Jazz look like this?!


Attached: jazzkino.webm (480x480, 2.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>tfw you chop your dickoff forever being a virgin

Attached: A father's pain.jpg (1242x663, 74K)

*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*

She'd be 10x hotter if she still had a dick.

Imagine being Arnold

>inb4 incels on here say they wouldn't


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Look how hard he tries to walk feminine.

Is this her?

Attached: Curl_Smoothie_local_MediumRectangle_300x250_LEARN-MORE[1].gif (300x250, 139K)

Should be pretty obvious she's emulating a runway model.

she looks like she fucks black men

oh wait...

Attached: 1556883025579.jpg (768x974, 87K)

how many times he has left to dilate?

What the fuck is dilattioun?

She has to do it for the rest of her life, so under a decade probably.


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>Fucking anything with a clump of necrotic flesh
Good thing he's a faggot and probably loves anal.

Oops! What you referred to as a girl is, in fact, just a mentally ill young man who let himself get meme'd into cutting off his own dick, dressing up as a girl, and pretending to be one. Yikes!


>jazz is a mouth breather

Reminder that this mentally ill faggot got into Harvard (((((((((((somehow))))))))))))

w-we can still save him, r-right bros

Attached: s781.png (1280x720, 738K)

Looks like fucking George Costanza

It's too late, he has already been enchanted by the succubus' charms.

Really this, I would have made out with pre-op jazz and coaxed that orgasm out of her stunted penis. Too bad she was destined to be a eunuch jester.

at this point it would be more humane if the jews just started euthanizing any male that does well on standardized tests before they reach puberty

his head looks like a dickhead

He can't orgasm. Never developed the ability. He doesn't and never will feel sexual pleasure.

Kinda sad that no one helped him

I just realized he probably smells like a man

Didnt they break up?


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Imagine being Jazz's father in that picture and having to be all like "damn, Jazz Man, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fridge body and horrific goblin face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old Thai ladyboy in Jazz's dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that jew dad and not only open that door while Jazz flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the light of the sun revealing his scar marks and colon fistula, and just stand there, time after time, while he slowly slogs down the garden path. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking collapsed franken-vag but his haughty attitude as everyone nearby tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAZZ JENNINGS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch his fat sephardic goblino face sit flaccid and dull on his disgusting rhomboid body. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of tight, Cambodian catamites and later alleged sex tourism rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the yeshiva in Dade County. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his collapsed vag asscrack as he leaves it open while wearing those badly adorned caftans, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there, open his garden door, and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what he calls himself)" beauty, the beauty he worked so hard for with a gruelling HRT regimen and lopping off his cock for a decade. And then he calls for another door to open, and you know you could kill every single person in this garden before her security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking jew dad. You're not going to lose your future Federal Reserve career over this. Just bear it. Cringe your face and bear it.

Attached: download (1).jpg (249x202, 7K)

I want to pop his pussy.

Good for him!

>her penis



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Let's say you HAD to fuck Jazz in the ass. No choice. You can't even just choose to die. BUT, you get to choose either pre-op or post-op. Do you choose pre-op, or post-op?

Attached: U3QYlvAgZnHpNqqILT8vvQz8aunYNMauSck8StAo8sA.jpg (700x675, 53K)

i dont get it

Obviously post.

pre, post-op vag is absolutely fucking disgusting

they're all men

You can just pretend it's been mangled in an accident - a dick is a dick.

>imagine the stench

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (288x288, 14K)

pre, being a faggot is still less degenerate than a tranny fucker

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See, I was thinking post, but like says, that fucking battle scar between his legs is going to make you vomit. Like, I can handle seeing a tiny baby dick, hell, I'd probably even laugh my ass off. But I've seen how they mutilate trannies from pictures posted online, and I don't wanna ever see that shit in real life.

yeah, but atleast it doesn't look like it was hit with buckshot. rather be a faggot then touch those gaping flesh wounds

>walks like a dude
She’s gonna walk right into Male pattern baldness haha

Why do people get meme'd into becoming trannies? I mean how dumb can you be?

The question specifies anal. His dick is going to be bouncing around and touching your thigh occasionally. Just go doggystyle and you'll never have to see or smell the wounded vag.

i would fuck the ever loving shit out of him... if he still had his penis

A disproportionate amount of them are autistic and you basically can’t challenge trans dogma at the moment. The sports thing should get the general public back on the side of sanity regarding this


>If you HAD to fuck him
Did you ever smell rotting flesh?
You can close your eyes, but you can't close out that smell. So if I had to - pre OP.

