How much of a retard do you have to be to think that a 12 year old girl finds a fat fedora trench coat wearing loser attractive?
How much of a retard do you have to be to think that a 12 year old girl finds a fat fedora trench coat wearing loser...
Other urls found in this thread:
>try to have sex with an 18 year old
>go to jail
Perhaps she admired his rugged individuality.
Jim Sterling?
They're not retarded, just desperate. Incels want to date 12yos because their brains never matured.
>How much of a retard do you have to be to think that a 12 year old girl finds a fat fedora trench coat wearing loser attractive?
Girls these days grow up without fathers thanks to their strong independent mothers. Its never been easier to groom kids even if you are a sperg
The guy failed high school. He's not the brightest of the bunch. I'm just sad for his parents having such a fucked up son.
Hrs also a faggot who “lost his virginity” to an 18 year old boy
>18 year old
No 18 year old was involved you disingenuous sperging retard.
>furiously redditspacing
Are you stupid enough to think that woman is 12?
They still want bad boys, not fat spergs.
can someone link the episode
How are people this fucking retarded? To catch predator has been out for how long now? We also live in a time of heightened surveillance and yet these people feel comfortable enough to send dick pics to a supposed preteen let alone a stranger? I don't feel comfortable sending nudes or dick pics to girls my age since I'm paranoid they might use it to blackmail me yet these dumb fucks are ok with it. How the fuck do they even get in contact with these girls in the first place? Don't they think its suspicious or even take precautions to try to even verify these girls are real?
White loser
Because they're dumb as fuck.
Is it weird to feel bad for a pedophile? He genuinely seemed like his entire life spiraled the fuck out and he lost control of his impulses.
Being born a pedo must suck. What he planned to do was inexcusable so fuck him, but I do still feel bad for him.
Why do people point out the 18yo boy part. Wasn’t he also 18 or 19? He lost his virginity to a guy his own age
>they’re not white when they do something bad but when they invented civlization, they are white!
Shut the fuck up mutt
>wearing anything other than a stetson hat
>wearing that stupid trench coat
bro you gotta look casual
>tfw I also failed high school. Feels bad being trash.
At least I’m not a pedo.
>Wearing a hat indoors
Apparently I’m too dumb to green text as well. Just end me
Damn, 12 year olds look like that??
nah, only bottom of the barrel retards fall for that angry mob mentality, emotions should empower your actions not guide your decisions
How is this show not entrapment? Do the predators contact the girls first? How so? And I'm assuming the undercover cops have to send pics back to lure them in? Is it legal to use CP to catch predators? Can't these pedo tell that the pictures they're receiving of the girl looks different from actual girl when they meet them?
he took it off tho
that's the problem with the show
they know that people exist
who have preferences society frowns on
who are desperate for affection
and they lead these people to believe
someone exists
who wants what they want
they make these people believe
all their dreams are about to come true
and so of course they come
nobody can deny their basic instincts
but it's all a lie
"we did our best to trick you and you got tricked"
there's no value in that
it's a scumbag thing to do
He failed high school bro he's not the sharpest bulb in the drawer
because 18-19 is 4 years too late for your first time.
>not retarded
>just desperate
>due to mental development conditions
No, John, you are the retards
>I've heard about this show that tries to catch guys going after young girls. You're one of them are you haha?
>no way lol
>gets caught
He's the renaissance man who got his GED later.
some of the charges are dropped for that reason
but i think they cops try to make it very clear that the person they are talking to is underage
>How is this show not entrapment?
There have been times where the show has gotten in trouble for entrapment in the past but it's only for specific cases.
>Putting your flowers in the drawer
Everyone who doesn't take off his hat while walking over the doorstep is either human garbage or a jew.
If the 12 year old WANTS to fuck, why is it illegal? It is consensual sex.
>12 year olds and under can decide to change their biology and become the opposite sex, but they can't choose who they want to have sex (their biological function) with
did you see how he charged towards her he was hella nervous lmao
To answer your last point, by the time they “meet” the girl in person it’s too late, they’re already gonna be shamed and arrested because they got caught in the trap.
Also I’m not LE but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be legal to use CP to catch potential predators. I would think they use young looking legal girls.
I’m a 26 year old virgin. My only sexual experience in life is giving my friend a handjob in high school.
I truly am a loser.
One day, one of these fags is gonna draw a gun and shoot Hansen in the face
>talking to loli with the intent on fucking them
>request a live video chat to confirm they're real
>if they decline stop talking to them since they're most likely fake
There, problem solved. Goes to show pedo's truly are retarded
Is this show even on anymore?
It’s illegal for an adult to engage with the 12 year old, under the thinking that the child can be easily manipulated into doing things just to please the adult. A lot of times what drives kids is the need for approval from a parental/guardian figure or other older person they look up to.
Didn’t TCAP get shut down originally because one of the perps figured out it was a sting and didn’t show up at the house, then Hansen & co decided to go to his address and hound him outside his own residence, at which point the guy figured his life was over and he killed himself? The guy was like DA for whatever county/state they were in too I think.
I'm not sure about how they're doing things in 2019, but in old versions of the show they would go into generic chatrooms and talk with random people. They would bullshit with them a little and casually mention that "they" are underage in some capacity, normally in some off-hand comment about school or whatever. Sometimes people would react in a creepy way and start asking things like if the allegedly underage sting agent had ever kissed anyone yet, played with themselves, etc. From there it evolved into dirty talk about what the predator would do to them, the sending of pictures, and so on. They try to make as incriminating of a file as they can before the perpetrator ever comes near any sting house. If memory serves there were a few times where people showed up to said houses, seemed to have second thoughts, and drove off before getting out. Pretty sure they said they sent cops to the perpetrator's house anyway, even though they didn't approach the house, because the shit they were saying to someone allegedly underage was more than enough to bring him up on charges.
