He is dead face it
He was a shitty leader
He fucking lost to bastard bolton
He did nothing good
He never won a battle
Stannisfags fuck off
He is dead face it
He was a shitty leader
He fucking lost to bastard bolton
He did nothing good
He never won a battle
Stannisfags fuck off
Other urls found in this thread:
When people talk about how much they love Stannis, they’re talking about the book version you idiot. They’re mad because they butchered his character from the beginning which sucks since Dillane was perfectly casted
Imagine the kino we would’ve gotten he recited these lines
Seriesfags deserve the pyre. Only bookchads should be allowed to discuss ASOIAF
>still one more episode left
>Can you stop talking about the one true king of Westeros?
>He did nothing good
He corrected people when thy said 'less' instead of 'fewer' which was based
Stannis is dead
Face it
Stannisfags are the worst
inshallah we will rise again
Have sex
Educate yourself, showpleb.
>He never won a battle
Yeah fighting unarmed savages with a massive army is not winning a battle
>following a baldcel who will die of a heart attack
just lmao at stannisfags
the chad jon still has hair
>He never won a battle. Showfag
>massive army
there were 100 thousand of them, and they had giants
seek coitus
lol at the virgin who voiced this
Have sex
Lannisters even Btfo stannis
not an argument
Weaked Lannisters slaughtered stannis army
Forgetting the Tyrells? Aka the 2nd richest house in Westeros? The one with shit ton of manpower?
Danyfags get what they deserve.
They did not help against stannis you brainlet
have you skipped season two entirely or something?
Stop replying to him
IN what episode??.???
>his “death” was offscreen, unlike other major character deaths
>still alive in the books
this one, aka the episode with the fucking battle
is there any other character who died offscreen the same as Stannis did? I can't remember at all
>stannis is muh duty the character
>but his strength is field strategy
>so the show not only shits on him so he dies out of character not doing muh duty
>show has to shit on him by having his well kept army magically lose its supplies defeating his principal strength
Butchered character. Never thought I'd be nostalgic for based Tywin going out on the shitter but at least the whole circumstances that led to his death were things he (and Tyrion) would do.
Part of the problem here is the audience judging the characters by contemporary liberal-democratic norms,*sniff* but the more serious problem is that, although, as fans like to remind us, the show is set in a pre-modern world of violence,*sniff* hierarchy and pervasive gender inequality, all the characters have the mores of contemporary bourgeois liberals,*sniff* either way we must content ourselves with the fact that Stannis is the true king of the seven kingdoms, Stannis,*sniff* so on and so on *sniff* etc etc
>teleports 20 good men behind your supplies
psssh, nothing personel, kid
D&D made it clear around S2 that they didn't understand a thing about his character, so it was obvious he'd get butchered to hell and back.
>GRRM: He is a man completely focused on his duty and one of the very few who understands what is really at stake, making him a righteous man despite everything
>D&D: burnings lmao
Thats Lannisters soldiers
Look at the armor brainlet
What's hilarious is that the last episode proved Stannis was the best king. He wouldn't have genocided Kings Landing--at most he would have hung a few traitors (which Dany did anyway).
That was me, and I am no virgin.
And you look at the armor as well you fucking braindead idiot. Are the soldiers to the right Lannister?
No you retard.
And who's in front taking his helmet off?
Surely, must be a Lannister. Totally not a Tyrell or something.
he destroyed the island niggers in the greyjoy rebellion
No he did not
Bookfags are even bigger SJWs than showfags
I hope a nigger cuts your mothers throat
Are you American?
Reported for racism
Read a book
>He is dead face it
NOTHING IS OVER, NOTHING! You don't just turn it off!
Stannis lives
t. bookfag
Shut the fuck up about pancakes. It's always pancakes with you. Why can't you stop talking about pancakes?
Pancake defense force over here.
>Reported for
You will not stop me reddit nigger
Stanny the tranny lmfao
why are you such a retarded faggot?
Eat shit poofter, you were btfo
The cope of a child that was never taught how to read. Your father failed you and you have failed this city, kys.
Or ANNUS hihi hah
yes he did
D and D literally claimed Stannis burnt people alive on the beach at Dragonstone, something that is not true in the show or books. If such a simple element slipped the notice of their kike noses, why should I take their fanfiction as valid?
stannis will dominate season 9. will kill the real night's king
What shit do I need to know?
What critical element have I overlooked?
He is dead stupid fuck
Grow up kid
kys redditnigger.
Want to try to say it to my face IRL? Ill fucking smash your teeth in kid
How do you know it was a battle? Cuz they were wearing armor?
>>Want to try to say it to my face IRL? Ill fucking smash your teeth in kid
Literally shaking. Nigger.
I hope you're being ironic, faggot
Reported for reporting. Bye nigger
Cope seething
Why did he use the two girls one cup music to accompany this speech?