Why is mad Dany so hot?

Why is mad Dany so hot?

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her acting was unironically not shit in that scene unlike for the past 8 season

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I'm genuinely curious.
There must be a psychological explanation. She was always meh but now she makes me diamonds

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I actually agree with both comments, I've always thought she was stupid looking and couldn't act for shit but this episode actually had me thinking better of her on both fronts.

>tfw she'll never be your gf

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It's probably the red lipstick

>does terrible job throughout most of the show
>suddenly becomes good when she's supposed to act like a psycho
What did Emilia Clarke mean by this?

Don't remember me

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I don't know, but it seems to be something of a rare consensus on this board that she was a massive turn on in that scene.

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That's because it's true.
I don't have an explanation but it's true

My penis is diamonds now


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Please enlighten us, psychology fags

Nice rant

i also don't understand why i suddenly loved her acting in this season compared to everything else

Le happy merchant mind tricks

"no one can love, or hate, with more passion than a madman"
- Ken, Fist of the North Star

God I wish she would burn me alive

Not as hot as sick Dany.

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You guys really don't understand it? It's because you're alt-right nazis and you like le bad guys in every movie. It's that simple.
Plus you want a strong woman to crush your balls.

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damn, almost as if it's not her fault, but the material's fault....really makes one think

Sure buddy

>The right likes dany!
They really don't, they really really dont.
I wish critical thinking was taught in schools.

they clearly do now, just look at this thread.

>Plus you want a strong woman to crush your balls.
Only this is true

S1-S6 - hysterical/smug
S7-S8 - girl in love/angry

This is why. The smug khaleesi shit for 6 seasons was grating.

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I'm a radical centrist and I like danny now

ps. I didn't actually watch this shit or episode four yet though because I'm cooler than you guys

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Part of it probably has to do with a desire to protect her, as she seems vulnerable there.
Also every man wants a crazy chick in bed.

You might not like it, but fear is the only way to rule successfully. You give them an inch and tell keep asking for miles. Don't give them an inch.

Hahaha, imagine if you got your dick out and she gave you this look, hahaha

she was shit as sarah connor though

>nobody likes her
>rejected by her oneitis
She's literally one of us.

Absolutely. Mad Dany is a top tier waifu.

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You would know that dick is gonna bend

I bend the dick

My guess is that she was actually mad from the script she got

IDK about you but I had a tantric orgasm during that scene

Crazy chicks super hot because they give off that sense of danger and uncertainty, you see her and want to try to tame her with your dick.

Same reason girls are so much into badguys

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i haven't watched this show since season 2 but ive been fapping like crazy to crazy Dany the past two days

Guys, I used to hate this bitch, but now I want her to survive somehow and become the villain of a future sequel show with Drogon.
Go full blown Vader.

Whats happening to me?

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>you see her and want to try to tame her with your dick
no, I want her to tame me with her pusy

Its a win win with crazy chicks, you can also get to be dominated if you ultimately fail to dominate her.

She finally looks vulnerable after years of being a fake ass bitch

>Why is mad Dany so hot?
It's just a meme.

Same here.

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I want to bend Dany

Where can I meet one of these crazy chicks and how do I get her to want to dominate me?

Probably liberal arts school and other bullshit degree campuses

nobody likes obnoxious bad girls or crazy chicks, we like overprotective women with low self esteem.

I want her to fucking win and rape Jon while making Sansa watch.

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I would rather have her rape sansa

I would rather have her rape sansa while jon watches, then rape jon while sansa watches. Also I would be playing jon

Real life isn't as fun as the fantasy bro. I've had 2 girlfriends with BPD and the good times are good, but the bad times are so much worse.

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>Dany...the rape...it was beautiful

> constantly reminded that she is only two years older than me

She finally became a targaryen. None of that weak mhysa shit.


I think it's more due to her face conveying a wide range of complex emotional states in that shot, she feels extremely real and there's a lot of vibes to sponge up on and connect with. You guys might not be as autistical as you think, it's only superficial and mundane shows of emotion that you don't respond to like normies do, because you do not respect it nor make it out to be meaningful. Couple this with power, assertivieness and being pretty to begin with, there's no wonder that Mad Danny is extremely fucking hot.

Which ironically implies that we're more empathetic than the "lol u nazi fuks want 2 be pegged by villains" crowd, but we already knew this.

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>bad times are so much worse.
Do they start screaming about random bullshit a lot?


They search your phone, pc etc
She discovered my hentai stash and got into a huge fight

> she will never force herself upon you after she burned your village

>be a half spic/half white mutt
>married a blonde blue eyed Finnish women
>she is dominant and I am a bottom bitch
>find Danny hot as hell also killing everyone and everything

I have a thing for dominant blonde women. Cersi is cool also but she is old.

