Why didn’t he just create more resources?
Why didn’t he just create more resources?
because then populations would increase exponentially
based and patricianpilled
Because he was angry they deleted club penguin or wherever the fuck he was from
would have fucked up his tax policy
Why is he purple
why didn't he stop capeshit, think of all the resources that would save
wouldnt people do that anyway? I mean if the issue was over population just making 90% of every generation infertile would have fixed that
by just killing 1/2 of the population, it would still grow back, unless he made them infertile
He was 100% convinced that people would be grateful for what he did, he wanted to prove to everyone that his ideas were correct.
I think from that you can infer that he assumed people would continue keeping populations under control by themselves.
Doubling the resources would only cause what said, Thanos (irrationally, but understandably) had trust that the grateful inhabitants of the universe would learn from him.
Or maybe it's just poorly written and i'm interpreting too much into it, but that was genuinely the impression i got, especially after how shocked he was in Endgame after finding out that people would not be thanking him, ever.
because that would speed up the population not decrease it, more food = more people producing at a faster rate.
If that's the case, then halfing the population is just a temporary fix anyway.
Joffrey is insanely hot.
>Why didn’t he just create more resources?
Why didn't he just mind his own fucking business??
Gurren Lagann addressed the same issues. If you gonna create matter out of nowhere, resurrect dead, it will just increase the need for resources exponentially, leading you to create more and more, and as we know, matter has a critical mass, when it all would just collapse into the black hole.
They called it a Spiral Nemesis. Antispiral clans went to not only destroying most of the Spiral creatures (Thanos just went to wipe half of life ONCE which is by all means only a temporary measure), but also to create an endless watch over the Universe's population. Spiral power can be abused and such abuse would destroy everything, so they just don't trust this issue to the spiral creatures themselves. They had a complete plan, philosophy and enough power to pull that. You may still question whether Simon defeating them was actually good? I believe, the whole story taught the universe to use Spiral Power responsibly, which is why Simon refused to resurrect the dead(even though he COULD actually return everyone), and denied the leadership (he was a hothead)
Sometimes I just wonder: how the fuck some fucking cartoon weebs managed to create a villain that would effortlessly question your own sets of morals, but also set the main character to grow up through the course of the story and actually clash with villain's philosophy on his own? Yet the Western industry is just can't even deliver a quarter of it?
Sometimes I just don't want to turn west at all.
TTGL doesn't really answer the hard question of whether the heroes were right. They're probably doomed, but the creators didn't want to end it like that.
The writers aren’t economists or scientists. They took a character who they knew wanted to kill half of all people, didn’t want to have him fall in love with a personification of death, and figured “hmm killing people is like population control, let’s go with that”.
It’s dumb shit for children written by people who don’t know what they’re talking about.
The economy would collapse causing mass starvation and suffering
Why didnt he only kill non-whites. It would be a perfect world
The reality stone could literally change the framework of the universe so that resources werent even needed.
Thanos lacked creativity.
Why didn't he only kill the most evil half of the universe? Or the most stupid half? It would have been better and more fair than doing it at random since it would mean anyone who died deserved it by being more dumb or evil than the average other life form in the universe.
Its just poorly written drivel dude. Thanos has to have one of the dumbest motives of a marvel villian ever, which is saying a lot. Him wanting to become a god would have been better than this. Why would he assume overpopulation was a problem on every single planet? I'm sure plenty of planets are doing just fine. Overpopulation in itself really isnt much of a problem, cost of living will go up and people will naturally have less kids because they can't afford it, we have seen this on earth plenty. Also his solution is shit, the black plague killed nearly half of Europe but their population sprung back within generations.
Why didn't he just make everyone tiny so that resources of the same size could be used to feed more people like that one movie?
Then why not create infinite resources?
maybe Thanos watched Downsizing and thought that was the stupidest idea ever
How is he going to measure who is and isn't evil?
What if he just made the same thread over and over?
Because the Stones are nerfed from their comics versions. The only things that could create from nothing in the MCU are Reality and maybe Time and Soul. And the things Reality creates or changes never stick around it always fades after a short period of time. Time can't mess with history too much without breaking it. And Soul isn't really clearly defined but we know it can turn rubble into bats so presumably it can create life.
MAYBE Soul can create livestock but other than that there's no reason to think the Gauntlet can create resources from nothing.