Is it unfair that these skin DOCUMENTARIES all feature people who already had great skin amd are just maintaining? Why do they never feature transformations?
Is it unfair that these skin DOCUMENTARIES all feature people who already had great skin amd are just maintaining...
Fuck off eczema freak
Why is she a super model? She's cute, don't get me wrong, but I can go to the mall today and I guarantee I will see at least 10 better looking women.
Her boyfriend is Dylan Sprouse from Zach and Cody, wtf lmao
What's a good diet?
She has good angles.
He's almost prettier than she is
>dating your childhood celebrity crush
Based and Stacypilled
I should be aroused but nothing's happening. She's very pretty but has zero sex appeal.
their skin routine are stupid
literally gay
she has an angelic face
Kek. I kinda like this “a half way to being naughty” series by Bazar. I be t some doofus helming this darn project YO !!!
pic that saved the planet
untrue unless you're also from Hungary