Imagine how happy this kid would have been if it just grew up to be a flamboyant kid who likes mermaids..

How are it's parents not in jail.

BASED black mom.


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As of now your entire culture/values is the product of 'memeing' these who came before you and won the idealistic race. Truths are hand-made. That's how the civilized world works.

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Hey, I knew that mermaid kid.


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fucking hell the meme are real
>Fucking, Traps/Trannies is fucking gay.

Excellent question. The answer is that liberals are very accepting and tolerating by definition of being liberal. "Isn't that a good thing?" you might be wondering. Well, no. If your house is on fire, should you tolerate it, or should you put it out? In the liberal mindset, not only should you tolerate the house fire, you should call it brave and attack any fireman who tries to put it out.
So the liberal mindset is mindlessly open to all things, good and bad. This of course invites the bad in. For years they defended homosexuals because "it's not their choice, it's who they are" and "they should be allowed to consent to do things." Well, trannies heard this and said, hey, us too. Now the pedophiles want in on it, too, and pedo rights is a small movement now, but it'll hit the mainstream within our lifetimes.
There's also the fact that liberals love being social justice warriors. They all want to be the next MLK Jr. (ignoring the fact that he was against homosexuality). Well, after the last cause is won, they always look for a new one to hop on. Trannies were what they found after the gay right movement essentially ended.

>Being insecure and having weak character.
>No one cares who you are unless you are special
>Being special almost always involves hard work or incredible luck
>Just take the penis mutilation shortcut
>Still haven't developed your character or will but the society got conditioned to treat you like you did because of your mutilated penis.
>Every social interaction becomes shallow because your sexual prefrences are now what defines you as human being

The boyfriend probably gets bullied more than the tranny.

Does that happen if you’re on hormones before puberty?


if you haven't already you should Jonathan Haidt book, The Righteous Mind and the moral matrix.

Attached: moralmatrix.png (1095x1854, 610K)

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

That's a decoy tranny. The real ones are made in utero. They own and run everything.

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jewish women should be legally banned from being allowed to raise children



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She looks like all the other mexicans in my apartment complex

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Pre. I don't like the smell of open wounds that are forced too stay open all the time


mom doesn't want her son fucking a mentally ill man and most likely wants grand kids too
Based mother

rather be gay then fuck a freak of nature. hell i'd even settle for something like a horse so i wouldn't even have to fuck a dude

He still walks like a man. There's no grace there, it's just stomping.

penut to vagaga is more expensive than vajayjay to penus huh?

but why?

son, i...


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More internal shit probably.
Also there's the boob surgery.

Pre of course. You have something to handle. That chaos mutation called neo-vagina ain't no good.

Pre op
Dick or not it's gay so at least I prefer to see something natural than an open wound
I don't handle gore easily

How long before it kills itself? 5 years? I mean, once it realises it's neither man or woman, just a freak with a (literal) festering wound that will never heal, will never experience an orgasm, and the media has lost interest because it's now just an fat ugly jewish weirdo... what's the point?

more in demand i guess

also probably need more to turn a man into a convincing woman. most of FtM will be accomplished just by taking testosterone.

Just because you remove part of a man in an operation he still is a man. A man with one leg is still a man, a man with one arm is still a man, a man with no penis is still a man.
So if you have to fuck a man, I'd choose the one without the giant septic wound that would require me to douse my head in concentrated mint oil to endure the smell.

What if you poke its prostate?

if you take hormones from age 7 to block your male developement your prostate is so underdeveloped it does not function in that way.

Think of how it feels for you if you jerk off twenty times and you just 'can't' do it again. That's what it's like for jazz forever. He wasn't even able to get a hard on ever.

He doesn't have one. It needs testosterone to develope and since he took blockers from a prepubescent age it's just a bunch of nondescript epithelium.

Wait she can walk without pain again?

Lol, he's fucked

Imagine seeing your son (with bouncy tits) strut in front of a camera in heels and makeup, trying to look slutty because he wants to be fucked by some guys.

Pre no doubt.
I might be a faggot but i'm no tranny enabler.

This is super highly concentrated extermination propaganda.

Note that he is probably on craploads of drugs to keep him sane/under control. This is pure evil.