Why live?

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>I've had 2 girlfriends with BPD and the good times are good, but the bad times are so much worse.
i had one and holy shit was it a chore. long two years.

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Lol, you should have suggested you watch it together

Yes. One of them even got physically abusive when I dumped her, that was an interesting night.

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I want one of two timeliness now.

Danny rules as a tyrant unchallenged and kills all that oppose her.

Or little finger comes back and manipulates everyone and everything to do his bidding and controlling a fake king by name only on the throne while he makes all decisions.


does she take male concubines?

Nice projection. By this logic you could also say that nazis empatize with her now that she became a genocidal sadistic maniac.

Jon is going to be her sex slave. He's going to be locked in a rape dungeon for the rest of his life.

>Plus you want a strong woman to crush your balls.
That's the one

Not that this contradicts what you said but just a reminder that everyone was getting boners for her 2 years ago as well when she was playing the girl in love. There were threads about how she is so "tsundere".

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Jon really needs to get his head on straight, jump her bones, and rule the ashes with his genocidal dragon queen.

he's going to go full autistic stark and try to overthrow her

To me she just looked autistic

She was qt in S7, but she's hot as fuck now.

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She has been shit actor in everything.

Only good perfomance was last ep


>crippled hyper autist voyeur
>smug cunt who thinks she's smarter than she is
>anime gurl with plot armor up the ass
>muh honor moral faggot who's little more than an extra this season

Every single Stark has become total shit. I want Dany to kill them all.

someone use the faceswap one

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because people here love social outcasts. that's who they can relate to.
dominating society as a social outcast is every user's power fantasy.


Come on now, I love Emilia, I think shes lovely and her off-screen personality is adorable - but she cant act. However she has had moments in GoT that are genuinely great. But those moments are few and far between.

She has never looked so sexy no meme

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It’s because she looks like a man

>its all so tiresome, fuck wh*toids

wine aunt dany yes please

Nice projecting
>you imagine her as man, not me. Everyone is gay but me haha

Malificent Dany would be hot

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user is right make up is jewish

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Maleficent, a witch denied her cunny

>I think shes lovely and her off-screen personality is adorable - but she cant act.
I honestly think she'd be great in romantic comedies. She can act to a certain extent, she just doesn't have the necessary skill for most serious dramatic roles, and she doesn't have a commanding bone in her body (if she'd been cast on her performance as the Dragon Queen rather than the innocent princess I doubt she'd have got the part). Give her something that actually plays to her innate strengths and I think she'd do well.

Fuck only knows what Kit Harrington is going to do after GoT though. Although I'd have said the same about Sophie Turner, and it looks like she's landed on her feet.

THIS. After 8 seasons of being a stuck up roastie mary sue she actually displays emotion other than arrogant or entitled.

she landed on a Jonas brothers dick

You're a fucking idiot.

Eclipse kino


the difference in how a woman looks when she's done up is both incredible and criminal.

Think she looks cuter in the bottom 2 desu, top right looks like a clown

>Among thousands of comrades and ten thousand enemies, only you... only you made me forget my dream. I see it!

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What a compelling counterpoint good sir

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I-I'm c-calling it guys, that little bitch arya is gonna kill her



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>Sansa and potato Jon rescued by uncle Benjen

This is, dare I say it, redpilled and basta.

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>I've seen 14 million futures and there's only one where Daenerys rapes Jon and it's beautiful

goddamnit broken danny gives me such a hard on, hnggggggggg

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If the last episode does not show Dany raping Sansa it was all for nothing

>Dany rapes Jon while Sansa watches
>Sansa loses an eye and an arm
>sequel series is Sansa trying to overthrow the Mad Dragon Queen while Jon is a quivering mess

I'd watch the fuck out of that

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A man can dream

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Was he based and redpilled all along? Being her cuck seems hot in hindsight.

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they could easily squeeze another season out of this

Inhave a domme fetish and always wanted dany to be my findom

People keep calling her mad, but she made the hard decision to do what was required

I can't look at his forehead. He's not a cuck, he's friendzoned.


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They may as well go full schlock. At least it's clear Emilia Clarke is a much better at playing villains than boring Mary Sues.

>They may as well go full schlock.

How is that different to the past 8 seasons? I want reconciliation and lesbian sex between Sansa and Dany.

>>Sansa loses an eye and an arm
Punished Sansa?
Alright, I might warm up to her that way

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How are you a radical fence-sitter?

its because it will only last 1 episode, you know its in limited supply so you are turned on.