And no, no CP is used, just very petite girls that wouldn't look out of place n some "barely legal just turned 18" porn site.
unironically blackmail you how? just don't include anything in the pic could be traced back to you and unless you've got a small dick why the fuck would you care?
No. Hansen got arrested the other week.
I'm not like you, I was...
Born clever
Born knowledgeable
Born better than your best
I swear I'm a born killer
Born thriller
>he sends nudes
imagine being this much of a subhuman to begin with
that's because the show is entrapment and they pursue autistic men until they fall victims of the trap
>How are people this fucking retarded
because they are genuinely autistic people who weren't raised well. Making them retarded.
For what?
According the MSM fat spergs are the number one threat to civilization... How much more of a bad boy can one get?
>My mummy and daddy aren't home right now
This is your brain on pedophilia. Absolute brainlets that should be put in physical labor camps along with incels
His eye was scratched he thought he was 18!!!!!
>I don't feel comfortable sending nudes or dick pics to girls my age since I'm paranoid they might use it to blackmail me
right user, that's the reason
As dumb as any other /pol/zoomer really
This is the best TV show ever.Everything about this show is funny.
Because imagine you're a fat lonely loser. You've been one all your life. You began to reach puberty and you see all your friends and acquaintances all start hooking up while you never do. You never even got close to. You tried different things but it never worked, women were never interested. You don't even know how to approach women to begin with. Year after year, friends get girlfriends, lose girlfriends, hook with girls then get a girlfriend again. In all this time you've had nothing. No intimate encounter with a female of any kind. You just stay in your room and browse the internet or play videogames. You don't even want to go to parties anymore, you feel even more lonelier when you're surrounded be people. You drink alone. Then one day a girl messages you. She actually talks to you like a real person. She's nice, super nice. She seems interested. She actually seems to like you. She calls you cute. She's 12, it's wrong you know it's wrong. But you've never got attention like this before. No woman has talked to you like this. No women will probably ever talk to you like this. This is it. This is your only hope of intimacy ever. You can feel all the hurt and torment within with a flicker of hope that she can make it all go away if only she gave you a chance
Yeah they only like alpha chads.
>decoy sends him fake nudes
>decoy says “u know were probably gonna have sex LOL”
>somehow his fault
Reminder that because of new anti-abortion laws republitards want to bring it,if this autist raped this girl she would be forced to give birth to the baby
That actress is a 22 year old drama graduate
It is entrapment. The original show only had like a 69% conviction rate
ITT: People who have no clue what entrapment is
>in America it's illegal to say you want to have sex with someone who doesn't even exist
land of the """""free"""""
This show is evil and preys on weak men to generate shekels.
>mfw when this was me before I got fit and found a ten year younger wife that look 16
dont give up bros
Are you a leftist? You must be if you think weak men shouldn't be preyed upon.
Because homosexuality and pedophilia are both degenerate mental illnesses that are often co-occuring
It's a set up man!
Entrapment: Police coerced or forced you into doing something you wouldn't have otherwise done given the same circumstances if left to your own devices.
Why is this so fucking hard for you people to understand?
Same for masturbation, right?
>Police coerced
And they do. Read the chat logs
he should start playing video games
Not even close. Nice try though
That guy looks 25. Was he supposed to be a 12 year old?
>think the girl is 12
>send dick pics to 12 year old
>agree to come over to fuck 12 year old
>bring condoms and whatever else she asked for
>instead get chris hansen'd
Intent is everything. If you can't see it, you're likely a pedophile yourself putting yourself in his shoes and going "lol dindu nuffin."
Don’t larp as me, you fuck
Coercion, from this legal standpoint, means manipulating their life into a stance where they have been coerced into doing the crime, where without the police's intervention you would not have done it. You knew what was meant I know you do you shrivel-brained faggot. If it was a legitimate 12 year old offering cunny they would've still taken it which is illegal. The same logic is used in sting operations.
Land of the free punishes intent of an impossible crime. You fucking retards.
Those vigilantes that pose as children don't approach the pedophiles online, the guys initiate the conversation. There was an article talking about how 31 or 32 year olds approach teens online who are 15 years old or younger. The decoys don't pose as 16 year olds since that is the age of consent in the state they are operating in.
who the fuck are you lmao
Well he is wearing a Rooster Teeth hoodie, it would've tricked me back in 2008
>seek out child on the internet
>find child
>be enabled by law enforcement
>meet to fuck child
>get arrested
kys pedo
They should always have the decoy be 12. It makes it too easy for the audience to sympathize with the guy when they're like 14 or 15.
Playing the devil's advocate here but this logic doesn't work when the fucking police directs the conversation to sex.They just show us parts of the conversations and these retards when reminded usually say ''she asked for it''.
Unfortunatly I think it's illegal to put a minor in a "dangerous" situation
I've read countless chatlogs on Perverted Justice website as well as the ones available from this sting, and the pedos bring up sex each and every single time, usually by asking "innocently" about their virginity and sexual experience and so on. Again, KYS closet pedo.
Did you reply to the wrong post, dipshit?
>police directs the conversation to sex
They don't
>these retards when reminded usually say ''she asked for it''.
oh well my mistake, no crime here officer she asked for it
I mean have the decoy claim that's their age.
how many of them actually went to jail?
wasn't it all inadmissible evidence and just designed to embarrass people?
