what did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What FPS is this?

I fuckung love Gavin

you think he gets off to people jerking it to Meg

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Literally the only tolerable person left in that cringy company.

Shaggy looks... different now

RT/AH went to shit once Ray left.

Of course he does, any self respecting man would've told her to cover up years ago

>Literally the only tolerable person left in that cringy company
I stopped watching rooster teeth shit when i turned like 7 years ago or someshit, what's changed to garner that kinda response?

They're all anti-Trump.

The Ray-placements really ruined it. Matt, jeremy, trevor, alfredo and lindsey are the worst

They recently had him on their podcast, it was bretty good.

Gavin should be a guest on JRE

Where my Funhaus boys at?

Were they always such insufferable faggots or was it after they sold out? I always liked Joel and feel sorry for Geoff but the rest are cunts.

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Yeah fuck him, goddamn Israeli shill.

They recently hired some brown girl that does not play anything that they make content. She barely knew who they were, gave no shit about the games they play and didn't even try to practice them for the video, so every video she's in is her trying to understand the game, what is happening and asking questions every 10 seconds. And oh boy, everyone fucking hates her, even their own subreddit makes post about her, trying to tippy toe around the words and mask their complaints as "constuctive criticism".

no e-celebs on Yea Forums

hate trump for the wrong reasons

>'Ello im Gav
>im dan
>and we're the slow mo guvnas

whats her name

>the only tolerable person left
>spends all his spare time replying to piers morgan tweets calling him an arse


LeVar Burton's daughter?

Ah, alright.

Fiona Nova? She's not good at most games and has a really grating personality.

Alfredo is my boy purely because he's really good at Siege.

After they sold out, they grew too big and thought they can do anything now, their live-action department was making god fucking awful shows like Day 5, very unfunny movie Lazer Team, where most of the cast were their own employes, who don't know shit about acting. Animation Department also went to shit after Monty's death.
On top of that for their "Let's play family" they bought a bunch of shitty youtube channels, that no one watched before and after they applied their managed to them most of them disbanded or left RT.
Creatures died first.
Shit like Screw Attack closed, Game Attack left RT
Cow Chop is dying, they'll exist untill the end of the year
There was a wonderful parody vlogging Channel Sugar Pine 7, that was making like 500k views a month, right after RT bought them and forced them to whip out videos almost every day of the week, quality went down and now they barely get 50k, recently they even stopped posting videos all together and everyone thinks they'll announce channel's death too.
Her too, they threw her in AH first, she didn't fit, no one liked her, so she transfered to The Know, Know also fucking died. So she fucked off to be an Overwatch caster somewhere.

>500k views per video

>Cow Chop
They were at their best back in the house when everyone was still around
>There was a wonderful parody vlogging Channel Sugar Pine 7
I quite liked them too, stopped after they tried including some narrative shit with parker's death or whatever it was

Really, whatever RT touches turns to shit

I remember when Geoff was shitting on Ray for being a streamer on Twitch and a few months later they ended up making livestreams on their YT channel.

Remember when Gavin nearly was murdered?


Mostly this but i'd note that their animation department even when Monty was alive was complete dogshit.

Also game attack and the creatures weren't RT's fault. Nobody cared about the creatures and Game Attack just never worked and was boring as fuck.

Funhaus is the only real success and that's moreso because they succeeded in spite of RT. They add new members who work with their style (Elyse and Alannah) unlike artificial as fuck additions like Fiona.

FH has great style and content and stuff like mothers be aware was a blast.

>Check RT, LP and AH channels
>most videos get 200k-300k views at best

What happened? They used to shit out 1million+ view videos a few times a week

Elyse is the only female comedian I respect and find funny.

I also want to fugg zaddy James

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Watching the collapse of these retards has been entertaining.
Serves them right for being shills for Hillary.

its a Alanah video

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Worst girl.

You can only milk halo/minecraft/gtaV for so long before people get tired.

