And still normies and women think this was a hard turn or "out of character" for her.

This world is truly fucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Foreshadowing is not a replacement for character development, it's a lazy way of legitimizing just about any future action and pretending it was intended all along.

Even with foreshadowing, you have to actually show her going mad. You can't just have her go 0 to 100 and say "well she talked about burning everyone back in season 2". It's like D&D went to the Star Wars Prequels school of character development.

>a character suffering a setback/upsetting moment is foreshadowing that they become evil

How many times did Star Wars foreshadow Luke turning to the Dark Side?

And nevermind all the hardships she had endured up to this point. No, this is what broke her, not the other dozen struggles for her life.

yes you can you fucking reddit faggot, we don't need 10 capeshit movies to establish the obvious

daenerys burning KL is the femcel version of an incel shooting up his classroom

She's been getting gutted emotionally since the very first episode you dense motherfucker
Even more since S7, and now this last fourth and fifth episodes were just the tipping point

It's not enough

It's not foreshadowing though, it's literally her character. Dany going mad isn't a twist, she was always mad but people around her were keeping her crazy side in check, they were trying at least. If you think her actions were good and justified you're as delusional as she is

>This world is truly fucked
Oh I completely agree, when most people are evidently at a 10th Grade level of literary analysis. Congrats, you learned what foreshadowing means. It doesn’t excuse piss-poor character development.

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Nigga, you have to actually show the process of her going mad! You cant just cram it into 3 episodes and say 'oh we were building up to this for awhile.' You actually have to show the development of her getting to the breaking point over a character arch. Fucking people need to learn how films/tv are written.

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>"What? How dare losing 2/3 of her kids, her two closest confidants and possibly her only reason for doing any of it since she could very well lose the throne to her nephew be worse than that time when she got stuck in a mage tower??"

If you thought she was a "good" character at any point you are an absolute fucking cretin.

>And nevermind all the hardships she had endured up to this point. No, this is what broke her, not the other dozen struggles for her life.
Well. One big difference is that what does she have right now? Going to Westeros has lost her all but a dragon and a Eunuch. For a while she had gained Jon, but now she lost him.

If you forgot, she was actually quite a bitch upon showing up in Westeros and gave Jon an ultimatum to serve her or die.

One might argue that Jon was the only thing preventing her from doing this a long time ago.

you can't reason with feminists

Yes, it turns out the womyn power character was actually evil and no one could see it because you are blinded by feminism. Good going retards.

The worst part is anyone complaining about the "writing".

>Wow I didnt even see it coming! Bad writing! Makes no sense!

She has a vision of ashes in the House of the Undying. A family history of insanity. Her House words are "Fire and Blood". She burned her brother alive, crucifer hundreds, and burned dozens more simply for disagreeing with her. Robert Baratheon and pretty much everyone foreshadows this could happen. Especially this season.

Why do retards need everything spelled out or explained literally to them? Does no one even understand this show except me?

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Joffrey is insanely hot.

How many cities has she destroyed now.

in b4 Jon gets his head cut off

There’s a difference between attacks of self-defense or strategic military action, and the vaguely-defined “madness” that makes a person burn a city of 500,000 people. I’d bet my left but that GRRM intended on Daenerys burning King’s Landing for strategic reasons in the book, analogous to the Allies bombing Dresden or Hiroshima, instead of “lol she’s crazy like her dad”. Imagine if we got 8 seasons of a WWII drama only for last couple of episodes to show Truman “losing his mind” and ordering atomic bombs to be dropped, as if it’s that cartoonishly simple.

>I don’t think she decided ahead of time that she was going to do what she did. And then she sees the Red Keep, which is to her the home that her family built when they first came over to this country 300 years ago. It’s in that moment, on the walls of King’s Landing where she’s looking at that symbol of everything that was taken from her, when she makes the decision to make this personal.
>i-it didn't come out of nowhere xD

Actually, the Targaryens are insane tyrants and literally every character told you this millions of times throughout the entire series.

If you are surprised by this turn of events at all, it means you weren't paying attention.

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She was always crazy, but fear kept her in line in season 1 though watch her face as her brother is gruesomely killed—fucking crazy

After she survives the fire and has dragons, she's full Targ at that point, and its only with the tireless work of Jorah and Selmy and later Tyrion she builds up this shell of sanity to keep her in check.

>They can either live in my new world, or die in their old one

What would happen if she became queen of the 7 kingdoms and petty nobles started spreading propaganda/dissension and gullible westerosi peasants start refusing to pay taxes or something?
>I guess they don't want to live in my new world

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>There’s a difference between attacks of self-defense or strategic military action, and the vaguely-defined “madness” that makes a person burn a city of 500,000 people.

She decided the night before. "Fear it is, then." She chose to rule through fear. So she annihilated the city to make an example of it. Now every lord on the continent will bend the knee and not ever dare oppose her. She didn't snap at the moment of the bells.

>If you thought she was a "good" character at any point you are an absolute fucking cretin.
Yeah. People literally ignored her shoving Jorah in her way to block a sword blade.

They ignored that the reason she killed the slavemasters who sold her the Eunuchs was because she loved her dragons, not because she hated slavery.

She also abandoned all the slaves to go to westeros. To free people who were not slaves.

Her story of being a good girl is as contrived a story as your average sheltered white liberal woman who jumps at the chance to declare people evil to get attention.

Yeah, it sure was ""foreshadowed"" yet it still came out of nowhere.
The whole "she will be a bad ruler/Jon will be good ruler" debacle is so fucking empty it hurts. The way they handled (downplayed) the entirety of the Snowman King plot this season. Literally every fucking thing that happened in the last ep felt like an insult to me, but yeah, I can only blame myself for not giving up on this shitshow last season, or even the one before.
You win this one Dabid.

ITT Retards who fell for Dany's PR campaign while never taking an objective look at the character herself.

Just like Hillary Clinton voters.

>The worst part is anyone complaining about the "writing".
Are you retarded? Course it was going to happen but it had to happen over time and show her decent into madness. Not freak the fuck out over 3 episodes. WTF is wrong with you?

She wasn't getting attacked when she slaughtered whatever city the unsullied come from, nor when she crucified the nobles. She just was always a butcher.

>She also abandoned all the slaves to go to westeros. To free people who were not slaves.

An action that is obviously sure to bring more war and bloodshed. War that can only kill thousands of innocents, all so she can have her ass on the iron throne.

Her burning KL in her head is justifiable given her speech earlier on the episode that people will try to fuck her over on every turn
In a Machiavellian enlightenment, she saw she had to genocide and show she meant business and she will rule by fear
She made a conscious calculated decision
Mind you she only went for it at the last minute when she gazed at the red keep after the bells had been rang

Nice falseflag, sjw.

>Robert Baratheon and pretty much everyone foreshadows this could happen
>the (possibly pregnant again)whore actually destroyed the walls and turned the city into an open field for the horsefuckers
suck a dick ned, bobby was right all along

So dumb. They should have had her burning the Red Keep which sets off a chain reaction of wildfire.

it was too big of a redpill for them to swallow, rather than appreciating the lesson in arrogance they're calling it bad and not the true ending they were supposed to get.

>Mind you she only went for it at the last minute when she gazed at the red keep after the bells had been rang
Nah, she just took a moment to think about it, but had been planning that, she knew she would do it and varyas and tyrion knew too. It wasn't decided last minute.

To take the throne she believes was unjustly taken from her father who she knew already had tried to exterminate the population of kings landing...


The parallels are undeniable. You consumed too much Dany praise and fluff pieces to make a balanced judgement call.

and free her from the guilt?
>it was an accident guys

>my underage ass in 2011 called her losing it
>8 seasons later and a bunch of anime-watching retards still couldn't put 2 and 2 together
dany could look straight at the camera and tell the audience she's mad and these retards would still be looking for answers.

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my memory is fucking me, but didn't she still believe it was propaganda till way later after arriving to westeros?

But that's what I said you fucking retard

>descendant of the notoriously insane family was insane all along


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its reddit you can tell by the way they type
tons of classic films have whiplash twists like this retard. having to spoonfeed everything to manchildren (like with anime and capeshit) is the modern trend

You said she went for it last minute, i said she didn't

>retarded in 2011
>retarded in 2019
why even live

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>that time she burned slavers or her enemies is totally foreshadowing her genociding an entire city for no reason or end

Jesus christ fucking retards

>my memory is fucking me, but didn't she still believe it was propaganda till way later after arriving to westeros?
Oh, is that so? I didn't remember that if that is true.