:/ kys pedo
Reminder not to respond to the obvious pedophiles who are triggered because they can't safely solicit sex from children on the internet and want to vilify law enforcement and justify pedophiles going to meet children for sex.
>get born with a preference for a certain type of girl
>demonised and jailed even if you dont act on it
this is your brain on libtard
>yes, she said she was 12
>yes, i was gonna fuck her
>but to be fair, i didn't think i was gonna get caught
>E N T R A P M E N T
"Incels" is a nonsensical term invented to let people pick on nerds again without feeling like bullies.
See and then KYS, pedo.
>Going to a house where you believe that you can finally act on it is not a crime
Shut up nonce cunt. That's your brain on regular sanity.
>implying no one gets jailed for just downloading/having cp
Because he’s a faggot and faggots are degenerate shit
Except there was never a child to begin with.
what a giant mess bro
Redpill me on this guy
>fucking implying that's a bad thing
>how did you get to this place?
>I drove, didn't you see the care you fucking retard?
Shut the fuck up!
But why did it take them so long to settle on a new term? It became cool to be a "nerd" in about the mid 2000s. That a decade and a half of not being able to bully actual nerds.
As it should be. Do you think CP is victimless?
Uh-huh, sub-80 IQ pedo-kun. Try using that as a defense when you attempt to fuck a child you met online.
There never was a child, they took advantage of a desperate fragile young man by enticing him. I would bet if they did it with any other age/gender he would be the same, so you cant imply he is a pedophile or hunting young girls.
Reddit term
Not even close. The "young man" in the OP sought out a child, thought he found one, went to act on his desires and then got locked up instead. You're so transparent, pedo.
it isnt cool the be a nerd its cool to be geek
start talking about any actual nerd shit with ''geek'' people and youll see they think youre a retard
>it's illegal therefore it's bad!!!
literal brainlet
implying the people downloading the porn are contributing to the crime, maybe you could make that argument if they gave money to the 'author' of the cp but at most they probably viewed a few ads which is neglible. Basically their demand for cp doesn't influence the supply so they aren't doing anything objectively wrong for viewing it, I agree that acting on it is another story but how can you advocate punishing someone just for their sexual tastes that they cant control?
The cops have enough to arrest them on the chatlogs alone, trying to meet up IRL just makes it worse
You can clearly see the age is the motivation here. He even joins the chat in the guise of an 18 year old female friend in order to seem less creepy to the 12 year old.
Did you watch the interrogation? he had gaysex with an 18 year old out of desperation. If anything he only 'sought' out a child because they were the only ones who wouldnt be immediately turned off by his autism (in this case they only werent turned off because they were paid actors).
pretty sure it's still entrapment, but I'm not sure
>trying to justify pedophilia and child pornography
I it was up to me, I'd have people like you flayed and dipped into a vat of acid. Slowly.
>Inventing anything
Teens look like adults now.
I have teen cousins with legit cow tits. Blows my mom’s mind everytime we see them.
I’m now a believer they’re putting something in the water.
it’s because kids are dumb.
Ideally incels want attractive retards with poor memory and understanding
if hes that autistic why does he have so much confidence expressing fitting his dick inside a child?
do you think they would air it if anyone got into a shootout with the chris hansen police?
If you read the logs he actually tries to get her to prove she is real. He just couldnt hold his benis any longer and decided to meet lol
There's no way to justify his actions, and the intent was clear from the start. You're a pedophile yourself and triggered to no end that people make it unsafe for you to act on your impulses. You're so far removed from reality that you think sit here and defend someone who legitimately sought out and attempted to fuck a child.
It's illegal for good reasons. Child molestation is a degenerate act that severely damages the child. Nonces should be hanged.
>It's just a preference. Show some compassion.
Fuck off with that shit.
Why do you want to punish someone for trying to have sex with a girl over 18 years old?
>it's not a bad thing for people to be jailed for being born with a certain sexual taste even if they dont act on it
that's pants on head retarded, user. You should never punish people because you think they might commit an actual crime with actual victims, you should help them. You have some minority report level delusion which only leads to more suffering in these groups, makes them more 'wild' and leads to a higher chance of them acting on their urges since they cant satisfy them through images or openly get help for them.
Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou. NEETs are just as much, if not more talented and humanistic than any run of the mill wagecuck you find slaving for corporate fat cats.
Your bait is wearing thin, pedo-kun.
What? No way.
I love all your citations user!
Well these people have a mental illness so generally they don't think as clearly as me or you do. But hey it's good tv stringing them up and destroying their lives.
Tell me, how old was the decoy?
Because that's just an excuse. His intent was clear from the start, and the way he marches into the assumed 12 year old's house shows he's determined to go through with what he wrote online.
>that's pants on head retarded user
Only to a nonce's mind.
>Literally do what you said
>Screech about people not understanding something you clearly don't understand
Only because the retards coined it themselves and formed insufferable pathetic identities around the concept.
Again, you need new bait.
So shut the fuck up kiddy fucker
>implying you cited shit
>implying raping a child is not going to damage it
No wonder so many nonces get caught in these shows. You're all retarded.
All I did was ask a question, just because it's triggering you doesn't automatically make it bait
The people viewing the images arent doing the molestation, if you truly believe that then you should be advocating just as hard for jailing anyone who simply views images of torture.
I agree for some people it's not 'simply' a preference and they get off on the aspect of harming the child and control but i'm sure for a lot of them they are just naturally attracted to petite girls.
What’s most ridiculous is how these dudes completely fuck up their interviews/interrogations. Like Tex in the OP not only admitting he knew what he was doing and that the decoy was underage, but then also confessing to a suicide attempt.
