Yea Forums is just /r9k/ and /pol/ of the blue boards.
Unpopular facts
Other urls found in this thread:
Christopher Nolan never made a good movie.
It seems like every single board on Yea Forums has people accusing others of being from /pol/ based on my experience.
You people give /pol/ crazy power when it's basically just Yea Forums with more racism and a political bend.
The vast majority of people who browse it are probably just edgy 13-25 year olds and they number far fewer than you think.
Sam Hyde is a pedophile
bladerunner 2049 is shit
anything mel gibson directed is shit
They took /r9k/ away from us and then we allied with /pol/ and conquered Yea Forums and it's our clay now and our colony.
We will never surrender.
>Yea Forums is just /r9k/ and /pol/ of the blue boards.
maybe for nu-fag virgins.
You're not a website. There is no "we" here. You and your literal IRA handlers are just cancerous cant-cope losers.
Yeah that doesn't make me think you're from /pol/, that is just how Yea Forums has always been. I'm not sure if some people are just newer here since there are even Reddit boards dedicated to Yea Forums now, but anons have always casually thrown the word nigger around on Yea Forums.
>posted from St Petersburg
>bladerunner 2049 is shit
>anything mel gibson directed is shit
That's not an opinion, that's a fact.
y do you think OP titled his post the way he did
4channel is better than Yea Forums
>posted from SF after reaching consensus in reddit and discord
I'm just saying there is no point trying to fight out, or even call it out
>Unpopular facts
Yea Forums has been a subversive messaging platform for the Russian oligarchy since at least summer of 2014 after Russia invaded Ukraine. Terms like "sjw," "cuck," "mary sue," "discord tranny" etc are all nu-speak terms being boosted by foreign ESL LARPs that are being paid to act like permafaggot culture warriors and encourage everyone else to with them.
Virgins and rootless males are being radicalized towards self-destruction by a "sophisticated" behavioral conditioning program designed around reinforcing at-risk useful idiots to radicalize into themselves and against their society. The people that refuse to come to terms with this are dooming themselves.
Ryan: “Russia is trying to turn Ukraine against itself.”
Rodgers: “Yes. And that’’s sophisticated and it’s, uh...”
Ryan: “Maniacal.”
Rodgers: “Yes.”
Ryan: “And guess, guess who’s the only one taking a strong stand up against it? We are.”
Rodgers: “We’re not…we’re not…but, we’re not.”
McCarthy [referring to DNC hacking]:“I’ll guarantee you that’s what it is...The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp [opposition] research that they had on Trump.”
Ryan: “The Russians hacked the DNC...
McHenry: “ get oppo...”
Ryan: “On Trump and like delivered it who?”
McCarthy: “There’s... there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump...[laughter]...Swear to God.”
Ryan: “This is an off the record...[laughter]...No leaks...[laughter]...alright?!. This is how we know we’re a real family here.”
Scalise: “That’s how you know that we’re tight.”
Ryan: “What’s said in the family stays in the family.”
>LITERALLY posted from St Petersburg
an is the pol of blue
/fit/ is the blue board /r9k/
Literally every board is just a themed mixture of /pol/ and /r9k/. I invite you to check any catalog. You know that theoretical point in the future where every human being on the planet is the exact same shade of mutt? That’s Yea Forums
LOL Russian men kill themselves more than transexuals
seriously why are Russians such degenerate faggots? What is wrong with their culture?
How are Russians not the real Jews?
"the jews" are just what Russian shills want you focusing on instead of them.
double nigger
good. incels are the lifeblood of this website. without them we'd just be reddit.
i thought you hated /pol/?
"demographic replacement" is just propaganda designed to agitate unfuckable faggot virgins that don't think they're ever going to have kids or have sex before they die.
It's JUST about training nigger white people to blame their society because they're eventually going to be "replaced" by people having sex.
/pol/ is an imageboard. You can't hate a website. You can't hate a platform.
The bad actor shills that are using that platform to encourage children to radicalize out into unfuckable reactionary faggots are pretty contemptible though. They're paid shit too lol.
so what issue do you take with the op's statement?
>tfw haven't been on Yea Forums since 4channel existed
>society, aka feminism, schools, college university, media, faggots, bankers, elite, etc destroy young white boys and sentence them in a life of an incel
>it's not society's fault, it's the white boys and young white men who are to blame
/r9k/ is "rootless white males" that have been radicalized out by bad actor messaging agencies to blame women for their disaffection. Both guaranteeing that they'll never get better and increasing the number of suicides, homicides, rapes, spree killings, serial killers, terrorists, etc.
And /pol/ is literally just /IRA/. The mods and jannies are literally Russian shills. They exist to endlessly promote outgroup contempt and radicalization against The Other and everything else. It's just bad actor shills and their useful idiot virgins dancing for ego validation.
