What is the best way to use the 'Death Note' and best way to avoid getting caught?
Death Note
Be creative with the deaths and don't make it happen in one centralized area.
kill all of you
How could you possibly be caught
Kill merely 13% of the US population and all crime drops 50%, you won't get caught
Killing all the white people won't save the US.
>L's broadcast was only in one district
>the FBA didn't suspect Light and would have left him alone
Literally just don't kill the people trying to catch you. Leave them alone and there'd be no reason to suspect you
I’d use it to invent a fake virus that kills targets
one big mass killing, maybe automate it, crawl facebook and print onto the paper of the book, how could they track anyone if like 2million unrelated people die
Don't get an ego and try to force some sort of reputation
Killing only by heart attack would obviously draw the most attention, but even then most likely if you had some self-restraint it would be a strange statistical blip.
Always set custom reasons. Having people in their mid 20s and 30s die from sudden heart attacks is a major fucking mistake.
Probably just write the names of some important businessmen and make sure to short their stocks beforehand. Use it to make a few people I don't like rope themselves. Can I use it to command people to fuck me before they die, if so I'd probably do that on a few super hot celebs. I don't doubt I'd eventually get caught though.
This looks like the start of a gay porn.
What do you mean caught? Just kill anyone who suspects you or tries to catch you indefinitely
In the real world nobody with half a brain would get found out. There's tons of unsolved murders out there, you think someone with a silent kiilling weapon with infinite range would get caught?
I don't see how you would get caught without just saying that you're the one doing it.
this and check em
write your own name
This, if you can keep your mouth shut you would never get found out even if you killed someone really close to you. Just do it while you are at work. Even a blatant heart attack.
More important question is would you really use it and who would you kill? I would just go through prison registries and start cleaning house. Followed by wanted criminals. I would do it right now.
As long as you just have them all die by accidents no one would ever suspect you. Anyone that would bring up someone killing with magical powers would get laughed at
just kill evil public figures
ez af not getting caught
Use Muslims to commit terror attacks all over the world. People would be too busy arguing amongst themselves about Islam, Islamophobia, racism, refugees etc. to ever suspect you.
>heart attack every world leader except for one random one
>watch everyone proceed to blame him
His only mistake was starting at home.
If he hadn't, or better, had started in a centralized area in Germany, L would never have picked up the scent.
Does this work?
>Create a huge database of people that needs sto be killed
>create a huge database of irrelevant normies
>merge the two
>compose an algoritm that randomly choose people from this database and randomly assign a the date for the death for this people
Es ps
No. "Writing your own name in the Death Note will not kill you, but it is not recommended."
Don't focus too much on a single city, or even country. Vary the causes of death. Don't draw all of your targets from a single source. For instance, I wouldn't specifically go only after people on the FBI's most wanted list, or criminals mentioned by the local news.
You can't automate it. You have to physically write the name down yourself while thinking of their name and face.
You can't make people do things that aren't within their character, or that aren't physically possible.
research all enemies of the people (deep state, all the rothschilds, the chinese, etc) for years, then write them all down in one fell swoop
End the Soros bloodline, before killing George last