When are the Monopoly laws gonna apply

When are the Monopoly laws gonna apply

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They own the world. Laws don't matter any more

They literally write the laws themselves

doesnt count when its jews

>when are laws engineered by people with moral hierarchy going to apply to degenerate moderns
never. morality is relative. nothing matters except vidya and capeshit. they're good boys, they didn't do nuffin.

disney rewrote copyright law user

Disney is the largest nuclear weapons manufacturer in the world.

I joined them by buying their stocks year ago, am I a jew now?

never because it's america

Note that you are part funding war crimes

They already did, they weren't allowed to buy all of fox

Been on the wagon since 2014.

Since when was Yea Forums full of socialists?

This shit is gonna destroy the streaming industry. Netflix was good because it was centralized and you had most movies and TV shows on one platform. Now this will be a Disney+ exclusive that will be a HBO Now exclusive etc. Who the fuck has the money to pay for 5 streaming services every month? The greedy jews are Making Piracy Great Again

>being against big companies run by ultra-leftists destroying all competitors and doing whatever they want

what is netflix amazon cbs and soon nbc
i don't like monopolies but i don't like paying for 6 different streaming services

They will never give up power

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If they end up shutting down free streaming sites then piracy will be on the rise again


Disney becoming big is direct proof that the Jewish conspiracy is bullshit.

Do you really think a world controlling cabal would allow an antisemitic company like Disney to take over?

As a Jew I can safely say FUCK DISNEY

So you are only pro free market when companies you support are winning?

>conservatives keep telling me competition is aided by deregulation

More likely is that fhese streaming company become a free commodity after taxpayers are forced to subsidize these companies. Think about it logically: will americans pay for universal healthcare or universal streaming first?

>americans want a free market for everything

>dude capitalism is based fuck commies le helicopter rides
>wtf how do we stop (((Disney))) from having a monopoly...its not fair capitalistbros

I'm pretty sure Iger is a jew.

disney writes the laws

>thinking anyone makes helicopter jokes in the year 2019

>Netflix was good because it was centralized
>Disney+ will be bad because it'll be centralized

'free' market is a fucking meme though. There has to be some oversight else monopolies happen, why would they not?

Disney controlling nearly half of all media consumed in the US is concerning.

no niggers itt know about trustbusting cause theyre all 14. instead we get the same fucking arguments from 14 year old /pol/acks against 14 year old redditors from r/communism

you all are fucking boring and need to rethink your lives you cookie cutter autists


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Free market isn't a meme, it works as long as the political sphere is free of corruption and companies don't get an easier time based on their wealth

Disney did 9/11

Fucking underage faggot, any corporation left or right that continues to buy everything and owns a large % of all entertainment needs to be broken up. You new breed of socialist faggots on the left are the most uneducated sheep I ever have seen. I am so amazed you braindead idiots are given all the info they would ever need for researching and educating yourselves but instead you morons listen to the MSM and fucking get talking points from late show and Facebook. Maybe America does deserve to fail if you sub IQ retards continue to spread like rats.

But power always begets power. If a company has more capital, they can drive competition out of business and control the market they operate within. How can a free market persist if the competition can be controlled by the biggest player?

>it works as long as the political sphere is free of corruption and companies don't get an easier time based on their wealth
So you're saying it doesn't work?

Disney never hated Jews and the current ceo is a jew

my bad you are right, regulation has proven you correct with the multitude of financial disasters its caused but having done nothing about the monopolies

how do you fucking idiots even manage to breath, you spew bullshit like this and ignore fucking history when all you have to do is LOOK AT IT

>companies don't get an easier time based on their wealth
So it doesn't work then?

Literally owned by jews moron

What are you talking about? 20% isn’t a monopoly, why are you saying 40% is a monopoly?! 75% market ownership isn’t a monopoly you transphobe

uh disney doesn't have a monopoly tho netflix and amazon are the two most popular streaming services not to mention everyone and their mama has their own services too

>everyone and their mama has their own services too
my mama does not have a streaming service

Disney is a example of why we need regulations on some LARGE businesses. No one is saying to regulate the local hardware store because it doesnt own almost all of our entertainment. Use you brain for 2 minutes and look at how much shit Disney owns. It's out if control, go some independent research for once in your pampered fucking life

They own this board as well

user, I...