Yea Forums has a lot of the same nufaggot niggers as those boards, as does all of Yea Forums. It isn't "just" the /r9k/ and /pol/ of blue boards, that's just what tribalism virgins like to tell themselves so they feel less lonely as they spiral out into internet addiction.
any board without censorship will be """right wing""" sorry kiddo
>posted from St Petersburg
so Yea Forums isn't like those boards, is what you're saying?
I'm /pol/ But I just get bored of talking about Joos and Niggers. Its the same stuff over and over. I mean I believe in a lot of the concepts there and back that Ideology, but I'm also self-aware and I like to laugh at it. I post on Yea Forums because this is where the culture war is and you can actually fuck with peoples minds, troll, or flip people some red pills. It's fun and I like talking about entertainment.
No sense posting with the converted.
that's literally the opposite of reality kiddo. /pol/, t_d, /r/conservative, and every other major messaging platform is heavily censored and built around promoting isolation and radicalization. You can't maintain your nigger delusions for Exxon with too much outside exposure and you must be kept in a groupthink hivemind where you all prop up The other boogiemen to pretend to be and practice acting against.
I wont deny that Russia isn't light-years ahead of the use of using meme power and info-warring people, but it's more to do with the fact that Americans admire Russia now the way Russians used to admire America in the 80s. We've gone full flip retard. White Americans need help from somewhere and Russia is giving it.
eh we also have IRA shills working here constantly. Same same but different.
Is this the new "have sex" comeback?
You are really dense, you accuse everyone to be /pol/ or russian yet you are the ones who act like a hivemind.
I think I understand now what the term bugmen is really about.
>the other
You mean jews right
can you stop samefagging now?
>I wont deny that Russia isn't light-years ahead of the use of using meme power and info-warring people
they're not. They're doing what the US was doing in the middle east to get more terrorists 15 years ago. It's just now it's happening TO Americans lol.
> but it's more to do with the fact that Americans admire Russia now
yeah thanks to their ongoing active measures campaign to train pathetic faggots to radicalize against their society by "admiring" a totalitarian oligarchy with the highest male suicide rate in the world. They all jerk off to trannies btw.
>White Americans need help from somewhere and Russia is giving it.
nope they're also boosting the BLM movements and latestagecapitalism and everything that triggers you. Your life experience is filled with things designed to agitate you against your own best interests. Teach you how to be a reactionary nigger tribalist. Teach you how to think less like "white people" and more like literal Africans.
based schizoposter
>what is action and reaction
If you didn't systematically blame white men and masculinity for everything bad in this world then white men wouldn't react against you.
But keep imagining the big Russian conspiracy because you are in the right (left) side of history, my social progress, the current year, the end of history and other shit like that.
>You mean jews right
sure. It's just basic ape ingroup/outgroup dynamics. Doesn't need to be jews it's just the most effective for this demographic. Le spoopy jews are extincting you with blacked porn!
>Is this the new "have sex" comeback?
sure. except saying things like "have sex" is EXACTLY what ESL LARPs do to trigger virgins. Your "friends" are literally the people abusing you.
>You are really dense,
project less nigger
> you accuse everyone to be /pol/ or russian
nope. /pol/ IS Russian Useful idiot reactionary consumers are just dancing nigger apes.
good monkey
>you are the ones
I'm one person retard
>who act like a hivemind.
project less KEK
>I think I understand now
yeah you fled to the boogiemen in your imagination, made a NO U, and told yourself you "understand." Good little cultist.
changing opinions with online propaganda wasn't possible 15 years ago. You total fucking brianlet.
No we admire it because socialist and insane feminists have ruined our country. You need to look at the truth and stop blaming russia for your problems. Faggot.
Fascist are ok with this actually. Most pol tards will tell you that we past the point of reason and the day of the rope is the only thing that will fix it. Most right wing thinkers think this way. We're just waiting for race war and society to collapse at this point because the institution is too strong. If they prop up nigger movements to aggitate normies. That's fine. It gets us closer to where we want to be.
You're so far out of your depth you don't even know it.
>Le spoopy jews are extincting you with blacked porn!
Not exactly extincting but they sure are responsible for producing it.
>It's just basic ape ingroup/outgroup dynamics
Back to /pol/ racist
So I guess the big silicon valley companies that control information flow and filter dangerous news, the global banking system that subverts national governments and interests, and the big media conglomerates that push globalist feminists white guilt propaganda are all controlled by Russians?
OP here. You fucking plebbitors are so easy to rile up.
regards, /pol/
FTR we're camped out here now in the wake of the GOT and chernobyl wokeness. Yes we keep an eye on the media too.
Can we take over /g/ next?
What is this?
The "coin" is radioactive, right?
>changing opinions with online propaganda wasn't possible 15 years ago.
A: Yes it was youngfaggot
B: This is the same playbook that's been being used for decades. You don't need youtube videos to trigger retards against each other.
>You need to look at the truth and stop blaming russia for your problems.
lol yeah just blame le spoopy jews! Classic Russia Dinduism my dude.
>Fascist are ok with this actually.
what shilling for foreign interests?
