
Lady Stoneheart Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


>dany is more of a threat to westeros than the white walkers ever were

I miss him lads

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It truly is a song of ice and fire

Reminder Drogon is the strongest creature in the world, Dany cannot lose.

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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At least he died with a decent character arc unlike 90% of the other characters who are either dead or forgotten

Migrate here when this thread is done

Will we get a reboot in 10 years? I will be 37 in ten years and probably 47 when it ends. Jesus h. mother fucking Christ I hope you get cancer D&D!

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Did she like GoT? I wonder if she would have liked Lady Stoneheart if they went for it.

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Mountain is canonically stronger than the Night King.

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Lmao we'll see about that

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Will lord of light bring him back?

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More like Miss me with that thot shit

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you're supposed to post it at the end, retard

Why? He was a piece of shit


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I'll be waiting in your bedchambers tonight, Ned. I better see you there.

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>Lightly drags a blade across the neck
>Fountain of blood, instant death

>Will lord of light bring him back?

He and his brother turned into a phoenix when he landed into the fire.

List of actors who hated or frustrated by their character treatments

>Barristan Selmy (Ian McElhinney)

>Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon)

>Alexander Siddig (Doran Martell)

>Jessica Henwick (Nymeria Sand) and the Sand Snakes

>Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell)

>Vladimir Furdik (Night King)

>Conelth Hill (Varys)

>Pilou Asbæk (Euron Greyjoy)

>Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)

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>Worse than Semen demon Ashara
>Worse than good mother Cersei
>Worse than gets frisky after a fight Bobby B
Just cut me down now Dayne

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>Implying mountain died


Are there any other memes from what D&D have said besides "Dany forgot" and "what the hell is this plot"?

Your mum is supposed to sick my dick at 9pm sharp today lmao

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Crazy eyes, my favorite.

>t. low IQ

An animated series in 15-20 years would be kino, but all interest in ASoIaF will have faded by then, especially since George will never finish the books.

Add Kit, Emilia and Maisie

the second

yeah i think they were intending for it to be surreal... like a nightmare. She kills Lady Frey and drops the knife and is just standing there weirdly frozen for several seconds

I can't wait till their NDAs end after this and we see what the actors REALLY think of D&D and their "masterpiece" story. It's gonna be fun watching D&D worm their way out of this disaster.

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oi what's for lunch guvna

>"Creatively it made sense to us because it was what we wanted to do"
(I can't remember exactly)


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>implying she wouldn't have just cicada blocked him as soon as their dance was done

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Omg! Where's the petition to bring back the sand snakes so I can sign it a million times.

>Benioff wrote X-Men Wolverine Origins

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>yfw cucked

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god I want to protect her so badly

"God damn it, we want the zombie polar bear"

I think animated series would be best, especially because you could potentially have a lot of the actors back to do voice roles.

She looks best in the first hospital picture, imo.
And for the punished Dany shot they were obviously using makeup to make her look more haggard.

She looks cute in all those photos except for top right and middle bottom

is the word dracarys in the books or is it an invention of the show?

>Japan surrenders
>Americans nuke it twice anyway because they need to show off their power

wow clap clap clap revenge for pearl harbour 10/10

>Kings Landing surrenders
>Danny burns it anyway because she needs to show off her power


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top right looks like susan boyle

>especially because you could potentially have a lot of the actors back to do voice roles.

Hell yeah

>Tfw no Jaime/All of the sneks foursome

>Tfw no Dreadfort threesome

left 3 is the best dany

Add Peter Dinklage to the list. And NCW. Basically the entire main cast.

God I have an intense desire to protect her smile, but it's already been destroyed by D&D. This world isn't fair

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This show has basically become the Eragon movie lmao

Which unironically would have made a great show if done properly

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interest will have a resurgence when he dies. If he dies in like 5-10 years max we might get some kind of remake.

Great rack but.. butterface.

didn't realise how handsome ramsay is

What are you afraid of; a dead whore?

>jonerys is over

All according to plan

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>tries to start a shitty meme thread
Well, that explains your retardation

Does Stannis ever smile in the show?

How do you die from getting your throat slit?

