This is probably the worst Bond movie. It’s not even campy, it’s just that nothing happens.
This is probably the worst Bond movie. It’s not even campy, it’s just that nothing happens
Only good one he did was Casino Royale. Not that it's his fault, he was Bond during the whole "Bourne Identy" craze so it was just quick cuts and parkour.
if you watch this immediately after Casino Royale it's perfect as an epilogue. doesn't stand on it's own though.
>This is probably the worst Bond movie
Die Another Day is the worst Bond film ever made, follow closely by Tomorrow Never Dies. Pierces Brosnan has two of the worst films, two which are worst than any of Craig's lmao.
god i hated that ending
>Bond rides off into the sunset with a fucking teenager
>that point in a genre where a filmmaker abruptly discovers the brunt of the fans are actually fucking morons and you're making the plot way too smart for them
I'm sure Spectre was more your speed.
Who is still interested for more Bond movies?
I think 26 movies has been enough.
>Who is still interested for more Bond movies?
Apparently millions of people worldwide.
I only watch QoS when marathoning the Craig movies, it's weak on its own but I like it's overall tie-in to the plot. One of the best and worst things about the Craig movies is their reliance on one another to tell the story. Overall it's not a bad movie, I love the whole international crime syndicate opera scene and I loved the Goldfinger homage with the oil drowning but the actor who played the villain was weak and the villain was weak despite the fact that the concept was good. I credit Greene with my desire to see a legitimate eco-terrorist Bond villain which I didn't know I wanted before that film.
I wish they'd spoof PETA and make its fictional leader some whacked out sociopath willing to murder a ton of humans to protect some animals or land, who goes far enough to get his/her hands on some terrible chemical weapon or something. Bond killing hippies would make my dick as hard as diamonds forever.
i also like how they tried something new with Kurylenko as the Bond Girl. Instead of them fucking they bonded (heh) over their mutual grief and desire for revenge.
Hiring Forster was a huge fuck up. The opening sequence could have been Bond kino but instead of MTV cuts. Completely incomprehensible.
I loved the departure of Mathis. Very appropriate for his character.
>you treat all your friends that way?
>he wouldn't have minded
Skyfall is fun but it was a meme Bond film. The two biggest faults: celebrating the anniversary of Bond so they had to shoehorn tons of references and tongue in cheek bullshit that Craig's first two avoided. and Mendes was trying to make his The Dark Knight. lacked the spirit and edge of the first two.
Spectre was Mendes playing paint by numbers Bond because he clearly had zero interest in doing it.
I sincerely hope Fukunaga and Craig have cooked something up for his final movie.
Lastly, QoS brought us based air sweeper.
I've not seen any pro-broson bond films since I was about 5 and I'm going through them now, which ones should I skip? Obviously I've heard a fair few of them are shit.
So far I've seen the first three Connery films and liked them all
watch the Dalton ones if you're looking for something a bit more serious
Quantum is the only Craig film that doesn't bore me to tears. It's fast-paced and short with no filler, and is actually closer to the classic Bond formula than any of his others including Spectre.
I wouldn't call it great or anything but it's entertaining and Greene is an underrated villain. I vastly prefer it over that overrated pile of shit that is Casino Royale, aka the one that plebs seem to think is the best film in the series.
>People are cattle.
Breaking news.
There are only 20 Bond movies though
Then don't ask retarded questions.
I'm just expressing my opinion, chill out bro.
Bond movies are the same shit.
>Hot slut showing tits and ass.
>Famous phrase.
>The introduction titles is a videoclip and looks cool.
>Action scene with famous music.
>The new car and gadgets.
>James, where are you James?
I mean I probably will watch it just for boredom but I have zero interest in a movie that is basically the same shit over and over again.
>I have zero interest in a movie that is basically the same shit over and over again.
i bet you're pumped for John Wick 3
Never Say Never Again doesn't count.
Had a car accident leaving the theater after the movie ended, it was not a good experience, still suffering from it now.
I remember there was a retarded scene with a plane, some dictator's hotel in Buttfuck, Nowhere blowing the fuck up and Olga making Olga noises.
What a great addition to the Bond series...
Youre kinda fucking dukb you zoomer shit.
Brosnan’s worst film was Die Another Day, but Goldeneye/Tomorrow Never Dies/The World is Not Enough were pure kino
None as awful as Quantum of Solace/Skyfall
>retarded scene with a plane
that was a stunt originally planned for the Brosnan movies but got shelved
It's even worse, because it came after one of, if not the best Bond movie.
Mmmmm not, not so much. I got bored with the second one I think. But yeah I have more interest in John Wick 3 that in the 27th Bond movie.
Unofficial movies don't count, neither does anything from the shitty hard reboot with the blonde manlet.
Brosnan had multiple plane scenes in Goldeneye, and then the fighter scene in Tomorrow.
All Roger Moore bond movies are kino. Best bond by a mile, best villains, most debonaire/suave actor
All qualities Craig severely lacks
>Unofficial movies don't count
All of those are official, all the ones done by Eon Productions are.
Goldeneye > A View to a Kill > Casino Royale
I'm pleasantly surprised there are other people able to appreciate QoS on Yea Forums
Surprised I've not seen anyone point this out yet, this movie was a mess because it was made during the writer's strike.
>Die Another Day is the worst Bond film ever made
It's the only Bond film I've seen in the cinema. Also Batman and Robin is the only Batman film I've seen in the cinema. Hahahahakillme
three or four years ago there was a QoS thread weekly praising it