>for no reason

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You don't need to be spoonfed every fucking thing. Stick to superhero movies if you want that

She clearly hesitated and reconsidered a bit before finally saying fuck it
But I agree she reasoned it all before

This is what happens when you don't spoonfeed enough. Even this thread is full of Catladies and Redditors who can't remember further than 2 episodes ago.

>tons of classic films have whiplash twists like this retard. having to spoonfeed everything to manchildren (like with anime and capeshit) is the modern trend
Normies just dont seem to understand fans are pissed at the fact that they rushed and cram everything into literally 2 episodes of her losing her shit. I think of she had just gone for the Red Keep and killed only those inside to get Cersei the fallout would have been much less harsh than it is right now.

seethe more it only proves my point

I mean she is abotu to do something very big, of course she hesitates for a second, i don't think it's a very meaningful part(also they just did it for suspense, but whatever). But whatever, at first i thought you meant she had the idea last second.

>Yea Forums defending the biggest hacks in television that managed to ruin every single male character and character arc because they think they "owned the libs"

I hate this fucking shithole

This is Yea Forums






Kill yourselves, all of you.

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she literally says shes going to make them fear her in the same episode

>my memory is fucking me, but didn't she still believe it was propaganda till way later after arriving to westeros?
Spookey, but youtube literally presented me with this video right after you asked me this question.



What is so wrong with having a mad Queen as your ruler?

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Daenerys is a trash "mary sue" character that George purposefully put on a pedestal so he can murder her later, I sincerely hope all the bookfags that actually like her(retards and women) understand that. Her chapters are pretty good though, especially with chad Selmy narrations.

But the normies are completely right here, she started going mad at episode 4 and went full retard in episode 5.

The onyl thing they changed in Dany's character is how the show presents her, she always slaughtered innocents.
Fuck off, this was obvious since like season 2

>Star Wars Prequels school of character development.
>anakin skywalker genocides an entire tribe of sand people when his mom dies
>wow who would've thought he would be evil
Star Wars did a better job.

what? no, the show still shitted on most characters, but believing dany had any ending but the mad queen one is dumb

It was showed though, you're just too pleb even for GoT which means suicide is something you should consider

I didn't realize having IQ above single digits and not be full blown acoustic is now considered a normie

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eye for an eye

Marvel minded retards can't handle ripoff Shakespearan style stories.

>people on Yea Forums are too dumb to follow game of thrones
We need to ban capeshit asap, it's our only chance to save the zoomers

> GRRM intended

We will never know as the fat fuck will never finish the books. Shut the fuck up.

You don't recall the last two seasons where she traps a house full of dothraki and burns them alive, or when shes constantly snapping at people and threatening to kill them? Or when she burns the Tarly father and son alive, even though everyone tells her don't do it.

Even the first time she meets Jon she nearly kills him, "BEND THE KNEE" and hes like, am I your prisoner?

This isnt how normal people act.

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this is a GRRM plot point, but the way the show handled it was shit
it showed have been a slow burn, not one episode
she goes out of her way to ban rape and free slaves
the people shes killed all had choices and 2nd chances and all did shitty things
she literally forgets about the person that caused all of her misery and killed her friend last episode and start killing random civilians
>they forgot that cersei blew thousands of people up
>they forgot cersei killed the pope and blew up the vatican
literally nobody cared...
you think people would have left by then anyway instead of the bitch who they know will kill them for her own gain and just murder the pope

the way to handle it is to have her slowly go made over this season by her attempts to keep power/revenge for her father
>burn in public
>cersei, jamie, vars, sansa, gendry, euron
all people plotting against her and those that either killed her father or are the offspring of the people with claim to the throne

then have her do shit like GRRM bitch about tolkien, like raise taxes to pay the iron bank, which at this point just lost like another 1 gorillion $, causing noble men to rebel or some shit
make her an incompetent ruler becoming obessed with power/control and fearful everyone think they are turning against her. Have her do a witch hunt
you know? game of thrones. Jon and Tyrion, davos, arya plotting against her.
have yara as another player, what about the black fish's nephew? Brann, and what about the dorne queen, is she dead? maybe dany frees her.
they have some many characters and plot left to make it work and not reduce it to explosions and rape

this is much better than
>ah bells
>kill young people, rape women,
>woooshhh, roarrrr, booooommm
>fire blow up stone

IQ above single digit and below triple digit is a normie

Hell even the prequels did a better job with it.

uh uh excuse me bots but:

What is so wrong with having a mad Queen as your ruler?

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Here is the breaker of chains throwing her favorite slave at a wight.

Listen to your king, dipshits

> "The 'dragon spawn' were famous for losing their minds. It was the price they paid for centuries of keeping the bloodlines pure, and Aerys more than happily continued the 'noble' sister-fucking tradition of his forefathers."

> ―Robert Baratheon on the Targaryens

Explain why all her "moments" were set to epic heroic music and everyone treating her like a savior.
Why is anyone actually defending this trash?

ummmm hellooooooooooooo:

What is so wrong with having a mad Queen as your ruler?

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Notice she stands behind him the entire time

> she abandoned her empire
This isn't true - she left Michiel Huidman as governor


Whats wrong with having a mad Queen?

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yeah normal people bake other people into pie and eat them
or posion their daughters and chain them within grasp of their mom
or kill thousands of innocents to get rid of rivals
or hang a child
literally every major character has done shitty things
that doesnt make you crazy
plus the dothraki were/are literal rape bandits, its not like they are defense women and childern or innocent people
she constantly threatens to kill threats to her, not random people

Is there any major character in the show that you couldn't make a list like this for?

>40 times Game of Thrones foreshadowed Jon Snow hijacking a dragon to raze King's Landing
>40 times Game of Thrones foreshadowed Tyrion holocausting the citizens of King's Landing with wildfire
>40 times Game of Thrones foreshadowed Arya assassinating all of her blood relatives
>40 times Game of Thrones foreshadowed Davos pranking Jaime by drilling holes in his and Cersei's escape boat

This is why you don't conflate victimhood with virtue.

>waah i was in an arranged marriage im the good guy

>burns streets and hovels of dirt shoveling peasants
>beats her dragon dick around the red keep instead of homing on it and burning it until it's rubble
Defend this retards.

They could have gone full on mad queen plot by burning the red keep and having the peasants throw tomatoes at her because she killed the peasants that were in the keep too. Then when a tomato hits her perfect hair she gets mad and burns the rest of the city to rubble



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>Why is anyone actually defending this trash?
Because the people attacking it seem to have troubles following basic plot points on a show about tits and zombies. The episode was kino unlike the last 30 episodes of this shitshow

>Jorah: If you want to sit on the throne your ancestors built you must win it. that will mean blood on your hands.

>Daenerys: The blood of my enemies, not the blood of innocents.

If Episode 5 had gone differently, you could have found plenty of evidence to "foreshadow" her not burning hundreds of thousands of unarmed commoners alive. That's how inconsistent and shitty the writing of this show is.

Nah they are absolutely based.

If you mean Jaime, his arc has always been "the things I do for love", even after he saves Brienne in the woods and loses a hand, he goes back to Cersei. That isnt character assassination, thats the true nature of a character.

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write stupid characters get stupid endings

this is the only complain I don't follow, she was never a fighter, outside of giving assistance there wasn't much she could do without being even more deadweight after the dragon fucked off
he was willing to die for her and take the hit since forever

She literally brought up burning everything to the ground as her #1 strategy at every fucking war meeting. The ONLY reason she didn't was because her advisors told her it was retarded.

Her #1 instinct has always been to burn it all. People who didn't see this coming are retarded.

Robert Baratheon of course being an unbiased scholar of the Targaryens



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Explain this entire article then.

She burned your favorite pornographic theater to ashes. Not cool.

Jon is from the same blood and yet is completely immune. Even though he killed a guy purely for belittling him and hung a kid. Of course this is not a sign of madness.

She's just clearly self-centered. She's not altruistic. She treated him as a tool. She treats everyone as a tool.

I don't even watch this show but I know this post must be right because of all the ass-chapped replies.

Reminder Yea Forums is always wrong. About everything. Always.

This, I'm still shocked people didn't see this coming. Too many marvel movies ruin the underage brain I guess



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>You don't recall the last two seasons where she traps a house full of dothraki and burns them alive, or when shes constantly snapping at people and threatening to kill them? Or when she burns the Tarly father and son alive, even though everyone tells her don't do it.
>Even the first time she meets Jon she nearly kills him, "BEND THE KNEE" and hes like, am I your prisoner?
>This isnt how normal people act.
She killed the Dothraki to take the men as her own. They werent innocent women and children in the hut. She burned the Tarly family because they defied her infront of everyone. They werent innocent, they were soldiers fighting against her. She tried to intimidate Jon into bending the knee. She wasnt going to kill him. And she got him to bend the knee by showing him respect. She isnt normal, but she isnt a monster that goes around burning innocent children. AND lets not forget she chained her dragons up when she thought they killed one innocent child. ONE child and she chained up her children in a cavern. She torched thousands of children....let that sink in.

