Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Not a Yea Forums regular. Last time I was here it was #2. What the fuck do you niggers even talk about?

you people are fucking cultists

About a third of our posts involve explaining to niggers like you what we talk about.

The rest of the posts are a mix of sequel speculation, manga discussion, OC creation, meetup coordination and shitposting.

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stop spamming this shitty movie

Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!

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Yes, I won't deny that, but honestly at this point it's closer to being a full blown religion.

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Good Morning Alitans
Thread OST: youtu.be/t2cjpcJPJys

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Where is my blu ray

In Jerome's mouth!

*crunch crunch crunch*

No fren, where is Jerome's blu ray? I want to see him eat it.

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guys what is a jerome?

>Holy hell, that thing must be literally as old as the internet.
Naw, that's just my alt monitor which I bought in '14
What's funny is the first PC I surfed the web on was a Gateway 2000

I thought Gateway went out of business in the early 2000s

That's a waste of a good blu ray, though. Make him eat a fucking mix cd from the 90s.

You guys hear this? Sounds very angelic.
Alita's Them (Strings Version)


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Ok explain to me what's the deal with all these threads, I haven't watched the movie yet but apparently it was just "alright" based on the reviews that I've seen so why do we have 500 threads dedicated to this anime spin-off movie?

naw, he ain't getting out of it.

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Hebro new bred pree be heal bi arita

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You'll understand when you watch it, You'll either think its either average at best, trash or fall in love with it.

I think you can tell what most people here found it like...

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The reviewers were literally retarded and/or didn't watch the movie/were paid off to bury it.

It's a fantastic movie.

There is an important disparity here too between the audience response and the critical one. The best thing we can suggest is to watch it when it drops on BD/webrip.

Please guys, enough is enough, at this point I'm literally begging you to have sex

Ok, but only if he has to buy the disk he eats.

you volunteering?

My roommate is doing the same thing, but she isn't good enough anymore, I only have eyes for Alita.

You really need to find a hobby Jerome, because I dont think trolling on Yea Forums counts.

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What if Jerome is actually a super-hot thot with crippling autism and this has been her way of trying to get someone to have sex with her?

You need to light that sword aflame.

Angels should always have flaming swords.

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I mean, I guess thats one way to look at it.

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>without trolls and stupid questions we would still be below #400

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the damascus blade is unreasonably cool

Yeah so that makes Jerome an honorary Alitan, I think Ill make some nice OC for him when we hit 999#, to thank him for all hes done!

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You spelled Peaches wrong.

I didn't need these emotions so early in the day.

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It's also unreasonably cool that he got satan trips in a post talking about fire and angels.

Well, Lucifer is the Fallen Angel...

Well to be fair Peaches has done a lot but now that we found out they are Jerome it kinda kills their contributions. I don't know if they should be included in our 999 OC. Their betrayal of /ALITA/ with their trolling is pretty serious.

Yamcha would push her shit in.
Why do you fags love weakass female characters?
She cant even fight at FTL speeds.


And yeah, I dont usually listen to music like this. But from hearing this, it sounds amazing.

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Peaches was caught Jerome posting a few nights ago. They forgot to take their name out of the post form. I wasn't in the thread myself but I heard he was asking for Alita related titty pictures. Then another conversation in a later thread was namefags saying it was ok because its Peaches just having fun and because they Jerome post too. Its all so sickening.


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You're not a real /ALITA/ poster if you haven't Jerome posted at least once.

I'm so sick of hearing the name Jerome, but (you)/yall look like your same fagging fren/s, and if you are might want to try being a bit more subtle next time. too full on mate.

I trust lucy when it comes to matters of flaming swords. I mean his name is literally "light bringer" for a reason.

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>everything I don't like reading these threads is trolling
Grow up

I don't blame him for taking another bite at the apple with this attempt to generate infighting, but I think everyone's caught wise to it by now. Time for some new material, big guy.

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Well all this peaches hate sprung from seemingly nothing and people are making something from a non issue, who cares is peaches Jerome posted???? And if I wanted to LOOK IM PEACHES TOO hur durr, so its definitely peaches making those posts.

so stupid....

I am become Jerome, destroyer of /ALITA/.

I think I'm gonna need a moment here. Carry on, friends.

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>real Peaches pretending not to be Peaches pretending to be Peaches so they can cover their tracks by showing anyone can be Peaches
You're not fooling anyone Peaches. We love you still. Its ok if you Jerome post sometimes. Just don't loli spam again please. That was pretty gross.

Has anyone noticed that The Protomen albums sink up well with Alita?


They are about a cyborg so

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Wait...Peaches was loli spammer?

So wait are we still calling troll posters Jerome or do we call them Peaches or both? This is all so confusing.