>Most pol tards will tell you that we past the point of reason and the day of the rope is the only thing that will fix it.
yeah they've been radicalized against their own people by a foreign antagonist that is at war against their minds. That's the point.
>We're just waiting for race war
So is every disaffected monkey retard throughout all of history. Tree apes are always just waiting for the invasion of the rival tree apes.
>and society to collapse at this point
yeah. can't cope virgins. Literally the same thing as suicide bombers.
>f they prop up nigger movements to aggitate normies. That's fine.
nope it's to agitate you. And it's clearly been quite effective LOL. Post a picture of your dick.
>It gets us closer to where we want to be.
screeching and throwing shit from the trees.
>You're so far out of your depth you don't even know it.
post pictures of your brain after you shoot it with a gun. Statistically that's pretty much a lock for cause of death so might as well take a crack at it now.
>Not exactly extincting but they sure are responsible for producing it.
yes everything bad in your life is Jews! Russia Dindu Nuffin! reminder that was financed by the oligarchy LOLOLOL
>im not a virtue signaller u r
Protip: Every single board on this site is and was just /r9k/ + a hobby/interest.
You can make a kissless virgin thread on any board you want and you'll get +200 replies almost everytime.
Anybody who is not a flaming tourist newfaggot is aware of this.
>radicalized against their own people
Feminists and marxists are not my own people because they don't believe in ethnicity and family.
They are worse than invaders.
sorry but you're trying too hard and I'm not reading all that shit. Don't you have community college in the morning?
Yeah, what about?
Nice way to avoid reality and cling to your false theory about Russians that are destroying our perfect progressive feminist diverse society.
3.6 roentgens, comrade
>You can make a kissless virgin thread on any board you want and you'll get +200 replies almost everytime
Not in /g/, they are trannies who wear programmer socks.
The I'm a kissless 40 yo virgin threads on Yea Forums are the best thing but jannies delete them after 20-30 posts ;_;
>Feminists and marxists are not my own people
exactly. Everyone is the boogieman you're radicalizing against! As long as you think you're fighting the boogieman you're willing to condemn yourself to burn in the 9th circle of hell with the rest of the traitors!
>because they don't believe in ethnicity and family.
You're likely an internet addicted virgin that makes zero attempt at "ethnicity and family." You're extincting your own traditions and lifestyle and everything else with your own degenerate addiction to media that didn't exist 100 years ago.
>They are worse than invaders.
exacty. You're a traitor. You've been turned. The boogiemen were propped up and the people you trust abused you with them until you started lashing out and giving yourself cognitive dissonance, which forced you to justify to yourself your radicalization, which made you radicalize out more. Plus your dad is probably also a loser so you learned all your degenerate reactionary treachery from your nigger family.
>sorry but you're trying too hard
I'm not trying at all. Can't sleep.
>and I'm not reading all that shit.
yeah it's self-censorship. You need to try your darnedest to keep yourself protected from dissonant thought.
>Don't you have community college in the morning?
>Yeah, what about?
do you not understand that whataboutism is mind control? You're trained to reflexively whatabout away from anything that may cause doublethink.
>Nice way to avoid reality and cling to your false theory about Russians
>that are destroying our perfect progressive feminist diverse society.
you being an unfuckable faggot doesn't society "feminist" it just makes you gay LOL.
Are you an American/English speaker or just a LARP? It's so fascinating seeing (((white people))) talking like radical muslims. Post a picture of your mom.
kys tranny
reminder that the people saying tranny OTB 100% jerk off to tranny porn
Apocalypto is god-tier
sure faggot
I won't say tranny anymore so you can consider yourself a real woman
bleed and die tranny
bruh look at this dood...
>I won't say tranny anymore so you can consider yourself a real woman
no you probably wont say it anymore because you just realized that everyone knows you're a degenerate pervert when you talk about how .000008% of the population lives in your mind R E N T F R E E L M A O
>bleed and die tranny
livestream your suicide. Do it today :P
You're 50x more likely to become an hero
nope I'm a heterosexual adult male that has sex. Literally nobody is more of a suicide risk than you porn-addicted Russcuck cantcopes. No demographic ON THE PLANET kills themselves as much your demographic LOLOLOLOL.
And I love the idea that you're competing with mentally ill trannies for "who is less self-destructive and degenerate" and you're still losing.
Didn't read that either faggot.
Post a pic of you not reading lol
what a pathetic tranny
Nah I just like making your s e e t h even harder by ignoring your super hard thought out political opinions.
Pickle rick!
Just because you've come to infest this place, doesnt mean its yours.
I wish I could delete this thread.
Wait no I dont, fuck leftists and plebbitors.
Thats hilarious coming from a r*dditor
Ive been to a gif thread because it was linked in one of the blue boards, but otherwise same. Dont miss Yea Forums either.
It is physically unable for an rbmk reactor to explode
Guys...I'm Putin
Yea Forums is where /pol/ and /leftypol/ come to have their rhetorical fights, that's why it seems like /pol/.