>Jon is from the same blood and yet is completely immune. Even though he killed a guy purely for belittling him and hung a kid. Of course this is not a sign of madness.
If he goes mad it will be warranted too.

If there is some chance of going mad that doesn't then mean everyone has to go mad or no one. Or if anyone goes mad they all have to go mad at the same time. Not every Targaryan goes mad.

But I really do think they should have Jon do something bad next episode. He should kill Arya and that will kill the last two purish characters off in one stroke.

>Yea Forums will argue with this
When did this place became reddit?

nothing but I'm sure they won't end it that way, it sounds too kino

>If you mean Jaime, his arc has always been "the things I do for love", even after he saves Brienne in the woods and loses a hand, he goes back to Cersei. That isnt character assassination, thats the true nature of a character.
You do realize if a character doesn't change, there's no arc, right?

It's one of those straight, flat, 2 dimensional arcs

Season 3 Jaime
>Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women, and children burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then?

Season 8
>Jaime: When have I ever been able to convince Cersei of anything
>Tyrion: Try. If not for yourself, if not for her, then for every one of the million people in that city, innocent or otherwise.
>Jaime: To be honest, I never really cared much for them, innocent or otherwise.


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He tries to change but realizes he can't, same as Tony Soprano. Kino character with kino ending

>What would happen if she became queen of the 7 kingdoms and petty nobles started spreading propaganda/dissension and gullible westerosi peasants start refusing to pay taxes or something?
>I guess they don't want to live in my new world

That’s what we should have got, Danaerys ruling exactly like she did in essos but without slavers, it’s clear how fucked up her tyrannical rule is. Then going mad as the other lords of Westeros start to conspire against her, on top of realizing she won the throne but lost everything she loved and became exactly what she hated in the process.

Why do you want a show to just follow exactly along the foreshadowed plotline? What is the point of even watching if the future of the show is set in stone from the first season?

jon isn't a pure targaryens

With that retarded logic, every hero that doesnt become a villain by the end has a failed arc.

You are one dumb cunt.

Wow it's almost as if he's not a pure Targaryen.

>wah it needn't happen so sudden with her, we needed more time!
people snap too, and then can double down on shying away from reality
look at TDS, perfect current example
also its a show filled with hate, violence, sex and rape, I think there's enough trauma to go around

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game of thrones has so very few heroes who do the right thing no matter the cost

one of those was mirri maz duur

and she burned her alive

clue 1 of 45743456

>the only change possible for a character is a 180º one
Are you mentally impaired by any chance?

>They werent innocent, they were soldiers fighting against her.
and she gave them ample opportunity to bend to her. The Tarly's committed suicide.

tourists are not welcome

>You do realize if a character doesn't change, there's no arc, right?
Holy fucking mother of PLEBE, is thid some kind of 67D bait?

It's stupid because Night King or Cersei were built up as the final boss and both were killed off comically easy. Now we get this last minute murder spree that has already topped the combined kill count of NK and Cersei over the past decade all in less than a day. The other dragons were hilariously fragile and easy to kill but NOW it's an unstoppable force of nature.
Even if you thought she was unstable, there is no way anyone could have predicted her to be the twist villain and also the only villain left in the entire show. The only people defending this shit and go on about muh foreshadowing are those who already hated Dany since the beginning. Book Dany was a lot more complex but show Dany was no more insane nor did anything more evil than the shit Tyrion, Jon, Arya, or Sansa have done.

I saw the end in book 1, I am sorry you could not

If she embraced fully her targaryan-ness it could explain both her becoming much better at dragonying, and also nuts.

I think a lot of people who go on about the foreshadowing are actually on the autism spectrum. There are a lot of legit autistic people on Yea Forums. For them it's perfect because all the pieces of the puzzle fit together regardless of the dramatic aspects. If she had -not- gone mad by the end they would be pissed off because that would not be the right math.

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>there is no way anyone could have predicted her to be the twist villain
Anyone with half a brain predicted this when she burnt Sam's family. If anything it was too predictable

>strategic reason
>for bombing Dresden
>the cultural capital of Germany that was completely civilian
It was just Allied cruelty, user, that was forgiven because the Allies won.

>she only went for it at the last minute when she gazed at the red keep after the bells had been rang

No, she was always gonna burn the city bells or no bells.
Had the bells not been rung, her burning of the city would have been justified.
The ringing of the bells pissed her off because her burning the city is just a dick thing to do now.

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She had every reason to burn them. That was not an act of madness.

Is this supposed to be proof of something? He says in the same sentence as well "Tell me if someone commanded you to kill your own father would you do it?"

I always got the feeling he was simply giving a moral high ground to himself to explain to Brienne why he stabbed the king in the back and everyone roasts him for it.

You realize he pushes Bran out of a window after that act of "heroism" right?

You realize he kills one of his own cousins too right? Hes always been a self centered character.

she made a bargain in book 1, saw the cost and regretted it and burned her

gee I wonder if she will come to regret the other bargains in the end, oh deer

a psychotic break isn't a steady progression you fucking retard
that's what the word break or snap entails

>No, she was always gonna burn the city bells or no bells.
Only because she was written to be that way in season 8. That's the problem people have with this. Previous seasons Dany was blustering about burning this or that but her actions spoke louder.

>every single character in the show does horrible or questionable things
>executions, murder, war, betrayals have been in the show since day 1
>but because kelly c went mad suddenly everything she did before is held to 21 century standards instead of in universe standards and everything that doesn't line up with them is a hint that she's mad because hindsight is one hell of a drug

It was rushed, there were barely any hints she'd genocide an entire city.
The impossibility of only showing her pov in the show and pandering to q ratings and sjw killed any foreshadowing grrm did.

Not really, no. They were nobles with strategic value as hostages. You seem to be autismal, buddy

>She has a vision of ashes in the House of the Undying

Yeah this stuff has been a long time coming. Biggest tip off should have been that she has never gotten any of the houses in Westeros to support her, it was always slaves or barbarian hordes.

There's also the whole practical aspect of telling a good story in the right time and place in the real world for D&D. And this ain't it. What's the final message of GOT? Right now it feels like fuck you.

>hysterical girl bring a bunch of tribesmen to their death to a land the don't know instead of rebuilding at home to fight for a throne she hasn't even seen in her life to rule over people that hate her and she has no reason to care for

>show tells a story, and takes its sweet time telling that story with no foreseeable end
>ok change of plans we're gonna end the series in this season so go ahead and find a way to end it, and do it quick
>all of a sudden there are asspulls and everything seems rushed

Yeah what else did you expect.

She heard that argument and refused it. She was taking no hostages from there on out, and burned them to let every other noble know it.

>What's the final message of GOT? Right now it feels like fuck you.
Go watch season 1 again, reddit.

That vision of ashes in the throne room could have meant anything. Didn't mean she was going to torch the whole damned city.
>implying D&D even knew what that scene meant at the time it was shot

>I always got the feeling he was simply giving a moral high ground to himself to explain to Brienne why he stabbed the king in the back and everyone roasts him for it.
I don't care about your feelings, I'm talking about a character who is established to be one thing, and then the writers say "LOL no, he only cares about one thing and that's dicking his sister." You're arguing for the illusion of complex characters that are deep down actuall one note. It's no wonder you like D&D so much, your explanations sound just like theirs.

>before this episode this board united in shitting on the show 24/7 with no excuses or apologies
>now that normies are the ones hating it all the D&D apologists came out of seemingly nowhere, praising the writing

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khal drogo is about to be as he was

when the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry, when the mountains blow in the wind, like leaves

dany dies and is reunited like in the vision

>She heard that argument and refused it
Right she was full Mad Queen already, I agree people who didn't see this coming are retarded

Go read what the word "final" means again, dumbass. Do you judge whole stories by what happens in the first chapter?

GOT has always been about this sort of thing. I'm sorry it's not like your capeshit.

>show has 30 mediocre or straight up garbage episodes in a row
>Yea Forums shits on it
>reddit loves it

>show suddenly has a KINO episode
>Yea Forums loves it
>reddit hates it
Wew so weird

Early Dany was easy mode. Break some chains and have the people follow you. She burned or crucified those who didn't.
She gets to Westeros and nobody wants to follow her. So she goes straight to the burning.

That wasn't madness. Robert and Tywin would have most likely done the same thing in that position. At that stage Daenerys was not fucking around with hostages and politics. It's join us or die because the Army of the Dead is coming.