Is it suffocation from lack of oxygen, or is it drowning in your own blood?

Is your windwipe really that close to your neck? Is it that cartlidge thing I can feel? Seems like it would be hard to cut through

It's in the books.

>American education
Either that, or you read your WW2 history book backwards by mistake.

>This is the person who killed the Night King

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>Now there's no way Jon will ignore me


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Stannis will be remembered as a cruel lunatic on par with Aerys II himself, who burned people alive and believed that he was a destined hero to save the world and in the end burned his daughter alive believing it would give him the favor of the gods, but was stupid enough to only get his entire army to desert him and his wife to commit suicide, even his priestess abandoned him and he died foolishly in the ensuing battle.

Every historian will be glad he didn't take the throne.

he does, which is unnerving, it's a smug halfsmile that gets me mad

Answer for your war crimes!

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Azor Extra.

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>looks the best when she's in the hospital with no makeup

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Why is a tall woman looking at a manlet with that "ohh come here little baby" eyes is so hot?

the whooore is pregnant

>Does Stannis ever smile in the show?

A few times. Alot of people say I act the same way as him, I'm a good hearted person who doesn't smile except those rare few times.

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dany version when?

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It's rare but he cracks a handful of them over the show

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Nobody ever says that, faggot

Who would be the most qualified person within the universe past/present to be sitting on the throne?


Your point? That women look different when they wear makeup? That's the idea

Who will kill Daenerys? Jon or Arya?

I don't know why doesn't Ramsay have one

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>Nobody ever says that,

In my mind they did.

>most qualified

Old Nan

Anyone who says otherwise is a white walker or Macumber

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The Makeup is a Jewish Psy-op to make women look ugly

>Who would be the most qualified person within the universe past/present to be sitting on the throne?

Probably me

In universe character: Stannis


>Davos: (pointing at Daenerys) This is your fault, goddammit!
>Jon: Stop right there, Davos.
>Davos: She wouldn't listen!
>Jon: We didn't have a choice!
>Davos: She turned us into FUCKING KILLERS!

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Most of his smiles aren't out of happiness. They're more grimaces of displeasure at the situation, or sardonic chuckles of disbelief

For example, pic related is the only time he openly "smiles", but even then he's telling Davos how shit his plan is and is obviously unhappy.

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Objectively he looks better with facial hair (although I personally prefer the clean-shaven version)

I'm pretty sure you bleed out from getting you carotid and/or jugular cut, although I'm sure having your trachea slit doesn't help.

Unironically Bran since he's fucking omniscient

I want a mommy insect monstergirl waifu


Blood can't reach the brain, air can't reach the lungs and severing an aorta will cause you to bleed out extremely fast, with every heartbeat causing more and more blood to spurt out of your neck.
Here's a hockey goalie getting his throat slit by a skate as an example. Though he did survive. youtube.com/watch?v=dR-wA4SmbO4

based stannis and his black humor in all this shit.

I hope Jon kills Sansa for making him kill his true waifu

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>Implying that true Stannisbros will gladly bare any burden to see the one true King on the iron throne

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Arya, otherwise 15 minutes of showing her build hatred for Dany will be pointless.

Why wasn't there any foreshadowing or character development for four seasons of WW2 before America went nuclear? They were supposed to be the good guys defending themselves from the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbour. Like I could understand if they'd let off some tactical nukes in Burma or something, to show a more gradual descent into full MAD. But the entire war they were presented as fighting for freedom and democracy against fascism, liberating Pacific islanders from evil Japanese imperialists and made huge sacrifices to kill literally Hitler. Then in the final act they made an asspulled heel turn and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki for no reason after Japan was already defeated. Just for shock value. I got emotionally invested in the American dream and then they just go and vaporise hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, ruining their entire propaganda arc. Hacks.

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Arya wearing Jon's face, but actually Jon has been Arya since S6. "The jon in the north" is a R'hlor magic body double.

It hurts bros

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she is still wearing makeup in those pictures, most guys are just so dumb that they cant tell.

Same energy

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>Arya is the waif
>Jon is Arya
>Dany is Jaqen

Aegon or Orys.

Japan didn't surrender until AFTER the nuking fucking retard.