Even mention the word suicide while in custody and you’re going to have a bad fucking time. I’m not one of those sovereign citizen types, but I at least know enough to NOT TRUST THE FUCKING COPS IF THEY SUSPECT YOU OF SOMETHING. Not to mention like half the dudes didn’t even have their rights read to them. That’s their biggest defense that they often throw out the window in favor of spilling their guts to the detective, trying to get out via pity (never ever ever works)
Then they should jail everyone who faps to little lupe or other pornstars who try to look super young.
calm down 41%
This is the logic at work here:
>approach prostitute, ask how much
>prostitute asks what you want done specifically so she can give an estimate for something like anal vs. blowjob
>agree to terms, go off to do the deed
>she recounts your words and confirms what you want, asks for her payment upfront because they claim that's their pimp's policy or whatever
>you confirm, go for your wallet, and hand her the correct amount of money, possibly more since some people tip prostitutes generously if they intend to be repeat customers
>"put your hands behind your back sir you're under arrest"
>"wait wha what happened I didnu nuffin yet"
>"you literally told me exactly what you wanted, I told you you could have it for a certain fee, and you paid it, which absolutely shows intent to break the law but that's for the courts to decide, so come with me"
If a cop can prove intent, then you have no right to complain about getting busted. If some allegedly underage kid asks you to bring over dildos and lube, and those things are found in your car when you come over, you can bet your ass that a judge will think you fully intended to use both on the alleged child just like they requested. The cops just happened to be there instead to stop some poor kid from being abused, which absolutely would have if they weren't.
Not even close
They should do this with gays but instead of talking to them just shoot them on sight.
I'm sure you understand a lot about the effects on the psychology of oppressed groups that are demonised by society, and cant satisfy their urges in harmless ways or get help for them, faggot.
Have any of these guys just walked into the house with a gun and commanded the actor to go to the back so they can get straight to business?
Seriously WHO? I just dont ever encounter self-proclaimed "incels" anywhere, it was just a meme way before leftist culture warriors jumped on it.
You know how porn addicts have to keep finding harder and harder stuff to get aroused? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what allowing degenerates to have this stuff with impunity will cause.
He thought he was talking to a 12 year old. What don’t you understand
Same, minus giving a friend a handy.
>tfw women tell you 26 isn't bad to be a virgin
Yeah, alright, sure whatever you say
It clearly is, because anyone of reasonable intellect already knows that the age of the decoy doesn't matter. The pedophile sought out at preteen on the internet and planned to have sex with her. He showed up, and instead of a preteen virgin, he found Chris Hansen.
You need new bait, user. You're repeating yourself, and I won't participate in your nonsense any longer.
That doesn't even make sense. The decoy has nothing to do with it and is only used to gather further evidence of intent, as displayed in the Ambrosio video of him marching fearlessly into the person he thought was a child's house.
>nonces are oppressed waa waa
Shut up bitch.
The incel subreddit got banned and that's how normies found the word and kept spamming it everywhere, just as they always do. It's the "arrow to the knee" thing all over again.
If they are underage and smart, they can demand like 100k in cash or they ruin the dudes life by going to the cops and stuff.
Prostitution shouldn't be illegal though, all that does is provide a market to criminals
If I was going to risk it all to fuck an underage girl I would definitely bring a gun. If Chris appeared I would shoot and kill him, probably try to kill the cops and myself after
You missed the part where they led along a dude who was clearly mentally ill and just desperate for any type of sex.
Fuck you retards with your retarded analogies. It's more like the prostitute went to a place where lonely men hang out, wore revealing clothing (by faking interest in him) then he tries to take it further and you say 'omg he tried to get a prostitute!', no, he wasnt looking for a prostitute, he was looking for anything and anyone, ideally anyone to fuck but you threw a prostitute infront of his face and tried to look enticing.
Pretty sad but then again he also had cunny on his phone, so yea, he's still a fucking pedo
Are there new episodes out or something?
>can't formulate a reasonable defense
>y-youre just baiting me!
Lol keep telling yourself that while you white knight a little girl who doesn't even exist.
is that you
the rule is never ever talk the police, you have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose. they are simply looking for things to fuck you over in trial
When you see a news story about a child molester getting locked up, you feel glad that justice has been done. But when you watch TCAP, because there is no actual victim to sympathize with, the only person you can feel sorry for is the perpetrator.
based and correct
there should be 0 sympthaty for these people, they have shown there intentions, imagine if that was your daughter and some fat ugly fuck came over and raped her
Is that the undertaker?
Born kid fiddler...
Read his chatlog. He specifically sought out a 12 year old. He invites an 18 year old girl to the chat, played by him, of course, and attempts to have her make it seem normal and safe wanting to have sex with him. This is a pattern found in countless logs on Perverted Justice.
I see that you've been BTFO'd and have thus resorted to a epic meme letters to express your frustration. With that, I take my leave. Adieu!
I'm just saying what I remember from watching the original and being upset most of the people weren't actually getting in trouble. There's something about if the LEO initiates contact, they can't charge the person. I don't know the specifics - just remember hearing most of the sickos got off scot free.
By that logic you should be jailing anyone who enjoys violent videogames, the evidence on that is clear, they don't lead to making people more violent. I mean I think it's true to a point but I think it levels out, I was like that when I first found the internet but now ive sort of leveled out in my porn habits, I don't feel like i'm anymore likely to rape after watching rape porn.