No, it hasn't. When a bad thing happened, it made sense why it happened.

It's the same writing style, you just like it because Dany got shit on. D&D shit on every character, nothing changed. The writing didn't improve. You were validated so you feel a need to defend that validation.


>No, it hasn't. When a bad thing happened, it made sense why it happened.
You cannot argue that her going crazy does not make sense.

You just dance around "oh well she wasn't crazy in the past or she needs to spend more time going crazy" or some shit.

Her going crazy makes more sense than most of the other character's' sudden changes of behavior.

>she has never gotten any of the houses in Westeros to support her
except the tyrells, martells, and greyjoys. and the king in the north

What was so kino about it? It's the same drivel as the rest of the season.

>burning valuable hostages alive for no reason isn't madness

you're a nigger be quiet.

There's a reason George had tons of moments that show Dany's dark side and maliciousness, whereas in the show she's shown to strive towards some kind of Jorah influenced compromise again and again. He probably wanted to make the transition into complete pointless massacre more natural.

Do you have any idea what the term "story arc" means? What it means is that a story starts in one place, action occurs, and it arrives in another. This is considered entertaining or illuminating by audiences and readers.

Stories that just start off miserable, stay miserable, and end miserable are known as horror stories. Is Game of Thrones a horror show?

Yeah that seems reasonable, less than 40 minutes of offscreen 'development'. You must have loved the fast travel bullshit too you burlington bar retard.

Visuals, Dany going finally crazy as foreshadowed for 8 seasons and so on, Cleganebowl, everything except Arya and Euron really

I literally just wrote why they are not valuable to her at this point in the story. If you can't refute the text of what I'm writing you're not worth replying to any further.

Move those goalposts, bitch.

Slaughtering them completely pointlessly? You're a nigger.

this is actually true.

t.schizo who snapped

>Stories that just start off miserable, stay miserable, and end miserable are known as horror stories.
Jesus fucking christ this must be the dumbest post of 2019 right here

oh please, cersei wouldn’t have negotiated with dany over the fucking tarlys

They didn't
The script for that episode says "snow". D&D aren't smart enough to have something like that planned either, so don't give me "It was intentional deception". Their justification for her burning the city was that she wanted to "make it personal", that's the level of character analysis that goes through these chucklefuck's heads.

Could you imagine being such a subhuman that you now love the writing in GoT because some twitter people got mad about the episode?

Have sex with a dog.

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>Yeah that seems reasonable, less than 40 minutes of offscreen 'development'. You must have loved the fast travel bullshit too you burlington bar retard.
Her losing jorah.
Her not being praised.
Her finding out she doesn't even deserve what she spent her whole life pursuing.
Her losing her closest friend.
Her losign 2/3 dragons.
Her finally losing literally the only thing she had gained in Westeros (Jon's love).

Sure, this was just out of the blue.

I've moved nothing. You have no answer to me because you don't really care about this. You're just shitposting, but the level of discourse has reached a level where it's too hard for you to make decent plausible bullshit replies, so now you're going to fuck off to another thread and start the whole cycle all over again with another user.

Aren't you?

Go back to your capeshit thread.

>She made a conscious calculated decision. Mind you she only went for it at the last minute when she gazed at the red keep after the bells had been rang
This. She did it because she could. She wanted to teach a lesson. She basically carried out her dad’s last command. SHe undid Jaime’s saving of King’s Landing. The lesson she’s giving is never go against a Targaryen ever again. Face it, Danyfags. She’s been a sociopath from day 1, plain and simple. If instead of putting some heroic music every time she pulled one of her stunts and instead put some horror music then you would have understood

You wrote dumb shit and it was discarded as such, we literally see Tyrion trying to stop her. We see all her descens to madness from Tyrion perspective actually, he stops her from doing other crazy things. We see how it affects Sam when finds out, another purely good character and fucking Varys too. If you can't follow this man you shouldn't even try with real cinema

What's the alternative? Tragedy? No, for a story to be tragic it needs to have some moments of levity and happiness. And if that's the way Game of Thrones "has always been" then it hasn't had those moments.

And if it has had them then that is not how it "has always been".

And still no one has answered what the final message of Game of Thrones is supposed to be to the viewer. What are they to take away from all of this?

Congratulations to all of you on being a bunch of brain dead fucktards who disingenuously defend this hackjob just because it makes some libshit faggots salty. I'd expect nothing less from you highway speed IQ niggers. If 4chin is the asshole of the interwebz, than this board is truly the asshole of the asshole of the interwebz.

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a.) you can’t use material from the books to back up the show. if it’s not shown to the audience it’s not show canon
b.) even if that were the case, in the most recent book dany walks among plague-ridden people outside her city gates, feeds and washes them even though they’re doomed to die because it’s the right thing to do. there is no foreshadowing of her slaughtering innocent people

Trannies getting megamad in this thread.

>What's the alternative?
Drama. Do you think Macbeth is a horror story too you fucking capeshitter?

Every fucking scene with her this season was centered on how her claim was moot and her ramping insecurity and paranoia. They said she isolated herself for two weeks without sleeping and barely eating. She literally tells Jon she chooses fear when he proves he cant ignore his heritage. THEY SPELLED IT OUT FOR CHILDREN AND SMOOTHBRAINS STILL DIDNT GET IT.

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Damn this redditor sure is SEETHING

I saw danyfags comparing this to prequels because Ep3 Anakin's turn was also "sudden"
These are the people who missed two entire movies of dude clearly going evil because it wasn't a buildbup of "well he kills one guy, and then he kills two guys, and the he kills three guys..." and focused on how his actual character flaws came to be instead.
And that was a literal children movie written by retards. You'd have to basically be a double retard not to get it.

Tyrion doesn't know everything. Tyrion is not a conqueror.

And we don't know that Daenerys would have finally gone ahead with the plans he's advising against. At the end of the day Dany made the decisions, not Tyrion.

>Congratulations to all of you on being a bunch of brain dead fucktards who disingenuously defend this hackjob
It's a great appropriate twist that is the only thing that could have possibly saved the shitshow.

But it was still done poorly. D&D are terrible and should never get a job again but will because nepotism/connections.

Normies and social justice feminst BTFO

Glad you could make it, wc3anon

They literally had to talk her out of doing this LAST SEASON.

>If instead of putting some heroic music every time she pulled one of her stunts and instead put some horror music then you would have understood
Actually, people would have been saying thing like "Does anyone else feel like the show telling us Daenerys is a villain, but she's sort of right? Why is she the villain for killing slavers? Why is she the villain for killing Dothraki chiefs who want to rape her and send her to live with the crones?" It would basically be like Stannisfags on /got/.


>because it’s the right thing to do
Or maybe because of her massive god-complex, you know, that thing that all the talking about taking what's hers with fire and blood may have clued you in on?

Which was a mistake. Maybe she wouldn’t have burned the entire city. Also Olenna would be alive and a lot more

Dany always had a violent, ruthless, edge to her. There were plenty of times she dished out punishment that was disproportionate to the crime, or at least cruel an unusual. She also showed us she's fond of collective punishment. But going around and burning every inch of KL was still too extreme of a shift. I'd expect her to go "fuck the optics" on the red keep, to get to Cersei, killing all of her civilian meat shields in the process, surrender or no, but what actually happened was inconsistent with her character, ruthless or no.

You've only proven my point for me. Was the message of MacBeth to be "fuck you"?

However, you have also proven you have very poor reading comprehension because I was arguing from the beginning the Game of Thrones is -not- a horror story. It was a rhetorical question towards user who implied that is what is was via his insinuation that all of GOT is about is people fucking dying miserably.

Do you know what that is? A rhetorical question? Things getting a little too complicated for ya here little guy?
*gently knocks on anons head*

Tyrion is the voice of reason and he's horrified, same with Varys. You're just grasping at straws.

She threated to start a nuclear world war over hackers exposigng her criminal e-mails. Does that sound like a sane person to you?

so what?

creating fake drama because kikes can't write stories

nothing in this shitty season makes any sense

it's not like a couple of things are weak sauce, no the whole damn thing is pure garbage

this is the first time normies and patrician see eye to eye

and the two neo palestinians are getting a shot at an original IP,

let the shit sink in

>She also showed us she's fond of collective punishment.
Mostly because she's an overdramatic teenage girl who sees things like this in black and white and doesn't think about the further repercussions at first. But she grows.

>if a story stays miserable it must be a horror story
>no, that's retarded
>wow you proved my point
Nice redditspacing too tranny

It was so retarded and such piss poor writing I can't believe some mongs on Yea Forums are defending this. Then again I think they are trolling.