Okay I'm done with this, I'm not peaches. But just see his name get trashed every thread for something that sounds so minuscule. But I dont even know much about it so I just wont bring it up again desu.

wish I knew how to edit videos like him tho

I hope you aren't the poster that threatened to shoot up our meetup.

>I would like to read them first
>with you in the room
>where I can see you

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Just you wait friend. There's big things planned.

>still not fighting at FTL speeds
>still a female
>not able to one shot a robotfag

>of all the namefags to get their reputation ruined, it's Peaches, the least cancer lf them all

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>implying that most Alitans are not armed to the teeth

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Got my reply wrong for above. Don't worry though it's just tastefully lewd stories for #999. That being said the Hugo story above is solid.

Writefag is not cancer
He is comfy

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If you want boring OP shit, watch Captain Marvel. Alita isn't great because she's the strongest, she's great because she's the most human.

Haven't posted in /ALITA/ since February but had to drop by due to the horrendous OP.
>Fuck your mercy
One of the most hamfisted "last gasps" I've ever seen in cinema, and for me, the lowest point in the film.

I really wish I saved the post of the guy calling me the worst namefag by far that was pretty funny.

I don't think writefag is the shooter. Thread Man is worried about the government finding out about the guns he has that he shouldn't. He might by the shooter but I doubt it. Our namefags are pretty cool or so I hope.

>lewd stories
>more than one

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how long until I can find a torrent for this? it's only playing in one theatre and that's an hour away by train

Interesting take there fella, I dont see how it was hamfisted in at all?

The worst scene was the speech in the bar

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Given I live in digeridoo land I'd be very surprised if I was doing any shooting in the near future.
Yeah please do follow up because I though that was a great way to meet with the insane monologue Grewishka provided.

A month or so, give or take

Hey Alitabros, found some new screenings in Germany, Spain and Russia:

Back in 3D in Berlin UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz: May 16th to at least May 19th

Moscow, Russia: Everyday until at least May 21st
Neufahrn, Germany: May 18th and 19th
Barcelona, Spain: May 20th and 23rd
Lepe, Spain (Atlantic coast): May 23rd
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway, now CONFIRMED at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Fan group have reserved 120+ tickets.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

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Its worth it to go and see it

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>Her face when you go in dry

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The best torrent we have is Its the closest your going to get to a dvd rip, without the real thing.

And I saw there are some new screenings in sweden too, fren.


>I-Ido, this is a little weird but I
>Well user says that he likes girls with a bigger um
>you know, chest
>I was wondering if you could help me adjust my ERM nanotech to do it

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Fucking how do name fags do it... I always forget to drop the fucking name.

Even the camrip is better than a DVD rip.

That idea might be what my most recent story is building towards friend. We'll have to see...

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Its not all that confusing really. Jerome posting is troll posting that is mean nasty spiteful posting to disrupt the thread. Peaches posting is asking for lewds, making lewd comments, posting lewds, ect. Or at least that is what I gathered from past conversations. That's why its not too big of a deal that Peaches slipped up and was caught. They weren't being mean or shitty. They just asked asked for pictures of Chiren's tits which is actually pretty funny considering how old Jennifer Connelly is.

>ywn have a gf this devoted

I shouldn't still be alive

Erotic Republics of Mars?

>asked asked

Will it be a comfy story with Ido in it?

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>the thread starts to get really lewd and amazing right when I try to go to bed

Well, fuck.

It's been 3 months already, how come your flick still hasn't been released digitally?

I always like me some canon compliant lewds. :D

I don't know how other Anons feel it, but I never feel cucked or whatever when its about canon relationship, even if I considered someone Waifu since middle school.

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Does Alita have an off switch? Or a sleep switch?

If you get her too close to the microwave yes

Stockholm, Sweden: May 17th to 19th

Wait are you new? Have you seen the pile of fucking lewds writefag did?
Shame on you writefag.

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I mean plasma is just really hot air so I guess she is functionally a really powerful microwave in some ways

The film coincided with a Fox/Disney merger deal which probably messed up the release schedule. It was literally the last film 20th Century Fox distributed before being sold to Disney.

One reason...

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Really making the jannies work here

Why did you mention the word, no you have summoned it....

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B-but they have to stick it to cpt.Marvel!

I'm somewhat new. I've been catching up, reading archieved threads for the last week. I've been lurking here for a bit but I've had nothing to say really. I've read some of writefags' works, but the self insert and user style, doesn't really work for me. I find it jarring at best and cringe inducing at worst. It just doesn't satisfy my brand of OCD and autism XD

Favorite retardisms:
Clearly didn’t even set foot in a screening room
>Fails the Bechdel test
If you even care about that test you would know that Alita passes the test - must have not paid attention
>Zapan being the rich privileged white man ruling Zalem
Could be easily noted as an editing mistake, but when the reviewer said other retarded things, it calls that into question
>you need to do homework before seeing it
Lolno, there is literally nothing you need to know about the source material. In fact going in completely blank is better.
> 84% score: Rotten
> Clearly likes the movie based on the review - still: Rotten

Ya gotta post the doomer edit. It is, or was, the perfect tune for that postpartum drive home from the theater.