>goes tranny and cuts dick
>dresses like a gay drag queen anyway

yes i am criticizing her fashions choice, yes i am gay

Attached: yes i am gay.jpg (470x419, 42K)

>Oops! What you referred to as a girl is, in fact, just a mentally ill young man who let himself get meme'd into cutting off his own dick, dressing up as a girl, and pretending to be one. Yikes!
And for some strange reason he is being rewarded for this and promoted by powerful people who control media.

He's probably an opioid addict by now to be able to endure the severe pain from the failed operation.
He is dependent on the blockers for the rest of his life.
Once the show ends, or if he even hits one time of financial trouble in the future his only option will be to take his life since it can only be indured under constant medication.

How do you know you're trans

When you have thoughts of suicide, that's a sign.

if you get a boner wearing dresses you're trans

Attached: 1557852350806.jpg (500x713, 92K)

Tumblr tells you.

He probably got some of the best doctors working on his sham operation.

Imagine how the average fake sex-change operation turns out.


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But I do that and i'm not a trans.
Just a faggot degenerate.

>How do you know you're trans
When elites tell you to DIE!!!!!!

From their perspective we're all trans.

The sooner the suicide comes the better


There is no such thing. There are just men who like to act more feminine than masculine. And that would be fine if they could accept it and live their life accordingly - but todays society can't accept feminine men unless they are either openly gay or cut their dicks off.
So having a different from the norm "unmanly" personality gets rewarded by genital mutilation or forced sexual practices by todays progressive society.

That's how most of them turn out, it's already hard enough to heal a wound of that size without it killing the host by sepsis. Now imagine keeping it open indefinitely.

I have nothing but pity for that poor boy.

And that's what he is. Just a faggot degenerate. Which is fine. I think homos are kinda gross, but who am I to judge. To each his own.

But Jazz is just a child, and brainwashing him, mutilating him and putting him on cocktails of dangerous drugs is just pure evil.

Straight white men don't vote Democrat/left. The Lefties in charge of the institutions target kids so more of them turn out queer/bi/whatever. Vulnerable boys (say, those who have an appreciation of feminine things) who get the full dose of globohomo (globohomo parents telling them they might not be a boy, plus lots of exposure to Hollywood pushing Caitlyn Jenner as the world's bravest and most beautiful woman, for example) will go the full nine yards and chop their dick off.

Yeah. The successful professors in universities and the medical doctors defending this, are not normally autistic. They open the gates to dickcuttingoff but are too genetically protected/stable to want it done to themselves.
The people who it affects are often found in video game communities. Big video game fans. They're not big earners, are not going to be big earners when they grow up. Nerdy awkward teenagers who have imbibed the leftwing-is-cool mantra from MSM and it goes from there.

That one Ep of I am jazz where he puts his feet on the black guys knee. Fucking chilling because despite all the hormones and dock cutting, Jazz still acts like an over enthusiastic faggot.

Attached: 1557913144841.jpg (160x153, 11K)

Funny thing is while thinking they fight against "gender roles" they just enforce their perverted version of traditional roles.
Sind a man has to fit a certain set of behaviours a) and women have to fit a certain set of behaviours b) everything that differentiates from those sets has to be set c) by their definition - so either be sexual abnormitive or suffering from body identity disorders.

It's no coincidence that they steer the LQTBBQ discussion away from personal choice to a plethora of preestablished genders you are born into so choice becomes a fatalistic consequence giving them the excuse to manipulate every person that doesn't fit their norm.
Modern progressives ladies and gentlemen.

I sincerely hope he finds a hung Chad to fuck his faggot asshole. I’m just that progressive

>Once the show ends, or if he even hits one time of financial trouble in the future his only option will be to take his life since it can only be indured under constant medication.
And his suicide will be blamed on intolerant society, of course.


This. I’ve never been able to reconcile the route t destroying gender stereotypes is to enforce them even more vigorously.
There is literally a “teaching” pack being issued to schools here in bongland that says “if you play with dolls as a boy you’re actually probably a tranny” I mean I’m paraphrasing but that’s the gist of it

Ok, now I'll need to spend hours to watch Nadine Jansen's juggling tits to brainbleach myself from that.
Thanks. faggot.

I remember picking up a barbie doll once when I was a kid, really young. I was at a friend's house, see. I picked it up when I was alone and it did feel sexual/taboo, even though I probably wasnt even masturbating yet.
I mean, it's sort of normal for hetero boys to be interested in girl dolls. Sexual attraction and whatnot. So classifying it as being a sign of trannyism is dangerous.