>rooster teeth

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didn't really mind her when she wasn't in the team an only featured occasionally but now she seems to be in vidoes with more frequency than any other member


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Eh, I suppose they were just called achievement hunter back then

Was that the ape's girlfriend?

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Disgusting whore.

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>australian thot

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I want to marry elyse

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I'm still allowed to like Funhaus though, right guys?

Well too bad I still like them, even when James and Lawrence remind everyone that they're corporate shills.

I think it's because she has the least acting in Arizona Circle (is that the name of their soon to bomb skit show?) so she's the most available member. She's acting the least because she's not a wannabe comedian like the others and took the job so she didn't have to be constantly on screen.

>Tehee, silly gamer boys, look at my tits :D
All thots must hang.

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What a smug bitch.

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The question is, how do they keep getting money to fund their stupid shows when they keep flopping? That's not even including all the alcoholics they keep hiring. Do the 2 dozen podcasts really draw in that much money? Are their autistic fanbase really that dedicated?

>" stopped after they tried including some narrative shit with parker's death or whatever it was"
lmao same

They're making big buck off those HIMS boner pills bruh.

>hides in a closet when someone tries to rape his gf

>Check up on the channel after not watching forever
>they have some annoying brown chick who can't even play video games in their videos now

What were they thinking?

he's such a charmer and yet severely depressed

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This was the final nail in the coffin for me. Their quality has been declining for a while.

marry a whore prepare to be poor

Which one of you rascals tried to kill him when he hid in a closet?

I reckon they’re just keeping up appearances and will shut down soonish. No one watches anymore.

He's unironically the worst one

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Daily reminder

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Get that bitch a white cock.

>fat nigress talking about 'muh feminism'
BIG YIKES, do they pump straight onions outta the taps in Austin?

So... how do I get this?
Can I sell my soul?

tehee silly boys

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Pretty sure the retard offed himself afterwards.

Can't they just switch her with Don or something?
I realize his gimmick only works in small portions, but even the rest of the B-team have more on screen chemistry than Alanah.

simpler times

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This. All the editors except for Dan and Peake are better "talent" than Alanah.

Rays a faggot and roosterteeth was always shit

At least he acknowledges the massive piece of garbage he is while the others think they're a gift from God while they tell another airport/plane story.

You listen to their podcasts? lmao

I used to, years ago as background noise while I worked. I watched the recent Ray one and was amazed that they still being up some annoyance of their upper middle class life as some amazing story.

"Man guys, my nanny is so cool. She takes care of my retardedly named kids all day!"

Yeah, Offtopic used to be so much fun, but now it's all "my life as an entertainer is so busy" or "food food food" for most of the podcasts.

Can’t stand her half American accent. As an Australian it’s really fucking grating.

What was the problem with his ex-wife?

This right here Gavin moved out of Geoff’s house and Ray leaving was the fall of Camelot for AH.

"Man, my life is so busy guys. I travel on the company dollar all around the world, I have a massive hugbox on Twitter that will eternally praise me, I show up at 10, get drunk, play videogames, go home at 5 and no one cares, I earn enough money to hire nannies and personal trainers that I'll complain about over minor grievances on my ad filled podcast, and don't forget to sub to me on Twitch!"

>In January 2017 it was announced she would team up with her husband for a new monthly podcast, Relationship Goals, about modern relationships and love starting Valentine’s Day, Tuesday February 14.[20] In November 2017, Ramsey announced that she and Geoff Ramsey were in the process of a divorce.[21]

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They should have made it biweekly or something so they could at least talk about something. Though considering they do like 10 ad reads per episode it is probably easy money.

>"I fuck a lot of guys and they call me a slut."
Well... yeah, slut.

She is a new-age (crystals, tarot, dreadlocks, all that shit) degenerate roasty who hit the wall HARD so decided to rip apart her young daughter’s family so she can """"find herself"""". I still remember the story Geoff told in a video about how they went to Italy and when she was asked to cover up in a historical cathedral and she flipped the fuck out at the wop wagie just doing his job. Just a typical narcissist white American woman.