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Welcome to the thread friend. I hope you enjoy my other works outide of the you-centric stuff. I'm probably gonna move away from it a little bit in the future. We'll see how we go.

>Zapan being the rich privileged white man ruling Zalem
You mean Nova?
I think its funny this would be a complaint. Vector is a black man who oversees Iron City. I would think that would count for something.

No, the reviewer said Zapan.

Nah that's the fun part, the review got basic facts wrong.

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Also it doesn't fail the bechdel test?

What a stupid asshole that reviewer is. James should use some of his pocket change to sue his ass for slander or some shit.

Being wrong isn't a crime when comes to reviews user. Fair comment.

Cameron would't want to spend his precious time on such menial topics, those avatar sequels aren't going to make themselves.

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>the autism is strong with this one
It was meant to be a joke silly.

Almost all the reporting about the film was dishonest as fuck.

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I did a little piece a while ago away from that self-insert style. It's a scene of Iron City more than anything else (no Alita at all, in fact) so I don't know how much interest it will hold for you, but here it is.

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I am sure his lawyer could find the time to write a mean letter at least.

Alita passes the test - women have conversations with other women about something other than men.

I don't think they should be sued, but I think getting basic facts wrong should at least get you removed from Rotten Tomatoes, and possibly get you fired since you're clearly not fit to review movies.

I love you HF.

If they actually had a Discord or something were they planned to give dishonest reviews to Alita, yes that might be business defamation and civil conspiracy. That's part of why an SEC case or civil suit concerning the the Fox/Disney merger might open up a discovery disaster, so they'd better settle anything like that out of court long before they go into discovery.

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Rotten Tomatoes has actually relaxed the standards for being considered a professional reviewer. There used to be a higher bar for circulation and impact, but that was lowered to "diversify" the critic pool away from "old white guys" who know something about film.

So this is how /ALITA/ ends, not with a bang but with loli spam. How sad.

Disney contractors posting animated CP using their work facilities. How embarrassing. Imagine the discovery on that.

This is barely a blip on the radar friend

My father was legit named Jerome.
He was a pilot, nothing commercial, his failure to learn english always prevented him to take his flying beyond a hobby.
When i'd get into a dad vs dad fight i could sling that mine was a pilot. When we'd go on vacations me and my buddies didn't take a lame train or cooked in a car for days on end, my father would meet us at the airfield and take us to remote islands or high in the moutains and we'd be back for monday, my dad Jerome was a cool dude.
At 14 i could could fly a control stick and he'd egg me on in the cockpit, do a dive come on, anti-gravity! These things are incredibly hard to crash you know they're engineered to glide. A child can do it and the higher you fly the safest you are, remember that next time you pilot an aircraft.
Anyway, about Jerome. His mid life crysis hit him like a truck, he turned transexual, slowly, it was in like 2003-5 way before all this SJW crap. My father had a gift for that according to my mother, he knew the trends in advance and he was an incredible salesman though he never made use of that talent. He started dressing as a woman or rather a in a sort of alien unisex fashion.
Imagine yourself in highschool and your dad comes to pick you up but he's not wearing pants. I had to walk with him in the streets so i can tell you, nothing like a trial by fire to teach a kid to stop giving any fucks real fast.
After years of his nonsense he ended up fleeing the country to go leech off the government in liberal Munich or Amesterdam or some such. Haven't talked to him since, i don't want to. This orc in my post is his spitting image from the last time i saw him.
My father is like dead yet he could show up on my doorstep one day and this fact haunts me.
So i don't know who this Jerome you keep mentioning is but if it's the same Jerome then i'd like to ask him one thing. I beg of you please die so i can finally mourn your loss.

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Its kinda funny, he didn't like jannies sitting in here (Like /ALITA/ was what is making the board go to shit), so he makes them sit in here on purpose.

really makes you think....

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Good story. A little in the line with Ashen Victor I think. A little story from Iron City, from perspective unrelated to the main story. The lack of Alita lowers my personal score, but as far as snippets go, it's solid.

Also I think I use a name from now on. Just for convinience sake.

Not even worth responding to, fellas. Usually it's wiped before you even finish typing your post.

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Jerome was just a random name that was chosen by trip-roll. It also, coincidentally, is the name of a guy in Germany on Twitter who saw Alita more than 100 times, so it was pretty funny when discovered that coincidence.

Yeah nah you get a name if you make content.

this won't stop until you give up your powers or fuck off back to Yea Forums

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I mean trolls aren't known for their smarts

Nah, namefagging is never necessary. Let your content stand on its own.

did alita have a big tushy too?