That's actually a valid point

Bad Pussy Disorder?

You people like Dany now because she's finally flawed, she's not supposed to be perfect now so you can relate to her.
> huuuur she was flawed and evil from the start
No, that's your interpretation, you would feel exclude because the show didn't agree with you, in appereance at least. Now the show validates your interpretation, Dany existence isn't annoying anymore, you can finally admit she always was very hot.

Fuck reconciliation. That scheming whore Sansa deserves to be raped by Dany's Dothraki while Dany watches from her throne.

>tfw hot punished dany is going to die but that ugly ginger cunt sansa is gonna end up as the good guy

they do now

>You people like Dany now because she's finally flawed, she's not supposed to be perfect now so you can relate to her.
That but also her acting has improved and her outfit, wig and expressions are fantastic.

> implying it won't be by the Dothraki horse

Isn't it her real dyed hair for season 8

More like

>woman is capable of violence but attractive
>want her even more because her being mother to your children is a biological advantage
>as mother of your children they have a greater survival chance because she has can kill to protect them even if you're not there

They're not going to kill her right Yea Forums?
She'll be okay ?

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Of course not. Emilia Clarke has short hair. Also, you can't bleach hair that white without really fucking it up.

t. long hair fag

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Why do you not have passwords?

She dies 100%, Jon reluctantly stubs her.

he does but probably gave it to her

Ok, then I'll settle for a honeytrap where Dany ends up suffocating her with her clunge.

One other reason you like Dany more this season is that, at this point, everyone became equally retarded.

In season 3 or 4, the outrageously stupid stuff came straight from Dany but other characters had their moments. Now it's a shitfest of idiocy.
> Tyrion became an optimistic babbling fool.
> Jaime has no willpower at all
> Jon is an idiot with no planning capabilities whatsoever.
> Arya doesn't know what she wants after years or being monomaniac.
> Sansa tries really hard to look smart but decide nothing
> Bran is bored out of his skull, literally.
> Cersei put her faith in a retarded pirates and some basic machinery that should have existed for centuries in this setting. (Trebuchet before scorpions ? C'mon) And does FUCK ALL to win.
> most of the support cast is just here for the

And the worst offender, the battle of Winterfell
> Let's sacrifice all our Dothrakis because lol.
> Let's align all our troops in neat formations against an ennemy who doesn't stop when pierced, it will be fine.
> Let's put our trebuchets in the FRONT LINE so they can fire ONCE and be useless.
> Let's ignite frozen wood with torches
> Let's put 3 soldiers on the wall so they can climb easy
> Let's by no means reinforce the door

This is Yonkers magnitude of stupidity

She was already good in season 7 and she is literally carying season 8, hope she will win emmy. She didnt have good material to work with S02 to 06

I actually feel kind of bad for her.

These fucking jews managed to make me feel bad for her.

What the actual fuck.

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This episode she was finally allowed to act like a human being instead of a feminist icon caricature

giv evil gf

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so it wasn't acting and she was actually mad?

Wouldn't be surprised if she told the lights guy in her field of view to wear a dabid mask so she can stare daggers into his soul.

most likely. every other actor is pissed about their character.

Has to be the attire.
Her gear is /fa/ as fuck now.

HOT wine aunt Dany

Confirmed ded
Leaks are real and Jon will have fucking shanked her.

Her facial expressions really sell it too.

Its like watching christchurch edits again

Imagine if events in E5 happened in E2, with Dany the Crazy burning down every major power in Westeros and force-marching entire populations north to battle against the White Walkers. The South burned to cinders and the North turned to icy hell. That would have made a great finale.

But what of the dragon? Is there gonna be some hell fucking mad dragon fucking around now? Or will Bran be fucking useful for once and warg into the fucker.

Well, it's not easy to hide that and it has been known for a few weeks now: just seeing just how mad most of the cast is you'd guess that D&D messed up badly.

Damn, she went full on Metal.

All hail the dragon queen

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[rides dragon with malicious intent]

all you femdom faggots need to die

>unlike for the past 8 season

Shit, what if that was intentional though?

Generally the reason people hated her character is because she does lots of fucked up proto-tyrannical shit and we assumed the story wanted you to consider her a hero. I wonder just how much of Dany’s endgame and overall character arc Emilia was made aware of.

She’s one of the few main characters who’s read all the books and her performance as Dany descends into madness is way too good to be a fluke. Did GRRM let her know about Dany’s twist? Was her performance secretly kino all along?

Because for once her acting is solid.