The definition of śóy.

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>Matt destroys super best firends thinking he'll do better than Pat and Woolie by far
>Pat has a massively successful streaming career
>Woolie is doing alright at streaming and youtube
>Their podcast is super successful
>They just got bought by RoosterTeeth
>Liams videos don't even break 10k views
We're truly living in the best timeline

Attached: matt btfo.png (599x579, 440K)

>no one talking about politics
> fuck trump am i right guys?
Every time

Don't get happy too soon. Just look at the long line of channels ruined by partnering with RT. They are the Machinima of the modern day.

stopped watching a few years ago, do they still all wear their shitty t-shirts that cost like $40 for a crappy line from one of their thousands of videos?

Jump to 22:35 for the king of soi to flaunt his political expertise

I stopped watching when ray left.

lol retards, knowing that Lincoln was the first Republican isn't even yank exclusive knowledge

You dumb nigger he wasn't even talking about Trump. He was talking about beta males. Yet you went directly to the Trump accusation. Wanna now how you're a kike redditer?

I think he should be more ashamed for not knowing the donkey is tied to the democratic party considering that should be constantly in his face if he pays even a little bit of attention to present day politics

something tells me they probably made a deal with roosterteeth. matt was genuinely retarded and signed a 15 year deal with machinima

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure as shit sick and tired of Inside Gaming constantly shilling for EGS.

Funhaus has taken a serious dive in quality since they decided to "scale back" in 2018, even though they have more members than ever. Literally everything they've tried to do has made their content worse. Wheelhaus/Demo Disk in an isolated room where there's not cross interaction with Lawrence/Joel/Elyse/Spoole in the background? Garbage. Google Trends being On The Spot 2.0? Garbage. Getting rid of Twits and Crits in favor of Bored as Hell? Garbage.

I mean, fuck the rest of RT. I'm not some 13 year old onions boy and I've literally never watched any of that shitty AH or whatever other garbage they try to sell you on.

But Funhaus went from being fantastic at what they do and seemingly loving it, to being mediocre at what they do and hating every minute of it.

Woolie and Pat work so well together.
I think they'll still keep some distance from standard RT employment, but its going to give them so many good connections.

If you told me 5 years ago we might get Inside Gaming and SBFP together id laugh

No one on achievement hunter was good they are what tanked the company. The only good people were rvb ogs

I have plenty of sex but thank you for your concern.

Remember the time he celebrated a guy getting kicked out of an airport cause he had a gun holster on, I'm not even American and that pissed me off

>elyse is funny
>somehow every other female they have on the show isn't and is extremely annoying
Does elyse siphon their power?

Board as Hell is kino and makes James the happy

Rip creatures
>guy who never swears and is an overall good-two-shoes turns out to be an asshole
What the brown?

>RvB ogs
>Matt who's full corporate ceo now.
>Burnie who runs around making vlogs and bragging about his yellow Tesla
>Geoff who was cucked by his roastie wife and is eternally depressed making dumb live action stuff like a ghost hunting show.
The only one left is Joel and he's off doing God knows what. Good thing he jumped ship.

Playing the stock market and crypto currency shit most likely

I'm sure he'd be /our/guy if he wasnt a ghost

At least he had a backup plan. Cowchop and everyone else are crumbling

fuck James, he's unironically the worst part of funhaus.

everything he's in he completely dominates any conversation and it's only about what HE wants to talk about. anytime he's in a filmhaus he thinks he's gods gift to film and anything you disagree with him on you're wrong. he's a cuck, he's a manchild, and his overbearing personality doesnt mesh well with any of them. he's let what tiny bit of fame they have go completely to his head.

reminder she's levar burton's daughter and she has more money and connections than you and your family ever will without her working a day for it.

also forgot to mention: he's the most replacable member out of all of them.

papa bruce is the head of RT west. Adam is the head of Funhaus. Lawrence is the head of IG. Elyse is the head of AC and is the production coordinator behind most of their best videos. But James? James doesn't do shit except show up and occasionally "plan" bored as hell. the rest of the core funhaus team has more or less moved on from funhaus, but he, the inarguable worst member, hasn't moved up at all. it's pretty obvious why.

