Whose fall from grace was done better?
Whose fall from grace was done better?
Stop with these godawful got threads, no one cares about this stupid show, i'd be way more happy if there were countless twd threads, but NO you faggots just think about yourselves
Dany by far. Anakin just always came off as a psycho
>half the board is filled with got threads
>n-nobody cares lol
fuck off and go eat crayons, simpleton
Is it a fall from grace, or is it a rise to power?
They were both done terribly.
Dany turns in the spanse of an episode an Anakin was never likeable and his fall always feels like an inevitability rather than a tragedy happening to a character we love. It's been a long time but I'm fairly certain the only time Anakin was a likeable character was in that cartoon clone wars show.
There wasn't any fall from grace yet. The Queen had a bad day, a nervous breakdown, that's all. It's unfair to portray her as a villain, just because of one single incident and discard all the good things she had done over the years. Also the finale hasn't been aired yet, so you don't know for sure. Everything may change. Even Vader turned to the Light in the end.
>scorned by lover
>betrayed by the people around you
>go insane/evil
>slaughter women and children
>start wearing all-black
>instantly become cooler
Dany is the Darth Vader of our generation.
This is a Star Wars thread, faggot.
Who "we"? Disney moms society?
>kills close to a million unarmed peasants in the span of 30 min
>sorry, I was having a bad day
correction, no one with a brain cares about your cliched trite mess of a "show"
>mfw all that build up just for all the gotdrones to be absolutely seething at the ending
get some taste spergo
They're both from sand places. Truely Arabic.
The audience you retard.
i liked the ending and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about that
go ahead, try to convince me to not like the show anymore lmao
stay mad and eat shit
being proud of being retarded isnt something you should be gloating about user
>I hate bells. They are loud and hollow and the vibration makes my pussy tingle
yeah i'm retarded, anything else cuck?
no thats it
ummm have sex sweaty
Everyone I know is dragon-fried.
They might still be warm, you know.
Have sex.
dany needs a scene where she kills younglings
Dany needs a scene where she pegs Jon.
Anakin took a movie and a half to go psycho, Dany took ten minutes and some bells. Amazed this comparison is even being mad.
>being this much of a simpleton
imagine even the simple plot of GoT being too hard for you to understand
wow, you were able to watch the entire fucking 8 seasons in 10 minutes? amazing user
Would be kino if she actually got to live as a tyrant. Too bad the moralfag police will kill her off.
It was her lady problem day
8 seasons mate , it’s all there and the last few episodes have been dripping in “she’s going mad” content. I understand if you’re autistic but if you’re not then holy fuck !
Anakin's was better. He already had a precedence for killing children. At least he had a motive to turn to the darkside thinking it will give him magical life saving powers.
Dany had no precedence of killing civilians intentionally. She has nothing to gain from turning evil, it only increases her chances of getting killed. Unless Drogon gets a power-up from evil deeds then her darkside stint is short lived compared to Anakin.
False. Everybody love Anakin.
Besides disney shills ofc.
>Dany turns in the spanse of an episode
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
There wasn't a turn you jackass, she was literally like this all series long.
Anakin always dany was since day 1 pretty crazy
I don't even watch GOT but Anakin's fall is a great arc, fuck boomers
The problem is putting sex so high in importance. Jon rejects her advances once and she chooses fear and burns a city. Maybe she should have been more patient.
Are you 12?
Daenerys by a mile
>Dany turns in the spanse of an episode
Are you really this dense?
Anakin because they actually hinted at it repeatedly before he makes the turn and he makes the turn for a logical reason. He wants to save his wife and unborn children, terror consumes him. He slaughter the sand people in a rage, he was taken in for training too young, it was foretold numerous times throughout the trilogy.
Dany always had the potential but the show decided she was Crazy about two episodes before the turn happens and she turns because of some bells? Not the death of her child, not the death of her friend, no the death of her trusted advisor, but the sound of bells. Really sloppy, they should have been giving us a will shit or won't she snap for the last 3 seasons or more. Show her make some foolish mistakes and burn people without good reason, We certainly seen her burn people before but it was usually justified. The only one you could really argue was pure rage induced was back in season 2.
Also if you want to have her snap suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly and still have it make sense you could drop all the shitty foreshadowing they did in Episode 3 and 4, have Rhaegal survive until episode 5. Have the propaganda war raging, Dany is trying to convince everyone int he city to abandon Cersei. Have Cersei counter back with her own propaganda machine leading up to the attack. Have Cersei place Scorpions amidst the rooftops and public squares surrounded by civilians she's essentially held hostage. and have one of those Scorpions take out Rhaegal. Then when the grief of losing her second child overtakes Dany and that indignation towards all those civilians who refused to overthrow Cersei boils up within her she snaps and starts burning the whole city down, as a fuck you to all the citizens she now sees are partially responsible for the death of her second child.
Are you implying that Daenerys "Fire and Blood" Targaryan didn't hint it since the start?
No. Would you like me to clarify it for you more simply this time or would your prefer to just read my post again?
Hint what, the propensity to snap out of nowhere and kill unrelated innocent people when her biggest and most personal enemy is RIGHT THERE? Because no, they didn't hint that in the slightest.
Dany was better. But both were kino to watch. Episode 5 is best episode since season 4.
no im just not an admitted retard like you with zero taste in art
Unironically Daenerys. It had been going on for eight seasons, and only fools refused to see it.
Daenerys was an experiment by the fat man, to see if people would cheer for the villain if they saw him grow up.
Daves pussy was defiled by Mongol filthy cock. she is now worthless
The problem with Anakin is that he should've shown bad sides at a younger age, if he was able to use the force visibly at a young age for example, like breaking things around him when he was upset (and thats why he's so good at repairing stuff because he always had to) it would show him as a much more unstable character
Dany was done pretty well, you knew she was psychotic ever since episode 6 of season 1 when she takes pleasure and then mocks her brother dying in agony. And every time she gains power in the show she uses it destructively against anyone who opposes or does not bend to her will, its just more subtle in the earlier seasons.
Keep seething roastie.
Anakin's was funnier by far, all his lines on the lava planet are pure comedy.