Big suze

Peep show thread

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"Is that normal pooing?''

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Big suze was the best girl

So what’s big about her?

none of the girls in the show were attractive.

her dick

She's like 5'11".

You must be american. Also the russia ?


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oh right i forgot they had rollergirl.


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Big Suze Crash Callback is Kino

>I like you

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im sorry lunch is my code word for drugs

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who this?
what character peep show

underrated post

The cook in the army that rapes Mark. She looks nothing like she does in the show there

I'm fucked if I can see what's so special about that; the magic just *died* after the first of those Narnia movies.

Excuse me.

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I met her when she did stand up at the theatre where I work ama

Did you bang her?

she is like a dream gf

it hurts watching every episode with her in it

youre dream girlfriend is a ugly big nose jew with a fat bottom?

t. homo

Superbly average. Like a 6.3/10.

JLB Credit, fuck off please

Hottest girl, and that one that looks like Lana Rhoades

top stuff

>Triggers your fetish

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I named one of my girlfriends tiddies after this character

That's a nice piece of real estate you got there...
A mighty fine piece of ass...

You'd bang Johnson, right?

What do you actually see in him, compared to, say, a supermodel like Gisele? Or any of the other supermodels?

Go on say it..she's got a fat arse

She looks like a slav version of Alexis Bledel

It wasn't rape! Nothing went up his bum!