All that happened was she gave into her worst insticts as she no longer had anyone holding her back. All her advisors are either dead, traitorous threats. People really just zone out unless the dragons are onscreen don't they.

You're right but this board will tell you otherwise because Yea Forums will defend anything, even blatant fucking bad writing, if it means defending what pisses off normies.
They had a hundred opportunities to show Daenerys slowly flirt with madness and bthey skipped on all of them, her just snapping right now is pure bullshit.

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>Dany burns enemies alive with smug face
>yaaaas queen slay

>Dany has nos qualm burning civilians

Compare this to Jon who never enjoyed any kill nor killed someone in vengeful rage. The things normies loved Dany for were all deeply immoral and a sign of psychopathy to begin with. They just refused to admit it because themselves indulged in such psycho behaviors with excuses like "it's karma" or "at long last a badass woman".

I thought that she was just going to burn down the Red Keep to get to Cersei without caring about all the people who had been packed in there as human shields. Dany would gain from it and it's not a big stretch from her past and the way she was progressing, most people would buy that I think. It was even established that Cersei was doing that just so Dany would have to commit that kind of atrocity. But her zigzagging across the city burning every innocent person she sees? Ridiculous without a hell of a lot more development on her madness

>0 to 100
desu she's been a blind, insufferable arrogant cunt since season 6, it was just a matter of time she would chimp out and do whatever she wanted

It pisses off Burlington retards and twitter SJWs so it must be defended at all costs.
Pick your side in the culture war or it'll be picked for you.


no such thing. An obnoxious woman will always be off putting and have no friends, but their vaginas will always be a valuable commodity until a later age.
Just like men w/ money, they will always get laid, no matter what.

As a woman, the prerequisite for easy access to sex is a vagina.
As a man, it's money.
That is our nature, like it or not, agree with it or not, but when it comes to our instincts we will only to a limited extent consciously reflect on our actions and desires.
Incels will never get laid unless they pay for it or climb up the social ladder. Women will always get laid.

If Daenerys was some altruistic savior who cared for the little guy she'd have stayed across the sea. But no she dumped it on Daario first chance she got to go take her throne. It's all she ever cared about.

LOL I can't even work out why you so mad nigga

>character development
That would imply that she needed to develop into a psychopath and wasn't one from the beginning and just hiding it.

Daenerys could be quite cold and she did do brutal things to her enemies, but it all had a decent sense of justice to it since these people were normally slave traders. I could buy her burning the shit out of all those innocents if her madness slowly developed.
Instead characters just keep saying about how Targs are mad so it's apparently completely okay to jump from slave owners to innocent people.

kek fuck daenerys fuck targaryens and fuck wh*toids

I thought it was pretty consistent with her. She always wanted to nuke king's landing to take the throne but only didn't cause all her advisors were like nah senpai don't they won't like you. Then the when of this series has basically been about her claim being removed and how everyone is turning against her and all she can use is fear

>Instagram screenshots
Can you at least pretend you're not a redditor?

She knows she'll never hold the throne any other way. Fear and subjucation is her only route as her claim is gone and the North is already working to undermine her. Why is this so hard for people to understand, and why are they trying to apply robotic armchair logic to a character clearly at their lowest point.

You just go ahead and seize on the semantics of the definition of horror instead of actually discussing the topic at hand there little buddy. You can call that a "win". *pats head*.

That’s why the look on Cersei’s face is priceless. Her complete plan fell apart when Dany gladly accepted to be a villain.

Why are you samefagging so hard? Wouldn't it be easier to just have an argument instead of embarrassing yourself?


Absolutely right

this, it's like when anakin went from wanting to arrest sheev to slaughtering children in the span of 10 minutes, I can't believe autists are defending this

Sorry you got BTFO fren! Good luck next time!

>There's a reason George had tons of moments that show Dany's dark side and maliciousness
you mean like this, which was later what literally happened


>using the writing of ep3 as the paradigm of a good corruption arc

Except every scene with her this season has been her steady decline into old Targaryen ways. She has nothing but tyranny to work with anymore.

>Varys outright tells the audience she's crazy
What the fuck do these redditors need? Do they need to pull a blackboard and write it all down?


naw. my schizophrenic brother changed overnight.

Redditors need to be told who is the bad guy through aggressive marketing and toys.

They wanted her to have a grand shakesperian speech where she exposits all her feelings and outlines her giving into her true nature because clearly visual and acting arent enough of a tell for these idiots.

No it isn't, she's always wanted to kill anyone who doesn't agree with her, and consistently doesn't mercy to any of her enemies.
She's also always been obsessed with taking the throne through the whole show and now the information that jon has a better claim is out, she thinks fear is the only way she can control people.
How does this not make sense?

Imagine actually believing Dany was a heroic protagonist.

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I dont get why people are saying this came out of nowhere? Dany has literally burnt someone alive every season, illegally stole her army from another country after betraying them, crucified 100s of people and burnt to death people without even a trial just because she thought they were guilty, Ive been calling her descent into madness since season 3, people are fucking stupid

Varys wasn't saying she was crazy, Dumb and Dumber can't even write some internal consistency within the same episode. What Varys was saying was that Jon would be a better candidate for the throne as someone who never sought power, and is magically revealed to be a Targ at the last minute. Before that he had all his chips on Danny.

dany is actually very heroic if you identify with inbred insane evil retards aka SJWs

Imagine if every story went down this path
>"Rock, you don't stand a chance against Apollo! He's too strong! You're just a dumb wop who'll never amount to anything!"
>day of fight comes
>Rocky just throws the fight because he knows he can't win because it was foreshadowed

This was the original ending for the turbo plebs in the audience who aren't in the know. Wonder why old Stallone decided to change it?
I'll tell you why it sucked

And tell me, what was Varys reacting to that he said that? What changed his mind about supporting her, and made him realize that she was a a danger to the realm he's tried to protect by following her? Characters being prophetic is not good foreshadowing.

Mcfucking kill yourself you postmodern faggot

>People literally ignored her shoving Jorah in her way to block a sword blade.
He was already dying from mortal wounds. This is brutal, but it isn't madness.

This image is disinginuous as fuck and can only have been written by a woman or a retard

S01 : Daenerys burns the woman that killed both her child and her husband.
S02 : Daenerys is in chains and burning her jailer is how she escapes
S03 : Daenerys burns the slave masters that insulted her to start her army. She also does it because she is actually shown to be compassionate.
S04 : Daenerys chastises her enemies who scolded her by crucifying slaves first. She kills the same number of slave owners than the number of slaves killed. This is both understandable since it is war and strengthens her position towards her newly freed people, and it is nothing as gratuitous as what we've seen other characters done (Ramsay, Cersei, Joffrey,The Mountain, The Sand Snakes, etc ...)
S05 : Daenerys delivers medieval justice.
S06 : Daenerys kills the generals of an enemy faction in one swift move to win over their army. This is nothing more than what Tywin did by arranging for the Red Wedding.
S07 : Daenerys fights a war.

I enjoy the saltmining as much as any other fucking faggot her but I cannot stand intellectual dishonesty, her jumping the shark is absolute unadulterated shit writing.

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>But it was still done poorly
Absolutely, like everything else this season, and more generally, everything since 2015. Anyone who says otherwise is just some contrarian underage b& dipshit who only approves of this faggotry because it just so happens to destroy normalshit's expectations of Marysuenerys's arc.
This would have been an entirely acceptable means of foreshadowing her eventual descent into madness.
That's called "shit writing", retard. In the space of less than one film, he literally goes from reckless but good hearted lil Annie to a child-killing mass murderer just because some chucklefuck he barely knows told him his bitch is going to die. You're probably just trolling to be a petty cunt, but if you aren't, it's not very difficult to see why your mongoloid ass approves of both scenarios and considers them to be examples of quality storytelling.

earlier in the episode you say? well then that's alright

Reddit image
Reddit post

Fuck off

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I took that she burned king's landing as a strategic choice (and partially revenge also). She said the night before all she had is fear and Jon not fucking her consolidated that

Return to Reddit

Book Daenerys would never, ever do anything like this in the form we currently know her. She is the one who is always restraining her advisors and generals who want more bloodshed.

Holy shit it was so obvious the whole show that Jon was the good one.

Even just the fact she's so power hungry should have tipped you off.

>iT's liKE MacBEth

Why couldn't Jon keep a secret for more than five minutes? What did he hope to achieve by telling people who hate Daenerys news that could totally fuck her over?

Cause Jon is a retard fuck-up and always has been

>bringing up reddit
The episode is shit and you’re a fucking retard.

Varys is supposed to be wrong.
Just because a character says something doesn't mean it has to be true.