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>meetup coordination
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

You DID upgrade your TV for Alita right?
Nothing less than 4K for her

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Glad you enjoyed it! I think I mentioned this the other day, but the bit I'm working on now should be to your liking, as it's a self-insert free Alita story in the same vein as CutOut's stuff and writefag's The Hunt.


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You mad? Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe?

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Fucking kek nice

I watch movies on my 3440x1440 monitor and plan to get a projector when I have room for it. TVs are for plebs.

Oh course user, re-ranged my room so viewing my 4K TV is perfect now, and got a bunch of new furniture as well.

As I basically never used my TV, but I know I'm going to be watching Alita on it a lot when the BR drops, so its worth it.

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>not meeting up with the loli squad

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loli spam only gives one more reason to this general to stay
why would they validate this shit and give power to loli spammers?

I think I'm going to eventually get a projector when I can afford it, just so I can see Ali on a 120" screen in 3D.

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Please see

Do you have a screencap of that? I've only ever heard of that Chinese madlad with 100+ views
i picked a really bad day to check on this thread on my work pc, huh?

This. Allowing name fagging in these threads was a mistake. Nothing good has come from name fagging in these threads. Every bit of OC namefags have put out could have been put out under Anonymous same as the 1000s of other contributors of great OC who stayed true to board culture.

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It was supposed to be cheesy. That’s why everyone laughed at her

what would you do if a loli ran up to you looking like this and asking you for a sip of your alita ice tea??

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This thread has pretty tame namefags far things go but they need to quit posting without relevant things to drop.

Namefagging has its use when making OC, especially themes and requests. Just throwing something out there is fine too, but it gets confusing when there's three different people writing Vampalita stories to say "I'm not the one who wrote THAT one, or THAT one, but I wrote that, that and that."
As long as namefagging doesn't lead to drama (not counting people complaining about names), I'm fine with it.

Enjoy the promotion

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And that's the way we like it.

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I know you're hungry, Jerome, but you must wait a little while longer.

Yeah the guy having that name was just a huge coincidence, thats not why we caller low effort spammer/s Jerome.

This was the reason, but idk what thread it was in, very early on I imagine

they found a real life alita wtf

it's not illegal
unless you live outside of asia or american (or any other african nation)

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I don't feel comfy user. What's goin on?

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>"I'm not the one who wrote THAT one, or THAT one, but I wrote that, that and that."
Why is important to know who made what? If you want a request similar to a specific OC, just reference that specific OC. Namefagging is never necessary and just leads to cancer, like that one time half a thread was dedicated to VA's sexual preferences.

it's a good feeling to know that people who hate us are complete scum

>As long as namefagging doesn't lead to drama
This is all I care about, and the only namefag drama we've had in nearly three months has come either from posters impersonating them or people bitching about them out of the blue.

Because the best times is when we give feedback on the OC and improve it. If it's just a one-off, it doesn't matter, but if they're doing lots of writing, video editing or audio recording, it's helpful.

Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

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Really appreciate the user who took the time to bring science and statistics to /ALITA/.

I know this data is a little scary looking, but, as others have said, it doesn't account for the surge of new visitors we're gonna get with the Blu-Ray + Digital/Streaming release.

And, even if these is 100% accurate, 860 general threads ain't bad, you guys, especially for such an indie property such as this. However, especially near the late 800s, I have faith more people will be more regularly on and posting, because we all want to see this thread hit #999.

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Does Zalem have oranges?

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Screencap and link:

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We're definitely going to 999

Don't eat the cookies...

Of course. Zalem gets only the best oranges. Second sorting goes to Iron City.

Fuck off, I see random garbage threads on this board and others with more namefags, and fucking tripfags (we've never had a single tripfag, actually), than this thread ever has had.

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We have had tripfags and accidental trips a couple of times, but those were not regulars - it was mainly people asking if they should see the movie, and then they moved on or lost the trip.

>Hey user don't feel so comfy...

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you need a couple of lolis!
here's a few you can pick from friendo

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I'm not worried; we're in a dark age right now between the theatrical run and the Blu-ray release (or even the Blu-ray announcement) so it's natural that people will stop visiting as often. We've got a solid core of posters that will keep things moving until those second winds arrive.

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be careful tho
they all may seem cute & funny, but there's always an evil one!

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I don't mean to shit you but yah, you really don't understand board culture. No one should care who writes what or creates what. We are supposed to work as a hive mind. Having certain molecules of that mind stand out due to names and then getting put on pedestals to be looked up to and used as a cudgels to beat into others that namefags create the only content worth being created isn't how things are supposed to be. We are Anonymous. We are known as Legion for we are many.

>Oprah Winfrey at her computer

Times change. I've never seen any of the namefags be anything less than open and encouraging to all content creators.