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It's the haircut mostly for me but yeah it combos well with the beard

I just think it's fucking ridiculous how If you don't reply to this post then Dany will die in her sleep next episode

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Sansa is his true waifu. He just doesn't know yet.

>the mountain kinda forgot he was working for Qyburn

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>Fucking over Jon's character even more by having Arya do the deed
Would dabid really do it?

him and his whore mother should have bent the knee

>getting invested into a TV series


Is your cousin better than your aunt incest wise?

Lord Greyjoy, I am honored to present to you my latest invention. No longer shall you fear the Usurper's Eastern fleets."

"Project 949A, or as I call it, the "Oscar," is a nuclear powered attack submarine. Completely undetectable by conventional vessels. Our main production model is more than one and a half jousting fields long (154 meters), and displaces 12,500 tons while surfaced. The Oscar’s primary purpose is to serve as a firing platform for twenty-four P-700 Granit missiles. The ten-meter long cruise missiles weigh almost eight tons each, and can be launched from underwater at surface targets nearly four hundred miles away. The missiles boost from their launch tubes using a rocket motor before switching to a ramjet to cruise at speeds as high as Mach 2.5, depending on altitude. They are guided to the target by a satellite system, which the Oscar can link with via an antenna. The Usurper's dragons will be hopeless against such firepower.
In addition to its four regular 533-millimeter tubes that can fire RPK-2 “Starfish” anti-submarine missiles, it has two 650-millimeter tubes that can fire extra-large SS-N-16 Stallion missiles, which can strike targets as far as sixty-three miles away. Both rocket-powered missiles can deploy either conventional torpedoes or nuclear depth charges. With the Oscar, my Lord, I assure you total naval supremacy."

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Damn you

oh no

Long live punished Dany

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Yes, less related.

I'll believe it when I see the noods.


Yeah? It's even fucking legal to marry your cousin.

'I have a dream.' That one day every person in this kingdom will control their own destiny. A land of the truly free, dammit. A kingdom of action, not words! Ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick nobles and chickenshit maesters . Fuck this 24-hour raven spew of trivia and scheming bullshit! Fuck Westerosi pride! Fuck the citadel! FUCK ALL OF IT! Westeros is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Westeros will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Westeros great again! In my new Westeros , people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money, not for land! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!

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Go fuck yourself

Long live literal punished Dany

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my queen

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What happened in the first two episodes again? I cant remember

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>ywn have a feisty purple eyed Dornish girl *block your path*

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Capeshit one liner spam

Did they talk about stannis’s background in the show?

>tfw browsing through your /got/ folder and finding ancient shit like this

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Faithful...enlightened...ambitious... brethren... In but a single decade, a few mere swipes of the pendulum, we have gathered a sacrifice to R'hllor that will be made legend.

Though it was a simpler, weaker voice that illuminated me during my centuries upon Meereen...it was R'hllor's messenger who showed me the true path of freedom from my pathetic beggar brother. And what is this path? This meaning, this purpose to which we gather the skulls of our foes?

It is nothing. There is no meaning, no purpose. We murder. We kill. It is mindless savagery, this UNIVERSE IS MINDLESS! In mere hours, millions will die. Innocent! Guilty! Strong and weak! Honest and deceitful! ALL of them! They will scream, they will burn, and for no purpose but that mighty R'hllor may revel in their bloodshed! And united in this void of purpose, fear, or duty... we shall at long last be free!

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! LET WESTEROS BURN!

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The first like 2 books were okay I guess but then it just got stupid because magic was OP and it made no sense and caused major plotholes.
The main character was the authors self insert power fantasy too which was really fucking gay.

Jon impregnated Dany with his magic seed while two dragons watched

This guy deserves the throne, he has seen some shit!

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>Its been a long time
>Yes it has
>Things changed
>They did
>Good bye

I want to eat her pusy

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All I remember from episode 1 is that the northerners looked at Greyworm and Missy wearily and this was proof to twitter that every northerner was rayciss and they should be left to die

danny comes north and jon rides a dragon
the characters all talk about fighting the night king and then spend one last night together anticipating their own demise. ironically none of them die in ep 3

This would have been the best fucking ending.