Should we jail everyone who watches rape fantasy porn? what about public exposure porn? that's illegal. The fact is that some people will be satisfied enough with just fantasizing over it through pictures. Some people will then want the higher and higher fix but I think the number of people like this is less than the number of people who would be forced to act out their fantasies irl if they couldnt satisfy them through porn and all the studies agree with me.
Uh-huh, need new bait user. Pretending to be retarded only works so many times.
Nah 18 is good to go even in burgerstan
Can confirm only I won't lie about having a wife.
Dumb cat poster
Probably because no one his age was giving him any attention and the best results he got were from kids who didnt see his autism or other cops, he was just desperate for any attention/sex and needed mental help, not for cops to make underage kids look more attractive to him than adults by actually talking to him.
Most of Yea Forums pedos actually believe that
They think that they'll be able to groom some 11 year old girl because no girl their age has interest in them
Most kids have sex between 16-18
How do people believe that the decoy is 12 years old? Like no 12 year old talks like that.
How about those cases where a 5 year old comes out as trans? Don't you think they might have been coerced by their nutjob parents?
it's that people are a lot fatter nowadays, and girls need bodyfat before puberty kicks in
>You missed the part where they led along a dude who was clearly mentally ill and just desperate for any type of sex.
No, I absolutely did not you screeching retard. Their mental state doesn't make their actions any less real, and by showing up at that house clearly intending to have sex with a child he presented himself as a threat to society (specifically to children) that needs to be taken off of the streets and put where they can't harm others, whether that's a prison or a mental home. Yes, this guy clearly has issues, but he's dangerous and he just proved that by walking into this home. He can't be trusted around regular civilians and needs to be kept away from them REGARDLESS of the reason for why he's seeking sex from a twelve year old. The reason doesn't matter, only the fact that he intended to enjoy himself at the physical, emotional, and mental expense of an adolescent.
Writing bad checks. He had to take a seat himself.
>constantly write "Wow! Nothing gets me hotter than a LEGAL ADULT pretending to be a minor! This roleplay is SO HOT!" in the chat
>ask to come over because its your sexual fantasy to have sex with a legal adult who's pretending to be a minor ("ageplay" I think its called)
>arrive at the house on a very small moped
>ride through the door into the house
>"Here I am, ready to have sex with a legal adult who's pretending to be a minor!"
>grab some cookies and ice tea
>Chris Hansen appears
>interrupt Chris Hansen every time he tries to speak by loudly revving the engine
>when he's finished ride my moped out of the house and do donuts in the yeard
>don't even get charged because I said I knew I was talking to a legal adult
>not for cops to make underage kids look more attractive to him than adults
Bro, he already said he met up with an 18+ year old guy to have sex with. He specifically wanted a preteen child to fuck, which is evident in the chatlog. Stop with the mental gymnastics. Defending a blatant pedophile who wanted to act out on his urges isn't a good look.
There probably is something of an effect of violent video games on people. The Columbine shooters planned out their attack using a custom made map of the school on one of their games. Also nearly every incel that shot up a school was big into them. Perhaps it only has an effect on these autismos, but it's interesting that there weren't so many school shootings back before video games despite having less restrictions on guns.
>Should we jail eveyone who watches rape fantasy porn? what about public exposure porn?
Yes. We don't want people like that walking around. Can't act out your fantasies in your jail cell. Well, perhaps the rape one but with the roles reversed.
Oi fancy a butchers of me goblin collection
then trial him for 'trying to enjoy himself at the physical, emotional, and mental expense of ANOTHER PERSON' the age is irrelevant, especially when the only reason this 'kid' liked talking to him was because they were paid to talk to him.
Someone post a pic of him from behind
But what if it's a real little girl, not a sting? She might think you're weird and then she won't have sex with you.
>Hey Tex how you doing?
I used to be an incel, but then I took an arrow to the butt.
how much she get paid to take this risk? i mean she literally have to deal with psychos who probably could cut his throat just entering the house while chris hansen is hiding in the other room he also take risk but the girl is the first dealing with this , i know they have security but dont take so much time to get a cut
Holy based.
About tree fiddy. The guy who tried giving her a big hug had her going NOPE and fleeing into the back almost immediately, leaving the pedo confused.
Not all NEETs are high school dropouts or stupid people.
Got a good place to watch the new Hansen vs Predators?
Fucking love these shows.
this is retarded, obviously they filter out people like this
It's correlation, not causation. 99.99% of kids playing violent games dont shoot up their schools and of the ones that do im sure around 100% would have done it regardless of if violent videogames existed or not. If you actually listen to what these school shooters feel it's mostly just with not fitting into society and society demonising them for being who they are.
Trying to create a simple boogieman for why people resort to violent action such as 'they thought violent videogames looked cool' is dumb, tons of people think violent videogames look cool but dont try to emulate them. There is something that sets these shooters apart, my belief it is something like society becoming more superficial and 'fake' and demonising anyone who steps outside the narrative, but I could be wrong, the point is that the data simply doesn't line up with your belief and if it does the correlation is so neglible that i doubt it's the defining factor.
Just stop, you're embarrassing.
>then trial him for 'trying to enjoy himself at the physical, emotional, and mental expense of ANOTHER PERSON'
This is not illegal unless the activities you want to do to someone ARE illegal in of themselves. You can "enjoy yourself at someone eles' expense" by just laughing at them to their face. That's not illegal. Propositioning a child for sex, however, very much is.