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>no understanding of board culture whatsoever

>We are Anonymous. We are known as Legion for we are many.

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a thing I've never understood is, why is there even a name field at all?

Organisms survive longer if not all their parts are totally homogeneous. Our general thread is no exception.

>500+ threads

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I Thank you for the effort, but I was asking about the German on Twitter who watched the film 100 times.

This gif disturbs me greatly

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Names are sometimes useful, and some boards get on fine with a lot of namefagging and even tripfags - mainly smaller ones devoted to specific subjects. For example, if you want to ask somebody about their collection of guns or model rail sets, or you know somebody has access to certain skills or equipment.
Image related.

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This? because I just found this guy on twitter and found it funny that we call our trolls Jerome and there is also a giga fan out there named Jerome as well.

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How about a screencap of the Chinese-bro who watched it 119 times?

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Yeah, this is that guy.

Watched it 119 times, bought 208 tickets including the ones for himself and others.
He's up to 111 times now
>Master Clive Lee.jpg

Real talk when was the last time you guys remeber seeing a fandom like this for a genuinely new film? This feels unique to me in a way

Is /ALITA/ on Yea Forums going to be what the Katawa Shoujo gen is to /vg/?

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Could it be they're delaying the BD because we keep seeing it in cinemas and even getting the film brought back, like the chink bros and norwayfags?

Not a chance. Bohemian Rhapsody and Green Book are STILL playing in theaters all over the place, and those are out on digital and BD/DVD.

Hard to say. Only thing that comes close to my memory is probably The Dark Knight, but that belonged to an already established property/franchise. For something indie/brand new to a motion-picture film like this, I'd say...Donnie Darko.

It's the most embarassing and pathetic thing I have seen in a while. Imagine your average virgin Yea Forums poster and then narrow down that group to the shortest, ugliest, kissless incels. That is the entirety of this general. I feel like if you all posted your faces it would make for some timeless screencaps.

Why is this a general? What's so important to discuss MONTHS after the film's been released and moved on ?

We don't get to make any such claim until we reach at least 1K.

Speaking of 1K, here's an adorable 1K Alita.

Attached: 1557865196931.jpg (20x20, 1K)

The fact that the namefags namefag hardly makes a material difference to the thread. We would all know them regardless: the writefags publish to pastebin accounts, voiceanon to clyp.it, Peaches' webms are immediately identifiable, and so on. There's nothing wrong with tagging posts when people want to discuss content specifically, if only for clarity's sake. It shouldn't be done much aside from that, I agree. I think we all know what cancerous namefagging and tripfagging looks like, and while this thread has had a good long while to fall into that pit, it hasn't.
And I doubt anyone actually believes namefags create the only worthwhile content, as the vast majority of our OC comes in the form of image edits posted anonymously. We're in a good spot.

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Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings specifically, because that was also based on source material with nerd cred.
Fox/Disney, merger still fucking with the release; BluRay when, more figures when, sequel speculation, manga, OVA, meetups, OC, fans bringing the film back in IMAX, etc.

>needing faces to prove that you're not short nor ugly nor incel

Check here, shit for eyes:

I would've said LotR/Potter, but both of their books were MASSIVELY popular all over the world before they got movies. Gunnm has always been relatively niche, even in Japan.

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200 posts and my favorite character hasnt gotten a single mention. SAD!

Attached: BattleAngelOCplzDontSteal.jpg (1080x1089, 329K)

Alita: Battle Angel x Donnie Darko crossover, WHEN?

Fresh 1K kissu, hot off the presses. Grab it while you can, lads - this one's going to be in high demand.

Attached: smolalita4.png (20x20, 1K)

It's sooo smol and CUTE!


Attached: 1557872552306.jpg (670x469, 36K)

checks out

Post your adonis body, then, model-kun.

Funny thing. I think there was an OLD GUNNM fic on FFnet, that had at least traces of Donnie Darko. Particularily the rabbit thing appearing. The author was called Eliott Bowers. He had pretty wierd fics with GUNNM characters or set in that universe.

Hahahaha holy shit look at the skinny manlets. I wish I could see the ugly faces.

Attached: tip.gif (512x521, 112K)


I'm right here

Attached: 2bcee141a0d711d57bd9ba32d776d83b.jpg (500x667, 40K)

>we are alitanon
>we are legion
>we do not lewd
>we do not jerome
>expect our general

Kek nice edit

What is this, /fit/? You think that the word manlet has any meaning here?

This place truly is Yea Forums from 2007

Shouting memes at Disney offices in EFG masks and being tackled by incompetent security guards when? They already Alita Fans a hate group, but only in the media. I want to hear the CEO actually say it in official media, and be made fun of by CNN and BBC for it.

Remember project chanology? Those were the days. One of my mates went to a protest to try and impress a girl he met who would be there.