Noooo incest is bad no matter the relation

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My queen.

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I definitely saw this guy in the besieging army in episode 5. He was in a panning over shot for a second.

I want her to come back in some sort of extended generic in the final episode, show casing all the major actors in the show in order of death.

Actually, fuck the leaks, here's the final episode:

> Previously (just show Dany on Drogon burning everything)
> Map and generic (King's landing in ruins)
> First scene: the ruins of the Red Keep, Dany is sitting on the Iron Throne, Davos, Tyrion, Jon and Arya enter the room.
Dany: Jon, I know you're upset but...
* Jon put his sword threw Dany's guts *
> Generic starts with the GoT theme
> Season 1 dead characters are presented one by one with a 90's show white teeth smile.
> Comes back to scene one
* Arya and Tyrion use their own weapons to make sure she's dead, you don't see the gore but just Jon's relief on his face *
Jon: Damn, I really dodge a bullet on that one
> Generic starts again
> Season 2, 3, 4 and 5 dead characters are presented the same way
> Record scratch, back to scene
Jon: Oh crap we forgot about Drogon
> Generic starts again
> Season 6 and 7 deaths
> New scene, everyone is battling a rampaging Drogon inside King's Landing ruins
Tyrion: Where are the scorpions ?
Davos: All destroyed during the battle !
Tyrion: Erm...wildfire then ?
Arya: It doesn't work on dragons, you dumbass !
Tyrion: Then how are you supposed to kill a dragon without a scorpions or a Night King ?
Arya: I don't know ! I think Jon killed the zombi one back at Winterfell
Jon: No I didn't, actually it...
* A huge burst of dragon fire spread all over the camera
> Back to generic
> Season 8 deaths are presented, including Jon, Arya, Davos and Tyrion
* last scene showing Winterfell from afar, you just hear voices*
Sansa: How do you think they're doing in the South ?
Bran: Dunno
* Drogon fly over the castle and burn it *
> Generic
> Sansa and Bran death included


What was his name?

good one

If Jon does end up taking the black as the leaks say, it will be exactly comparable to Diomedes. "I can no longer serve the kingdom as I once did".

>How would things be different if Ygritte had lived?
Depends on if he goes back to her. If he leaves the Night's Watch or compromises what he's called to do for her than he should fail. That women will tempt you and potentially fuck you up is a central lesson in Heroic myths. You're supposed to be true to women and you can fight for them, but allowing yourself to be led from your path is a common test.

Jon fucks Ygritte, but he maintains his honor and he never completely gives himself over to her. He never surrenders his purpose and she senses that and admires it, but never stops testing him and he never changes. If you let them change you, you're fucked. Jon leaves her to do whats right and basically passes the test, but he's not out of danger. Ollie fixes that for him, but if she had lived he'd be back in the danger zone of temptation and he could falter at any moment.

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Based purple dany poster

replying so she doesn't die in her sleep but is instead stabbed in the stomach by all the main characters in a similar fashion to Jon

>Normies loved Episode 3 and hate Episodes 4 and 5
>I hated Episode 3 and actually liked Episodes 4 and 5

who else /patrician/?

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>I definitely saw this guy in the besieging army in episode 5. He was in a panning over shot for a second.


Still waiting for the Dany version

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I hope Jon kills her while uttering some Nights Watch words

>for the realm

When he dies is when it will really pick up. We will get new books every year, shitty ass creed video game clones, and a Disney series


>tfw no giant red haired gf to smother me with her black latex covered ass...
Why even live, bros?

>genocided entire population of indians
>killed the guy who abolished slavery after having to fight a war to free them
>Threw tea in the ocean

just went and found it
unless I'm being faceblind

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Someone send this to the actors. One of them is bound to be pissed off enough to say it's better than what we got.

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Handsome and gentle

Who doesnt?

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I actually like season 8 Dany more than the breaker-of-chains/Mhysa/democracy Dany.

He got better

How can one guy who has no lines be so fucking based?

good thread, have a bump.