>This would have been an entirely acceptable means of foreshadowing her eventual descent into madness.
No it wouldn't have, because the whiplash of Daenerys ruthlessly killing her enemies, people who betrayed her, and people who uphold oppressive systems to killing millions of civilians still would have made people angry, just like Stannis "Why is Stannis treated as evil? He's done nothing wrong? Why is his theme so menacing?" *Stannis kills his own daughter* "I knew these hacks hated Stannis, they tried to paint him as a villain even though he was right, and then made him do something actually villainous so they could kill him the next episode" Replace "Stannis" with "Daenerys" and "kills his own daughter" with "burns King's landing" and you have what would have happened if they changed how she was framed, but kept her actions the same. It's in fact, a very similar pattern.

mine too

What lords are left exactly?

every reply to this will be a shitpost because there is no true refutation. Thank you user.

Because deep inside Jon wants people to know he's not a bastard, considering how much shit he's gotten for it over the years, especially from Sansa and her mother.

Gotta remember that he was raised by Ned and seems to follow his moral "code" even if it means fucking yourself over like Ned did

D&D confirmed she decided it at that very moment, when she saw the Red Keep. Any other interpretation is just your personal head canon.

>Kino episode
You're a complete retard. Goodbye and kys

Her being at risk for going mad with power and burning her enemies to the extreme is well established. Dany deciding to just target civilians without any control in a deliberate attempt to wipe out the people she intended to liberate from Cersei, and then her ancestral home after was not well established. The mad king shouted burn them all when the city was being sacked by Tywin, not when he heard Robert lost a battle but was still alive. It was just over the top and poorly executed. Dany even when trying to rule by fear in the past executed only a few people. Its just a big leap to become death incarnate after winning the war

user, foreshadowing isn't a replacement for character development. It's all been extremely rushed, and the decent into madness was more of a baby's first low dive. Everyone has seen it happening to other characters for years now but they've just now started rushing through Daenerys's plot progression to wrap it all up in 6 episodes and it's jarring.

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Because lies is what got the seven kingdoms in this mess in the first place.

>Dany going crazy
The writing around that was as sloppy as ever and Emilia is one of the worst actresses on tv.
The whole scene looked like shit and the fight was underwhelming. Gregor’s makeup was nice tho.

Lena Headey was the only good thing about this episode as per usual

Remember when EVERYONE on Yea Forums called Danny a do no wrong Mary Sue? I mean holy shit is this board populated by retards.

Jon is the good guy, because, he never has to make any hard decisions which are morally grey. Remember Ned Stark and Robert, who went to war for just reasons and then had to realize that you had to get your hands dirty? Kill the Targ babies and the mad king?And yet even when Jon does some difficult decision and is rightfully punished by the plot (taking in the wildlings), he literally MAGICALLY comes back from death.

So yes this is what Game of Thrones has come down to thanks to D&D subverting our expectations, good guys vs bad guys. Fuck this show.

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>she'd have stayed across the sea.
Which is what she did in Mereen during the whole of season 5 and it was fucking shit writing. She's been targeting the Iron Thrones since S01 and all of a sudden, in S05, she spends a whole season fucking around and doing fuck all because "muh people muh children".
It was fucking shit and out of pace and character for her, but we all had to endure it because it showed she fucking cared.
And now, you're trying to tell me that no, she doesn't.
Fuck you, it's inconsistent as fuck.
I don't mind she turned crazy, but anyone saying it was foreshadowed is a contrarian faggot as retarded as their NPC equivalent.

It's shit writing.

If that's true then they are really dumb.

Have sex.

She's always wanted to be way more ruthless than she has though and only ever shown mercy because her advisors told her. This season though she's lost mesundae and no longer trusts tyrion cause he's constantly fucking up. They were the people convincing her not to just steamroll king's landing in the first place.
That coupled with the fact that her 'right' to take the throne which has been her entire motivation the whole show is now undermined by Jon's stronger claim being wider knowledge.
She knows she can't win the favour of the people and that's all that was stopping her in the first place.

>If Daenerys was some altruistic savior who cared for the little guy she'd have stayed across the sea
Book Daenerys struggles about this over and over. It's a consequence of the book-to-television adaption that we don't get to see her think about it as much. A *cough* good writer *cough* can usually work around this with *cough* character development.

>casually discussing burning people to death
>totally not insane
What the fuck do you want? Foaming at the mouth and revolving eyes?

Everything you said was wrong.
>She decided the night before. "Fear it is, then." She chose to rule through fear.
Nope. She "Chose to make it personal" to hurt Cersei. Again, she chose to hurt commoners Cersei's never given a shit about to hurt Cersei as revenge.
>So she annihilated the city to make an example of it.
Nope, not strategic, personal. It's actually a terrible move strategically, Tywin Lannister told Joffrey about how you don't give your enemies fire and death AFTER they bend the knee to you, or else they won't bend the knee to you.
>Now every lord on the continent will bend the knee and not ever dare oppose her. She didn't snap at the moment of the bells.
Why would they bend the knee to her? She has no throne to rule from, her forces are only what she had before the siege, when she could have added the Lannisters to her ranks, and now she's shown that there's no protection to be gained from surrender to her. She's not going to win, she's going to die in the next episode.

It was never foreshadowed that one day she will burn thousands of innocent people for no reason. Her enemies, yes, but not just random people. If anything, her character was always about HELPING the innocent and poor. Admit it, D&D just wanted a big shocking twist, if her actions were even a little bit justified it wouldn't have worked as a twist.

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You don’t capitalize the B in the Scottish play ya dip. Also you’re being reductive to the point of absurdity if your real true beef with GoT at this point is that it doesn’t boil down to a “message.”

Kings Landing was a degenerate cesspool of sin. Every person there deserved to die. Dany did nothing wrong.

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I think she'll die next episode by some bullshit cause they don't want a 'baddie' to win. However, I think it was a good strategic decision even if it was motivated by personal revenge as there is literally nobody powerful enough left in westeros to oppose her

How do you even manage to breath?

when the show goes off the air will you feel like you wasted your time? would you recommend it to anyone else knowing how it ends?

She fucking destroyed the city and castle that houses the throne
The throne itself is now in a ruined throne room. That is just completely the opposite of what she desired before, ruthless or not. Crazy Dany before was
>Kill all the masters
>Burn Meereen to the ground so that people will be afraid of slavery

Holy fuck please stop with this "0 to 100" bullshit. At least say 70 to 100 or something. She was obviously breaking down.

If they complain just tell them to have sex.

Holy fuck this is such a bad argument.

I wasn't surprised by it though. She's always been violent with her enemies and not really cared about collateral damage. She had to be convinced several times to not just smash and grab the throne by attacking kings landing no matter about the innocents that would die. Also this whole series you can see her becoming more insecure about her claim to the iron throne which has always been her main motivation.

What character development she couldn't restrain her emotions and went full madking.
She was always like that there was no development. It's simply that there wasn't enough fuel before to truly tilt her and now it finally happened.
>muh character development
The show is shit but here it made complete and utter sense I can't believe people are still arguing about this.

Killing her wouldn't be bullshit because anybody with any vague connection to King's Landing will now want to kill her
Tywin sacking King's Landing caused countless revenge killings over two decades
One fucking babies head being smashed has allowed a rival claimant in the books. Killing so many people creates infinite enemies, and Daenarys is only human.

Intentional fallacy. Who gives a shit what they say. Why are we even still watching.

>She had to be convinced several times to not just smash and grab the throne by attacking kings landing no matter about the innocents that would die.
There's no real evidence she would have actually done that. That's not how discussions about leadership work. She puts forward her plan then hears what her staff has to say, then considers it and takes an action based off of it.

It wasn't crammed though. This has been building up for a long time.

So all that "break the wheel" shit was just hot air? Its true that she didn't have any real development but she did have motivations and values. Killing civilians for no reason was not one of them.

Except they also justified her insecurity and paranoia, therefore legitimizing them.
If she was going crazy about things that didn't happen, fine, but the writers gave her every reason to act the way she did, and then just pulled a snap out of their asses because they desperately needed to have her go mad for the ending.
It was rushed and poorly written.

/teevee/ defending Dabid & Denis now because they made women mad.
We've completed the circle.

Fear is truly the most useful if not the only way to control people. But fear has to be without hatred and she failed to avoid hatred. Too bad she couldn't read Machiavelli's Prince.

>I'd expect nothing less from you highway speed IQ niggers
my IQ is indeed 130, thanks for noticing!

