30 year old

>30 year old
>nearly hits the wall

Someone save her

Attached: BBSZ665.jpg (624x804, 52K)

dread it, run from it
the wall comes for all

>tfw 30 and my hairdresser last week gave me a discount because they literally thought i was in high school

she should get her vagina out on screen to prove she's a dedicated actress

I guess she'll just have to settle for me

>tfw still get carded for alcohol and tobacco at 30
women will never know this feel

so cute :3
most women peak at 11 and hit the wall at 17, very few ones keep being hot until 50-60. she has nice features, the wall is still far for her

Jesus, face literally caked in makeup. Someone run it through that app that removes makeup, probably end up with a hobgoblin.

She looks good for 30 fs

Probably very harry like her eyebrows.

Attached: GettyImages-504799328.jpg (400x492, 49K)



>ugly jawlet that has to have manmakeup

his father started balding when he was in his 10s. the collins family have shit genes.

Attached: IMG_4983.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Attached: 157483748483.jpg (960x720, 47K)

>shit genes
she's literally perfect
also, male baldness isn't related to female one. if a father has a small penis doesn't mean his daughter will have a small clitoris

Those are 2 different people but nice try.

I still made my point
anyway fuck off white knight nobody wants to fuck you

>the absolute cope of beardlets
Oh no no no no

Attached: IMG_4984.jpg (560x506, 18K)

>he looks betters
Beards are for baasedboys, just get over the fact you're ugly and aging like shit and that's why you are actually the ones that's coping

Who am I whiteknighting for?
You dont know what the guy on the right looks like without a beard and you dont know how the guy on the left looks with one, this is not a comparison.

You got triggered because i said that women age like shit
now go have sex
oh wait you cant because you have a dirty smelly pube beard

A mans worth is measured by his beard you coping low-test genetical dead-end.

>A mans worth is measured by his beard
Then homeless people must be worth a lot
close your mouth basedboy

You confuse me with someone? All I said is that your picture is a bad comparison.

>calls other people soi
>literally has so little test that even onions drinking redditors have more facial hair than him
bruh look at this dude

Yea, as a man - probably, its better to be homeless than a Mcwage, and basedboys are basedboys because they have pitiful beards.

Hitting the wall by thirty is pretty good desu

Attached: th (6).jpg (288x216, 7K)

I can go grow a beard i shave because it feels clean
sorry about your ugly face, bum chin and weak jaw faggot lol.

Just as i suspected, ugly smelly neet that lives with his boomer mother.
so sad

>literally admitted to having a wee boy face
you are 30 years of age, get a man's haircut and grow a moustache or something and perhaps then you will not be carded

I just have good skin and aged well, sorry that you look like an old leather wallet and have to cope with a beard, I know you think you look like jason momoa with a beard but you just look like a bum ass failure with a patchy beard

Do you understand that no one is "perfect" like you think, right? Tv just tricks you. Your standards are so screwed.

>but you just look like a bum ass failure with a patchy beard

9/10 beards are a cope and most of you chumps look like you glued pubic hair to your face or some shit lmao

there are plenty of men who age well and don't get mistaken for literal children lol
>the chinlet, manlet, beardlet cope

Attached: IMG_4987.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)

>posts a literal photoshop to prove his point
oh no no no

Oh look, an on topic discussion! Oh nope, it immediately descended into neckbeards vs manchilds arguing about facial hair. Fuck you Reddit.

Attached: Bad Vibes.jpg (612x433, 39K)

>thinks that's photoshop
lmao get your fucking eyes checked you boylet, i think you need glasses to go with your lack of beard

>why yes i do confuse having a beard with being a man
>no it has nothing to do with me being insecure and fragile
A shaved face is the ultimate honesty for a man, a beard is the equivalent of make up for women, it's the ultimate cope and you'll never actually be a real man until you get a job and stop burdening your mother.

Attached: 15734838633.jpg (277x182, 14K)

Beards have been ruined. Moustaches are your go to now

It's not honesty if you don't have a choice
Even your pic related basedboy is higher test than you. How much soilent do you guzzle exactly?
I bet your wife's boyfriend can grow a beard

I'm yawning over here, get some new material.

>i dont even want to grow a beard lmao beards are for losers
El Copado del Beardletado

Attached: IMG_4989.jpg (349x397, 30K)

>t. thirty something loser with a beard

not being able to grow a beard is not the same as choosing to shave brainlet
let's add brainlet to
and I'm guessing manlet as well
keep coping ugly lel

When someone can pull off a beard, they look based. When they don't, they look like a nonce. The lack of middle-ground makes having a beard the easier/more safe option.

Attached: prc_58364427.jpg (1200x630, 196K)

>calls other people jawlets, chinlets, manlets
>forgets that he already admitted that people mistake him for an underage child

Attached: IMG_4990.jpg (1242x1387, 132K)

>dude you look young hahaha
>i choose to look like an unhygienic unemployed NEET haha i bet you feel dumb
jesus christ just stop posting

>insecure beardlet still throwing out insults and projections
Hey Grischka get a load of this guy. Perhaps don't offer him a ticket to go and see John Wick 3: Parabellum with us, i suspect he may prefer capeshit.

Attached: IMG_4991.jpg (640x648, 69K)

I'm basically like this but have decent face structure at least, did I do some atrocity in a past life or something cause almost no one else is like this

Not him but why do you have so many of these saved do you jack off to them or something?

How does this nigga manage to look like some weird mixture of cat, turkroach & chad