I can't debate this

I can't debate this

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Solo WAS fun.

The rest is shit.

I can.

Just say that people derive "fun" from different entertainment. For some, a well thought-out plotline is fun, while others enjoy watching a large green man punch a large purple man. Thanks, doctor.

>Just turn your brain off and chug some söy bro

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The Holocaust was fun, just turn off your vital organs

Why do you post this every day

>just turn your brain off and don't think about how a pack of reddit incels could write a better story than world-famous writers with years of time and an absurd amount of money, bro, just go have fun
ignorance is bliss, i guess

okay i can't debate it but i still don't like any of those


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>caring about being an interesting person


There is no problem in enjoying these shows. Just don't treat them like they're the highest form of entertaining ever made like these fuckers do.

All of those are valid opinions. Not mine, but nonetheless valid.

Except Last Jedi.

And you know it's true because I can conceive people genuily liking GoT, Endgame or Solo. Not Last Jedi. On that movie, the world is only divided between people who hated it and people embarassed by it. It was fun like your grandfather funeral after he died the way Tyrion wants too.

Is he clinically depressed or evil?

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Being afraid of having an opinion different than majority's doesn't make you an interesting person either.

Notice how he said all these are fun, not good

>advocating hedonism
Does he have no self-respect?

>Its entertainment, just go in and shut your mind off.
How about no and I wont see it either.

>just keep your standards absurdly low so even hollywood hacks can satisfy you with plots so bad that even normalfags realize it

>Pay money for movies that are shit because they are popular

>noooooooooooooooo it's ok to be infantile don't judge me for regressing just because it's "fun" bro what do you mean what kind of person would willingly choose to infantilise themselves, that's not a sign of a broken society or symptomatic of a toxic miasma of a zeitgeist that is based upon the arbitrary feeling of being "nice" above all other things ahhhhhhhh

>having opinions I don't like doesn't make you an interesting person

Disliking popular things doesn't make you an uninteresting person, either. In fact, not liking things versus liking them is good for conversation and debate. Everyone following along going ''WOOOOW'' at everything Disney churns out gets old really fast

>it's entertainment
Then why isn't it entertaining?

Why would I be concerned if people find me “interesting”?

Have sex

>I don't have my own personality I just consume popular things in the hopes that people think I'm normal
jesus christ

that's why I miss Stalin

Bend over.

fun is a buzzword and is completely subjective

babies think peekaboo is fun.

This is the same jackass who bitches about idiocracy being a documentary

based commie

underrated post

>Brilliant Comrade! You can’t be uninteresting if you starve to death first!

>Well the plot of this movie was kinda illogical
>Look at me I'm so interesting wasn't that a very witty comment? I'm not like the other guys that's for sure :) Fun? No thank you that's for normies

But capitalism has caused many more people to starve to death

Passively accepting whatever mainstream garbage is presented to you by billion dollar entertainment conglomerates and simultaneously justifying your lack of taste to yourself and shielding yourself from all discussion on the subject by calling it "fun" isn't an argument

this "just turn your brain off bro" argument comes from the exact moment when Twittertards like this guy realize that the show/movie they adore gradually became (Game of Thrones) or always was (capeshit) low IQ hedonistic drivel, and so they feel the need to pretend that the genre/show/movie was ALWAYS low IQ shit in order to protect their self-esteem and not seem stupid in front of other people.

but that's what they get wrong, they shouldn't feel the need to defend it, because there is nothing wrong with enjoying things like hedonistic fun. it's acceptable, but you should also be able to realize that IT IS just low iq hedonistic fun, and be able to recognize things that are higher IQ or have the potential to be, and start looking towards enabling those shows and those movies instead of things like capeshit.

americans are too brainwashed to address their own cognitive dissonance

I thought it caused obesity

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Sorry Comrade, what you are referring to as capitalism is, in fact, not REAL capitalism, and thus I must ignore all atrocities herein.

this rlm pic describes these sòy gulping retards to perfection

Stalin was a pleb who probably would have liked Endgame, and would have seen Marvel's complete dominance of the film industry as an inspiring work of propaganda and global messaging

Why do simps confuse disliking a thing's popularity with disliking it because it's popular? If there's a movie or TV show I think is bad, then yeah it might irritate me that it's highly esteemed and that more things that I like aren't. That's just me wishing more people saw it for what it was and showed more appreciation for the things I think are better. That isn't the same as taking a deliberate dislike to it for the sake of being a contrarian.

the last jedi was 3 hours of my life that i'll never get back and was objectively awful, the rest of them are fine

I haven't seen Game of Thrones.

