ITT: Actors everyone loves
ITT: Actors everyone loves
thots uh finds a way
>black girl WANTS to be colonized
>Jeff Goldblums whore
>that picture
why is this a thing?
Lol she never going to have a thousand though
more like ZOGGED
Nature finds a way.
Jeff Goldblum literally got memed into being a sex symbol
There's hope bros
Dude is ugly, wtf
blacks don’t differentiate between Jews and Whites. They’re both crackers to them.
I don’t get it. Is it because he’s tall and mumbles
Wow that sounds fucking racist.
Isn't he like sixty?
Goood for him but like wut.
american celeb worship is so fucking cringey and disgusting
So long as you're sharp and lean even young girls will be attracted to you.
Remember that his first role was as one of the gang rapists in the original Death Wish
I've never met a girl who doesn't like light choking. Even if they don't like being choked they still get super wet when you just put your hand on their throat without pushing.
He's not a sex symbol like some swole manly dude. He's got that intelligent silver fox vibe that many girls dig. I study humanities and most girls get wet over two professors who look ugly as fuck but have a certain aura and charisma.
Dont believe the /fit/ memes you autist.
based and cutepilled
>pulls dick out at bar and pulls your gfs hand onto it
Till those blacks become red pilled. Look at how much Niggers in NY hate Jews.
Jackie Chan.
Never give up bros
work hard everyday
Africans-Americans hate every ethnicity that's more successful than them. Have you ever been subject to black man ranting about the Bangladeshis?
They will learn the difference
he is tall and charismatic though
So what you're saying is that money and strength don't count as much as intelligence and the ability to communicate, to impassion the woman's imagination?
And also, doesn't this moot the gender difference in tinder attractiveness rating distribution? Doesn't this take a giant shit on MGTOW beliefs, and the notion that women are sexually unfair to men?
Implying Jews aren't the master colonizers.
No. What I am saying is that the /fit/ and incel memes sayng that looks > all are bullshit. Different women like different things. They all like success and confidence though. What matters is that you have at least something where you excel at.
Be it le artsy frontman of some band, a buff football player, a model with good looks or a charming intelligent professor.
Confidence is also important. That doesnt mean that confidence automatically gets you girls, but rather that without it everything else doesnt matter. You need it.
I don't know why I never realized that all these girls cream themselves over him like this. Those comments are wild.
he was always SEX GOD ever since the ICONIC jurrasic park scene
Bosnian mode
#metoo soon
shit this made me want to fuck jeff goldblum, i get it now.
Whites don't either, only /pol/ does
>only /pol/ does
and jews
woah, redpilled.
What the fuck do you even do in this situation
I don't know what you betas would do but for alphas like me? It's Slobbering time. No mercy.
I am literally a jew and while people usually aren't obsessed with "WE ARE NOT WHITES" the usual understanding is that we are something different
Absolutely nobody thinks the Ashkenazi type (ScarJo, David Beckham, Hershlag and such) are non-whites. But if you're a brown Sephardi type you stand out.
Becks is a Jew???
>don't become /fit/ to get girls
>just become an insanely charismatic person
Yeah I'm gonna stick with pushing iron up and down to get girls. Way easier.
You sucker punch him. Literal only course of action.
I do
Top tier reading comprehension
It's just 1/4, and there's the bit of Jewish law and all saying that stuff about only the children of Jewish mothers being really Jewish, but...
>Africans-Americans hate every ethnicity that's more successful than them. Have you ever been subject to black man ranting about the Bangladeshis?
Have you ever been around blacks from NYC? They are uniquely redpilled from having to be around Jews on a daily basis
How do they even have this info? Why do all these websites have 20 generations of ethnicity and religion info about celebrities’ families?
I fucking hate Jeff Goldblum
it's a joke site run by a butthurt jew, none of it is really accurate
>it's a joke site run by a butthurt jew
Maybe, but Becks is very open about being Jewish