It's like none of you zoomers have ever read a history book.

Also a surrender is worthless after the walls are breached.

Attached: breaker of chads.png (1438x1536, 1.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>murdering innocents for literally no reason
Are you retarded?

>yfw it's literally a joke compared to Hiroshima/Nagasaki

b-but they didn't surrender fast enough

So it's a war crime everytime we let off a firecracker inside an insect nest?

The chronology of this show makes no fucking sense.

First they have a scene in Winterfell where Dany asks John if he's still down to fuck and he turns her down and she's distraught.

Then they spent like 3 months (mild exaggeration) traveling to kings landing just to have her ask Jon again, as if they haven't said a word to each other in the interim.

>no reason
Get a load of this zoom zoom.

No such thing as innocent people.

she literally has the power to fly over, to within spitting distance of Cersei Lannister. but deciders to fly around and burn random targets including her own troops for like 30 minutes instead.

King's Landing peasants are total shit.

She didn't sack a city to pillage it and set an example to other cities she nuked her own city she intended to rule from

Theres like a million people in Kings Landing. You can't expect that the people who show up to see Ned die represents everyone

>we should kill people because they are poor
Are you retarded?

>Also a surrender is worthless after the walls are breached.
So this is the new spam excuse, huh? When has this rule been established in Westeros's version of history? What evidence do you have that anyone else in the realm will see it that way?

They were given a chance to surrender before the assault and refused. When the ram has touched the wall surrender means nothing, get fucked and think long and hard about decisions you made. She did literally nothing wrong.

maybe she wanted to make cersei witness the fall of her empire


There is literally nothing wrong with killing poor people

from one ruler to another we all know that doesn't mean shit


This but unironically.


Attached: punished dany.webm (1600x900, 1.48M)

>When the ram has touched the wall surrender means nothing
According to Earth medieval rules, which mean nothing, because this is Earthsteros where their history is different, their rules are different, their calendar is different. Westeros had actual historical "primae noctis" whereas that's a myth in real history. Nothing you read about real history matters here.

it's the peasants fault for entering the city before the battle began. KL is a hive of degeneracy, it deserved to be culled.

that was just a week apart retard, they teleported their entire forces to king's landing, pay attention to the show adhd zoomer

Unironically correct. You can surrender once a battle has started but then you won't have the rights that defend you like when you surrender before it starts. So you can fuck off. It's really convenient to surrender when you know the battle is lost and not a second before that after dealing maximum possible damage to enemy.
Also, peasants saw the dragons in KL when she came visiting in season 7. Anyone stupid enough to still be around when they come for war should simply be erased.

Missandei wasn't an emissary

this. they tried to rape sansa they deserve to burn

kl reminds of the jews who refused to flee while been surrounded by romans...leading to complete destructions.

>massacring civilians is how you end tyranny

That's some airtight logic you've got there, Dany

Attached: daenerys every face.jpg (960x429, 54K)

i want to make tender love to punished dany pls respond

it worked against japan

>murdering innocents for literally no reason
Wow imagine this could happen in real history. No waaaaaaay.

So the Iron Throne is smashed under tons of rubble now, correct?

an island the size of florida mustve been pretty threatening

Jews fear the samurai.

>Support a tyrant
>Complain when the tyrant goes down with you

>she doesnt understand thats its SJWs who are angry at Dany and not /pol/

The US did that because if we just killed the Emperor directly, the nation would never surrender, due to the Emperor being worshipped like a god there.

Cersei wasn't worshipped like a goddess. Knock her out, the rest would fall. The civilians of King's Landing weren't fanatical Lannister loyalists, they were just cunts. They'd bend the knee once Cersei was gone.

Attached: cersei smiling.jpg (970x700, 540K)

Based and absolutely deserved. King's Landing's inhabitants have been fully supportive of their psychotic Lannister rulers committing all sorts of mass murders, torture and treachery. Let them all burn. Raze the city to the ground and salt the earth. Daenerys will build a better capital.

inb4 she's killed by Arya and she turns Westeros into a multi cultural democracy with Salsa as Madame President. D&D can't help it. It's ingrained in their genes.

majority of humanity is. should we all die then?

well to little to late, may they weep and gnash they teeth in hell.
yes and that day will be a great and terrible day

Remember the scene where Tyrion watched a bunch of peasents literally pul the arms and legs off a nobleman when everyone turned on joffrey

Like something out of a zombie film but still he wants to protect "the innocents" lmao

so what you are saying is "Hitler did nothing wrong" I can agree to that.

