What would you do if you were Jon

would you be able to kill her? I dont think I could

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She's literally Hitler so yes.

He's only known her for like a month. He shouldn't have any real attachment

Depends. Will I still be able to ride Drogon? If so then yeah.

Well Kings Landing is a real shithole filled with assholes so as long as she promises not to do it again I'd let it slide.

Jon made an oath to the watch.

He will.

that just makes her so much more attractive

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chill with tormund and ghost up north

It really depends on if she were to attack any other cities. Aka the north. But from her past experience she likes to run her crusade until all bend the knee or die

I'd fuck her brains out and pledge undying loyalty

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I'd record a podcast with my Jewish and Greek friends.

I would fuck the hell out of her, I would actually let her rape me after she returns all sweat and covered in smoke and ashes from burning

Call myself Jon Aegon the Reconqueror.
Retake Kings Landing with ease.
Demand every Lord to kneel or join the Watch.
Fuck Dany to produce some pure Trags heirs.
Rule for about 60 more years.

Only if I was absolutely sure she'd seek retribution or even ask Sansa's head.
Otherwise I'd suck it up, try and marry her to keep her sane.

>What would you do if you were Jon

Fuck her and drop a fat load in her. None of this would have happened if Jon wasn't a cuck.

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dog hes known her for a fucking month and has a high probability of murdering his sisters because they know about him being Targ.

what the fuck do you think hes going to do?

>hes known her for a fucking month

No. It's longer than that. The trip from Winterfell to KL alone takes a month.

i would have kissed back, if jon would give his auntie the good dick she wouldn't be like this.

Shes not really like hitler, because hitler was actually loved by his people.
Shes some fuckin bitch who nuked a city.
fucking kill her, shes gone rabid

i'd lock her in a cage and have my way with her
>ding ding OH DANY its rape time again, you better be wet or there will be consequences!

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Id kill Bran and rape Sansa very violently. Bran had to die because he would see everything.

what happens to the dragon if he kills her? does it just fuck off and eat goats for the rest of its life until it gets shot down?

If I were Jon, I would have sex with Bran and Rickon.


It’d take me about 0.001 seconds, yes. King’s Landing has a population of 500,000 people. If he deliberates for longer than that then he’s an IQ 70 Northerner who needed breast milk for his brain development as a child but probably didn’t get it because Cat hated him.

She's literally Hitler so no.

>bran is king
>”my lord....we need your tax policy”
>no response
>eyes rolled back
>soiled himself
>playing drogon simulator for 18 hours straight

If I was jon I would ask Uncle Benjen why there is no time for him to ride a horse with me. And I would just stood there until he leaves with me.

Realize that it makes no sense that my name is Aegon bc that was the name of Rhaegar’s son with Martell, with whom’s marriage he had annulled making Aegon a bastard anyway. First thing I’d do.

I'd fuck her that night before the battle and then rule together as a tyrannical all powerful couple.
Just think of the insanity sex every night. God.

He will do what he must.

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>What would you do if you were Jon


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I would have fucked her instead of cucking out like a little bitch in order to do my duty to the realm of men. It doesn't matter if she's your aunt, if she's ugly or if she's a product of incest, you shut the fuck up and put your dick in her like the hero Westeros doesn't deserve. Whenever she decides to burn a village or maim a child you whip your dick out and get a nod from Davos.

I'd violently rape her breaking her will, and then watch her descend into deeper madness in my rape dungeon, as I rule the 7Kingdoms.

Pretty much this

imagine saying no to this

is Jon gay?

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he's just badly written and a dumb gay manlet

>doesn't want the throne
>better tell everyone im the heir to it

>not standing up during the feast and looking everyone in the eye and telling them how YOU are the true heir to the throne
> when daenerys starts fidgeting you force marry her on the spot because she can't refuse due to peer pressure
>then you bed her good and make sure you put plenty of dragonseed in her infertile womb and hope for a miracle
>every problem is instantly fixed by a good dicking and marriage and the realm can live in peace

Everyone who doesn't understand why nobles had arranged and forced marriages is a dumb peasant who doesn't understand the purpose of divine duty of a nobleman, to fuck people he doesn't like for the good of the realm

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Kill her? I would be her loyal servant. I would give her everything she wanted


I would demand I become her brap slave for the rest of my life in exchange for absolute loyalty.

>Shes some fuckin bitch who nuked a city.
so... roosevelt?

obviously he learned that his son will be azor ahai and thgat his name should aegon. he just made a mistake about who would be the mother of the prince that was promised


no,having no values and being hormone-driven is for idiots

happy hanukah!

Jon is a moralfag. He'll kill her and then brood about it in isolation the rest of his life.


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He doesn't deserve ghost. He'll die alone if he doesn't commit suicide first.

I would be loyal to her because I made pledge. I'm not some nasty kingslayer.

If he fucked her she wouldn't have reduced a million people to ash.

Continue fucking her and become king


Even if Jon is going to kill Dany, what will happen to the Unsullied and Dothraki? Will Jon climb on Drogon and wipe them out?

if he fucked her she would have ate the poison food

He's a retard.

She can't produce anymore children, ya fucken dolt.

What values is he betraying exactly? He already fucked her before, he bent the knee, they fought the Night King together. Yes, it turns out they're related but it's a moot point because she can't have children anymore and they didn't go grow up together so they have no familial relationship. This is on top of Jon's ancestors on both having practiced incest at one point or another.

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>What would you do if you were Jon
I'd have fucked the shit out of her and saved King's Landing by doing so

a season is roughly a year in the tv show. and he met her at the start of season 7.

This is actually a very subtle bait thread for all the virgins/incels that have a boner for Daenerys.

>would you be able to kill her? I dont think I could
He's not going to. He's going to kill Arya.

he's the one who caused this by telling Sansa, something Dani asked him not to do. His best action would be to KYS.

200 IQ: wow 1 dragon destroying all the boats and the ranged weapon outpost is kind of dumb. But I am just shit picking its not important to the story how kings landing lost. Overall a great episode. Was wondering when Danny was going to snap there is more than enough development for over 7 seasons leading to this moment. Makes sense that she finally snaps on the battlefield where most people snap. D&D did good.


I hate retards

>She's literally Hitler so yes.
it's funny, cuz HItler's nephew also fought against the Axis in WW2

I'd fuck her brains out on the reg.

Book jon would literally behead her if he even suspected what she was about to do

>What values is he betraying exactly? He already fucked her before,
Well, it is the fact that now he knows she is her auntie and fucking her would be incest.

of course he will, his father will see. A man that passes the sentence, should swing the sword. The only real reason left to watch the show is how lazily DnD write of Drogon

kek, bless you

Did you read the rest of my post? There's no reason for him to care about that. Starks have married their nieces before anyway.