Any movies about trickle down economics?

Any movies about trickle down economics?

Attached: ib388-figurea.jpg (538x297, 33K)

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Wolf of Wall Street


When do we start building guillotines. Late stage capitalism is a failure

Reminder that tbisnis the governments fault and the billionaires aren't to blame.

why this is tv related i think

Nobody is directly to blame, we just live in a failed system that developed into this mess over time. We need a factory reset, a purge. Back to complete anarchy so we can build up the system from the ground.

I refuse to believe the average worker is 243% more productive than after world war 2.

That's what technology does, it allows people to produce more with the same effort.

Average. And productivity in that graph is measured in GDP per capita, which isn't always a good measure.

Turns out IT is a hell of a productivity booster

Word is a lot easier and faster than a typewriter.

>Leave neoclassicals to me

/pol/ infested with ancaps

Attached: L0OaW-Te.jpg (487x487, 27K)

GDP doesn't tell shit. It's basically meter for preference shifts - meaning that horsewhips should not be treated today as same product as in 19th century

they aren't. gdp is a measure of nominal dollars produced. it's a proxy measurement, not an actual assessment of "productivity", however the fuck you want to define or interpret that

reminder that trickle down economics is a pejorative and does not describe anything a real economist has believed

>pejorative and does not describe anything a real economist has believed
states exactly Say's law

Cosmopolis is a must

Are you implying that Say's law somehow resembles the concept of "trickle down economics"?

Lmao, /pol/tards are literally too gullible to see that tickle down doesn't exist.

what happened in 1973

RIP bretton woods
>Statists abolish gold standard
>It's capitalism's fault.

You realize that doppler forces communism Into our school system in the thirties right? We were going good and this is the result of his little scheme

They Live

Computers became affordable to large and medium sized businesses (and for small businesses the following decade).
What commies don't understand is most of the productivity gain from that period onward came from technology not workers. The excess money does not need to be invested in wages because talent retention is no longer needed except for very few highly specialized positions within a company.

>Late stage capitalism

lol, you buy into leftypol Marxist rhetoric with no actual meaning.

>Trade opens up witch China
>A generation has passed and Europe and Japan now have rebuilt factories for competition
>There has not been a decade of wage suppression and pent up demand like there was Post-WW2
>Inflation chips away at any real gains
>Automatization makes human labor less necessary making less demand for labor
WTF does this graph have to do with trickle down?

>computers made things more productive without necessarily increasing workloads OR wages