This shit needs to change. 40% is pretty much the majority in the entertainment industry. You idiots are only looking at percentages and not actual content. The amount of content Disney pumps out is equivalent to near 90% in total, given the billions its shit generates. Now with Disney+, Hulu, and Espn+, they're well on their way to control more content.


Fuck off back to school, kiddo.


My point still stands here

It won't be centralized that's the problem it divides the streaming industry even more

user, Disney literary writers copyright and public domain laws. It's over the Mouse won.

especially when it comes to social media
im against the government sticking nose into things they have nothing to do with
but when you ban people who you disagree with from participating in the public discourse on a site that's the closest thing to real life we have on the internet then that's a big fuckin problem and we need some regulation

Monopolies are cancer upon the free market. One of governments few responsibilities is to bust trusts and break monopolies. Currently our government hands out monopolies to certain business’. It’s called crony capitalism and its abhorrent and not real capitalism.

You know Disney has been pushing for hwavy regulations to block out competition from smaller companies and independent artists in the industry right?

>REAL capitalism has never been tried!

Exactly. It’s almost as if these ideologies are nice in theory but flawed due to humanity’s flaws

Thank Bill Clinton

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>When are the Monopoly laws gonna apply
When netflix goes bankrupt

i wish more people could pull their heads out of their asses and figure this out

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its too late, no one has morals or cares about ideology anymore, everyone is just a drone to their echo chamber of choice, late stage capitalism in all its glory, brainwashsed retards unironically voting corrupt assholes into power.

Trump still hasn't done a single fucking thing and openly advocates bribery on twitter now, and lies about everything, but people still defend him because of the echo chamber culture and memes, literally fucking honk honk

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>megacorps forming giant monopolies that threaten economic freedom and the biggest thing he's worried about is the news being biased
big ol' yikes

it's mostly shitskins and commies that love DC movies
there might be some telecom shills upset too since disney is one of the two(the other being sony)major studios that isn't owned by them

Ben Shekelino fangoy tourists are the best

>ITT: People who have no clue what a monopoly is

>Trump still hasn't done a single fucking thing and openly advocates bribery on twitter now, and lies about everything

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>t. Ben Shapiro levels of information

ever since browser wars I have come to realize that there is nowhere too far in this day. they can get away with anything and everything. the government spies on you through these organizations and doesn't give a fuck. the normies all like it because they are fucking idiots, and the doctors all enjoy the fact that they get to rake you over the coals while collecting as much data on you as possible without actually giving a shit about the patient

A game where you roll dices and buy little houses.

ah yes good argument magapede, I'll vote trump 2020

I learned from the best antidisney spic tho

Are you guys just retarded? AT&T is bigger and they barely get affected by monopoly laws.

>this or that fallacy

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You mean competition against Netflix's monopoly? Are you guys doing this on purpose?

I'm pretty sure it's a board game, wise guy.

at&t owns the studio that makes the capeshit I like so its fine

I knew some faggot was gonna derail with the comment you just made. The guy you're responding wasn't even REMOTELY defending capitalism, he was telling an idiot libertarian that busting unions =/= socialism.

Stop being such a Chapo-cel, it hurts the left more than literally anything else

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Yeah, but Disney has both Star Wars AND Marvel! What else is there? I can't name anything else.

It's the new TV channels, just more of a pain in the ass to deal with.

Laws only apply to goyim

Only Walt Disney hated jews, not the entire establishment.

Disney under Iger has gone on a huge buying binge of properties they can't even use like the Muppets. This is going to backfire on them very shortly.

Wow. Have you ever heard about Cyberpunk?

Monopoly rules won't help, Disney has all the get out of jail free cards and hotels on every street

When are the Clue laws gonna apply

>in the theatre
>with batman v superman

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Jim Henson was in negotiations to sell the Muppets to Disney when he died and the deal was finalized under Michael Eisner

>Disney keeps getting stronger
>visit far left sites to see suggestions they have to break up huge corporation
>"OMG Iron Man and Wolverine can be in the same movie now guys!!!!!"