Key word there is led by. The people of kings landing and even the soldiers have nothing to do with that, they dont know shit about whats going on outside the walls, other than that a psycho dragon lady who leads an army of rapists and burns prisoners alive is coming to destroy them. If you cant understand this you're a braindead npc and people like you are responsible for basically every major tragedy in history.


>murdering innocents for literally no reason

KL peasants cheered Ned's death and tried to rape Sansa. Fuck 'em.

so why didnt she burn down yunkai?

The guards in king's landing were racists who deserved their fate. Remember how they treated Arya's dancing master? Remember how they treated Ned Start?

>be Japan
>get nuked
>be sceptical
>be warned you're going to be nuked again
>send scientists to confirm if you've been nuked
>take too long, get nuked again
>americans threaten to nuke you some more
>emperor and pals ask scientists whats up guys seriously
>scientists too stupid to build their own nukes confirm you were indeed nuked but there's totes no way America has anymore nukes
>meanwhile America actually has 7 implosion type devices earmarked for invading the home islands
True story.

>Japan's only condition before the bombs dropped was to keep their emperor
>after they were dropped, they agreed to unconditional surrender
>only to be told "lol j/k you can keep your emperor, thanks for letting us test our new toy wakka wakka!"

Truer story.

>The common people pray for rain, healthy children and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are.
Jorah to Daenerys

>only condition was keeping positions in China proper, Manchuria, indo-china
That's why the Soviet's kicking their shit in in Manchuria was a such a big deal, it forced them to give up the delusion that they had defensible positions outside the home islands.

A literal slave trader talking about how innocent people are.

>japan invents anime
>sends it to the usa
>wait for a couple of decades
>americans start crossdressing their children and cutting off their dicks
Delicious revenge.

Murum aries attigit" It was the policy of not allowing any mercy or surrender to the occupants of a fortification once the battering ram begins the assault on the gates. This policy was to act as a deterrent against resistance to those about to be besieged. It was an incentive for anyone who was not absolutely sure that they could withstand the assault to surrender immediately, rather than face the possibility of total destruction.
>No reason
Have you not been watching? They were given the chance to surrender hundreds of times and every time they refused. Jaime faking a surrender for them is not them surrendering. Not to mention all the shit they did. Jaime told the whore before he left that if she breaks her oath the victors would march south and kill them all, so she knew what was coming.


I'm pretty sure the people didn't have anything to do with that user.

I mostly have a problem with the way it was shot. If the army was using the civilians as a sort of human shield that'd be perfectly fine. Which I'm pretty sure was what GRRM had in mind if they consulted him. Because before sieges even happen you would normally tell the civilians to gtfo, not just for their sake, but so you didn't have to feed them.

Teleportation have been invented since season 6.
In the beginning of season 7 Varys was in Dorne in the beginning of the episode then back on Daenerys' ship that had took off from Mareen.

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By killing the poor, she won't have to spend a lot of money on them thus lowering her taxes.


What she did was fine. Theres no way to tell cersei and them would have agreed to a real surrender. Destruction was the safest thing

I liked cersei’s denial too. Reminded me if baghdad bob

>Then they spent like 3 months (mild exaggeration) traveling to kings landing just to have her ask Jon again, as if they haven't said a word to each other in the interim.

Wasn't Jon traveling by land while she was traveling by sea? They likely haven't seen each other in weeks.

I really liked the last episode. I mean some of the shit was retarded but I liked the main things that happened unlike any episode in s8 so far. She certainly flipped tho. Id get her destroying the red keep and soldiers and scorpions but why destroy the whole city and literally genocide everyone in it? Peasants are important if you want someone to rule anyway but I dont mind. She got mad but it definitely wasnt a good move. Kill the soldiers nad the higher ups but let peasants live would be a good thing but then again, she got mad.

>low life degenerates who have no future
pick one

>Not a single one of these degenerate Kings Landers went North to help fight the dead.