>the age is irrelevant
Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, holy shit, sure, buddy. The age is EVERYTHING here. He wouldn't be in any trouble at all today if he had just given himself a personal rule of "leave the chat if they say they're under 18." Sure, he's repulsive so he wouldn't have gotten anywhere unless he at least changed his style, but he wouldn't be going to jail. It doesn't matter if he's insecure and emotionally unstable. He intended to harm a child. Period. He didn't stop himself from interacting with people that are completely inappropriate for him to be interacting with, and now he has to face the consequences. If he's as mentally ill as you think he is, that often figures into sentencing and mandated counseling. I get the point that you're trying to make about how the sting agent made him feel validated and accepted when likely no one else would, but the fact of the matter is that he heard her alleged age and still pressed on while fully knowing how illegal that is, as evidenced by his comment about how he "knew this would happen," when he saw Chris, or whatever he said.
Did you read all the other conversations where he failed to get any attention from people his age? sure, you can say well he should have changed himself then and I agree but the reason he didn't/couldn't and had to resort to an agerange that he could work with is clearly mental illness and he should be punished/treated for that in general and not as some pedo.
Just pretend you knew it all along that it was for the show and you just wanted to go on tv.
They can't do anything if you outplay them like that.
Not that I like pedo but the fedora guy is just sad
Mr X?
>try to pull your pants up to retain some dignity
>the state now has grounds to murder you
No. Entrapment would be cops giving you a gun and saying they’d kill your family unless you robbed a bank. Extreme example, but these stings exist because it is the best way to collect evidence for a conviction.
NEETs are fucking losers
How would you feel if some 25-year-old tried to fuck your 11-year-old daughter? The fact that we have to set up traps to catch these people is because you justify their behavior even past that point. Children are off limits and you god damn pedos can’t seem to wrap your heads around them being physically and mentally immature.
It's not that simple. In criminal law the prosecution doesn't have to accept what the defendant says as true. The intention can be deduced from elements that ignore or contradict an openly spoken statement.
Well obviously the level of 'at their expense' matters but you really cant imply he actually was going to go all the way just because he said he would, even if he showed up. In my opinion they should force the dudes to get naked or actually try to make a sexual move when they get there.
Yeah, my point wasn't that he wasn't in the wrong, it's just that it was clearly somewhat entrapment and they led him on and people are right to call it dirty, scummy and the exploitation of the vulnerable lonely men. Whether you think this level of entrapment is acceptable for the greater good is another ongoing discussion people are trying to figure out, a lot of cases like this get dropped for this very reason so even the law isnt entirely on your side.
>show up to house to rape 12 year old
I'd be disappointed that I didn't teach my daughter well enough to not lead along 25 year old men on the internet. I don't think you can wrap your head around the fact that he wasn't talking to a real child and the only reason this pretend 'child' was talking to him was because they were paid to. Would he have given up trying to get children if it failed on online anonymous chatrooms and then been forced to either change his appearance or look for more attainable people his age? it's impossible to say, some people would give up if it became harder and some would go to the next level to find an actual underaged girl they can use.
Yes user, they set up a rat trap trying to catch rats and they even bait them with proverbial cheese. We need to trick them into revealing themselves with said bait to keep them from scouring our pantries when our backs aren't turned. In other words, our neighborhoods where our children live. Expose the pest and get rid of it.
>another day doing vidya all the day, this sure will improve my life
he probably was doing this already, the guy needed improve his live doing exercise(this dont guarantee hin get a pussy but at least dont gonna be bullied for being a fat ass) and learning some manual job, there a lot of usefull skill that doenst require you being a genius to learn
Perverted Justice literally has a 99% conviction rate.
>I don't feel comfortable sending nudes or dick pics to girls my age since I'm paranoid they might use it to blackmail me
Holy shit how small is your cock lmao
>drunk as shit
>people in the hotel seen him with a gun
>not complying and reaching for his waist
wow, it's almost like the cops didn't want to get shot
How do you know youre catching rats that would actually be determined enough to go after children in your neighbourhood if they couldnt easily find young girls on anonymous chatrooms who are interested enough in them to lead them along?
No they don't you fucking retard.
The police didn't make them seek out children to have sex with, the police didn't manipulate them into seeking it out. All they did was supply the opportunity to and they took it. Catch hot lead you baby-fucker faggot.
this. poor kid
he had links to what looks like "young girls" Im sure it was normal porn.
yah sending dick pics to some kid is fucking wack. but the kid is obv off af.
>point loaded gun (pedo penis) at cop, pull trigger (trigger in this case is driving to the house, often stated to be over an hour away from perp's home)
>gun malfunction, bullet doesn't fire (intercept pedo with police)
>"sir you're under arrest for intended murder"
>"yeah good thing for me that the thing jammed" (good thing for some kid that it wasn't a real child)
>"my life sucks"
>"i understand your medication isnt working properly"
no wonder he resorts to this when this is the only response people give him
No they think children are sexually arousing luckily they either don’t leave the house or are so disgusting kids run in fear
Why do retards always try to argue with retarded analogies? cant you guys just make coherent arguments about the actual topic rather than trying to distort it into something that looks similar but is actually fundamentally different in a few ways?
Read my post again, my entire point was EVEN IF YOU DONT ACT ON IT, even if he was just downloading/fapping to cp in the privacy of his own home he would be demonised/jailed for it.
>How do you know youre catching rats that would actually be determined enough to go after children
That's the entire point of this show, user. The fact that they go out of their way to go to the house proves that determination you're speaking of.
>yet these people feel comfortable enough to send dick pics to a supposed preteen let alone a stranger?
I hate when people don't know how to use the phrase "let alone". The phrase that follows it should be the more severe of the two, e.g. "I couldn't finish my glass, let alone the whole bottle". Your post should have read "these people feel comfortable enough to send dick pics to a stranger, let alone a preteen".
Does he seriously pull that "mommy and daddy" crap again?