This is why I stopped being a liberal. Don't support Trump one but but the left is lost completely.

Yet they don't seem to do anything to stop people from pirating Song of the South...

>companies don't get an easier time based on their wealth

Ah, so basically never, then? Economies of scale are inescapable.

>Republican sponsored bill in a Republican controlled congress
>its the Democrat's fault!

I know you're being sarcastic, but this really encapsulates the fall of man.

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But remember guys, the government is there to protect us from monopolies.

>Real MAGA was never tried

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Well you went to the wrong websites dipshit

>Disneyberg pushes back IP laws every 20 years
>implying they won't push monopoly share from 63% to 70%


It's backfired on them hard since they can't use PD properties anymore.

literally how republicans view it, they also think trump is the reason the economy is booming despite the fact that a presidents impact isn't felt for years

Who told you that?

Find me a quote from a government official. You can't can you?

Reminder that the only ones who care about this are DC shitskins who are mad that Marvel movies are successful

Oh well, at least Sonny Bono got what was coming to him.

>tfw I lost my radio job because of this

they've devolped numerous projects with the muppets including multiple movies and tv shows

>Newt Gingrich introduces the law and the Republican-controlled Congress passes the law
>the only thing Bill Clinton did was not vetoing the bill
>it's Clinton's fault this happened


Best post ITT and fringe zoomer faggots collectively ignored it.

war crimes are based

The Sherman act is a comprehensive charter of economic liberty aimed at preserving free and unfettered competition as the rule of trade

they are the senate

>mfw free hulu subscription because i have sprint

can i watch all those disney movies that they hide in the vault for years now??

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>they also think trump is the reason the economy is booming despite the fact that a presidents impact isn't felt for years
You have to be, not only totally retarded, but also an unironic boomer to post something that stupid

in other words a liberal

>autistic npc sperging about le zoomers
>surprised people ignore it


Legislation tends to take years for its effects to be fully realized you child. The only thing Trump has done for the economy is the equivalent of a booster shot.

yeah cool argument, I see a lot of convincing stuff here magapede, I think I'll vote trump 2020

>narrowing down to 5 media clomgomerates from 6
I don't like the way things are going

Don't really give a fuck, thanks.

When dems are in charge.

Following your logic is Clinton to be blamed for the economic crisis of 2007?
Stop listening to CNN, i'm not even American or republican but the stupidity of your statement was too frustrating to ignore
When you cut taxes the results are realized the same year
When you make a trade agreement the results are realized the same year
When companies open new factories the results are realized the same year
When a trade war happens, the results are realized the same year
Again, you have to be extremely retarded not to understand this, stop listening to mainstream media, you are way to stupid to filter information

I thought Yea Forums wanted Netflix to die?

no clilnton is not to blame for the economic crisis in 2007, you know why? Because the seeds for that were born in the 70s you fucking smooth brain idiot LOL

And the seed of western culture is the Sumerian civilization
Go play in traffic brainlet, you are too embarrassing
No wonder your country is dying, if educated urban faggots are this retarded, you can't even hope

I think your pepeposting is the fall of man.

mickey mouse might as well be on the dollar bill, but disney owns the copyright to that so they wouldn't let that happen

neo liberalism has fooled us for too long, if only we could be nationalist and socialist.

4channel is a national socialist forum

im a jewish shareholder of disney and I approve of this mesage

DC is a thing you know

When it becomes a monopoly?

Or are you retards under the impression that monopoly is synonymous with big or "large marketshare"?

tv show set in the Alien universe when?

The free market theory for monopoly is that they either continue to run successfully and efficiently, allowing then to continue to buy up competition, or they run poorly and unsuccessfully, in which case buying competition would eventually kill them

There is no evidence of true monopolies in the past being bad for the consumer. Today the best examples are always government granted or enabled

>95% of the market is owned by 1% of the 0.2%
>Not a (((monopoly)))

Don't you have some children to sacrifice rabbi?