The thing is that single parent households are today much more common than they have ever been without a war that killed the male population beforehand.
Little boys love their heros and for a little boy a hero can be everyone and everything.
Growing up in a all female or dominantly female household will have a good chance that a 5-10 year old will choose a female role model, since all his contacts are dominantly female.
5-10 year old children haven't developed the ability to differentiate between the sexes, so them putting on a dress to imitate their hero has nothing to do with a sexual preference.
And than their progressive mother sees this, puts them on drugs and cuts their dicks off.

>Implying that straight white men vote for Conservatives.

Imagine what's gonna happen in 15 to 20 years, once all those kids wake up and start adding facts together.
Even today doctors have no idea how to diagnose a tranny and whether the kid they've been pumping hormones into actually needs them. But they keep swearing up and down that this is they only way - even if there are other, much less damaging ways.

Imagine sticking your penis into the dilation wound and it splits open and starts gushing out blood.

Im hoping Jazz starts going to gay clubs in Souf Beach and "raves it up" turning to drugs to kill the pain of his axe wound and starts having unprotected sex with strangers.

a POZ season would be great, episodes with Jazz ending at a clinic waiting for HIV test results would be pure kino. Miami has one of the highest rates of HIV in the country

Attached: 1517158642324.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

>fat man with implants and mutilated penis in a dress strutting down sidewalk

Attached: ThisIsAmerica9.png (848x430, 97K)

Attached: jazz.webm (1440x808, 985K)

Black mom is based af, black people don't play with that gay shit.

It's already 40% - we are already there.
They based their "gender science" on an experiment that ended in the suicide of the two kids involved and somehow think that the suicide rate we have now for trannies are due to social pressure.
The worst thing is, they can never stop taking the meds - once they aren't kids anymore and once the family support fades, maybe because they die or they hit a hard time themselves these kid trannies will hit rock buttom.
Imagine a grown up jazz losing financial support and having to stop to take all those meds.
Many people on withdrawel off themselves without having to realise that they cut their dick off.

What the fuck is that thing?

Attached: 1556265729760.jpg (474x568, 204K)

Work hard
Play hard

Attached: jazz.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

This is the most Based question of all time.

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How does one achieve the fridge aesthetic?

the thought of her frankenpussy's jerryrigged sutures and grafts tearing open under the strain makes me fucking cringe

Would you rather make out with a man, or with a man who has had his face smashed in with a hammer?

You'd be a faggot either way

A fat beaner?


>Rare footage of the oldest living tranny, Demon Bitchface, age 36

Wait jazz took that shit from age SEVEN? No wonder it's fucked

Münchausen by proxy is one helluva drug.

Attached: Charlize+Theron+August+Theron+Charlize+Theron+eO8MLjBYegbl.jpg (508x600, 82K)

Fucking internet

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funny that Jazz comes off as less weird compared to the animatron granny


looks like a fat mexican jew tranny

They are just grooming their future fetish showpieces, hiding their compulsion to sexualise children behind modern identity politics.

Its fucking hilarious that these parents do this to their kids. If Naomi Watts had this kid in the 90s, it wouldn't be doing this. Yet because the "Internet" shows kids it's "normal", they go with it. Absolute disgusting joke.

Meanwhile there's legitamate human being couples out there who want children and are struggling to have them.

He wrote that he has mental issues. Probably some guy that just wants to fuck trannies and now has to deal with this monstrosity.

Attached: 1460597021136.png (1011x1049, 222K)

Trust me user, they really want to "have" those children - wink wink.

I think it's great that Nancy Pelosi is reaching out and listening to the transcommunity.


we just have to wait for 25-30 years and all the parental child abuse stories will be pooping left and write

the celebrities are doing it so normies start doing it. they have orders

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But who is ordering the celebrities to do it?

Makes you think.

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I think id rather see a dick than a festering axe-wound on the person im assfucking.

What are those chinkbominations next to Brad?

I'm starting to think all these actors with faggot trans kids are being told by their agents that if you turn your son into a trans girl you'll get more movie roles and earn more $hekels

both Naomi Watts and Theron are too old to trade their pussies for movie roles so this is what they have to do

Attached: 1552061106113.webm (640x614, 1.44M)

some people are just born lucky

You can tell that kid is pissed that he has to look like a faggot. He probably has no friends in school because of this.

