What did she think of the episode?

What did she think of the episode?

Attached: green.jpg (243x209, 14K)

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I want her dirty soles to smother my face while she calls me a worthless misogyst male

was kind of hoping the danger hair sjw look would go out of style once trump won

I love her attention-seeking over-expressiveness. It's quite cute.

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She dyes her hair green and wears marx t-shirts. She does not think.

God I want to Hug her!

"thanks to this wacky episode my instagram will do ironman numbers"

Whats her instagram

It was too kino for her SJW brain, good thing marvel is going to keep on supplying endless pozzed up trash for her and her kind

She's cute ngl

Does she have ig?

Also want to know her Instagram.

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“I’m one episode away from irrelevance and having to face life as an adult.”

I'm black. How are my chances on fucking a woman like this?


10000% because if she refuses you, that means she's a racist.

Suddenly, they turn on the lights.

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It's going to go out of style once trump loses.

But did you know that extremely colored hair was really popular in Germany, UK and USA between 1912-1914 until the industrial capacity to make those paints were used for the war engine? Yeah a lot of people forget that. It came back into fashion briefly in the 1920s. Then died due to the 1930s global crisis. It started to come back again in the 1960s then died due to the hippy movement that said the paint was harming nature. Then it came back in the 1980s punk era as a "fuck you" against government especially in Europe as tension to the Soviet Union grew.

Then it continued in the 1990s due to grunge culture. And into the early 2000s with the Emo/scene culture. Then in the early 2010s with the original hipster culture. Which slowly morphed into the current SJW+Alt Right culture.

So if you actually keep up with its history you'd find out bright colored hair has a long and intricate history.


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>Obsessing over some Tumblr goblin

Fucking STATE of this board

If everyone dyed their hair retarded colours walking around would be far more kino.



Basically Alt Right also need to dye their hair bright colors to balance it out and make it more standardized.

More personal expression is always a good thing.




Thought the green haired attention whore.


Attached: as opposed to korean ones.jpg (544x370, 21K)

oooooog fugggggg *pukes*

>More personal expression is always a good thing.

>wtf I love Hitler now

God damn it I hate when my girlfriend drinks. The other day she got so drunk two hung African men had to take her home in their automobile. She made a real fool of herself. Atleast I got to sleep in my own bed that night

More personalization and individualism.

why is that a good thing?

Looks like she fucks fat people


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More variation in society which means more niches for women (fetish). And also more niches within men which makes it easier for women and men to find a partner.

Imagine a world where everyone looks exactly the same. All human men have the same clone body and all women have the same clone body. And the only difference between people would be income. Now the richest people would be most desirable since they all look the same anyway.

If you give people the option to change hairstyles suddenly you start to think some are more attractive than others.

If you extend this to hair colors etc you can see how more personalization creates more niches in the looks department and therefor more chances for people to find a partner. Incels and fat feminists should especially like colored hair

You forgot ancient Celts, who dyed their hair with lime.

She doesn't think.

Women are incapable o thinking.



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>I hope some pathetic loser screencaps my silly expressions and I become internet famous

Steer clear

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White women, why?

White women, not even once

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Because the entire internet is now talking about her, that's why.

It's not white women's fault white men are so fucking weak and easily manipulated. Of course they are going to abuse that.

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Go away delusional faggot

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why are shitskins so obsessed with white men?

t. useless worthless white roastie

I'm white you retard. I'm also not a faggot that obsess about some girl like all of you low testosterone faggots on Yea Forums.

>I'm white you retard
No you aren't

I still think she's cute

Why are white women so beautiful Yea Forums?

What is it that makes white women look like goddesses while women of all other races look like animals?

How is it possible that one specific race has such an unfair advantage in terms of looks? Even white men and foreign men look more equal but white women for some reason are touched by the grace of god himself to lift them to a next level of beauty.

How come white women are so ridiculously beautiful?

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>im (((huwite)))
Of course you are dear.

It's not great but not terrible.

>56er larping

I'm going to need some sauce on that redhead.

european and semitic people just look better on average then all the others, men and women, its just how it is

Hair dyed anything but a natural color always looks awful tbqh.

>He doesn't know

Thx for the warning fellow slav bro

wh*te "people" lmao

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>cups two invisible ballsacks

why you have all them ticks bro


wait..........this is Marx ? I thought is was some GoT dude ooohhhwww god, i fucking hate this bitch even more now

I would

so quirkly