>95% if the market
So, ignorant AND stupid

Oy vey finally someone with some sense

>There is no evidence of true monopolies in the past being bad for the consumer.
There are a lot of evidence of monopolies being bad for workers and citizens though, we are more than consumers faggot
Fuck free market memelords and fuck you personally

pirates will always win.

You guys telling me you don’t like one Jewish run multi billion dollar corporation creating everything you see? Ummmm racist much?

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>big companies run by ultra-leftists

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What will happen if they unfreeze Walt Disney and he fires all the jews that are controlling his company?

>since when is a weaboo nazi forum socialist

They already have, moron

there's a system in place which prevents complete monopoly

are you being stupid on purpose


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yeah bob iger and kathleen kennedy, the famous nazis

>all these people begging for government intervention
What happened to this place?

>another thing I don't need to waste money on
thanks disney, the more stuff you buy, the less money I spend

disney is making RBMK reactors at this very moment

and they won't tell you about the graphite on the roof as well

fucking retard

You must be fun at parties

Right?!? It’s not a monopoly if only 96% of entertainment is from them. Fucking poltards I swear

>expecting anons to be at parties
there is your first mistake

>Every conglomerate knows that they already have the right side in politics on their side, because muh capitalism
>They proceed to pander to the left on social issues in order to gain their support
>Conglomerates are left in a position where both sides will fight tooth and nail to defend their corporate interests

It's tiresome, lads. How far have things gone downhill when literal communists are defending the interests of giants like Alphabet and Disney?

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American liberals are not communist smooth brain. The right planted the seeds for corporate oligarchy now they think they can won't reap the whirlwind?

This, they stripped government at all levels of responsibility while selling its power to business instead of returning it to the people. Now they act surprised big capital has usurped it's power.

>Now they act surprised big

Who are "they"? The boomers who has voted Republican for the past 40 years are still neatly enfolded by the corporate propaganda they've been fed. Younger generations on both sides are realizing what a fucking disaster it is.

While the Democrats are a tiny bit better than their counterparts when it comes to accepting corporate bribes through campaign contributions, they're still only slightly behind. And when you combine the Democrats' corruption with vast amounts of immigration, people on the right are going to prefer the Republicans being slightly more corrupt, while at least publically pretending that they don't want to decrease wages through increased immigration.

Sure thing retard

The problem with Disney is they want access to the Chinese market, so they happily cuck to whatever China wants.

That's bad for us.

yeah, I forgot no in-between exists

A monopoly is when one corporation controls an entire industry in a nation.

Is he wrong though? What the flying fuck has Trump done?
>muh tax cuts
Which served corporate interests more than the common man. It helping out the middle class/poor class was just a small side effect, but not the primary motivation for these laws. Even people like Nick Fuentes admit to this.

We Shadowrun now

When are Disney going to use their stranglehold on the market to ban their competition's movies? Imagine only being able to see Marvel and Star Wars in the cinema in the near future. It would be beautiful.

many big corporations are run by leftists. you are not "fighting the power." deal with it

oh are companies that aren't disney forbidden from making movies and tv shows?
no they are not. making incels cry isn't covered by monopoly laws, sorry

>many big companies are run by leftists
Imagine writing this unironically. Idiot Americans I swear.


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No shit, this isn't some groundbreaking revelation. Anyone with a brain saw this coming the minute Hulu switched to a subscription-only service and Viacom did its own thing with CBS All-Access.


Dude just keep voting for Republicans lol both sides lmao da joos!! XDF

Now we just need the runners to show up and meddle with the megacorps’ bread and butter. It’s genuinely surprising that for how large these companies have gotten in just the last few years alone, there hasn’t been hardly any notable sabotage or “RISE UP” incidents. The only recent one I can recall was that nutter who tried to shoot up Youtube HQ, and that was mainly because she had mental issues to begin with.

>American liberals are not communist smooth brain
keep telling yourself that, comrade

Imagine being this much of a brainwashed boot licking fucking drone

imagine being a leftist lol

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Americans love corporate enslavemen-, I mean the free market. Why would they rebel?