Jamie said if they didn't go north to help in the battle, they Northerners would come south and slaughter them all.
That's exactly what happened.

Lots less mouths to feed now

>slaughter them all
A lot of them survived. The capital should simply be destroyed, move the throne somewhere else and restart.

When the Aegon the conqueror asked the surrender of lords then burn them down when they refused. In the book fire and blood, 1 lord surrendered and his army had lain down their arms but their city was completely and utterly burned.

>Spend entire series being set up as a lunatic bitch just like every person in her family.

I am so happy they really fucked GOT fans over this season, it brings me nothing but pure joy to see how enraged they are.

>save money on feeding poor peasants
>destroy the whole city and now you needto rebuild it from scratch
good logic user

Reminder to kill all races with superiority complex.

She realized that she could’ve just steamrolled Kings Landing in the first place and Jorah, missandae and 2 of her dragons would’ve still been alive. So she sperged out.

Move it back to Dragon Stone. Be pretty hard to invade that place.

yeah i agree she sperged but I dont think she did the right decision but the show doesnt try to claim that decision was cool
also i like how they fucked up arya, she didint do shit and helped nobody in the face a real massacre, not mary sue anymore.

Sacking the city is one thing but literally burning down everything and everyone in the city that is the center for most of the kingdom's economics is plain stupid. It is like the Death Star Destroying Coruscant levels of dumb.

Neither did Germans in Dresden, yet they still got bombed to death and almost everyone agrees that it was justified.

>almost everyone agrees that it was justified
Maybe leave your fantasy tale alt-right bubble now and then.

>center for most of the kingdom's economics
Wew right how will the kingdom go on now that he lost all those beggars, whores and generic criminals. It's not like there are tens of millions of people outside of the capital that are actually producing the stuff a kingdom needs, like food and other resources.

If you support this don't let me hear about you fags crying about niggers again. lol I still remember all the butthurt that Dothraki that said Your people can't fight caused. Looks like once again he was right.

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Cant we use the same logic for nuking American cities because of the shit there governments has done?

All soldiers deserve their fate, it's the price they pay when they say their oaths. You can't give them death, only mercy.
It's different when you're targeting some poor motherfuckers from Flea Bottom.

He was absolutely correct.

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They were being used as human shields, which is a war crime on Cersei's side. Even today human shields will be obliterated with no esitation if it's considered necessary.

Remember in S1 when the Shitskin moonknife couldn't cut through Jorah's piece-meal armor?
Just flay my noggin


What she did isn't anything new to human history, it still doesn't make it not horryfying. If anything it shows the true horror of wars which is something game of thrones hasn't done very much. I really loved this episode and siding us with the losing side for it was a really good twist.

If she didn't kill them now they'd only end up rebelling later.

It was clearly stated for like 8 season how the common people couldn't give less of a fuck who sits on the throne has long as they are somewhat safe.

ITT: Edgy faggots

they safer now in the afterlife

Based romeposter

Yes. Accept the /nightpill/

Her fucking citizens in Mereen rebelled because, after freeing all of them, she decided to sentence to death a single criminal. People need to be reminded that their lifes are precious and very precarious.

>Watching this shit show with girlfriend.
>Shes a emotional wreck for some fucking reason, I get being emotional at a film but she is taking it up 200%.
>One of the dragons gets shot and as she clutched her pillow starts flipping the fuck out like a bee stung her.
>She gets mad and throws the pillow at me before starting to hit me as I have any control over whats happening.
>She starts screaming fuck you and fuck this show.
Oh well I can fix that.
>Go and unplug the tv and satellite.
>She has now reached 500% screaming output because she can no longer finish the show and thinks slapping me is a good idea.
>Pick her up like a stray cat by the hem of her shirt and ass of her pants and set her outside.
>Tell her she can come back when she grows the fuck up.
>Beating at my door for fucking 30 minutes demanding back in because reeeee.

>in before "this never happened"
Anybody who has ever dated a unstable woman knows for a fact this is how it is, and GOT is the best thing to ever happen to humanity in a long time because if your partner starts going insane cause of this shit show, something is VERY wrong with them and you need to ditch that person ASAP, just like women ditched men over Capeshit crap.

