, who was known for random weird shit like yelling NIGGER at his college campus, generally being an autist and bothering everybody, his ED article is hilarious and the sources make it seem believable. dude is obviously fucked in the head anyway and his type just does what they think people want to hear.

Christ on a cross he looks like a Michael Jackson impersonator with terminal cancer

>Good evening, good evening, good evening, I rub my sweaty cock on your son's face

Sargon already debunked this

A Neo Nazi and a boy buggerer

Attached: 1421690831184.jpg (2048x1538, 428K)

PLEASE won't someone nuke the anglo countries

south american literally hitler made him cry so no hes a finook

>as he types in english

What a cuck.

he is a neo pedo

english is french

Why don't you cope harder, cuck.

Attached: 1539882446751.webm (720x480, 2.93M)

here comes the cope posts

cope is what you're doing
because you actually have to live with all these people mentioned itt

>n-no u


>1400 children

>Calling Erdogan a maniac in Current Year Germany
Very problematic. The 'well-integrated' Turk diaspora would still side with him in a heartbeat against the Germans anyway, kek.

what are you talking about efendi haha
just take your döner and don't worry about it haha

Hes a pedo you dumb fucks

that's not the secret sign..rainbows are


Are you retarded?

wonder what France is covering up

good shit

He’s married to a kid younger than me. It’s kinda fucked up, but muh liberalism

Doesn't he play a gay in that movie?

Hola Reddito

well nazis were gay so


He is another libshit 'muh rite wink' faggot who gets trampled by his own kommisariat, and will defend that kommisariat until there is nothing left of him.
Somewhere in the distance you can hear Bolsonaro's laughter.

Hey, I am for Turks and Arabs to flood the Germany, because as long as there is a single Germ man alive, Europe will never know the peace.