Only one party in America has anti trust and monopoly policies on its platform, it's your choice to ignore them and obsess about absurd identity politics and WW2 dichotomies

They control the laws, they even have special laws that protect them exclusively reserved for them for copyright and merchandising

Imagine being so obsessed with faggots that you vote for the Disney party

Here look at this.
Americans WILL defend this! These "people" are animals, branded cattle.

Do you get paid to run interference wherever anti-corporate sentiment turns up or are you actualky this much of a useful idiot shill?

the democrat party?

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Not even the best version m8.

Ask AT&T or Comcast

pick one

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wasn't drumpf supposed to fix that? lmao /int/ was right.

Shut the fuck up, pepeposting's fundamental to the board culture

We're racist socialists now. Nationalist socialists

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Both, are you stupid? How does someone get to be this politically illiterate? Fucking burgers my god.
These people deserve to die.

im fucking dying
thank you /int/ for linking


>we are #theresistance
>brought to you by coca-cola!®

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Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.

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is that a little boy in the middle>

>vote republican
>Donald Trump is literally the biggest Jew shill on the planet
Did old /pol/ fall for the memes and do they unironically support Jews now?

Its a girl shitlord!

Isn't this vertical integration?

Reminder that Walmart has "dead peasant insurance" on their workers. Meaning a life insurance, which ensures Walmart is paid between $50,000-90,000 if their worker were to die.

I'm fucking convinced that at a corporate level they've decided to try to squeeze as much money out of this as possible by actively turning their already depressed workers towards suicide. Look at the way they treat their employees. Look at the way their breakrooms are designed. Everything from the choice of colors to the plastic covering the tables almost seems to be designed to induce depression. Stick the happiest man on earth into a Walmart breakroom for a week, and he'd be inches away from swallowing a shotgun.

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Most fell for the hype and race baiting "muh shitskins" sleight of hand.

i watched a 480p video of Endgame on a porn site

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should've voted democrat

>just vote for the other party, it will work this time!
Two Party system brainlets like you should unironicly be turned into serfs

Yea Forums has always been fiscally liberal and socially conservative

AKA national socialist

>fiscally liberal

No one here is that

Kill yourself lolberg

There was a brief period when a large portion of Yea Forums went through the libertarian/Ron Paul phase.

But from what I gathered, it wasn't so much about the support of the economic model, but more about destroying the current economic system. Coincidentally the same people also unironically wanted a nuclear war.

>fiscally liberal
>socially conservative
Yeah right.
Most people here are just varying degrees of libertarian

keep sucking that jewdick

pozzed idiots are libertarian

....if you needed more evidence of the fall of France, here it is.

Larping nazis ITT thats a big yikes from me

Imagine being such a brainlet that you don't understand how buying up available news stations helps said megacorporations in their journey to monopolization.

americans defending corporate malfeasance is worse as you know its entirely serious

That is not the argument. The argument is that you cant have multiple exclusive libraries because it's no longer centralization.

>bank with pride!
>brought to you by hsbc

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jesus christ you faggots are so desperate for a le epic win you will side with evil just to stick it to conservatives.

I hate you all so fucking much

Capitalism is a jewish ideology meant to promote jewish interests. Same as communism.

>since when was

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So we are all in agreement that capitalism is to be destroyed? Excellent.

Sony is the real enemy. If Disney one day crushes Sony and Viacom, then I'm fine with that.

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why would you destroy your strongest allies?

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I am too, there's normally more easily baited retards here

Destroy entirely? No. Heavily regulate and find a healthy mixture of capitalism/socialism? Yes.
You ever wonder why capitalism was exploited to begin with? Because of people. The same people who'll keep exploiting whatever alternative you want to introduce.

>No real capitalism, communism, socialism, etc, etc, etc.

Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions (or laws) of sheep.
Disney will eventually own everything. May as well just let it happen.

First posts best posts

Mark my words Disney will be the first corporation to stage a terrorist attack for the purpose of advertising.

They should function in a free market. At this rate if Grimms fairy tales had had the same copyright law none of the classic disney films could have been made.

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Disney is tiny compared to finance and oil. And the monopoly loopholes they, and others in Hollywood are exploiting to gain marketshares or financial loopholes to get out of paying taxes were put there by Wall Street lobbying in DC.