>69 images until image limit
>90 posts till bump limit
reply with alita related pic gif webm plox

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It was pretty funny to see people rickroll and and call them to preorder Battletoads, but it brought in newfags like an tsunami of .... newfags.

Imagine thinking this. You losers are really delusional.

Have a very cute determined Alita.

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Epic Stone Group weren't even able to correctly summon Twentieth Century Fox into court in Florida. They have not filed in any other US court.

Attached: ESG_fail.png (764x125, 50K)

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have a smirk

Attached: Tanji Smirk.webm (500x500, 846K)

Attached: Moon Flashback.webm (600x250, 1.67M)

Do I need a cyborg-penis to fuck that?

>Sure thing kid.

Attached: XLKfRLGn25KqVUTM0B4DxxEPFrCHVEoe-fToDfn06A0.jpg (1920x807, 181K)

Attached: had-our-talk.webm (960x402, 2.83M)

imagine typing all that shit

Attached: images (3).jpg (499x615, 21K)

Between the newfags, summerfags, gamergatefags, election immigrants, and whatever underage trash has since crawled here from the primordial soup of social media, it's a goddamn miracle to find something like /alita/ that still echoes the fun, freewheeling days of old.

Attached: 1556244822645.png (529x537, 269K)

True, but the good thing is that among all those various fags were some who assimilated into being just anonfags.

>tfw I hopped on Yea Forums around 2009, right before the real toxic flood of newfags, but after the glory days.
>tfw I thought I'd never be apart of something 'big' and 'cool' and 'creative' like the old days, that I just barely missed the good ol' fun times.

So happy this thread found me.

Attached: LovelyPeople-Alita.jpg (725x291, 164K)

if you think this general bullshit echoes anything other than cancer, you are the reason this site is in the state it is

Right. Unless you're a fucking originalfag, everyone was once a newfag at the start point. It's just a matter of show morphs into Anonymous and who stays a fucking new. Newfag is really about an attitude.

According to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, they had 90 days to summon the defendant. It's been 102 days now, so I think an automatic dismissal is imminent. It will be a dismissal "without prejudice", which means they are welcome to file a new lawsuit, but that means they have to pay another 400 USD filing fee.

Revolutionary technology...

Attached: Alita dogg.jpg (1169x749, 133K)

>I'm with her.
What did Hugo mean by this?

Attached: hc.png (400x266, 6K)

I just see 13 puppies, two bears and a tiger.

>fun, energized, passionate posters who constantly pump out OC, content that is at once funny but also obscure enough that normies couldn't taint it
>reason this site is in the state it is
>also, implying the site started going stale just when we arrived, less than 4 months ago

This site has been going to shit since ten years ago, sodomite.

Attached: Sending to Zalem.jpg (620x1951, 897K)

>HTTYD3 has a Blu-Ray already
>Lego 2 has a Blu-Ray already
>Shazam has a decent release already
>Captain Marvel has a date and preorders are open
>This movie sill only has a camrip.
>You still can't preorder this movie.
I don't come to these threads but I was going to watch this when it came out on video. What's the deal? When is this coming out for the rest of us who hate theaters?

That's the beauty of it. Most people come to Yea Forums, see all the garbage, and emulate thinking that's the way it has to be. I like to believe we've wrangled at least a few newfags with this crazy little thing and showed them what a great place this can be.

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I dont know what your talking about... Nvidia's really stepping their AI game up a notch.

Attached: Alita dogg2.jpg (1083x776, 125K)

that's not dedication, that's some next level autism.

Yeah, little misplaced, considering the times, but I'm sure this script and that line is older than that slogan.

The whole weak person with strong friend(s) saying "I'm with x" to stay along and survive is an old trope.

You can pre-order in the UK (on some web stores), Switzerland (serving Germany, France and Italy) and Australia. That is weirdly specific, I know.

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Just like America.

The reason they put it in the trailer was probably a nod to politics shit though.

Rolling for 16

Yeah, fuck people who make trailers. Trailers have all been shit for the past 10 years. None of them properly reflect the essence of a movie.

Only exception maybe being Whiplash.


Alita: Battle Pug

Attached: Awesome.jpg (600x838, 33K)

Wtf nice get

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The international trailer for Alita was actually pretty good, except that it spoils the whole movie. I remember bad trailers being a problem earlier too - like the Galaxy Quest trailer for example. I would not have seen that movie based on the trailer.

I want 8

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Rolling for 1

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That sounds like DBS threads

Alita: Become Human

Attached: AlitaBecomeHuman.jpg (476x600, 68K)

>Hey user, wanna go to literature club with me?

