He killed millions

Why didn't he just give her the cock?

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Because she's almost as ugly as his goblin sister

He's a literal retard at this point.

dany will kill him next episode

>fucking dragon sloppy second

thousands at best

I don't really understand why jon pulled away can anybody explain

He is against fucking his aunt

"i love you"

Bad writing. If he pulled away because she was becoming too ruthless and evil it would have been fine, but he pulled away because she's his aunt. This wouldn't have been such a big deal in the setting since Starks have married their nieces and cousins in the past and we all know what the Targs do. Not to mention that she can't have kids anyway so no risk of retarded babies.

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Even if it costs thousands of innocent lives?

>she cant have kids

when did this happen, and what was her plan to continue her legacy

>when did this happen
Season 1.

>and what was her plan to continue her legacy
Who the fuck knows?

His mistake wasn't fucking his aunt. His mistake wasn't making her bend the knee.
It happened first season as payment for "saving" Drogo.

oh yeah, that dothraki witch cursed her all that time ago

why didn't he at least just hold her to comfort her or something, why did he have to pull away right after he just said I love you


Everyone will give you 70 IQ answers such as
>related by blood
>bad writing

True reason is because she just burned a fucking man alive in front of him that believed in Jon and him being a good person only to be proven right that she killed him. There was no reason to kill him and Jon is never one to senseless slaughter.

He can not pop a boner for her knowing she killed a man that believes Jon is a great ruler.

If jon was a girl and dany was a guy, nobody would even dare suggest this.

he probably thinks its wrong to fuck your own aunt
i mean, think about it: you come home from work to find that your aunt has made you a nice supper, but you want something else - you drag her by her long hair to the basement, strip her naked, then pin her knees behind her ears as you insistently plow her gripping love canal over and over until your drain every last drop inside her

its probably something he finds repulsive and improper

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>no reason
she did tell that if he betrayed her she would burn him alive, how is treason not a good reason?

Agreed, and she didn't even abide by one of the first lessons he learned from Ned. The (wo)man who passes the sentence, should swing the sword. She's a full on degenerate by the standards Jon was raised with.

guys I've gone so long without having sex that I'm terrified to have sex, whose with me

Bullshit. Jon has personally executed traitors in the past. He would fully support Dany in executing Varys, who openly betrayed her and tried to have Jon overthrow her.

>what was her plan to continue her legacy
>having foresight

Fucking your aunt makes you a literal retard

maybe he didnt expect her to go elliot rodger on the chads of kings landing

What was traitorous brainlette? He did nothing. If anything the imp was a bigger traitor. He even said he is not sure yet how she will rule and he hoped that she is a good ruler. But without hesitation he would want a better ruler if she failed the people.

In season 5 or 6 she even discussed how SHE HOPES HER ADVISERS STOP HER IF SHE BECOMES A MAD KING. He literally did his fucking job in challenging the possibility and got burned for it.

If you brainlettes didn't notice Danny has slowly went more and more crazy every fucking season and has started to devalue human life more and more. You people are so dumb.

>tries to have his queen overthrown in favor of Jon
>lelelelel what was the treason

Based retard. You realize any monarch in history would have done this, yes?

>planning a coup to literally kill and replace her

these things are not the same

No, it doesn't. Jon's ancestors have done it plenty. Also, they can't have kids so it's not like they're going to have defective babies.

She wasn't dothraki

He spent time with the wildings. And wildings consider stealing woman even from the same village almost as incest so prob the aunt thing is haunting him pretty bad.

Why can't Targaryen have kids again?

The gypsy curse in season 1 when she tried to cure Drogo.

Justification for the bad writing.

Daenerys is sterile

Wonder how book jon will react to the incest.
After the resurrection in the show it's like they didn't know what to do with him.
His useless in the long night and r+l= is also useless apparently

Jon's seed would have changed that.

>What was traitorous brainlette?
I mean, he was attempting to poison her for two days at that point...

Jon Sneed

well that makes sense but the show didn't portray it in any way

This. It's beyond naivite and recognising his own lack of knowledge in a way that puts people off-guard, introduces an interesting struggle and makes him into a good leader. He's just a retard now. Although who knows, perhaps he'll shift at random into being a genius.

Bad writing. There's not much logic to be found, even inside D&D's heads.

>he did nothing
>going around telling people he intends to overthrow you while he's supposed to be working for you is nothing

stop being honest on the interent

t. retard

>have sex
The thread.

>Jon will betray the Starks
>Arya will kill Jon
>With Jons face Arya will kill Dany
>Sansa will rule westeros

>Jon is the prince that was promised
>Dany is Azor Ahai reborn
>Arya is Lightbringer

The third wtf moment was Dany roasting Kings Landing
The third betrayal is FOR Dany's love not OF.

The End.

All the more reason to pump massive loads in her gooch

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Refute anything I said, faggot.

Also on lightbringer and the forging (symbolically of course)

Arya's training in bravos was the first attempted forging? (water)
The second was kings landing last epsiode (lion)
i dunno.

What would've happened if someone said "go have sex" to Dany?

Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with.

Remember when Jon comforted Dany after the wight hunt? Remember when consoled her after Viserion died? Where was that last episode? Why does Jon not have an opinion on anything anymore? Why does every conversation between Jon and Dany end abruptly? Why aren't we given Jon's opinions on his relationship with Dany or the future?

The ending of Game of Thrones cannot exist without Jon becoming a plot device and not a character. Kit Harington was given nothing to do after the scene where Sam tells Jon about his parentage.

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Because doing any of those things would calm Dany and we can't have that because D&D don't know how to write her into the Mad Queen without getting rejected by people close to her on all sides for literally no reason.

There would have been a massive REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE followed by "Dracarys".


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What do you mean? He says
>I don't want it
>Fall back

That knowledge didn’t stop him the last time he tried to kiss her at winterfell.


Her plan was “it’s my turn.” How. The fuck was Hillary going to continue the Clinton dynasty? Fucking babies at a ping pong themed Pizzeria?

Because like most bad writing the conflict exists because of lack of communication. It’s bizarre that Jon and Dany aren’t married already

First time I’ve honestly laughed at sneedposting wow.

retarded faggot

Is the audience supposed to believe that these characters wouldn't even bring up the possibility of marriage? After all that time they spent with each other?