Why arent women funny
why do all their jokes revolve around being female?
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It would be pretty funny if she shoved her tits in my face, LOL
Because I want to cum deep in her asshole. Why else would anyone listen?
>dem tiddys help to make sure you don't look at her face and turn to stone
Women are only funny accidentally.
Some can be sometimes, but the more they talk about their vagina or how awkward their boobs can be, the less funny they are. I can't think of any male comedians of note that make jokes about their balls.
That’s gay the pussy is so much better. You probably have herpes too.
Louis CK
By "of note", I meant funny comedians.
Gross that bitch had a baby,
>Why arent women funny
Humour is something men have developed to seduce females. Humour is a male thing
>he’d rather be a faggot in denial than have sex in a pussy
Just chop your cock off now you disease incubation sac.
Women are completely self centered, all they know how to talk about is themselves.
This checks out. The funniest people I know in my personal life are lesbians, so that still fits. The least funny people I know are straight women.
Anyone ITT watch this and try not to cringe youtu.be
I hope Frankie Boyle is seething inside, the sell-out cuck.
Why would he be seething? As you mentioned, he's a self-loathing commie cuck. at least we still have his MTW compilations on YT and live show performances. For all his shithouse politics and guardian articles he's still a funny comedian
Because there's a chance part of him is self-loathing for prostituting himself. It's a pathetic thing to do to drop your principles like he did for cash, regardless of what they originally were.
>single mother
Her greatest joke.
my vagina LMAO
Fair enough. Even then, the beeb relegated his NWO show to iPlayer only kek
Fucking kek. That is some bottom of the barrel shit. I think only loicence payers can actually use iPlayer now too so the ratings surely can't be good.
IIRC you need a login now. I used it a few times for football this past year and you can put in a fake postcode. Either way, their content doesn't warrant the hassle of trying to bypass it anyway
>Muh Vagina
>Just get an abortion
>BLUMPFFF is such a Racist
>Look at how fat I am
Because women's sexual value is innate and not earnt. They are the sexual limiters biologically so are always in demand, whereas men had to develop means to win out over other men. Humour is one of these means.
Men also tend to have less genetic clustering, meaning they are more represented at extremes. Comedy feeds on this, being an outlier, an observer of others and risking humiliating in making jokes.
*risking humiliation
There's no reason for a girl to do this. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose by ostracising herself from society. Whereas historically unless you took risks as a man you WOULD NOT reproduce. Most human males that have existed never had children. So you have to take risks, or rather we are descendents of those who did take risks and it worked.
A joke can win over others, show you as bold and obviously can give people pleasure. It also runs the risk of making people think you are weird or actively working against you for insulting valued things.
Women can make jokes but it's historically clear why they are never anywhere near as funny as men can be.
You know what would be funny? If she farted in the leather jump suit and I sniffed it passed her sweaty pussy andvup through that zip! Wouldn't that be funny? Haha
>tfw asian
>just want one asian comedian that doesn't tell shitty asian jokes with an accent every 30 seconds like pic related