Attached: 60246455.jpg (936x922, 111K)

I'll also analyze the last 100ish threads to see if the poster decline is really so bad as it looks. It might only look so steep because there was a bunch of people posting when the movie came out and then only a small number of committed people were left and these guys will stay for a long time, based on your responses i think that might be the case, data will tell...

g'night alitabros

Attached: comfy_ali.png (611x459, 229K)

>You aren't really going with her, are you user? She looks like a square.

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You stay the fuck away from me, thot

Attached: 1556287528803.jpg (559x598, 71K)

1080p rip fucking WHEN?

Finally want to watch this movie

Fly to Oslo, watch it in IMAX. Or 3D in Berlin.
It is the only way. No rip until July.

Night fren, sleep well.

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Now this I can get behind!
Definitely not because a cute shy girl at my work looks EXACTLY (a 1:1 clone) like ali here

Attached: AlitaOhbaby.jpg (600x942, 101K)

I've made tons of stuff for these threads; banners, colors, shops, a few drawings, and a webm. I'm usually just happy to see at least one of those things posted every now and then. I just like making stuff and sharing with you guys.


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No, thank you for keeping this great community alive after so long. Never have I seen such devoted fans for a single film. As long as you anons keep making Alita threads, I'll keep coming back and share stuff. Comfy truly is the best word to describe these generals.

She looks like such a dork. I love it.

ask her out

Attached: 1553034529004.png (297x307, 131K)

>literature club
>those glasses
>that smile

Attached: 1551727311212.png (383x532, 281K)

Have date

Inb4 she already has a boyfriend...

Attached: 1549694071761.png (283x279, 67K)

If I've learned anything from speculative statistics, often what might appear at first to be a consistent, never ending linear or exponential path can often plateau and remain at a more rational, 'healthy, normal and expected' level.

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The "I have a boyfriend" line is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. All it means is that she's not interested in you. If she doesn't have a boyfriend and tells you this, obviously she's lying and it means she's making up an excuse to not be around you. But, if she tells you this and actually has a boyfriend, irrelevant. If a girl really likes you enough, except for 1% of women, they'll see you as a trade-up from their current partner and be willing to cheat on them for you. Literally heard a girl tell me when I asked her out (late, apparently, because I didn't really spend enough time around her to grow an interest in her at first), "I'm actually seeing someone...right now." I'm pretty sure she had liked me since the beginning of the semester, but I only started noticing by the end of it, and somewhere in between she got a bf. Was literally telling me, "well, I'm seeing where this goes, but you definitely have a chance and if this goes south and you're still interested, we'll talk."

tl;dr if a girl tells you "I have a boyfriend" it means you fucked up your approach and/or she's not physically attracted to you. Or the very unlikely 1% chance that she might really in fact would in any other case want to date you and finds you sexually attractive, but she really is just that monogamous and committed to her partner. But very unlikely

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Found this browsing Twitter, and it hits a bit too close to home.

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>"well, I'm seeing where this goes, but you definitely have a chance and if this goes south and you're still interested, we'll talk."
Be careful with that, you don't wanna be someone's "plan B"


>I already told you user.
>I'm not that type of girl.

Attached: 1551827939467.png (651x501, 453K)

No, I quickly forgot about her after that, but it was an illuminating encounter, to be sure.

If you want more red pills about the subject check out Rollo Tomassi's blog

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Would do but, I'm also kinda shy (only when it comes to girls).

And nah she doesn't have a boyfriend.

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Friendly reminder that even post-hugo bloodlust Alita has extremely cute moments.

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Girls are so fickle and indecisive, it's insane. They often don't know if with the guy they're currently looking at they're at plan A, B, C, or Z. Also, firmly believe in the principle of "one in the hand is better than two in the bush" with mating. Even with our information-overload culture with non-stop cable news and radio and streaming and the Internet and social media and apps and all the lot, even with all these unrealistic, unattainable ideals for beauty, masculinity, money, power, looks, lifestyle, etc, a woman will look around her immediate vicinity, state, county, city, town, village, apartment, dorm, work, whatever, and get the best deal she can get there, nearby her, socially proximate. If you're the best-looking most alpha loser in a room full of fellow betas, but you're TOP bitch beta, you will be the cream of the crop for any ladies in that room, even if they're fucking 8s, 9s, and 10s. That's how it works.

So, what I'm saying is, go to places that have some of the most ugly, beta, socially incompetent guys, yet somehow pull in the hottest, classiest, high quality women

Libraries, bookstores, cooking classes, the theater, museums, and art classes are good places to start that I recommend.

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You gotta try, it's better to have a "no" than wondering "what if"

Attached: 1554342203128.png (238x245, 53K)

Hey, do you think shy girls are cute? Some girls like shy guys too. (Notwithstanding all that alpha male stuff.) You like her enough to overcome your shyness. The worst that can happen is she turns you down, right? (If workplace romance is even allowed where you are, that is - I try to avoid that where I am.)