>>Threw tea in the ocean
The absolute madmen

based melly pulled off a last res before dying

is there a reason that Targs don't have the purple eyes in this series?

aHa XpeC t a t Ion sūBwrtD

She went on record as saying It was her fav role to date

Young Griff

the real take away is how much better theon looks with long hair and beard

We need to find out who this guy is.

>Stannis & Davos piloting their newly acquired Titan of Braavos

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What a guy. I dunno why Sansa was so traumatized after her marriage to him.

Add Nikolaj

>And I get into all these arguments and fights with the writers and they're like "Yeah we hear you", and I'm like "Yeah but please you have to ba bee ba", and they go "Yeah, we hear you and we respect you but we don't care. Okay? We don't, fuck, you're an actor. Just say the words". They didn't say it like that but that was kind of, that was the gist of it. And the funny thing is we've gone through these song-and-dance routines every season since season four, where I come back and I'm like "This doesn't make sense. I don't know how to do this. How do you do this?" and they go "Yeah, we hear you. Just try it."


7:14 and 8:00

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That's cool. As much as I joke about Cat I really do like her in the series. She got out before the show got really bad.

you can add peter dinklage, nikolaj coster waldau, kit harington, emilia clarke and probably many others

>Bran is warging into a tree
How did they nail this so accurately?

>Unironically Bran since he's fucking omniscient
No, he isn't. He sat in one spot in the courtyard overnight waiting on Jamie to arrive because he knew he would, but didn't know when. People still have to correct him and tell him shit all the time. Bran just does Remote Viewing, basically. He has visions of events, but they're very specific so its sort of implied that he has to have some idea of what he wants to see and some purpose otherwise he's just surfing weirwood dot net and that's potentially dangerous for several reasons.

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>but all interest in ASoIaF will have faded by then
Great, then they won't have to go for the popular choices

>tfw we didn't get the mecha anime we deserved

this guy has a big spot in the upcoming documentary their going to air after the last episode, you can see him talk in the trailer and stuff

It was so fucking bad holy shit, at least in the last 2 episodes they are milking earlier GRRM quotes and overall trying to make something serious. The first 3 episodes were full cringe

don't think it'd be hard, I'm pretty sure the showrunners are aware he's a meme
no other reason why he'd by at the forefront of that army shot

>the very first time we saw stannis he was burning people on a beach
they forgot it was statues

When Arya is in Braavos and is throwing away her things. but then she tear up and cant throw away needle.
The books beutiful describes that needle is everything she ever was and its the last of her personal items.

Dab says says in the "behind the scenes" that Arya is crying cus needle is a symbol of revenge, and thats why she she is crying...because she cant stop thinking about all the ppl she will kill with that weapon...

in season 2 they said that Renly was 100% a better King than Stannis. (even tho every book charecter that knows them and compared them says otherwise) And I guess thats the point where /got/ started to hate them for real.

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The books and the show are implying Rhaegar was the perfect man on Earth, just with a shitty dad.

Everyone else is a cunt or a fool

Also the Night King would be simpler.

Sansa would make a great queen now.
Bran is a faggot but being all knowing and having no desires would be great for a king (but he can't breed so they'll fight over the throne as soon as he dies).
I'd just give it to Tormund and Ghost now fuck it. A wildling on the throne might be the change they need.

this would have been amazing

So, when is the last time he actually got some Pussy? In all likelihood his dick didn't work anymore after being ressed by Qyburn, who was his last rape before he himself was raped by D&D

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>I just remembered that the books literally has a third plot-thread with Patchface and Euron both seeming to be part of heralding in c'thullu and fishpeople into the fray.

How is GGRM going to fit :
-The rule/fall of the Lanisters
-The underwater monster through patchface/Euron
-Aegon vs Deanarys "Two dragons dancing over westeros and wherever they land people die"
-Lady Stoneheart

And possibly other things i've forgotten in TWO BOOKS ? That's assuming Ramsey will BTFO stannis in the next book.

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That's a pretty common opinion here after the last two episodes user, Punished Dany is patrician taste

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I want to read the books but honestly the show just has more class. The books seem very tacky and too over the top.

What does Yea Forums think of shows that primarily appeal to female audiences?

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Soon, Daenerys, soon. Tick, tock.