Good point. Allow me to rephrase my argument with your view in mind: if they had established such an ominous theme around Daenerys from the onset, and then throughout seasons 6 and 7 depicted her ever-increasing instability, paranoia, and acceptance that the ends always justify the means, no matter how many innocents are harmed, then this twist would have felt natural and well-earned. As it stands, Daenerys becoming the ultimate, final villain is about as thematically sensible as Arya being the one to finally kill the Night King, which is to say its contrived horseshit.
Also, I think your comparison of her with Stannis is deeply flawed and misguided, because his characterization and very role in the story were, from the very beginning, mutilated beyond recognition by D&D. It's not like with Daenerys, whom we are led to empathize with and care about; for the majority of his time on the show, Stannis is treated almost exclusively as a non-character or an offscreen character.

>thinking foreshadowing over 8 seasons what amounts to maybe to 6 minutes of footage is enough for a protagonist of the story to go insane
>especially when she was still "mostly" fair
You always need to break a few eggs if you want to succeed but Danny threw an entire truck delivery of eggs at the castle walls in a single episode.

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She wanted the 'throne' as in to be ruler of westeros not literally that castle, she has plenty of other castles she can live in.
She has now eliminated all the forces that could oppose her in westeros so is the defacto queen.
She was more extreme this time because she no longer believes she can win over the people (especially with Jon having a stronger claim) so has chosen to rule with fear

>break the wheel
Capeshitter CONFIRMED. Go take your feelgood reddit shit somewhere else.

It wasn't necessarily out of character, but it was definitely abrupt and ham fisted

>So all that "break the wheel" shit was just hot air?
Maybe he's wondering why someone would talk about breaking the wheel in a country that outlawed slavery long ago.

>Killing civilians for no reason was not one of them.
1. People can change.
2. She doesn't really care about anything other than the iron throne. Everything else is just her justifications. Which, in the case of Westeros, don't even make any sense. And she is deliberataly being portrayed that way.

It will cause another rebellion. Making the one they just had (with MANY losses) for nothing.

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>o ok I’m going to burn everyone now
This is what Yea Forums considers good writing

>it's a bad argument because I say it's a bad argument
literally a logical fallacy. take a lap

>dude it was obvious lmao dumb normies


What are you talking about? Why would she repeatedly suggest a course of action she had no intention of carrying out?

It is not out of character for her to act out impulsively. After all the shit that happened it would make perfect sense for her to snap after the bells and go straight for Cersei and obliterate the red keep, killing innocents in the process.

But that is not what happened, she ignored the person who executed her pet girl, letting her escape(as far as she knows) to spend 30 minutes deliberately chasing down women and children and trying to burn every single house before finally going for the person she is actually mad at. It just makes no sense, even if she was the most evil person in the world, she would have killed Cersei first and then burned random peasants.

>/teevee/ defending Dabid & Denis now because they made women mad.
I think most of us believe that this was GRRM's choice and that D&D deliberately spent time on fan service and pandering rather than properly setting this up.

It's almost like people change and can break down mentally when awful things happen to them. Is this really that hard of a concept for you to grasp? The dany in meereen is not the same dany currently. A lot of shit has happened to her in rapid succession, it makes sense that those things would make her angry and stressed enough to snap.

>Maybe he's wondering why someone would talk about breaking the wheel in a country that outlawed slavery long ago.
Lot a loyalty for a hired Mercenary

that doesn't mean what you think it means user

Because you never know when she decides to burn city again.

She's going to die because she went against the counsel and beliefs of her advisors and some of her supporters and showed unrestrained brutality they can't get behind, and one of them will kill her. It will be a direct result of what she did in King's Landing.

I don't think she's justified in massacring the population but I do think her motivation makes sense

Random people in the streets after a surrender is not collateral damage, it's senseless slaughter. That has not been in her character up to this point. She's shown some brutality but it's been towards people who in some way "deserved it" or who you could see some sort of justification she could make in her head.

I feel like I’ve wasted my time already. What’s your point?

Right. And again, you can always finally come back to the question of: why? Why choose to write this ending? I don't give a shit about foreshadowing at this point in the creative process. The writer has ultimate power. Is Mad Queen Daenerys the best way to end Game of Thrones? Is that REALLY what GRRM intended (there's lots of evidence the answer to this is no).

Collateral damage would be burning the Red Keep with all the hostages inside. Not what she did.

That was he characterization that last 7 seasons, feel good or not.

>Maybe he's wondering why someone would talk about breaking the wheel in a country that outlawed slavery long ago.

Varys and Tyrion were explicitly made to be her moral compass and to guide her self-righteousness towards positive ends, in other words to help the little folk against the oppression and arbitrary whims of the noble houses. "My allegiance is to the realm" and all that?

>She doesn't really care about anything other than the iron throne. Everything else is just her justifications. Which, in the case of Westeros, don't even make any sense. And she is deliberataly being portrayed that way.

Again that's not her characterization, that's Cersei, not Danny. And the opposition of the two views on gaining in power are specifically contrasted in the last few seasons.

Hopefully she just purges all her advisors and installs yes men and goes full tyrant. I'll be so bored if retard Jon gets the throne

Why didn't Danny fly to the Red Keep and tell every civilian to leave so she could burn the fuck out of it? She was on a Dragon and all Scorpions were destroyed and the Lannisters surrendered.

>That has not been in her character up to this point.
She didn't have a massive dragon up until that point. She was hiding her true selfish self behind a veneer of care so that people would fight and die for her. Now she's in a position where she doesn't need that anymore, so she revealed the monster she truly was all along.

It's really weird how the civillians of kings landing were never bought up or considered in any of the conversations leading up to this, the writers just throw a mother and daughter at the viewer and expect them to care.

>I wasn't surprised by it though
D&D are hacks, they thought it would be a good twist but they couldn't even do it right, i don't think average casual viewer was shocked by it. Casual normies just don't care about Dany's storyline, tumblerinas yes, but not average normies especially males. They never cared about her in the first place why should they care now that she is mad or not. It's just so lame.

It hasn't been in her character before because she's always been in control and her right to rule wasn't in jeopardy. Now she believes she must reign with fear to get the throne and that it is justified because when she is ruler she will be better for everyone.

>This isnt how normal people act.
It's how the YAS KWEEEEN SLAY! act
Ironic that twitter dykes with this mantra turned against her when she did start really slaying people.

Like others have said in the thread, she's always killed those who don't agree with her. In essos the common people all welcomed her, because even though she was violent she was better than their masters. Now in westeros the situation isn't quite as bleak for the common man so they don't appreciate her and see her as an invader. Now remember viserys always filled her head with stories of the commoners in the 7 kingdoms longing for the return of the targs, and that they would be welcomed as heroes. I'm sure she believes the 'break the wheel' stuff she talks about, but I'm not so sure that that extends to people who disagree and don't want it like the westerosi commoners. Daenerys was probably expecting something like the 'missa' moment when she was crowdsurfing the freed slaves. In season 7 she realized that this is not the case at all and it's been a downhill slide ever since.

>Why would she repeatedly suggest a course of action she had no intention of carrying out?
So she can hear her advisors debate the other side. This is a real world leadership strategy. You never heard of the "Devil's Advocate"? And it isn't that she had no intention of carrying it out. She didn't know what she was going to do until she had conferred with her staff. And then make her final decision based on their ideas AND her own. If they had said "fuck yeah burn that mother fucker down" then maybe she would have done that, and maybe she wouldn't have.

If Varys allegiance was really for the good of the realm he wouldn't switch Kings and Queens like his fucking underwear. I get not siding with Cersei or Joffrey since they are basically Aerys tier but holy shit Varys is also partly responsible for harming the realm by not letting it recover. What does he think would happen if he propped Jon up? It would lead to a yet another war against Danny. At worst Danny and Jon would break up their alliance right there and Cersei would remain in power and clip both Danny and Jon off. It would be a Syria tier shit fest.

>Now remember viserys always filled her head with stories of the commoners in the 7 kingdoms longing for the return of the targs, and that they would be welcomed as heroes.
She knew they were bullshit, and Barristan himself gave her the reality check on his father rule.

She clearly wanted to do it though because she kept suggesting it. She wasn't playing devils advocate

>After all the shit that happened it would make perfect sense for her to snap after the bells and go straight for Cersei and obliterate the red keep, killing innocents in the process.
I don't see it that way at all. After all she has been through she ought to have some nerves now and not lose control like that. She's supposed to be a seasoned conqueror by now. She's seen shit. If she was going to snap it should have happened long before this. This little battle ain't shit for her.

>Again that's not her characterization, that's Cersei, not Danny. And the opposition of the two views on gaining in power are specifically contrasted in the last few seasons.
Someone's characterization of themselves is always biased.