God I want to slide my fingers through that floof.

The stupid thing about this is that if she says "I have a boyfriend" she means "I'm not interested" but the guy hears "my boyfriend is the thing keeping us apart".

If the answer is no, say no. Anything beyond that just gets their wheels turning to try and figure out what would make it into a yes.

Trips have spoken, but I think you're right. She's the only other girl I think about nearly as much as I do Alita....

And yeah we've had a few people get together from my work, so thats all fine.

Attached: 1557241832131.jpg (960x704, 70K)

Sup anons how's it going

Attached: landing.gif (500x281, 3.2M)

Good deal. Remember to not remind her that her eyes are smaller than Alita's, though.

I feel like I'm a "red-pilled MGTOW optimist". I use the realist, social dynamic, and evolutionary biology truths of this community in order to put into path and formulate my ideal situation, best case scenario for making people better men, women, lovers, parents, sons, daughters, friends, etc. Everyone get on a sorta level playing field of understanding, be the most attractive, healthy, fit, smart, best person they can be, know how to flirt and game and be generally pleasant and sociable, and try to seduce each other into having better, more healthy, more loving relationships over having people end up alone or with shitty people. It's still gonna be unfair with how genetics, looks, wealth, and innate charisma is divided, but we can at least raise the floor a little bit so more people have more luck and a little more happiness.

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I wonder if Alita ever went back into the sewer to retrieve her cute boots

>If you're the best-looking most alpha loser in a room full of fellow betas, but you're TOP bitch beta
That might not be the most optimistic or even real way to put it but you're absolutely right about the socio-sexual hierarchy being fractal. An Alpha is not Alpha everywhere, or to everyone.
> get the best deal she can get there
They do that during their epiphany phase (26-30s) when they realise they are getting close to the wall and they can't compete with the 20 year olds.
You also gotta check Rollo Tomassi's blog it might interest you, he goes into more detail

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Ahaha, didn't some user tell their wife/gf that and she got all uppity about it.

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She'd look cuter in the glasses Rosa wears

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That's pretty wholesome user.

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who is bread

Attached: omg2.jpg (532x478, 38K)

Alita is coming back to Tokyo for a short week:
> ◆ Screening work has been decided! ◆ 【7/13 (Sat) ~ 7/19 (Fri)】 "Spider-Man: Spider-Bath" "Alita: Battle Angel" Innovative & exciting! Double action exciting in the action scene MAX sense of speed! "Spider Bath" will be screened in the dubbed version

>I'm a "red-pilled MGTOW
have sex

Yeah, I saw this really good video some female PUA did on the matter. Well, she said it about when a woman 'friendzones' you, using the line '"I just see you as a friend", but it's basically the same idea. She basically says it's evolutionary that when women are vulnerable, socially uncomfortable, scared, embarrassed or whatever they do this as as shield, because it's coming from a biologically instinctual place of not wanting to be raped or murdered. She also said that, "well, isn't it more convenient, less pressured, more palatable, not to mention more polite, to just say 'oh, well, no offense, nothing personal, but X. Nothing against you, just X, so, you know..." X could be "we just don't click/I just don't see you that way", or X could be "I have a boyfriend". Either way, what she's really saying is, "well, yeah, I sorta thought you were cute at first, but then you said that and did this, and you didn't do this when I thought you would, so now I'm not so sure, and I'd kinda just like to drop it and move on." Or even, "well, you're kinda ugly, too fat, have a weird laugh, and can't stand how one of your ears is noticeably larger than the other."

It's an socially convenient way to get you both off the hook without losing face. Some men might prefer the brutal truth, but most women can't risk saying so without fearing the guy will go crazy and harm her or mess with her in retaliation. If she pulls this card, walk away gracefully. Funny thing is, if you let it go, go after other girls, continue being your cool self, she might one day come up to YOU, like the friendzone or 'I have a boyfriend thing' never happened. Probably won't, but that's not the point. The point is you take any such signal as a cue to exit stage right and move onto another girl, hopefully a little wiser and with a little better game and presentation.

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I love Alita.

Where can I pre order the blu ray in Canada?

Attached: 1554663461763.png (656x572, 462K)

Sometimes it's just a shittest
She says "I have a boyfriend"
You say "Yeah right" or "Sure, me too"
It actually works

Canada won't get the blu ray user

Well I guess this is it. Bump limit has been reached and no new bread made. Its been fun. Too bad all good things must come to an end. This final thread came too soon.

Can I have the DVD at least?

Attached: laugh3.jpg (662x731, 39K)

Probably not

VHS only. Final destination: Magnetic north pole.

I call next bread then, anyone else baking fucking say now

I got the bread

Ok good, I was just about to make it

I got you

No need to really. Everything has been said. No new content to make. Time to wind these threads down with some dignity.