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is this bait?

what ever happened to the whole Azor Ahai

Whose soul do you think it's powered by? Shireen's?

He's been spamming this every thread since the last episode

>How is GGRM going to fit : [everything] into two books?
he isn't

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>Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss revealed that they told the actor that he would have his hair burnt off as he fought against a wight in season one and he would suffer facial disfiguration.

>They went to great lengths to convince Kit that he'd lose his locks by sending him a different script to his cast mates.

>Kit wasn't the only star who was told he'd lose his locks. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was also told he'd have a hairstyle change.

>However, the actor turned the tables on the producers. He sent an angry email saying he felt Jaime Lannister's hair was an important feature of his character so he would decide on the style and email a photograph.

>After a few days, he sent over a snap of himself with a buzz cut, which left producers panicking as Nikolaj had some scenes to reshoot.

>It wasn't until HBO's lawyers were on the phone to Nikolaj's that he confessed the photo was from five years ago and his golden locks were still in tact.
It's all fun and jokes with the Jews until you turn it back on them, at which they pull out lawsuits and legalities

the last person was some dead man

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my emotions watching episode 5 were 90 minutes of the emotion I felt watching arya kill the night king. Utter disappointment seeing all these characters' stories I've watched since I was like 10 get the most unsatisfying conclusions ever.

the worse part was my dad watched it with me for the *first time ever* and he was actually laughing at certain points and talking about how overrated the show is. So I was red in the face with embarrassment the entire thing.

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Someone did already, his name is Andrew and he does GoT tours where he shows the locations of the show.

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>Genocidal Incel Queen
God I love how she has been taken off the fags and feminists

>Killed by the sword of the house of the man she took for granted

happy triumphant music should've been playing as she shoah'ed King's Landing.
Would've really fucked with people's heads.

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They were all shit. Don't conflate schadenfreude from normie tears with actually enjoying the episode.

>Bran just does Remote Viewing, basically.
They've been inconsistent but I think what they've more or less amounted to is that he definitely can't see everything all at once, and that he didn't immediately acquire all knowledge, just the ability to see anything and remember it. But he's been wargin' and laughin' so long that everyone thinks his mind is gone he does know basically everything that matters in the political and personal history of westeros/the main cast

>implying there's any "popular choices" in DABID's series
All that ever existed was clueless normies and tumblrinas wanting their favourite actor to get cool quips/fights/have sex in the way they wanted them to. Characters, let alone storylines, were not what they wanted, and not in D&D's ability to provide.

At this point, I would be okay with this.

Wasn't it that septa shame bitch? Unless Gregor just sat in a corner and wept that he couldn't rape and smush her head since Qyburn didn't resurrect his dick since Sex=Useless to Qyburn


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>Jon, my beloved husband, I had a nightmare where you actually won't fuck me because of I'm your aunt! I knew it couldn't be real because how could I forget how hard you fucked me raw last night? I'd definitely having your babies now! Wow, just imagine how things could have gone if you had cared about something silly like incest?

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Nah. I bet his dick is constantly hard from the rigor mortis. Unella got it nonstop for days.

she didn't burn she turned into goo

I like to imagine that he just stared at her for hours before he needed to guard Cersei, rinse and repeat

should have fortunate son

GRRM is a cunt too but I liked how he put this autistic faggot in his place.You could feel the sheer disappointment from his voice.

Impalement Day is coming, Dany, prepare yourself.

>my emotions watching episode 5 were 90 minutes of the emotion I felt watching arya kill the night king.

The second I heard the word bell for the first time I knew the train wreck I was gonna be in. I was numb and felt like I had to stop this, but I couldn't. I felt like the characters around me in King's Landing.

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Didn't patchface literally spent days underwater living with the fish people or something? And he keeps trying to tell people to come with him into the ocean and join the fish people?

Isn't it because she just had a man burned to death minutes earlier?

he would dress like shit
he should honestly stick to a barbarian soldier look 24/7 instead of m'ladying around like that

Don't tell me nobody expected the YAS QUEEN to become crazy as fuck. I've stopped watching after season 4 and I'm only following news/ep recaps but man, everybody knew Daenerys would go Dracarys on everything in sight.
That said, I just listened to a recap it looked utterly stupid.