The best way to outplay them is to write a secret message in the first word of each post, like "just kidding I only did it to get on tv" or something like that.
He was never allowed back, can't have a balding decoy. The latest one was a qt which makes it even funnier that big tex thought she was gonna fuck him
My point is that the only response he got so far in his level of searching was from a cop baiting, if that cop wasn't there he would either have to expand his search or give up and fix himself/look for mates his age. What would he have done? who knows. Is that a lot of determination? it's not like he conned the girl into sleeping with him or tried to rape her she was paid to lead him along and respond to his shitty attempts, I would bet he still would have gone to the house if the decoy said they were 18 and willing to fuck.
You might get Chris and the "child" but ~6 cops in the house won't be retarded and corner peek your sorry ass
lmao at the piss poor argument dumb horny people shouldn’t be subjected to the same laws as us 180 IQers
>even if he was just downloading/fapping to cp in the privacy of his own home he would be demonised/jailed for it.
Yes, he would, because a child was abused and violated to produce content he derives pleasure from. On that note, I wonder what the laws are concerning sharing snuff films. I genuinely have no idea if people are allowed to do that or not.
>"I want you to crawl towards me!"
>puts hands down on the ground
>7 year age gap
I'm 27 and my last gf was 20 arrest me
Should have shat on Chris Hansen for not paying his taxes LOL
>"I'm not that big but I could fit inside you"
He has a microdick too...
I'd agree if his demand for cp contributed to rising supply of it but I dont think cp works that way, I dont think most producers of cp get off on the views they get and they dont get paid for it.
Would you be ok with it if the kids werent abused? like what if they were just family photos of naked kids in bathtubs that happened to escape their family circle? I mean you could argue that they are still being violated technically but i'd say that crime is more on the side of the people sharing these images not the ones saving them. Just admit that you're not against it specifically because of the abuse/violation, you hate all pedos innately.
>reddit spacing
>pants on head retarded
liberals are so hypocrytes/retarded, they said they are against violence but at same time they consume a lot of illegal drugs wich are produced and distribuited by criminal organizations wich cause alot of violence, buying drugs is financing criminal organizations but they still say "but i dindu nuffin because im just consuming and not doing harm to nobody"
>but muh urges
that justify nothing, if they are allowed to "satisfy them through images" then the demand of these images will increase more and this is where the shit get worse, the only way you can help that people is imprision them in mental institions and execute the offenders to serve like a example
No wrong makes a right
Children should just be children
>but muh urges
This shouldn't be an argument for gays either. If we jail pedos, we need to jail all degenerates.
Did you not see this video? They had a decoy.
How do I get a decoy gf?
>The Minority Report
I think liberals are more anti pedo than conservatives, as they are all about protecting oppressed/violated weak individuals. Usually they protect people who arent actual victims but sometimes they actually get it right.
>if they are allowed to "satisfy them through images" then the demand of these images will increase more and this is where the shit get worse
You don't have the data to back up your claim that raising the demand for images is worse for society than pedos having no other way to satisfy their urges and having resort to drastic measures. If you are going to basically execute people just for looking at images anyway and demonising them so much that they cant feel like they can get help then why wouldnt they just go the whole distance and actually do stuff irl?
ratings and views would be sky high if they just put in old decoys every time.
>why do you look so old..
>... its a skin condition
Most of the people I know into loli and shota seem pretty left leaning.
There is something called hurtcore, some Western guy who was in the Philippines (where the age of consent is 12) did produce some cp that involved torturing children younger than 12 years old. He got caught and sent to prison. The wikipedia said that he even bribed a person to destroy evidence. Also, he killed one of the children while creating his cp.
did you know that chances of teen pregnancy drop 100% once teens turn 20?
same logic legalizing prostitution
>once you legalize prostitution they don't become criminals
>the same criminals who could've gotten jailed are now protected under law to legally practice their craft
>somehow this magically reduces violent crime regarding prostitution, STDs, etc.
liberals actually defend non offending pedophiles and want them to seek treatment, conservatives react violently when they suggest this misconstruing the intention as wanting more men to fuck kids.
Actually, they probably voted for Donald Trump, you know, the guy who sexually assaulted a bunch of women, bragged about it and is now president of the U.S.
Unfortunately TCAP or similar will never be back because the risk and costs are too high
There's pedo hunters on YouTube that are sometimes funny, generally low class scum who are guilty as fuck about something so they bait beasts on social media then record everything
What body type is this?
if the brothel market is regulated and protected under the law why wouldnt it reduce violent crime and stds?
You got some stats from how whore markets are doing where its legal?
Yes, there are degrees of pedophilia that are worse than others, the fact is though even if you view cp that has no victim or abuse you will still be jailed and shunned from society simply for having that as your sexual preference, there is no way these people can win. This will lead them to essentially say fuck it and go the full distance.
who gives a shit. there are some 200 IQ people out there doing absolutely nothing with their intelligence or their creativity. they might as well not have it if they're not putting it to use.
if you're a genius, but do nothing with it, no one gives a fuck about it
Prospector Mode.
The Assassination of Virgin Tex by the Tax Evader Chris Hansen
I think the conservatives are the ones who want the death penalty for pedophiles. I used to watch Fox News in the 2000s and they were always calling for the death penalty to be used on pedophiles. Yeah, some conservatives are hypocrites and are pedophiles themselves. I think I remembered reading about a Republican politician who committed suicide when he got caught downloading cp, I think it was back in late 2014.