>That was he characterization that last 7 seasons, feel good or not.
That was her own chosen image of herself. Yes also one given to her by the slaves she freed. But she chose to revel in that and use it as a justification for how good she was. And also as a justification, often, for killing people. And even, oddly, as a justification for freeing people who were not slaves.

>in other words to help the little folk against the oppression and arbitrary whims of the noble houses.
Just because she claims to be wanting to do good has literally no bearing on whether or not she will be good. Nor does some good she may have done in the past lead her down the path of always being good any more than it does for anyone in the real world.

Listen buddy, your argument is bad. Just because someone has dealt with conflict in the past does not mean they will always react the same way to conflict. In fact, all of the shit she has gone through in the past in order to make it on to the throne, and then having the throne slip away from her grasp, only strengthens my point that she was pushed to her limit.

>she's always killed those who don't agree with her
What mad man wouldn't, especially those with power? You are basically begging to get fucked in your ass at a later point in time just as what happened to Danny when she abolished Slavery instead of also killing all Masters.

>What’s your point?
It's right there in plain English. You're making me despair for the human race that people lack the communication skills actually read and respond to all the letters written in a post these days. Press R if you read this far into this post. at least give me that

>Now remember viserys always filled her head with stories of the commoners in the 7 kingdoms longing for the return of the targs, and that they would be welcomed as heroes
Didn't she say that she knew that was naive nonsense and that he was an idiot for believing it?

>This little battle ain't shit for her.
All she has left is literally one dragon and a Eunuch. Everything else she came to love is lost.

You've decided she's just gonna keep bouncin back forever. Ok, whatever.

Somebody who claimed they had access to leaks said it was going to be Bran

>Why didn't Danny fly to the Red Keep and tell every civilian to leave so she could burn the fuck out of it?

Attached: 23232.gif (320x218, 1.05M)

imagine the tax policies

She fought the undead and married jon out of love though, is she a monster for avenging her dead best friend? Is she necessarily wrong saying that everything will fall apart if everyone found out the truth about their relationship? i still disagree with how this episode played out, but i'm not against dany going fuck it mode and burning it all down as a result of her mixed emotions

You mean she forgot. Like she forgot Eurons Fleet.

>everything you wrote
That would have been alright IF IT WAS ACTUALLY PART OF THE SEASON. Your headcanon didn't happen onscreen user.

You don't have to take one hundred baby steps in order to burn down a city. One day, you just do it. Is perfectly reasonable that this kind of megalomaniac, self centered and egotistic wannabe world savior would do such a thing. It wasn't even a surprise.

Holy fuck, Dany fans literally CAN'T accept what happened. She realized that without claim to the throne, she must take the throne by force and rule through fear. She realized that not only does she not have claim to the throne, the people she would rule over respect Jon more than her. This was her first real step towards power since her other options were beginning to close.

Because seeing kings landing get completely fucked up is better

If she really wanted to do it then she would have done it. Daenerys was in command, not Tyrion or Varys.

They'll be beautiful

>the people she would rule over respect Jon more than her.
no one gives a fuck or cares about Jon south of the Twins

She's been alone before. She's lost her husband and her unborn child. She calls the Dragons her children but her actions show she doesn't truly think of them as such, or if she does she doesn't mind chaining her children up underground. They're more like dear pets.

Daenerys is supposed to be made of iron by this point. Should be going by what she's been through. But she isn't because she wasn't written to be that way this time. And that's why people say it's bad writing.

>She realized that not only does she not have claim to the throne, the people she would rule over respect Jon more than her
Never happened in the show. Just your headcanon.

>She realized that without claim to the throne, she must take the throne by force and rule through fear.
1. She didn't. She didn't plan it, she sperged out about Cersei being in the Red Keep after hearing the bells, and decided to "make this personal" somehow by impersonally killing a bunch of commoners Cersei never cared about. The showrunners confirm this.
2. You do not rule through fear by killing people who submit to you, because then people fear to ever cede any ground to you, and see destroying you as the only viable option. It's why propagandists overblow the horrific violence of their opponents to make people see them as a monster who can't be reasoned with, and can't be submitted to.
>“Joffrey, when your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you.” —Tywin Lannister

You're arguing with the logic of the character within the episode and season. Other are arguing that this logic should never have been written into an episode/season to begin with. Can you understand this key difference or will you continue to be ignorant of the nuances of this discussion?

I think she lost her mind out of grief or something like that and burning city was a way to release her anger and stress. Like when people cut themselves or throw plates against the wall. But I think it would have been more efficient to publicly execute Cersei, maybe burn couple of buildings and promise them justice and well-being. It would have made people fear her but not hate because I doubt Cersei was popular, maybe they even would have been grateful for killing her.

No one understands how having your daughter raped once every month is helping the economy, but they can't argue with results.

Her only response has always been to burn shit down. The only thing, is that Daenerys fans have allways aproved her methods because they thought they were justified. After all, the people being burned down were allways "the bad guys", right? But she still burned the Tarlys and Varys for opposing her. Oh, Cersei is using human shields, so what? Burn them all. Thats the way she have allways handled situations.

>The showrunners confirm this.
This is a weak argument tbqh. Many people go by the "the author is dead" mentality and if it didn't happen in the story as it was released then it didn't happen or we don't know if it happened. If the writers of a story have to come out and explain something then that means it's probably shit.

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>Many people go by the "the author is dead" mentality and if it didn't happen in the story as it was released then it didn't happen or we don't know if it happened.
What's visually communicated in the scene isn't her looking down on the smallfolk and seeing them not afraid enough of her, we see her look at the Red Keep with hatred and anger in her eyes, so even without the showrunners telling us why she did it, you can put the pieces together.
>If the writers of a story have to come out and explain something then that means it's probably shit.
Oh, it is shit, no question about it.

>hates capeshit, but can't post without mentioning it
>if you have a different opinion than me you must like capeshit
>most likely can't think of a response to this post other than "t. capeshitter"

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You can't use burning Varys as an argument in your favor when the other side is claiming that act in itself was one of the writing mistakes to begin with. Unless you can defend burning Varys from a writing perspective.

I guess that's where this all comes down to. Are you interested in Game of Thrones from a philosophical and creative perspective, or are you just a water cooler story fag? Do you have any actual opinions about the show? Or do you just exist to process whether or not X thing lead to Y correctly as it was presented to you?

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Capeshitters like you cannot comprehend mental illness and genetic defects being part of a character. You only know of good vs evil in the shallowest way possible.

>if you don't like people constantly whining about capeshit in an unrelated thread, you must like capeshit

There it is, the classic Yea Forums logic.

Varys was literally trying to poison her and the Tarlys were given a chance to take the black. The craziest thing Dany did prior to KL was letting Doreah die a slow and agonizing death over being a whore, since Dany had no way to know about Irri.

oh god its the MUH ANSWERS thing all over again isn't it?

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>attacking Yea Forums
And the Redditor exposes himself.

Nothing crazy about it. She had to pay the toll.

>Varys was literally trying to poison her and the Tarlys were given a chance to take the black.
b-b-but she's MAD

Imagine if the series ends with Sopranos-esque fade to a white snowstorm while Jon is looking at Dany looking at him and that's fucking it the end

who wins the game of thrones? i dunno lol

u realize shes 16 of course shes hasnt read machiavellis prince u fuck

>u realize shes 16
I thought Arya being an adult now confirmed the characters are aging in real time.


Attached: dany.png (720x162, 32K)

doesnt matter. the books overrule the tv show changes made solely for the benefit of excusing poor casting choices/schedule realities. shes 16

>everyone must be exactly like their ancestors

shut the fuck up!!!!!!!! stop posting things that prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!

I bet you like the prequels too you meme fuck.

Greetings, Reddit. Please look up this thing called "genetics".

when your ancestors are a long line of inbred monsters and youre one of the youngest, most inbred, most narcissitic, most delusional, and have the most power...

>iT's aLL haPPENED beFORe

>this is reddit's final defense

>it's like poetry

nice try tranny

The quote you just posted gave a long list of external factors that aided in Aerys becoming mad.

No they don't? Show canon has Myrcella saying it's been 3 years since she left King's Landing when she's in Dorne. Daenerys pretty much has to be about 20.

The show explicitly says half of the Targs are not mad. So it was never a foregone conclusion for Daenerys.

>bro its ok my dark past made me do it

I'm saying it all points out to a not-genetic madness you imbecile.

>everyone must be exactly like their ancestors
how about
>its not surprising when people fit the pattern set by their ancestors
I like the sequels
yup. the hereditary nature of mental illness, personality in general, targaryan inbreeding, etc

>wah muh miscarriage
>time to kill literally everyone

"show canon" isnt canon. the characters still have to conform to their destinies in the real canon despite whatever changes are made along the way for the sake of child actors growth