Disney is just a meme. Wall Street and Big Oil can literally start wars by forcing the politicians they pay.

Are you retarded

Never, because Disney is a Jewish-owned Jewish-run company.
Just like the banks, they're all being merged into one super entity that you can never topple. Disney having 90% of the country's media under it's control is perfectly fine, says Boomers.

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Most of them aren't ultra-leftists, though. See They've already got the right in their corner because of muh capitalism.
How do they get the left in their corner as well? Push leftist social policy.

In the end it isn't so much about politics as it is pragmatism to ensure corporate security from all sides. Sucking two dicks at once, etc, etc.

>They've already got the right in their corner because of muh capitalism.
except every business that pledges its commitment to leftist ideology receives calls for boycotts from conservatives. businesses are actively pushing the right out their corner. today there is far more anticorporate sentiment from the right than the left

Teddy Roosevelt is rolling on his grave right now.
The problem is that our economy is so globalized that trust busting means weakening America's position as an economic power.
We're fucked.

>except every business that pledges its commitment to leftist ideology receives calls for boycotts from conservatives
Only a couple, in the most extreme cases. Almost every single fucking large corporation pushes leftist social ideology.

When did conservatives launch a boycott campaign against Johnson & Johnson? Or American Express? Or Apple? Or Microsoft? Or Alphabet? Or Walmart? Or Burger King? Or McDonalds?

You see where I'm going with this?

i see what you're saying but my point is that they are alienating conservatives and creating contempt. they are shielded from negative economic consequence by their dominance, but more and more conservatives are starting to view the corporate sector in a negative light, and who knows what that will bring about in the long run

>ma bell is a monopoly and must be broken up
>nu-ma bell is a-okay
I swear, it's like ever since Disney bought ABC, these media mergers have been out of control.

Jews own Disney.

>but my point is that they are alienating conservatives and creating contempt

Only the ones who go overboard. You probably didn't even know that half the companies I listed are heavily pushing leftist social ideology, since most of them didn't go overboard with it. The younger generations on the right haven't been marinated in corporate propaganda for very long, so I agree that there is some growing contempt. But in the end, you can't boycott every company that pushes leftist ideology, since all the big ones do.

Are you going to uninstall Windows? Perhaps install Linux? Too bad. Linux was also compromised by trannies. You're going to have to dig deeper, etc. And that's how it goes with every single product you need.

Hopefully never and America continues its downward spiral

Because back in the days the new money didn’t figure out how to utterly corrupt politicians and the system.
Now corporations are constantly setting their own agenda with one administration or an other.


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Those laws only aply on non jewish run company's.

>Please government, do something!
You shouldn’t want the government doing much in the free market. If you have a problem with Disney, don’t consume their products.

good goy

stop posting

>There is no evidence of true monopolies in the past being bad for the consumer.
Based and kike-pilled.

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What if they were to buy them, however?

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based retard
humanity's strength has always been in the discretion of its mindless peasants

Sometimes I wish I was still 12 years old and able to have an extremely simplified view of economics like you. As if voluntary consumption of products isn't only one of a thousand variables ensuring growth for companies like Disney.

Right after the trademark expires into public domain

>Are you going to uninstall Windows? Perhaps install Linux? Too bad. Linux was also compromised by trannies. You're going to have to dig deeper, etc. And that's how it goes with every single product you need.
when people feel trapped/surrounded it can lead to disaster

A (((Western))) company isn't allowed to buy a Japanese company.
Japan is the greatest country on Earth - nay - the universe. Hawaii would've been better off if Japan won the war as God had initially intended.

Your knowledge of the subject is exclusively memes and what they told you in public school

Weird that people that supposedly question everything take the monopoly bullshit up their ass without a flinch

Owning IPs isn't a crime. I hope all you crybabies realize that owning and controlling the infrastructure and delivery of your intellectual properties isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's business 101.

>A (((Western))) company isn't allowed to buy a Japanese company.
Are these new rules? Walmart bought up one of the largest supermarket chains in Japan, Seiyu, and turned them into a Walmart subsidiary. That was 17 years ago, though.