At least, we can safely say the feminist narrative is killed off with that, that's the silver lining I guess.

Did those D&D fags spell out in the behind the scenes why Jon doesn't want to kiss/fuck her anymore? Is it the aunt thing or is he turned off by her recent behaviour?


>tfw I can't even post the Shansha pasta anymore because it isn't even close to being the worst quality scene anymore


because never stick your dick in crazy

Unironically the last good actor we had on the show. I mean even with the terrible writing and the fact he only gets like 3 lines an episode he can still effortlessly convey the myriad of emotions he's feeling in those final scenes perfectly.

If they run, they're Lannister soldiers, if they stand still, they're golden company


That's the problem, they didn't do any of the character development that would lead there, muh shock value and all.

how was that stark soldier going to rape that woman in king's landing when he's in armour? that shit takes minutes to take off

>asoiaf is the origin story of Daenerys The Mad Queen and Jon 'Azor Ahai' Snow
The fatman maybe based after all

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>Don't tell me nobody expected the YAS QUEEN to become crazy as fuck
Everone knew that was going to happen, just the way it happened was too rushed and dumb.
I still had a good laugh.

To be fair, who else has had a consistent character since season 4?

Fortunate Son was when she burned Lannisters and Tarlys last season.

Literally the only character that had a decent character arc from start to finish

This, plus once I saw Drogon dodge the first few scorpion shots, I knew it would be a boring, 1-sided stomp with zero tension. Every subsequent scene just made it worse and worse. It was legitimately boring.

He was too good for the show

Dany and Jon will die together to Brann wargin Drogon - "we must break the wheel blablabla"

r/freefolk is so base-

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We still don't have a Daenerys Fortunate Son montage.

>Seth Mcfarlane got to fuck this

Is there any greater war crime in history?

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>It was legitimately boring.

Clegenbowl had no narrative weight to it. What where they fighting for? Why? What is the point to all this?

Finger in the bum

Nikolaj is utterly based

I didn't except to, one day, despise Jon and care about Daenerys...


Do DnD get death threats?

>Seth Mcfarlane

That fucking star wars Lenny Krawitch bit


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I fucking hate that guy and not for that reason alone

You either spend money on CGing her eyes every shot or slow down the filming of her scenes by making her wear colored contacts which you can't wear for prolonged periods.

>Do DnD get death threats?

GRRM gets death threats for shit like Rob Stark dying.

Seriously guys, how do we stop the jews. This isn't funny anymore.

ARRRRGH Stop reminding us

With his stare

Reminder that there are no good je- I mean subreddits

Kill 'em all!
The Seven will know Their own.

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they are lame at first, if you aren't into cringy high fantasy (i'm not) but they get better to a point and do so pretty quickly. It's just always going to be full of awkward shit like character names, and food descriptions, and sex descriptions and a lot of the medieval renfest shit they cut from the show. This may bother you. It may not. The later books don't necessarily get worse on those counts, qualitatively, they're just poorly edited in general so they feel like they drag on and not for any clear point.

Scenes that broke the show.

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Proof that we're living in an unfair and shitty world fuck this gay earth

After enjoying Bjoack, recognising the artstyle and seeing that yes it was supposedly from the creators of Bojack, this was nonsensical drivel. Watched half, turned it off. Watched a film instead. Came back to the last 15 minutes to fill time before I went to sleep.
Just trash. Not funny or clever or even interesting. Just randomly whimsical for the sake of it. Basically just Sponegebob with bird tits.
I think I understand the idea I keep seeing posted here that "women are still mentally children."


Tywin fooking Lannister

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good for him. hes a good, hardworking lad.

>Sansa in her infinite wisdom put leather on those Breastplates
>Bran in his infinite rape Autism put easy open hatches in all trousers
The dick comes out in under 5 seconds. Bran does not like to wait for beauty.

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afaik it's a scottish name

deserves another holocaust just for the way he dumped her

I kinda want to kill myself all the time so I understand

pretty much everyone gets death threats
that's a definite yes

Sansa and Dany should just fuck already.

the mass murder dany
it was beautiful

Sansa and Drogon*

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>fought against a wight in season one

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Is this how Robfags felt during the Red Wedding?