>They were being used as human shields
I think they were just being kept from getting into the Cloud district or the Red Keep.
I mean the Lannister army was still in the forefront. It's not like they sent civilians out to meet the Khalasar.
Also pointing out that Cersei is a war criminal is like describing water by saying it's wet. The people of King's Landing aren't war criminals.
see>if it's considered necessary
was it, in this case?
Didn't appear to be, regardless of the surrender.


Can't wait for you faggots to bawl your eyes out when she bites it.

just slap your bitch, fucking faggot

>Just leave physical assault prints on her face so you can have your life ruined and instead let the monster out into the world so a beta cuck manlet can deal with her unstable bullshit.

I get a thrill knowing shes destroying other men's life.

>The people of King's Landing aren't war criminals
Obviously. But being the tool of a mad Queen to save her ass doesn't make anyone who ignores this abhorrent method in the wrong. It's like those guys that send bombed kids to meet soldiers to lower their guard and detonate them. After that you will see soldiers shoting kids and you will be disgusted by this by who is the guilty one? The shooter or the one that sends the kid?
Your duty as a ruler is to protect your people, not to protect your ass with your people. If you concede once they will simply spam the same trick over and over.
Not saying "great, feed the babes to the fires", but that sometimes you are left only with shit options.

The ram has touched the wall. No mercy.

t. normie nigger
go back to your bar and act for your reaction vids ;)))

I used to pick up my gf and put her on top of my cupboard she's very short and i'm not, she would scream and whine and literally kick her feet but in the end it was for the best, had to do it for the ending of a few shows

She didn't sack the city, you fag. She burned it to the ground.

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King's Landing needed to be cleansed by fire for the survival of Westeros, it was too decadent, degenerate and dysfunctional. And it would have been responsible for the fall of Westeros by white walkers if there weren't magical dragons.

>It's justifiable if I remove the actions and context of the topic and shift it to real world conflicts
Don't recall the scene where the people of King's Landing sent children strapped with wildfire and matches, but I'll take your word for it because I've been viewing this show on autopilot for four seasons.
Dany could have marched to the Red Keep unhindered. Why didn't she?
Bells, apparently. Bells and an inferiority complex.

>they didn't surrender fast enough

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Ya but thats in mereen. They talked about westeros a lot more where there is no slavery (sort of say).

Lmao at all this brainlets that preach about "muh innocents killing".
These are the same people that cheer randomly when some lord gets on the chopping block.
These are the same people that resorted to cannibalism during jeoffrey's reign. The same people that wanted tyrion's head for the murder of joffrey (and the best way that they called him was bastard). The same people that given the chance by the faith militants, united acting like religious gestapo.
The ruler of the city has been proven to resort to mindless killing, backstabbing, drowning children in s1 because they were bastards, blowing up the vatican equivalent of westeros, and despite that was given multiple chances of surrendering without bloodshed, she even lied about helping them against the NK, knowing fully well that if they survived they would come down south and level king's landing for that. And despite all this, she was given a final audience for surrendering, and she took that chance to behead the only friend madqueen had left. I for one welcome the massacre that has unfolded. And besides all, i didnt see you all cucks in arms and disdain when Tywin did the same, except with treachery.

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It's fake, asshole.

There are different degrees of human shields, don't be retarded.
The specific targeting of plebs was poor writing, targeting the red keep would have killed plenty of plebs anyway since Cersei took them all inside. In a world with sense, most people would have left the capital knowing shit was about to hit the fan. The remaining people, elders, women with young children that couldn't move, should have been ammassed in the red keep and killed as an "acceptable price" to get the life of Cersei.

In Mereen people were supposed to be overwhelmed by gratitude toward her, she freed them from the endless suffering their lifes were. Then she decides to kill a criminal and they riot. Imo this was quite the lesson about human nature for her, gratitude won't take you far with people.

btw why was jamie lanisters not killed after betraying the mad king? it still was traitorous act

Pardoned by robert. I know its hard to even keep up with episodes that lasts 50 minutes user, but try harder

Pardoned by based Bobby b

>The specific targeting of plebs was poor writing, targeting the red keep would have killed plenty of plebs anyway since Cersei took them all inside. In a world with sense, most people would have left the capital knowing shit was about to hit the fan. The remaining people, elders, women with young children that couldn't move, should have been ammassed in the red keep and killed as an "acceptable price" to get the life of Cersei.
you dont get it. shes pure fucking evil. her killing plebs as a side effect is not the story

Which emissary was killed? That nigger? She was a captured enemy combatant. God you’re an incel have sex

>Dany could have marched to the Red Keep unhindered. Why didn't she?
>Bells, apparently. Bells and an inferiority complex.
because she didnt want to. she wanted to burn as many people as she could

Man I remember all those great historical events involving dragons burning entire population centers. Massive industrial scale devestation in a middle age society, very many historical cases to back up your implication.

