Why did you say it, user?

>why did you say it, user?

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>words can kill

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Because I can

>words can kill
if only

>saying "nigger" is akin to shooting someone
>it's only socially acceptable for black people to call other black people "nigger"
>black-on-black shootings are far more prevalent than with other races

very deep.

>haha stupid white people and their fragility
>literally says one word

Guys that seems very racist, are they saying that niggers shoot each other



"Nigga" is fine though



don't make me say it..



The only time where saying "nigger" results in someone's death is when a white person says it in public and gets lynched by a horde of chimping out foaming at the mouth nigger monkeys.

this so fucking much
as someone who was an immigrant back in the 90s, I have to say that Americans are the most retarded people out there. When I came to Germany, the only thing people wanted from us was to integrate and be valuable members of society. sure, there were some racists but who the fuck pays attention to those people? just ignore them, right?
when I moved to the US though, I met some of the most racist people ever and literally all of them were black. not even joking, my school (I lived in the south) was predominantly black and there were a couple of black kids that were constantly being racist toward everybody else. Funny part was that they didn't know what a Slav is so they just casually called us all whites. As long as it's socially acceptable for black people in America to be racist and to use racial slurs, you people will never be able to properly stop racism. You will always have someone saying "but what about those people?!" as long as one group uses racism without consequences


I would spend more time saying and writing 'nigger' if it killed a coon each time I did.

This desu nigger

alright i'm just gonna say it

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This has potential

>massa, I don't feel so good

What else do you call a terrorist? Conscribed demolitionist?

So, can I call them towelheads, sandniggers or moors?

>lefties unironically believe this
No wonder they love censorship so much

If we are all the same, why can't I say nigger like they do?

I call them sun goblins

have sex

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what are muslim ghettos in the US even like? you always see "black ghettos" being full of criminals, even if it's blown out of proportions but what are the violence rates for muslim ghettos even like?

shhh, dont bring logic here. itll just cause you to be told to have sex

If race doesn't exist, why do they keep blaming whites for everything?

well maybe they should stop acting like niggers

But only if you're not white. People act like nigger and nigga have entirely different meanings, yet treat both words the same, in that white people are forbidden from ever uttering them.

>what are muslim ghettos in the US even like?
Because they aren't a thing here. Deerborn might be full of terrorists, but it is shithole because it is in Michigan.

There are some Somali, Iraqi, and other gangs in parts of the country, but I don't think it's Chiraq tier.

>we are all the same
I love how unintelligent people push this kind of shit. sure, in a human way, we are the same but we are clearly not the same when it comes to cultural standards

Because I hate niggers

fuck niggers

b-because you should have s-sex

Good Muslims stab each other in the throat in the privacy of their own homes Inshahallah.

The thing is, all these slurs are factual.

If I wasn't lazy I'd get a picture of an awkward looking 20 something and have a shattered head with 'incel'

>blacks that speak out against public opinion are now judged based on the darkness of their skin by other blacks
pretty funny to witness desu

its funny because white people make these ads, imagine being so fucking racist that you see everything through the prism of skin color

There's not a high enough concentration of them to form a ghetto yet

>(((white people)))

i like how this is conveniently missing

And as we all know, facts don't care about your feelings.

How do you know it's the Whites?

jews are white


this is real? the image is comical.

>a group of people who are constantly told by the media that racism is everywhere are racist themselves
what a surprise. It's really odd that there's so many black people who still haven't caught up to the shit the media is feeding black Americans

Well that usually is the last word a black person gets to hear right before they are shot in the head.

Usually uttered by another black person.

>the word nigga is used in 90% percent of popular mainstream hip-hop
>black twitter uses nigga, gets 20k retweets and 50k likes
>they get buttmad and take offense when non blacks also use it

the fuck did they expect? it's also fucking hilarious when they play hip-hop in places like a stadium or a mall where there are kids around and they just censor out the nigga and like 20 other swear words

Some are. They wear whiteness like a disguise, so they can infiltrate, ruin things, and then non-Jewish white people get the blame.

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the Muslim population of america is less than 1% and half of them are doctors from Pakistan and the other half are niggers who converted in prison, and its not even real Islam, its like some wacky black nationalist form of Islam that involves space aliens and a guy with a giant head who invented white people

Islam has no room for growth in america because its nigger tier. Always has been. Even before 9/11.

Most white people who stray from Christianity become buhddists are hari krishnas

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>not "have sex"

this needs a DOOD MOOM edit

>inb4 that guy turns out to be a real terrorist

This one reminds me of the Wonder Showzen skit where they had people list off slurs that can no longer hurt them.


This is so powerful

someone needs to photoshop it


>We are all the same


>lmao look guys I said a bad word so random lol xD

so you can become a mass murderer just with one word?


as a half savage, that word means nothing to me, yet when I use it on low iq negroes they always want to fight me and call me a lightskin nigga

what ever do they mean by this?

If we're the same then how come someone calling me a nigger makes me laugh instead of die?
Check mate.

Holy shit why are these so funny

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Wait, I thought white people were the fragile ones. I'm confused.

das rite

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Nigger fragility.

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I ain’t clicking that, nig-guh.

>Shirt logo is placed in such a way it looks like it says slaver

>equating having a higher BMI by choice with something you can't change that's associated with decades of oppression
>equating a religion you choose with something you can't change that's associated with decades of oppression
I don't usually side with niggers, but I feel bad for them having to see this kind of bullshit.

>no trigger discipline
You can take the nig from the hood, but you cannot take the hood from the nig.

>says niggers that regularly prey on white women

Wonder Showzen was great. I remember one of the first times I saw the show was the episode when mother nature went to get a sex change and the trees and flowers started acting strange and coughing up blood, so Chauncey went to fix things by fucking the box of lady bits mother nature removed from herself.

lol his head is empty how fitting

>It's not a strip of bacon with the face of mohammad
Missed opportunity.

Like 80% of the niggers that fill the military wouldn't pass basic if not for the pentagon's office of diversity.


how much cognitive dissonance does a black have to think this when they've been getting btfo by whites for hundreds of years

Nice slam pig.

fuck, these niggers are taking all the white whales. What are we gonna do?

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the truth is nigger is endearing to women but humiliating to men.
It's associated with submission which is par for the course for women.
Calling a black woman a nigger is a compliment, it's like saying "I appreciate you and feel so comfortable with you I want to abandon all surface level decency and embrace you".
But a black man doesn't want to be a white man's bitch, so for them it's deeply insulting.
So really, the fear of the N-word is just homophobia.

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my fucking sides

Is being a soldier that difficult? I've seen similar statements on /pol/ about how niggers can't shoot straight and should be banned along with women from the military, but is it legitimately that big a deal?