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>What where they fighting for? Why? What is the point to all this?
that's... that's kind of the point.
that's why the hound turned arya away before, when they realised the castle was coming down.
the hound needed to kill the mountain. it was the only thing driving him, and this was his last chance to do so, even though the mountain was likely going to die anyway.
he was well aware that the fight was pointless, and that's why he told arya to fuck off because she still has something to live for.

Life isn't fair

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What happened to his sister?

No robfag worth his bread and salt expected him to get anything other than what he got, which was what the fat man intended for him.



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if you also watch wwe, you might enjoy this

>Jon: How can you burn women and children?!

>[Daenerys gags in disgust]

>Daenerys: Easy! You just don't fire 'em up so much! [laughs] Ain't war Hell?

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chilling on the islands staying out of the war like a smart person

Why the Golden Company was 20000 in episode 1 but just 200 guys in episode 5 ?

the actor said the contacts prevented her from acting

>It's fucking real
Imagine killing yourself over being butthurt/sad about a story that's a fan fiction adaptation of another story which was made up by some old tolkien fan comic book nerd dude.
I would ask "Would people really do this?" but I know for a fact that there are millions of people out there stupid enough to do it.

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would be pretty host desu

why didn't she take them out then

This episode made me want to kill myself but only because of Jaime

i genuinely hope people killed themselves over the last episode desu

So it literally wouldn’t make a difference?

>Robfags, at least the book Robfags knew the final moments were approaching and could do nothing but accept it
Pretty much the same thing happening to Danyfags now, but the past 2 episodes alone have made it so much harder than it would've been if we all knew Dany was dying before she became based

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God Bless our Aryan Queen

new thread:

>We are all together here at end
>Hey remember that thing that happened in s1?


Afraid to ask but how did he dump her


>no scene with Varys and Tyrion purposing a Dany Jon marriage

I knew they dumbed these fuckers down in the show, but holy shit D&D

BAsed and lightpilled

I kek'd wrestlefag

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That night the freefolks mod had to remind everyone that wishing physical harm on anyone including D&D was going to get you banned.

you retards

A ban on reddit, oh heavens no.

>Becomes /ourgirl/
>We only really get 1 episode with her as /ourgirl/
Fuck you DnD, I hope the mouse fucks you hard and slow on your star wars shit since you're going to ruin Revan anyways

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>i'll start a new thread at the -beginning- of the last one, not the end
that's not how it works, friendo

too slow. thread is already here:

I feel the same user

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That's a really low snatch. I guess it's because she's short.

>I would ask "Would people really do this?" but I know for a fact that there are millions of people out there stupid enough to do it.

no there definitely aren't and that's evidenced by the fact that it doesn't happen. it doesn't even happen on a small scale and the show is extraordinarily popular. so it seems like you just based that retarded assumption off of the fact that some redditor made a concern post

Nice evidence you got there buddy.
The fact that a post like this even exists proves my point, people THAT stupid exist

>Alexandra Daddario as Ashara Dayne

user the writers could have just written that in to the fake script for the joke


> "Hey, Pilou, now that you're gone after episode five…how does that feel?" Because they want to tease me. They love teasing people. You know that if you talk to the other actors. I was like, "You know what? I'm not going to give them the pleasure of teasing me, a Dane." So I told them, "Guys, I'm not going to die." And they laughed: "Ha, that's funny." And I said, "No. I'm not going to close my eyes." And they said, "What do you mean?" I told them, "I'm going to keep my eyes open. I know you guys will have to cut away, and you will never see me die." I thought that was fun.

D&D sound like the most annoying cunts in the world to work with. Based Dane's absolutely BTFOing them though.

>t. I like to talk out of my ass
You don't know that these suicides aren't occuring anymore than that user knows they are occuring.

I know there's a post there with thousands of upvotes. If they didn't think people are stupid enough to do it they wouldn't have posted such a thing.

knowing the jews over at HBO I'm surprised they didn't threaten him with a lawsuit to not do that.

>wearing makeup in hospital

there's no way the bottom middle picture is wearing makeup, roastie