When the battle was done, Dany rode her silver through the fields of the dead… Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men… Slaves, Dany thought. Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver’s Bay. She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne.

^ dany in book 1 thinking 14 year old girls being gang raped on piles of corpses is an acceptable price for her being queen (for no good reason other than her narcissism)

based dany

I hate this, thought Daenerys Targaryen. How did this happen, that I am drinking and smiling with men I’d sooner flay? … This is peace, she told herself. This is what I wanted, what I worked for, this is why I married Hizdahr. So why does it taste so much like defeat?

>In a world with sense, most people would have left the capital knowing shit was about to hit the fan

I wouldn't think so, when a foreign army is coming down on you every person is going to run for the best walled city as it's better than being out in the open where you're a sitting duck for anybody on horseback

The golden retards took the contract without having the slightest idea what they were up against right? They brought knives to a gunfight.

You are retarded.

>If anything it shows the true horror of wars which is something game of thrones hasn't done very much.
What is Riverlands?

Running is better than starving to death.

>the golden company are from essos
>their people
big think

No he’s right actually

She was on her best way to raze it with her wanton burning of everything. She's like 1 pound of Salt away from turning it into Carthage 2.0

Book Company were Blackfyre for quite some time.

What are Andals, big retard?

Golden company are exiled Westerossi knights/nobility.... started out as a bunch of those lords and their bannermen who supported the blackfyre claim

Yes...If only I had the power and the means


There`s no innocence, only degrees of guilt

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You are wrong

That was a very unique situation but regardless do you think those stuck in the middle would've been free if they were able to get out? They would either be killed or all carted back to Rome as slaves

>Running is better than starving to death.
If they can run and don't have children, elderly or injured with them. And even if they did where are they going to run to?


>daenerys burns kings landing
>kings landing is in croatia
> the peasents are therefore croatian
>daenerys is serbian ethnic cleanser and that was the only reason for burning the innocents

Trips confirm

wtf i like dany now


>be Westerosi
>send your forces outside during a siege
He was right, they can't fight.

i exterminated millions of people in total war games

Because otherwise they would rebel or you need to garrison to many troops to continue the rush the enemy heart-land

>build up the golden company for a straight season
>expect a fucking army for hire of trained discepline killers feared the world over, who can and break kingdoms
>have served as the fist of the iron bank of braavos for generations
>stories tell of war elephants, living siege engines that trample horses and bash down gates with ease

>it's a two of platoons of prettyboys who stand outside the castle walls (???) and are literally all dead within two minutes of battle beginning

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The fall of the American rats will be glorious.

>10yo virgin cunny
>be born into a peasant family
>father and mommy are retards just trying to survive
>help them out with their market shit and work on the field
>play with my toy doll made of dirt in the meanwhile
>get scorched by a roasties dragon
how is she guilty of anything frogposter?

How is it unique? Sieges were common and the civilians leaving was expected. This one is perhaps unique because Vercingetorix sought refuge in Alesia after Caesar tracked him down so the civilians couldn't leave in time. Caesar wasn't in the business of randomly fucking over civilians. He did it because it was advantageous to him in the siege to help quell the rebellion.

She's westerosi and therefore privileged
Dothraki can't be racist

Did you even watch Cersei's walk of shame? Any of the Sparrow storyline? KL is full of ugly dirty stinky degenerates who shit in the street and of are no actual worth. Culling the city by a few thousand is probably smart anyway, with the food shortage and all

based and repilled


my Queen, too bad she's getting killed

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>Also a surrender is worthless after the walls are breached.
this is because during a real siege, by the time the walls have been broken the attacking force has probably had huge losses. when you have a nuclear bomb there is no effort to breach the walls