>b-b-but the normies hate it so that means season 8 must be good!
B-b-but the normies hate it so that means season 8 must be good!
Nobody is saying it's good, only that Hitler Dany is hot.
>You are my braphog.
>posts strawman thread saying something literally no one is saying
Seething roastie
People have been unironically saying that the last episode was amazing. It was shit until all the Twitter salt mining threads and now everyone is defending it.
This board is nothing but a bunch of contrarians.
How would you know if they are ironic or not? Nobody thinks the episode was good, they just think the reactions to it are funny
>How would you know if they are ironic or not
Because it changed 24 hours after the episode was released. Opinion shifted from the episode being shit to people defending it as clever.
Go to a thread about it now. No one is mentioning the reactions anymore. There either saying
>Dany is hot
>Only a brainlet didn't see this coming
What does either of those have to do with whether the episode was good or not?
The episode IS amazing, it's just that the past episodes and buildup towards this episode have been trash.
Nothing, because that's not what we were talking about. People are talking about the episode as if were good because that idea how against majority opinion. Keep up.
Oh look at that
Then why did you mention them? Nobody thinks the episode was good, you're just taking memeing seriously
Seethe more pussy
You've been disproven in this very thread twice now.
Look I can type it too, does that mean I like it now?
>Hitler Dany
She firebombed one city, calm down.
I like that people are saying Jon became better at acting jnust because he learned that to lose his gormless face he just had to frown
No, but you can't credit every dissenting opinion to memery.
Paragon option-
>Dany, I love you and I will do as you command, you are my Queen and lover.
Renegade option-
>If I want the Iron Throne, I'll take it and you'll stand at my side you slut. Now, strip and service your King.
normies only started hating it when Dany became a hot psycho slut which was the only good thing about this show.
Incel edgelord
Yes I can since almost nobody is saying that the episode was good anyway
Name some real flaws of this episode then, faggot.
Big, actual flaws that prove why this episode deserves its low rating compared to most of the episodes in S7.
This episode was pretty much S7E4 but magnified 10 times, except that this time something happened storywise that people didn't wanted, which caused them to trash the whole episode because of that.
>mad Dany
slightly kino
>everything else
You're the incel incel
Kill yourself
You're talking to a fucking ghost, kiddo.
Real Casper shit
I'm just glad Dan and DAbid decided to take this piece of shit out with a bang and destroyed the years of investment all the soibois had in the show. It's fucking perfect
it's not even over yet user, just wait untill they kill of dany and tyrion in the last episode
If you love a TV show, than the creators did a fantastic job. If you hate a show, than the creaters also did a fantastic job.
Boring is the ultimate evil. As long as a TV show isn't boring, then it's kino. Why are normies so stupid?
It's not that it's a particularly good episode, some of it was total shit, but critics trashing the episode totally because of Daenerys and Jaime's plotlines are really infantile. Episode 1 of this series got a 92% rating by critics and it was a total waste of time. It just shows they actually have no critical agenda it's just about how much it appeases them for other reasons
Take basically any plot point or major death from the earlier seasons and put it in season 8 and I guarantee it wouldn't have been received as well as it was in the golden seasons. The writing is definitely worse but I still enjoy it anyway because it's a fucking tv show at the end of the day. I just wish they didn't rush it.
This. They hate it but for the wrong reasons, and are confusing "I didn't want that to happen" with bad writing. The show has had shit tier writing since the end of season 5 and it was still universally praised by critics and normalfags alike. Its only been shat on now because their feminist icon is being torn down.