I say this instead of I don't watch Game of Thrones.

I bet he'd be mad I'd you liked BvS

True redpill. I did the same when someone asked me what I thought of Avengers

Did he actually say this?

i'm all about the fun. i've seen all three Transporter movies in theater opening day. but i don't walk around chatting everyone up about them as if they are the epitome of television and film.
the burlington bar kids would never do 5 seasons of The Wire and "react" to Stringer getting his shit pushed in by Omar and the muzzie.
this is what normies don't get - nobody judges you for loving shit, it's the fact that you only open yourselves to a small window of acceptable things to love and pretend they are the greatest pieces of art without exploring anything outside your comfort zone

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People freak out when you say you dont watch something. So we need to say we haven't.

The truth is GoT doesn't interest me, and i think the overuse of sexual scenes is just quite cheap and a way to get views.

Just turn your brain off, bro. I just want to see colours flashing

What if my expectations are that what I'm about to watch is fun, and then it fails at being fun?

its satire dork

fun is a buzzword


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Imagine having LITERALLY no standards and being proud of that fact.

No no no Wagie.
You see, when people people die under Communism, Communism killed them.
But when people die under Capitalism, they killed themselves!
Brilliant, right?!

Fun? FUN? You think I watch movies/series/read books because its fun?
Are you a child?

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I'm not sure how you can say TLJ was fun in any way

i mean rogue one was also a fun movie, like it wasn't the best movie of all time but it was entertaining and not too brainless.

That's the entire HBO thing for many years. Gratuitous sex scenes.

Give [[[us]]] your money unquestioningly

Game of Thrones was a great, popular show that descended into a shitty popular show

Last Jedi was a massive disappointment to people who liked The Force Awakens

Disliking Solo isn't a contrarian opinion, Solo wasn't popular at all

The only place where my own opinion doesn't fall into an obvious mainstream is Endgame - I both acknowledge that people in general loved it but I myself feel it was a step down from Infinity War. Maybe that was inevitable because Infinity War was as good as the MCU could ever possibly get

>Another Twatter thread
Millennials truly are human garbage

Endgame and Basedlo were atleast somewhat functional. Thrones and TLJ are already broken in concept. Fuck Twitter, fuck Disney and fuck Dabid.

Disliking popular things doesn't make you interesting but liking popular things definitely makes you boring. It's pretty basic, intake of mediocre art turns you into a mediocre person.

Depends on what pedestal you place it.

Intentional fun isn't fun, fun only comes when you're invested into something for other reasons and it starts to go well.

Why is endgame there? It was pretty good for a capeshit. Not endgames fault dark knight, watchmen, BvS (excluding the ending) and Infinity War had different structure making them superior capeshits.

Eating food is fun but I still prefer a good meal

turn off your brain and consume badly made media bro haha

i think that these movies are completely fine for younger audiences. i absolutely loved star wars when i was a kid. i rewatched the OT so many times. same thing with Jurassic Park.
but as an adult, my tastes in movies evolved and grew. these "fun" movies don't entertain me anymore. i find the stories bland, repetitive and and predictable. I'm not in awe from movie with "epic moments". movies designed for instant gratifications simply don't appeal to me. i jsut get nothing out of them.
nowadays, i get more pleasure out of things that challenge me, which is why i like to read more and watch movies i deem to be more artful and have more sustenance. movies that challenge the viewer a bit or take a more artistic approach end up entertaining me a lot more, and i end up enjoying discussions about those a lot more.

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consume product get excited for next product

>giant ship hits another giant ship in SPACE
>instead of pushing the other ship it cuts the ship in half like it still had motor stoping it from moving

I think you should really look into who you posted before taking his opinion seriously, even as a shitpost. The dude is a known narcissist and a sociopath. He's a streamer who someone thought he could get away with calling a suicidal donator an asshole. Nobody outside his hugbox likes his ass so don't even mind him

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>Literally the crowd that embraced what was (((different))) because they thought it made them intelligent and interesting

So at which point are these retards going to start experimenting with self-awareness?

Then you're a fag.

>Fucking literally who Twitter screencap with a petty 216 likes posted 2 days ago

Fucking garbage.

>thinking anybody actually cares about this dood
>even knowing who he is
big yikies all around bro