>not posting best girl

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Try to watch Ray stream once his humor only works with other people by himself he isn’t funny and just yells DUDE WEED LMAO. Cringed hard

no because it reminds him of the guy who jerked it to meg so much he drove to their house to rape meg and double murder suicide

He's pretty active on Twitter, constantly retweets and likes Molyneux

ruined by major corporations (fullscreen)
>achievement hunter
ruined by trading soul in favor of more and more epic events and """employees"""
ruined by uninspired drama and cheap fight scenes
>the creatures
ruined because kootra wanted some fat pussy
not really ruined but degraded after staff/format changes
ruined by move to LA

is nothing sacred?

Friendly reminder that she doesn't date non-jewish people.

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Damn you can see how barren her uterus is from here

She's fit but she has the least attractive name going, on top of being a proper uptight bitchy SJW like 90% of the people working at RT.

Honestly if I had their money I'd like to think I would probably live like Burnie too. Yes it's insufferable to poor people, but he's so rich he can pay to only be around people who are either also rich or can't comment on it.

this shit is kind of inevitable, though. It's like when a band's second album is about being on the road when touring for their first album or how hard it is to be rich and famous.


>Connect the Hots
Did they go too far?

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when you're a wholly owned subsidiary all you have to do is convince a small room of people that you're worth keeping around, so it's probably just Matt talking circles around the boardroom because they don't understand technology

You ever see how autistic their fans are? They buy any and everything RT shits out and will defend it

Having wealth is no excuse to just spend 3 hours every week talking about your life. They're just so goddamned unoriginal that they can only talk about themselves instead of trying to bring up a topic (heh) that has nothing to do with their comfy lives and actually merits discussion.

The most try hard unfunny person working there all her "jokes" fall flat,literally only has a job because she is good looking(debatable).

I remember watching this when it came out and following the shit storm that it produced

>it's a Lindsay episode

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And all she does is get pump and dumped by randoms while working for a internet production company who's hay-day was nearly a decade ago.

Mega64 are great

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Gimme that Dog the Bounty hunter look bruh.

Oof. Poor Micheal

You mean Geoff.

This was the last RT video I watched. Knew it was all downhill from here

When she took over for google trends I dropped that show entirely.

Fiona is fucking one of them or has dirt. There's no other explanation. She doesn't fit in, adds nothing to the videos, and sucks shit at every game. And half the fans say that complainers are sexist because womyn can't be criticized anymore.

>wh*Te """""people"""" literally use Internet personalities as surrogates for friends, family and lovers
Wh*te genocide isn't real, but it should be.

Funniest moment AH has had in years was when Ray was on Off Topic. Skip to 1 hour 57

Yeah Joel seems a least a little redpilled. I wonder if he’s ostracized by the others at RT at all

RT murdered sugar pine 7

Look at this shit. This is the fucking faggot constantly bringing politics into videos for no reason and he didn't even know the symbol of the Democrat party was a donkey

Is rooster teeth boomer?

The company is boomer but their employees are zoomer

While they started sucking as soon as they got an office, that's their own fault. Everyone wants a reliable job with health care and all that, and you can't do that making videos like they did in the beginning. Starting podcasts and releasing garbage multiple times a week is the only way to make money.

Autumn is such a slut.

>No wonder Bruce can't stop shoehorning sex into every conversation, if he's pounding that.

Married a low IQ low EQ Turbo Skank. Was forced to make videos with her while going through divorce proceedings.

best girl

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