Cunny Cowboy
>the fact is though even if you view cp that has no victim or abuse you will still be jailed and shunned from society simply for having that as your sexual preference
>cp that has no victim or abuse
Yeah, I guess you were more right, I was saying these hypocritical liberals arent real liberals but the fact that so many are like this means they are the new definition of real liberals.
kino konoisseur
>Would you be ok with it if the kids werent abused? like what if they were just family photos of naked kids in bathtubs that happened to escape their family circle?
It'd gross me out that they're warping something as innocent as a picture of a child that's barely even aware of their own nudity into a source of sexual stimulation, but I don't think they should face consequences for something like a picture of some kid in a bath playing with rubber duckies and shit. I would hope that they would keep it strictly to themselves, and never tell the kid even as an adult that you were attracted to their childhood self and pleasured yourself to nonsexual images of them, but even if you outright boasted of that to their face, I'm pretty sure that's not in any way illegal, just creepy and weird, so that's fine. As long as it isn't harming a child in any way to produce it, sure, that's fine, I don't care if some weirdo wants to beat his dick to a totally innocuous image of a kid just peacefully existing or enjoying their day in a swimsuit or something. Does the thought gross me out? Hell yeah, but so does plenty of other stuff that isn't explicitly wrong so much as morally grey.
>Just admit that you're not against it specifically because of the abuse/violation, you hate all pedos innately.
Nah, I actually feel very bad for most of them and see them as truly sick, almost as if they're on the autism spectrum or something. They were born like that in a lot of cases, and others became that way through abuse they suffered in turn. However, I want them to go for counseling and seek help for their deviant desires, especially since that crime is so universally known to be, well, a crime, and for damn good reason. I have no sympathy for those who cannot control their urges, however, and place their own desires and pleasure over the safety and wellbeing of a child. Those that control themselves, however, and don't seek out CP are deserving of praise and help.
That woman has Henry Cavill's hairline, does this show screen to ensure the targets are all legally blind?
"Incels" is a nonsensical term invented to let nerds pick on nerds again without feeling like bullies.
Womens brains are pretty much done at 12, maybe even before then. Only boys mentally develop past puberty
I just outlined a hypothetical above, imagine someones baby photos get leaked even with blurred faces and some pedo faps to them.
How is this abuse? it was an innocent family photo, are all baby photos abuse? Are they a victim just because someone jacked off to them? what if they dont know their photos leaked and people jacked off to them? what if their face was blurred so no one will ever know it's them?
first time a post has made me actually laugh in months
god bless you user
They only need enough retards to make a show, the ones who don't fall for it we never see.
I haven't watched the show because I don't like laughing at the misfortunes of the mentally ill, but how the fuck do they find pedos to entrap in the first place?
You're a retard and probably a woman
Yeah, it would get so many views. They wouldn't not air it.
what? no way!
>Is it weird to feel bad for a pedophile?
No, it's a normal compassionate response. Most of the people who talk loudest about how much pain pedos deserve are "protesting too much", in my view.
your example is straight retarded. it's more like "cops leave a busted atm out in the open and arrest you for picking a few of the bills off the ground"
Then we're on the same page #notallpedos except I believe a lot more viewing of images doesnt contribute to the abuse/victim of the kids, or it is so neglible that it shouldn't really be considered. Basically I think supply for cp is HIGHLY inelastic.
Based Shlomo poisoning the well
>And no, no CP is used, just very petite girls that wouldn't look out of place n some "barely legal just turned 18" porn site.
Hansen confirmed for persecuting the myopic.
I think deep down they want to be caught
Meeting Chris Hansen is like meeting God to these guys
>chasing down weirdos and tricking them into committing a supposed crime that wasn't real
>gets caught as a tax evader
Typical boomer moral faggotry.
>I don't feel comfortable sending nudes or dick pics to girls my age since I'm paranoid they might use it to blackmail me
tbf the guy was a faggot and a paedo
hardly a big loss
Yeah, but only burgers are retarded enough to think prostitution should be illegal.
There is undeniably a demand though, and people charge for this material in backroom deals with wire transfers, paypal transfers, and old fashion in person physical media transfers.
There's absolutely demand, and with demand always comes people looking to supply, which is why CP is rightly illegal.
I think there are liberals who actually want to see pedophiles dead, they would rather use more psychological and technological attacks to get the job done by trying to get the pedophile to go commit suicide rather than use the death penalty to kill the pedophile.
>my belief it is something like society
Right, so you're pro-school shooter, good to know.
How do I achieve this fupa?
Yep, we agree that anyone who contributes into demand that affects the supply of abusive cp a significant amount should be severely punished. I'm just saying there needs to be a scale, people who are just viewing it casually without putting in money or contributing in any significant way aren't really contributing to raising the supply and if this viewing allows them to restrain themselves from acting on their urges irl then it is a net benefit to the planet for them to view cp like this.
a strict diet of meat and beer
>You can't possibly know WHAT GENDER YOU ARE before 18
>boning before even hitting puberty is fine though
ITT: redditors.
>What body type is this?
>There is undeniably a demand though, and people charge for this material in backroom deals with wire transfers, paypal transfers, and old fashion in person physical media transfers.
Interesting, redditor hasn't heard of cryptocurrency.
I found this article about some high school teens who were arrested for making child porn. I think the group was using cameras to secretly record other students while they were naked, something like that. Isn't this like something you would see in a movie like Revenge of the Nerds which people these days are now seeing as a problematic movie.
Now I remember something called revenge porn which not only can be done by adults but by teens as well. I think I remember episodes of Smart Guy and Boy Meets World dealing with something similar.
If this was recorded four years ago, why did it taje so long to get released?
Based retard
Is there going to be a new thread?