Fuck fuck
Jazz gave me a semi what the fuck do I do
That webm is legit sexy af, jazz is a disgusting necrohole but

Fucking kek.

imagine cumming inside her

Should I become girl for media influence

99% of these kids are doing it in the first place because they get a lot of attention and encouragement from their parents when they do it.

in the case of Theron there is something else too, her family history is fucked up beyond belief, her mother killed her father

>tfw no Skylar gf

Attached: sky.jpg (1080x1350, 266K)

Post op so that I could make her wish that she never got it removed as I pound her pelvic bone to pieces and she will feel nothing but pain and suffering.

Decadency and sexualisation of children always went hand in hand in human history.
Once you can have it all and everything material becomes a boring everyday object the degenerates go after kids to experience that they "gained" something again.

Yeah man, I wonder who it could be dawg.

Yo, I think it might be them white folk mane, cuz it ain't me you know what I mean?

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I hope you like the smell of 7 year old boys and rotting flesh, otherwise your boner wont survive reality.

First time I've seen a nignog do something so based in a LONG time

they will just say that its because they're oppressed

if you think women hit the wall hard wait till you see these popular trannies in 10-20 years

not just sexualisation, but mutilation. domitian had to pass laws to ban castration because using boy eunuchs as sex slaves was so common. then the castrati appeared a millenia and a half later and that was a massive thing actually involving the nobility at first. haydn was nearly castrated. this shit was always done in china and only went away when it westernized

>jewish grandmother
Why would they mutilate their own?


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God I hate roasties.
They're even worse than the trannies.

At leat Pitt was smarth enough to leave the batshit crazy Jolie.

>As long as he is happy

Attached: file.png (433x351, 265K)

What's his endgame?

>JRE threads get you banned when there is a lot of good discussion that comes from them and its an honest sit down interview show
>jazz threads that start with a fucking meme quote are allowed
fuck you mods, fuck you tranny loving fucking faggots

pre, I don't support trannies cutting of their dicks and turning it into a hole. That's cringe as fuck. I either want futa 'women', or castrated/chastised femboys. Not wound mutilated men.

Attached: mern.png (509x524, 317K)

Amir is using the old defence of "It's not gay if balls aren't touching" argument.

((women)) love mutilating their male children because they cant stand anything that is related to them but isnt made in their image

Women are behind this. A society where women are treated, rightly so, like second class citizens would never allow this. We would have colonies on mars right now if women just did what they are empirically happier doing and just shut the duck up and raised children.

>women raise children
>they turn into trannies
What's the next step of your master plan?

Who has mental issues him or jazz ??

They wouldn’t able to vote meaning trannies wouldn’t even be a thing at all. If women were never allowed to vote or hold office, trannies wouldn’t even be an option.

It's part domination and part preserving their attractiveness to pedos a few years longer.
Also due to the circumvention of puberty they pass on an important developemental phase of their brains resulting that they are much easier to manipulate to do their "service".
It's common practice to nuture rebellious dogs, to make them more easily handable.

It's not women it's pedos - they come in all genders but todays society has been trained to ignore predatory behaviour of females.

Him. He wrote he couldn't keep up with his instagram due to mental issues.

Were they together before the penis removal?


>no quarterback bf

ALL trannies must FUCKING HANG!

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Attached: 1533310885842.webm (1280x532, 1.14M)

based doggo!

>age 36
Fucking based

>being fucked by an anti-LGBTQZ2A4 nigger

ALso, amerijews are diseased in watching some arab-jew transfaggot fucking niggers on tv.
This show would be banned globally and only produced in the deepest of jewish hell that is ameriKKKa

So is this Israel’s final solution to the Palestinian question?

BASED NIggress

I guess it's a variant of You have to spend money to make money. Sacrificing one of their own to influence hundreds or more likely thousands of goys to cut off their children's dick is worth it.

Would be reasonable considering how intrinsically homophil muslim culture would be, once they would stop throwing them from the highest roof.

what do you call this body shape?

Overweight prepubescent boy of middle eastern descent after scaling him 50% bigger in photoshop.


Forced transitions are actually preferred in most Muslim countries. That way they can still have sex with men and not be gay

I fucked a tranny before AMA.

Lol, I know the name of the guy who drew that.

it even looks like he's sporting the hunchback

Its funny that Jazz's mom looks like more of a tranny than Jazz does

Did he cum?

What’s it like being gay? What’s the attraction to musicals?

What else would you expect of countries where the main leisure activity is to sit on the floor with a bunch of males sporting trimmed eyebrows, in a room where females aren't allowed to enter, alternating on sucking the same phallic hose while drinking sweet tea.