>mary sues herself through 7 seasons
>gets rejected by both her lover and her royal subjects
>all her close friends and 2 of her dragons die
>enemies surrender
>"I sacrificed everything for this shallow feeling of victory?"
>burn them all
10/10 Mad Queen Dany best Dany and I say that as someone who hated her up until now

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Couldn't give a flying fuck about her early on and all my mates loved her cause "muh breaker of chains"
This was much better.


I want some sort of Azula/Dany fusion now, but I'm afraid my dick might not be able to take it.

Just like in my Japanese animes!

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I am baffled that people can't see the obvious, you guys are like women with "lol idk there is something about her"

1. She is THIN in that scene, her face is not her usual bloated baby face. Is it makeup or she filed this while she was in shape I don't know.

2. Thin face makes your eyes and lips look bigger, combined with pale skin red lipstick and vulnerable wide eyes it looks highly attractive to men.

It is so fucking simple and yet I haven't seen anyone notice it.

She has the prettiest eyes

Perhaps its because her character is, finally, just giving up on holding back and about to go apeshit?
I'd fuck her.

I want to FUCK the Mad Queen.

Underage & B&

>Wanting to fuck something is the same as liking someone
Dahw I remember being young.

Why do anglos like bad shows so much?

>three hours
women spend more time wandering around shopping

Who wouldn't?

Jon Snow for some stupid reason

Says the tripfag who loved Lost's last season.

She wasn't 100% mad at the time, we have yet to get an updated opinion.

If spoilers are anything to go by I don't think he is changing his mind

He's penetrating her the next episode.

It is a shame there are so few good yandere girls in anime and western tv

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> Father
IT's: are you proud of me Daddy

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That would make a nice wallpaper


That Elizabeth Holmes vibe

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cuz normies don’t like it and you’re all contrarians


her lips and eyes ARE big

Daddy is what she calls Jon.

He's gonna prick her next episode.

Yes spread and imagine the smell boys

why not both

Oh god, now I'm on board with this shit

>going from hot to SUPER hot

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Yes that’s what’s happening in the books too, it’s how GRRM intends her arc to go. He replied “This Guy gets it” to this post in 2013.

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Evil is sexy.

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>Plus you want a strong woman to crush your balls.

Because you’re an incel edgelord who will never get laid

I fucking love her bros

yeah, season 8's material was fucking stellar compared to the first seasons you fucking retard

Someone probably beat me to this but have this oc i knocked out


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Kek, this is the third one I've seen today. The other two edits were with BFG Division and Anakin's Betrayal. Keep up the good work, lads.

Holmes is a fish trying to pass as a human but not understanding how emotions work. Dany is the opposite, somebody that got too caught up in her rage.


can't stop laffin

Why is she causing so many heart boners like this?

based and redpilled

to all the faggots whining about muh war crimes, a reminder:


you can't break laws that don't exist
stop superimposing your cancerous modern morality onto medieval war

>She discovered my hentai stash and got into a huge fight

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>mfw Dany with black and red Targaryen armor from the books

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I'm not particularly turned on by her going mad but she just looks great in that scene. The Targaryen battledress suits her (black and red are a nice contrast to her white face/hair). The lighting suits her, the frame has a nice color palette (dark earth tones).

I was thinking that she looked good before I knew she was going to burn them all.

wew. she better win that Emmy

>implying sansa wouldn't enjoy getting raped by BDC

i'd rather her force herself on Jon and have Sansa watch, unable to do anything

I like the way you think. Have Drogon there too and threaten to burn Sansa if Jon doesn't perform well enough.

what is wrong with you people? this board has been saying she's fat and ugly for years and now suddenly she's Yea Forums's waifu?

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have sex

Would be better with djent metal.

have menstruation

DANY please!

I'm so fucked up.

I really wouldnt mind at all if she ravaged by boipucci desu senpai

The retardation of the characters is just a reflection of a retardation of the writers.

>Why is mad Dany so hot?
Because we perceive ourselves as heavily flawed beings and we know women nowadays have way bigger value in our society so a physically attractive woman with an obvious psychiatric disorder make her more achievable and, at the same time, awakens our protective instinct.

>tl;dr: she's no longer flawless so we think we have a chance with a woman like that.
>protip: we don't

The fantasy of taming crazy & powerful women with your dick is alluring. Also being dominated by them is equally as alluring to others.

Just my 2 cents but there are several different reasons she makes peoples dicks diamonds now.

Because you've never seen another woman in your life.

>think men are that complex
lmao her makeup was simply better and she looked like a human being for once

>when that boring YAAAS Queen icon basically turns into azula
How do I get a gf like that lads

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She looks so fucking hot in this scene. It's weird.