Multinational corporations need to be banned.

I'm not him, but please list some true monopolies of the past in which there was very little or no government involvement, which was benefitial for the consumer. Preferably over an extended period of time.

Don't be afraid to include numbers. I love numbers.

>A (((Western))) company isn't allowed to buy a Japanese company.
....yes they can.
The idea of an American company not being allowed to buy a foreign one is mostly a meme.

Almost all antitrust cases against large companies come from competing companies, not the govt.
>govt regulators are cool with monopolies
>large corporations on the verge of becoming monoplies are cool with monopolies
>firms competing with de facto monopolies aren’t cool with monoplies, until of course they in turn become big enough to act as monoplies, then they are totally cool with them
>meanwhile smaller firms that don’t have a dedicated lobbying budget and a congressman on speed dial have to navigate complying with anti-monoply regulations written by the monopolies themselves
It’s almost as if the laws/regulations intended to curb anti-competitive market practices were actually designed to keep the market as anti-competitive as possible
What a world.

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God bless America

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Top-tier rebuttal

Market dominance is not the same thing as a monopoly. Disney does not have a single market in which it controls almost everything. Voluntary product consumption is a huge piece in Disney’s revenue. Again, it’s a simple view because of its power. So long as there are alternatives to Disney that compete with them, it’s not a problem. It doesn’t help that Disney throw money at politicians and lobbyists so that they can increase their growth without violating antitrust laws. Disallow that, and have the government enforce antitrust laws and competition will always be there.

Standard oil is the closest case i can recall but the government always gets involved eventually

>having a genuine argument on Yea Forums
just kill yourself you autistic faggot

Not a true monopoly. But please specify how it was beneficial for consumers, just so I don't have to browse through mountains of text to find the relevant stuff.


goodest goy

You realized you hate capitalism, as most current conservatives now do but keep fighting against the realization for ideological reasons. In time you will have the courage to say these words loudly and proudly. From there 1917 can commence again.

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Monopoly laws haven't mattered in decades. Disney is just one of many companies over the years that have done shit like this.

>mocking those who question globalist corporatists in the face of globalist corporatists

Being anti-monopoly is literally the furthest one could be from socialist, you sickening disney shill faggot.

I hope you get cancer and die a slow, painful death.

>Hate corporations because they push leftist propaganda
>Logical conclusion is that because you hate corporations, you should fully embrace leftism

This right here is your brain on communism.

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Wall Street is a sham for laundering and international espionage.
Big oil doesn’t exist. There is no fat cigar smoking oil magnate. It’s unrionically a bunch of Arabs and (((crypto Arabs))) buying and selling degeneracy and policy in the West

>fuck the rules I have money
Like if you remember when this was just a yugioh joke
cry when you realise it's been over ten years

hating state and corporate tyranny is not the same as hating "capitalism." nor does it follow that i should support communism. i am a white nationalist minarchist that supports free markets. commies will be deported or hanged

>americans think neoliberalism is leftism
ayy lmao

>corporate tyranny is not the same as hating "capitalism.
>minarchist that supports free markets
>white nationalist
Really putting the moron in oxymoron.

they both support globalism, multiculturalism, nonwhite immigration and statism, so what's the difference?

Just read up on Standard Oil.

They basically did what Amazon has been doing for the last 10 or so years. What you're arguing for isn't monopoly, but the process of becoming a monopoly. Standard Oil, like Amazon, priced themselves low to force competitors out of the market. Once that had been achieved, they pushed their own prices above what would have been possible if they had more competitors.

Short-term gain for the consumer, then when monopoly status is obtained, it all goes down the shitter.

care to explain what you mean or do you just expect people to know your personal definitions of those words?

>milton freidman is the same as karl marx
really motherfucker? their entire ideological underpinning is different.

You are arguing with religious cultists. Keep that in mind.

yeah, friedman's is based on reality

>communism means soviet union, you can't weasel your way out with "not real socialism"
>except for degeneracy, there modern far liberals are the real communists, not ussr

>to each according to his need and ability vs the freer the market the freer the people
The differences are stark and pronounced. What do you get by being intellectually dishonest?