I'm a tranny but not openly. I vote for the nationalist party in Sweden and have conservative opinions. I can't help that I'm mentally ill

reminder jazz's jew parents kidnapped him and forced him to be a tranny (he's arab)

So you’ve got a cross dressing fetish. Got it.

Dressing in feminine clothing don't turn me on though

Attached: 1495899738596.png (362x358, 8K)

Is this really that puppy from the Jazz generals grown up?
God bless.


Post with condom and I'm drunk as fuck

Based and redpilled. Black kid still has hope.

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When it comes to homos and women nigs are based.

So why do it if you’re not openly a tranny?

Jazz could've been the undisputed queen of traps with that micro dick, but nope. Had to get a fake pussy which no straight, 'straight' or gay man wants. I doubt even christian xxx would put his degenerate cock in that gaping wound.

So what’s the real reason men become trannies?

Autism, anime, mental illness and enabling doctors who can’t say no incase they’re labelled transphobes

¡El justamundo!

Mental illness + weakness + conditioning.

Speedrunning video games, but scientists haven't yet figured out the causal link.

It's slightly better than not at all. I won't kill myself because family and friends so I had to do something but I'm not stupid so I won't go out and pretend that I'm a real woman. Dysphoria is still ruining everything though.

What’s Jazz’s time on Aladdin SNES?

Honestly? The biggest factor is that some 'men' make better women than even women. Think about it, how many 1000% beta cucks have you seen in your life that you know will never be able to fuck a woman and just get absolutely walked all over by any and everything. No offense to them but many of them are better suited to be the woman of the household.

Couple that with the growing problem that women today have too many rights, too much power, and have little to no responsibility. Then you have guys that move on to the next best thing. If they don't want kids why would they set themselves up for failure? If on the off chance they change their minds they can adopt.

Women are becoming obsolete.

No homo.

What I also hate about this mindset is the way it retroactively makes every historically effeminate man a homo. Women like lots of different kinds of men. Some even like girly dandy men. It's sad to force them all to become gay.

Mental illness, as in thinking your depression etc. will go away if you become someone else.

For children it's mentally unstable parents, conditioning, brainwashing in schools (Western Europe), and doctors who should lose their licence on the spot, and in fact be charged with numerous crimes.

imagine having to go back in for surgery every time you pop

t. Liberace

Attempts tell no one anything. What's success percentage?

>make better women
Mate, have you seen a tranny?

Attached: 1497124327715.png (371x353, 148K)

Have you?

Attached: 6bb21544da3013e40f5451aa9f71a523.png (720x1280, 836K)

>high angle shot
>no throat or hands

>"It doesn't count if you TRY to kill yourself! As long as you fail you're a perfectly mentally healthy and normal like all the other normal non-dysfunctional human beings!"

Attached: 1553376031204.webm (720x1280, 2.8M)


Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 60K)

*looks like a heavily face painted faggot in a dress*
checks out.


Also you're wasting your time. Even if you find some poor sap who was engineered from birth to pass as a girl, they're not a "better woman" unless I can cum inside their pink pop-free pussy and make cute babies that suck the milk from her swollen titties.

(The sound of you sucking on her penis.)

Attached: d1f905235d4d99230d42d32fbaccb916--gorgeous-heels-great-legs.jpg (736x1175, 118K)

big man head

>that soviet-tier photoshop

damn my weed dealer looks like dat?

>Damn, traps can look like THAT!?!?
Pic related.

Attached: 4947aac25f7c24713d17f4476e2f851e.jpg (736x1308, 139K)

holy fucking based

Pre-op, and you wouldn't need to force me either

pre-op ...

>cover up long hair
>she’s a cut g-girl Guys!

One of the (few) good things about the common afro americanus is that they're mostly immune to the homo-subversion pill.

I'm probably one of the least gay people in the world but I'm not gonna put my dick anywhere near a festering wound.

now i cant stop popping

Fat nigress mothers are generally speaking pretty based. They're over the sheboon phase, they're not violent, they're fairly level-headed and stick to their values. They're also pretty kind and motherly towards everyone

If you aren't gay you immediately get weirded out by 99% of their faces. And I only leave that 1% because I'm a tranny agnostic - I think there could be a tranny that isn't instantly off putting but I miss the evidence to support this thesis.

In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.
We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:
>The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.
Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.
I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.
In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.
In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.

just looking at this thing makes me think those schizos that ramble about reptile people have merit

They are talking about orgasms in this webm.

Why? He can't have one.

Why is it white women that love the idea so much of putting their boys in dresses

>those man arms

Oh nonono