KINO Piercer
KINO Piercer
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So does Yea Forums agree this was a Willy Wonka sequel?
>wow communism works just like my social sciences marxists professor told me
>why haven't we embraced socialism yet???
>I can't believe you are so stupid. Idiocracy much, amirite???
Never mind, I'm shitposting, it's just that this film looks very heavy handed socialism propaganda to me so I haven't watched it.
this your brain on /pol/
I just watched this for the first time the other day, so does the chink and the niglet die from the polar bear?
Joke's on you, I don't even browse /pol/ because it was subverted.
People are awaking up and they hate your guts outside of Yea Forums and /pol/ which used to be a pretty good board before the gamergate centrist subversion.
You are in for a rude awakening.
>without a white man, civilization goes out and dies
What did they mean by this
While the economic structure of the train is socialism, it shows why we need social classes, and balance is key to running a functional system.
Shit film.
at least elaborate
You aren't wrong. It even ends with a black kid and a white/asian girl (can't remember) being the only humans to go on and reseed humanity.
Well the plot and philosophy is obviously trash but in terms of the film? The action is poor and direction often bad. A lot of the effects are cheap too. I did think some of the acting was good though.
So are the last wagons fighting for a classless society and when they overthrow the everything turns to shit?
Very interesting, maybe this film is subversive and pro nationalist anti democracy after all.
I like to believe that it was, yes. However I'm a massive faggot and love dark, alternative sequels that don't outrightly state they are a sequel to bright and happy films.
Jokes on you, the train was a communist regime from the beginning of the movie and everyone died because of it.
No it isn't. They make the train run on exploitation and instead of any "it's necessary to survive" challenge, the multiethnic heroes realize the world outside is habitable so the white owners are just evil. They kill everyone on the train and a black guy and asian girl go on to repopulate earth.
what the fuck are you fags talking about?
have sex
some big fan theory, google snowpiercer willy wonka
>He doesn't know the truth
what the fuck does this have to do with Marxism you mouth breathing idiot?
You guys have absolutely zero idea about what you are talking about outside of
>black people bad
>marxism bad
fucking lmaoooo
also have sex
That's stupid because you can't repopulate the planet with 2 people, it just wouldn't work.
An occasionally visually interesting pile of shit
It would get ugly but if you had sufficient natural resources maybe you could create a self sustaining small healthy population and functioning society after 150 years?
I don't know, I'm not a biologist but it seems plausible.
The ending was so goddamn retarded
>Everybody dies but a woman and a kid
>Yay humanity is saved
>Look there's a starving polar bear looking right at us
What did the writers think would happen next?
Even if they had the resources (they don't) within a few generations everybody would be would be a drooling retard due to inbreeding.
I once read that you'd need at least 100 people to prevent that in the long run.
>everybody would be would be a drooling retard due to inbreeding
True but high IQ isn't necessary for survival and just breed more.
If a woman has 25 kids and say 15 of them are drooling retards unable to survive then you have 10 fit for survival and breeding and if you are lucky you have 2 or 3 alpha males/females with excellent genetic material.
It's ugly but inbreeding works in cats and dogs and since it's such an extreme situation I don't see why it wouldn't work in humans.
>if you are lucky you have 2 or 3 alpha males/females with excellent genetic material
>excellent genetic material
And where would that suddenly come from? The genetic material would get worse and worse every generation unless you suddenly manage to introduce new material into the gene pool.
The only possibility would be "improvement" due to random mutation and the chances for that are slim to none.
>What did the writers think would happen next?
everyone died bro. If humans don't end up killing themselves, nature sure is going to do the job.
>And where would that suddenly come from?
Since brothers and sisters conceived by the same parents in different time frames are sufficiently different from each other maybe if you breed more, like an animal that breeds like there is no tomorrow because there is no tomorrow, maybe you would get lucky and just side step the bad DNA?
Surely there is research on mice or other animals that explore if you can create a diverse pool of genetic material out of only two specimens.
I don't see why it wouldn't work in humans.
>Replying to bait or an absolute brainlet
Anybody who's taken a biology class in middle school knows this.
Knows what?
I don't think the question has an obvious answer.
>absolute retard who dropped out of school in kindergarten
uhh hasn't he heard of adam and eve lol
Do what cats do where the male alpha cat breeds with young female alpha cats which could be his offspring and then just fucks off and lets her deal with the kittens because he has to complete with other males and breed with other cats bettering and diversifying the genetic material of the pack.
b 4 s e d
>Can Two People Repopulate Earth?
>Short answer: Maybe, but they'd be very busy
Probably. I bet they fucked first
You can't get a stiffy with a man eating bear charging at you so no sex
Did the chink just used the black kid as bait to hunt the polar bear?
Probably. They're apparently the one animal most likely to eat a human
>The ending was so goddamn retarded
You and lots of people here are retarded. The bear showed that there was still live left, even though they were told that everything else died.
So the planet will survive.
Maybe there are also more humans, since survival was at least possible.
>The bear showed that there was still live left
That's exactly my point though, it was supposed to show hope for mankind or whatever but the bear would have killed the woman and the kid five seconds afterwards.