His post really went over your head, didn't it?
He's not referring to economics, but social policy. Both neolibs and modern commies aim for the same star.

He is the father of the neoliberal cancer that is killing the West. Fuck him and fuck the whole Chicago school as well.

>religious cultists

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Oh yeah like Hillary didn't suck corporate dick more than Trump.

his response was standard american fare of oversimplifying where needed to bend the truth, and outright lying when that does not work out.

There's no such thing as a true free market. corporate tyranny, corruption, and cronyism is a natural evolution of all forms of capitalism. The free market is not a perfect solution to all problems a country may face anyway.

ive been there, its awesome

neoliberals don't support free markets

we're fascists not conservacuck


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>then when monopoly status is x, then y into perpetuity
Never evidenced

how come no stalin?

Contemporary ""leftism"" is a useful part of the rhizome. Neoliberalism and leftism are necessary spooks for the continued thriving of technocapital society.
By the way, Friedman and Marx are both materialist economists. Their ideological underpinning is identical, they draw different conclusions.

how is it oversimplification or lying when both liberals and leftists proudly support multiculturalism and globalism?

Then show me a case where monopoly status was obtained and it continued to benefit the consumer after the initial out-pricing of competitors. You're the one arguing in favor of that, so it should be easy. I'm genuinely curious here.

The one thing both Milton and Marx unironically agreed on was that it would be under capitalism that globalism would be established.

he was making a joke, idiot

The problem is these companies DON'T act like monopolies in the beginning. You'll get decent good for reasonable prices.
They WILL increase price once they have full market power.


capitalism won't lead to globalism if borders are enforced and races are segregated

Staright from 1848:

Modern industry has established the world market, for which the discovery of America paved the way...[The bourgeoisie] has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom--Free Trade.

In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation...

The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere...

In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations...

[The bourgeoisie] compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilization into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.

Peterson fag detected.
You know he never read Marx, right?

it honestly has to be done, Disney is going to end up with soft power over our whole country

that doesn't stop americanization

capitalism is the god that failed

>boring, all red, all flags the same
>vibrant, diverse, interesting
Communism will never win simply because it's stuffy and boring.

it's a site for losers, what do you excpect

White Americans will resettle to Europe?
That would be funny to watch.

So it won't happen for the reasons Karl outlines here.

good. more countries should have a bill of rights and right to own property. but that's ultimately up to them to decide

Don't know what you're talking about, I was referencing Deleuze? Based retards out attacking strawmen tonight.

and only watch american shows and films

>lmao, just let me get fucked by the corporate cock in peace
>regulation is communism
>i vote with my wallet ;)

Europeans do not want americans here in any substantial numbers if at all.

why would whites do that?

i'm a lottery WINNER

>White Americans
>we are the 56%
yeah no, get fucked and die across the sea.

Where the fuck is my elf waifu then?

not their Boden

Because alt right calls for race segregation and whites are from Europe you stupid retard.

yes it is. settlement happened. the indians lost their territory
i'm not "alt right" shithead

Libshits have this weird notion that any land claimed by whites after the 15th century is illegitimate. But any land claimed by any other group of people within the same period of time is irrelevant, and just part of how things has worked since tribes of the first humans began invading eachothers camps to fuck the other tribes' women.

based retard

>less than a millennium ago
wow it's fucking nothing

shitlibs just hate whites at the group level. they're psychopaths

great rebuke, i shall retire defeated and stop keeping you from reading the columbiad, the authentic epic of your authentic people

Streaming a pirated copy of something is still piracy

the indians lost. accept it and move on

non sequitur

replace indians with whites and whites with jews and the same thing is true

so is yours. europeans are not obligated to return to europe. otherwise amerindians are obligated to return to asia


millennia vs centuries lad

>vibrant, diverse, interesting
It's all just a comedy, really

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Next time vote Democrats, dipshits.
>the trannies and liberals are ruining the world, not the giant corporations with actual power!!!!

not an argument

>Let's vote for the *slightly* less corrupt Democrats, and get the whole social degeneracy package included

I fucking despise the Republicucks, but as bad as they are, they're the lesser evil.